TopicTitle & DetailsRelease MonthTypeID
Master data
Geo-coding after address editing throws an error if geo-coding is activated through PTV-xserver

The following processes throw an error if geo-coding is activated through PTV-xserver

* Edit transport address, change ZIP code and click button CAPcargo Geo-coding
* Edit transport address, change Country/Region, ZIP/postal code and Street, then click button Save
* Edit CAPcargo wrong addresses form, click button ‘CAPcargo edit coordinate’, change ZIP/postal code and Street, then click button OK

Further, answering YES on the geo-coding dialog "Similar address found, want to change to this?" --> removed the street field instead of filling it

2019-08Known issue51179
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of Activity framework, to enable usage of all transport planning units for activity time definition

Previously the Activity framework allowed to specify activity time (per time class) just for main transport planning unit. This was enhanced - now it is possible to base the activity time calculation also on other transport planning units.

2019-08New feature50506
After shipment builder redesign the 'TAL SCM mapping table' data entity couldn't be used anymore

After activation of redesigned shipment builder the 'TAL SCM mapping table' data entity couldn't be used anymore as the data entity was linked to 'old/deactivated' shipment builder configuration key. This was corrected and 'TAL SCM mapping table' data entity is correctly linked to new/redesigned shipment builder only.

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict 465 ("Process - Manual quantity changes on [pre-]dispatched transport leg") was not triggered for some business cases

Conflict 465 ("Process - Manual quantity changes on [pre-]dispatched transport leg") was not correctly triggered in Conflict management for following TMS entities:

* Tour stop
* Orders in tour
* Resource leg

This was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport type (table/group/all) prioritization on Route/Zone was not respected when just one transport leg point was assigned to Route/Zone

Transport type and Service level agreement (table/group/all) prioritization on Route/Zone was correctly respected only when both transport leg points were in the Route/Zone. Now the transport type prioritization is respected even when just one transport leg point is in Route/Zone.

Dispatching and confirmation
Cancellation of transport leg planning via 'Dispatch in tour' dialog creates a new empty tour.

No empty tour is created when user cancels the 'Dispatch in tour' transport leg planning dialog.

Customer order management and pricing
Changing a customer account on transport order could lead to address loss on transport order

The issue was happening only when there were no default load/unload addresses defined on customer account. Then when changing a customer account on transport order the system asks via dialog whether addresses should also be updated.
If user decided to update the addresses then address on transport order were lost/deleted (as no default address were found on customer account).
This was fixed - the existing load/unload addresses on transport order are preserved when customer account is being changed (and new customer doesn't have any default load/unload address specified).

Master data
GUI changes in CAP.TMS main paremeters

Following changes were done in CAP.TMS main parameters:

* 'Status term invoice' main parameter was moved to new field group 'Invoice status' in 'Invoice' section of main CAP.TMS parameters and parameter was renamed to 'Invoicestatus logic'.
* 'Invoice document type transaction' was moved to 'Invoice status' field group in 'Invoice' section of main CAP.TMS parameters and validation was added, to be able to activate 'Invoice document type transactions' only when 'Invoice status logic' is set to 'Advanced'.

Shipment Builder
Changes of source orders were wrongly logged in transport company, which lead to issues in transport order synchronization

In cross company setup, a change of source order (in trading company) was logged wrongly in transport company. This caused issues in transport order synchronization. After the fix, the system logs the changes of source orders directly in trading company.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Automatic creation of LTL transport leg sub-contracting orders for newly added transport legs into tour

Adding a transport leg to tour (that was sub-contracted via LTL parameterized resource) didn't create LTL order automatically. This was enhanced - now when tour is sub-contracted via LTL resource the LTL sub-contracting orders are automatically created for newly added transport legs.

2019-08New feature48450
Dispatching and confirmation
Load/unload times from transport order were populated to all transport legs

Previously load/unload times from transport order were populated to all transport legs of this order, even to legs that were inserted via depot/address split. This was corrected, the load/unload times from transport order are populated only to first/last transport leg.

Dispatching and confirmation
The conflict icons on GBPapp transport leg screen were sometimes not showing correct statuses

D365 corrections that were needed for GPBapp leg screen to correctly manage conflict status icons on transport legs.

