Distribution Partner CAPcargo AG

Digia with aournd 1200 employees has a focus in the area of Flexible Business Solutions also on the Transport- and Logistic industry. Combined with the Microsoft Dynamics AX competences Digia is in the ideal position for overall system integrations in Finland. www.digia.com/en/

Columbus Vertriebspartner CAPcargo AG

Columbus (previsously iStone) as a market-leading business and IT consulting group offers with approximately 2000 employees in more than ten countries worldwide solutions in Business Intelligence, CRM and e-commerce for companies also operating in production, distribution, retail, pharmaceutical and fashion sectors.
Thanks to the vertical business solution CAP.Transport based on Microsoft Dynamics AX iStone can develop new business segments. www.columbusglobal.com/en

BEterna Vertriebspartner CAPcargo AG

With more than 100 ERP experts, Terna implements ERP systems mostly for internationally active medium and large scale enterprises. Terna has managed to prove in a number of projects already, that the efficiency of the distribution function can be increased significantly with the combination of AX and CAP.Trade&Distribution.www.be-terna.com www.be-terna.com/en/

isatech Vertriebspartner CAPcargo AG

Isatech operates since over 30 years, with over 120 employees in France, worldwide as a specialist for Microsoft Dynamics solutions. Their customers are mainly active in the food and beverage industry. Isatech has received numerous awards from Microsoft, including “Manufacturing specialist”, “ISV of the Year 2015” and “Reseller of the Year 2014”. The implementation of CAP.Trade&Distribution module allows isatech to offer their customers a wider coverage of their business processes.
Die Implementierung des CAP.Trade&Distribution Moduls ermöglicht isatech, ihren Kunden ein breiteres Produktespektrum anzubieten.  www.isatech.fr/en/