Duplicate address geo-coding when importing transport order via EDI

When transport order (with some TMS addresses) was imported via EDI then the address geo-coding was performed twice. This was corrected, now the geo-coding is performed only once even for imported transport orders that contain some TMS address.

Dispatching and confirmation
Goods management form didn't refresh automatically after buttons Keep/Remove were used

On Goods management form when Shipment lots were removed from Shipment (via Keep or Remove buttons) the form was not automatically refreshed and removed shipment lots were still displayed in the grid. This was corrected, the shipment lots are automatically disappearing from grid once they are removed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Dispatch light - Transport legs form doesn't display order legs when opened directly from transport order if date filter criteria are not met.

When 'Dispatch light - Transport leg' form was launched directly from Transport order form it could happen that form didn't show any leg. The reason was the automatic initialization of default date filters on Dispatch light - Transport leg form.
Now when Dispatch light - Transport leg form is launched directly from Transport order form there are no default date filters initialized.

Dispatching and confirmation
New field 'Conflict status' field was added to main grid of 'Dispatch light - Tours' form

New field 'Conflict status' was added to main grid of 'Dispatch light - Tours' form. Field shows the aggregated conflict status of tour, field can have three statuses/icons (no conflict, has conflict, conflicts are not determined).

2019-08New feature47503
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) order is now better referenced in order view

On order view of 'Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)' form, system was showing the Transport order id in list overview. This was corrected and system now shows the Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) id.

Field 'Sequence' was disabled for user changes in staging table of 'TAL Activities' data entity

Field 'Sequence' was enabled for user changes in staging table of 'TAL Activities' data entity, to allow better handling of various import/update business cases.

Missing field 'Index ID' in 'TAL Surcharge type' data entity

Surcharge type 'Index ID' field was added to Surcharge type data entity (TAL Surcharge type), to be able to import/update/export the 'index based' surcharge types entirely.

Master data
Several geo-coordinate enhancements were added to advanced location management form

Following enhancements were added to the advanced location management form:

* New button "CAPcargo edit coordinate" - allows to manually specify the location geo-coordinates
* New button "CAPcargo Map by coordinate" - shows the location in Bing map, using location geo-coordinates
* "Protect Geo-coordinates" field - if set TRUE then the location geo-coordinates are protected from geo-coding process. Though it is still possible to manually change the geo-coordinates via "CAPcargo edit coordinates"

2019-08New feature47386
Dispatching and confirmation
User is better informed when the quanity split creation for shipment builder transport orders is prevented

User is informed with better/new infologs when dispatching actions (in Goods management & when moving order to different tour) would lead to quantity split on transport leg (which is forbidden for transport orders that were created via shipment builder).

Dispatching and confirmation
Tour with timetable linked means of transportation could lead to invalid tour time (=negative tour duration)

Having a tour with means of transportation that is timetable linked, it was possible to achieve negative tour times. This was corrected - the tour time cannot be anymore a negative value, it defaults to 00:00.

In transport order EDI import it is now possible to import also packages and package content

Data entity 'TAL Transport order import' was enhanced by option to import also packages (and package content) together with transport order.

2019-08New feature46476
3 existing data entities were enhanced to be allow automatic creation of CAP.TMS addresses during data import

New "virtual" parameter TALPrimaryAddressIsTransportAddress was added to 3 existing data entities (Customers V3, Vendors V2, Global address book V2). When virtual parameter is TRUE then system creates automatically CAP.TMS address for primary address of customer/vendor/party record that is being imported/updated.
The entities cannot be used to remove transport address from the primary address. So even if the parameter is set to FALSE, it will not delete any data, or remove any associations during import.
In export, TALPrimaryAddressIsTransportAddress parameter is set TRUE if there is a transport address for the primary address of the customer/vendor/party.

Shipment Builder
New periodic function for CSI Incident log clean up

New periodic function was introduced via which it is possible to clean CSI Incident logging table. User can define "n" days in past for which the CSI Incident log should be preserved and the rest is deleted.

Path: CAPcargo Trade & Distribution -> Periodic -> CSI Incident cleanup

2019-08New feature45674
Customer invoicing
D365 standard free text posting process could interfere with CAP.TMS invoice posting process

Under certain circumstances it could happen that D365 standard free text posting process could post a free text invoice that was created from CAP.TMS (but was not posted yet by CAP.TMS).
We introduced a new flag 'CAPcargo Transport' on free text invoice header to distinguish between 'non TMS free text invoices' & 'CAP.TMS free text invoices'. We also modified D365 standard free text invoice posting processes (=button & batch) to exclude free text invoices that were created by CAP.TMS.

Dispatching and confirmation
Tour confirmation form is now opened in 'view only' mode, for tours in status 'Done'

Previously it was possible to change tour confirmation data even for tours that were in status 'Done'. Now for such tours the the tour confirmation forms opens in 'view only' mode, so that it is not possible to change confirmation data anymore.

Other / General
New button 'Invoice transport' was added to action pane on three 'order type' forms

New button 'Invoice transport' was added to action pane on three 'order type' forms:

* Part-invoice order
* Collective part-invoice order
* Collective sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)

Button opens the overview of invoices/credit notes for one focused order. In case there exist just one invoice the overview opens in details view. In case of more invoices/credit notes the overview opens in grid view.

2019-08New feature45105
Dispatching and confirmation
''Dispatch light - Transport legs' grid still showed the transport leg despite leg was already dispatched in tour

After planning a leg into existing tour via 'Dispatch to tour' in 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form, the leg main grid is automatically refreshed now.

Shipment Builder
''Synch-Forward' and 'Synch-Backward' status icons were added to sales/purchase/transfer order lines

''Synch-Forward' and 'Synch-Backward' status icons were added to sales/purchase/transfer order lines, to show the shipment builder synchronization status of order line. Status icons indicate whether synchronization was successful or not.

2019-08New feature44785
Dispatching and confirmation
Dialog for 'Means of transportation' change was not validated against master data

When changing the 'means of transportation' in GPBapp transport order/leg screen, users could type any value to D365 dialog. This was fixed - dialog field is now validated against master data so users must use some existing 'means of transportation'.

Dispatching and confirmation
For standalone transport orders the transport unit on packages was not initialized when packages were created automatically during order creation

For standalone transport orders when packages were created automatically during order creation process, the transport unit on packages was not initialized from transport order line. This was corrected.

Master data
Tariff surcharge criteria could be specified even without surcharge type

On contract version/relation and on tariff surcharge group the surcharge criteria can now be saved only when there exist some surcharge type.

Customer order management and pricing
Under 'Advanced' invoice status mode the direct transport order confirmation could lead to wrong invoice status

When invoice status is switched to 'Advanced' and transport order is directly confirmed, then the invoice status was not updated (still stayed on 'Registered'). After the fix the invoice status is updated automatically even when transport order is directly confirmed under 'Advanced' invoice status mode.

Master data
German label correction on Route/Zone form

Some GUI elements on Route/Zone form were corrected in German language translation.

Customer order management and pricing
Small GUI optimization of 'Address' section of transport order form (header view)

Small GUI optimization of 'Address' section of transport order form (header view). Address related data now takes less screen space and the distance/time details are better structured, easier to read.

2019-08New feature44010
Shipment Builder
On sales order the 'Product transportation' button was enabled even when there were no transportation entities exising

On sales order the 'Product transportation' button was enabled even when sales order was only released, ie. without shipment lots/shipments/transport order. This was corrected - the button is now enabled only when there is some transport order existing.

Dispatching and confirmation
No tour stop refresh in tour confirmation after package confirmation

Package confirmation during tour confirmation now automatically refreshes the tour stop confirmation status.

Dispatching and confirmation
Two optional parameters were added to periodic function for 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone'

Two optional parameters were added to periodic function for 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone':

* Find and update existing tours (Yes/No)
* Mode (None/Rough planning/Ignore rough planning)

These optional parameters were existing when 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' was launched from transport legs, but were missing in periodic function dialog.

2019-08New feature43139
Dispatching and confirmation
Error messaging at release to warehouse from tour (when transport order is not synchronized) was improved

In case a tour contained some not synchronized transport order, then during release to warehouse (from tour) the system showed error infolog "Function has been incorrectly called."
This was corrected and infolog was suppressed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Missing 'conflicts not determined' icon on tour order form

Tour order form now correctly shows a dedicated icon when dispatching conflicts are not determined.

Customer order management and pricing
Several contact related issues were corrected in transport order EDI import process

Several issues in transport order EDI import were corrected:

* During transport order EDI import the system didn't check for existing contact person data on party and always created new contact person data entry, which lead to many duplicities on parties. This was corrected - the system now looks for existing contact person data on party and only creates new in case it is not existing for given party yet.
* The imported phone number was not linked to created transport order, it is corrected now.
* Load / Unload email fields were added to EDI import entities.
* The Load / Unload phone numbers are not anymore created in customer contact information but in address contact information.

Customer order management and pricing
Standalone transport order with packages couldn't be manually deleted

It is now possible to manually delete a transport order (that was not created via shipment builder) even when it contains some packages.

Customer order management and pricing
Transport unit is not a mandatory for transport quantity specification

It was possible to manually create a transport order with no transport unit but with some transport quantity. This was corrected - now it is possible to enter transport quantity only when transport unit is specified.

Customer order management and pricing
Correction of product filter on transport order form

Product filter on transport order form now works as expected - filters transport orders that contain selected product.

Master data
Periodic function 'Contract mass update wizard' can be used for update of contract versions that are not yet active today

Periodic function 'Contract mass update wizard' was using the today's date as criteria when searching for contract version that should be updated. Newly the periodic function uses the 'Valid from' date (that is specified in wizard) as criteria when searching for contract versions that should be updated. This allows to update price agreements even for future date (=for future contract version).

2019-08New feature39339
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Contract/Version/Relation lookups on sub-contracting tour order had different design than other order types

The design of lookups for Contract/Version/Relation on Sub-contracting order was changed, to match the lookup design on other order types.

Dispatching and confirmation
Undefined opening hours parameterization on address (00:00-00:00) was always triggering conflict "Business hours - address closed" in transport leg conflict management

The interpretation of undefined opening hours (00:00-00:00) on transport address was changed in conflict management of transport leg. Previously the 00:00-00:00 was interpreted by conflict management of transport leg as 'always closed', now it is interpreted as 'always open'.

Customer order management and pricing
Part-invoice order lines could be manually added/deleted even when invoice split was done by transport leg

Addition/deletion of part-invoice orders lines is now disabled when part-invoice order was created via 'by transport leg' method.

The external codes are not anymore validated in Transport order import/export data entities

The external codes are not anymore validated in Transport order import/export data entities. The external code handling was moved from data entity level to checking process of imported transport orders.

2019-08New feature31938
Customer invoicing
Finance dimensions were added to invoice automation rule definition

It is now possible to use finance dimensions in the definition of the invoice automation rule. This allows to setup up an automated invoicing rule per certain finance dimension value.

2019-08New feature25780
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
InterCompany order: Wrong amount split if > 1 order line and fix price and tariff unit = KM

The following issue/case was fixed:
InterCompany order with 2 order lines
Contract relation with unit "KM" (determination/calculation) & unit "HRS" (determination)
Fix price
2 Header surcharges
3 Tariff surcharges
--> Wrong splitting amongst the 2 order lines

Street name could be lost during geo-coding of address

In certain data constellation during address geo-coding system asks "The map found a similar street... Do you want to overwrite yours...?" Answering "Yes" could lead to loss of street name. This was corrected - now the street name is actualized from geo-coding proposal.

Master data
''Delivery' purpose could be be removed from CAP.TMS transport address

It was possible to remove 'Delivery' purpose from CAP.TMS transport address. This has been corrected - now the system doesn't allow to remove 'Delivery' purpose from CAP.TMS transport address and informs user "The address purpose 'Delivery' cannot be removed from this address, because a CAPcargo Transport address exists, which bases on that role 'Delivery'!"

Master data
Adding a transport unit to transport type sometimes failed with warning 'Field "Transport type" must be filled in.'

When user tried to add new transport unit to new transport type (that was not yet saved), it resulted in blocking warning 'Field "Transport type" must be filled in.' This was corrected - now the user can add new transport unit only when transport type is created & saved.

Master data
Zip code lookup in route plan defintion (on route/zone master data) was not working correctly

When defining a route plan on route/zone, it was not possible to select a zip code via lookup, system warned via error infolog 'Error executing code: The field with ID '0' does not exist in table 'LogisticsPostalAddressMap'. This was corrected - system now allows to use a zip code lookup on route plan of route/zone; the error infolog was removed.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Driver's default cost (aka 'Standard cost driver') as defined on vehicle was never used in cost & revenue statistics

Driver's default cost (aka 'Standard cost driver') as defined on vehicle was never used in cost & revenue statistics calculation. Now the driver's default cost is used in cost & revenue statistics calculation when no costs are provided via Sub-contracting Tour order.

Dispatching and confirmation
During combined loading & unloading at the same tour stop, system sometimes scheduled loading before unloading

During combined loading & unloading at the same tour stop, system sometimes scheduled loading before unloading. Such situation could cause a distortion in tour capacity calculation. Now during combined loading & unloading at the same tour stop system always first schedules the unloading, only afterwards the loading.

Master data
Transport type could be deleted even though it was used in some transactions

Under certain circumstances it was possible to delete a transport type despite it was used in some transport order. This was enhanced - now the transport type "delete" button is disabled when transport type is used in some transport order.

Better usage of address geo-coordinates in PTV xLocate integration

The usage of address geo-coordinates was improved in this task, leading to fewer calls of PTV xLocate component. This improves the overal performance of integration with PTV services.

2019-09New feature50655
The creation of CAP.TMS addresses via data entities failed for certain data constellations

In ADO 46472 a new functionality was introduced that enabled the creation of CAP.TMS addresses via several data entities. For exact mechanism please see release notes of ADO 46472.
This task delivers several fixes for related data entities.

Customer order management and pricing
Undefined opening hours parameterization on address (00:00-00:00) was always triggering conflict "Business hours - address closed" in transport order conflict management

The interpretation of undefined opening hours (00:00-00:00) on transport address was changed in conflict management of transport order. Previously the 00:00-00:00 was interpreted by conflict management of transport order as 'always closed', now it is interpreted as 'always open'.

Data entity "TAL Vehicle group" was renamed to "TAL Vehicle group assignment"

Data entity "TAL Vehicle group" was renamed to "TAL Vehicle group assignment", to better describe the content.

Data entity "TALVehicleGroupEntityData" was renamed to "TAL Vehicle group"

Data entity "TALVehicleGroupEntityData" was renamed to "TAL Vehicle group", to better describe the content.

After shipment builder redesign the 'TAL Shipment building group' data entity couldn't be used anymore

After activation of redesigned shipment builder the 'TAL Shipment building group' data entity couldn't be used anymore as the data entity was linked to 'old/deactivated' shipment builder configuration key. This was corrected and 'TAL Shipment building group' data entity is correctly linked to new/redesigned shipment builder only.

After shipment builder redesign the 'TAL Shipping means calculation rule line' data entity couldn't be used anymore

After activation of redesigned shipment builder the 'TAL Shipping means calculation rule line' data entity couldn't be used anymore as the data entity was linked to 'old/deactivated' shipment builder configuration key. This was corrected and 'TAL Shipping means calculation rule line' data entity is correctly linked to new/redesigned shipment builder only.

After shipment builder redesign the 'TAL Shipping means calculation rule' data entity couldn't be used anymore

After activation of redesigned shipment builder the 'TAL Shipping means calculation rule' data entity couldn't be used anymore as the data entity was linked to 'old/deactivated' shipment builder configuration key. This was corrected and 'TAL Shipping means calculation rule' data entity is correctly linked to new/redesigned shipment builder only.

After shipment builder redesign the 'TAL Item transport unit combination' data entity couldn't be used anymore

After activation of redesigned shipment builder the 'TAL Item transport unit combination' data entity couldn't be used anymore as the data entity was linked to 'old/deactivated' shipment builder configuration key. This was corrected and 'TAL Item transport unit combination' data entity is correctly linked to new/redesigned shipment builder only.

After shipment builder redesign the 'TAL Transport type combination' data entity couldn't be used anymore

After activation of redesigned shipment builder the 'TAL Transport type combination' data entity couldn't be used anymore as the data entity was linked to 'old/deactivated' shipment builder configuration key. This was corrected and 'TAL Transport type combination' data entity is correctly linked to new/redesigned shipment builder only.

Data entity for 'TAL Activities' was adjusted, as sometimes import/update via this entity failed

Data entity for 'TAL Activities' was adjusted, as sometimes import/update via this entity failed. Field 'Closed' was allowed for editing.

Other / General
Enhancement of CAP.TMS periodic functions for better compatibility with D365 sequenced batch job task framework

In the release 10.0-CAP1.1 we enhanced all CAP.TMS periodic functions so that they can be set up also as D365 sequenced batch job tasks.
This task contains few small (rather technical) enhancements for cleaner user experience.

2019-09New feature49429
Dispatching and confirmation
In the dialog for "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" the weekday value was not automatically recalculated after change of scheduled date

In the dialog for "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" the weekday value was not automatically recalculated after the change of scheduled date. This was corrected - the change of scheduled day now leads to automatic recalculation of the weekday.

2 bugs were corrected in transport order EDI import

Following two bugs in transport order EDI process were corrected:
1) under advanced invoice status it was possible to import a transport order even without 'status term invoice'. This was corrected - now the transport order without 'status term invoice' is validated (and held) already in checked imported order
2) during transport order EDI the delivery term was not initialized from customer account.

Other / General
Menuitems for "New" and "Delete" were accessible in the xServer parameter form (in TMS main parameters)

Menuitems for "New"and "Delete" were accessible in the xServer parameter form (in TMS main parameters). Both menuitems had no usage, as the system allows exactly just one set of xServer parameters. Hence both menuitems were removed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enabling more search fields in the dialog for depot/address split on transport leg form

In the dialog for selecting a depot/address (during depot/address split on transport leg), the search/filter options were limited. This was enhanced - users can now search/filter also via depot/address description.

Dispatching and confirmation
During depot split it was posible to multi-select several depots

During depot split it was posible to multi-select several depots, even though just one depot was effectivelly used/inserted. This was corrected, the multi-select was disabled and user can select only one depot when inserting a depot split on transport leg.

Customer order management and pricing
It was possible to delete last transport order line even thought the order was already planned in tour

Under certain circumstances it was possible to delete last transport order line even thought the order was already planned in the tour. This lead to unexpected data situation as transport order was in status "dispatched" but had no order line but still kept the transport legs that were assigned in tour.
This was corrected - now it is possible to remove last order line of transport order only when order is in status 'registered'.

Other / General
New management form for handling of data migration jobs in TAL releases

Previously in case when some upgrade data migration jobs were required to be run during CAP.TMS upgrade process, these data jobs must have been launched only via URL (via class runner). Which was not user-friendly and it was impossible to track statuses of these tasks.
This task introduces a simple management form via which it is possible to launch/track status of data migration jobs.

The form is accessible in main menu:
CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Data migration -> Data migration jobs

Upon every form opening the system scans for existence of new data migration jobs, and in case some new job is found it is added to the grip overview.
So the expected usage is that after every CAP.TMS code upgrade user checks the data migration job overview and in case new data jobs were delivered with code upgrade these can be launched directly from the management form. So there is no further need to launch data migration jobs via URL/class runner.

2019-09New feature47406
Master data
Missing validation of 'departure zone' and 'destination zone' in tour routing rule setup

Due to the missing validation of 'departure zone' and 'destination zone' in tour routing rule it was possible to setup a rule against entities that were not existing in CAP.TMS. This was corrected - now the validation ensures that user can use only existing entities in 'departure zone' and 'destination zone'.

New data entity was added, for TALcsiIncident table

New data entity was added, for TALcsiIncident table. It allows to export csiIncident table for further external analysis (eg. in Excel etc).

2019-09New feature45685
Customer invoicing
In certain cases it was not possible to create a customer invoice reversal (aka. credit note) due to wrong validation

In certain cases it was not possible to create a customer invoice reversal (aka. credit note) as the system failed with warning infolog "Reversal not possible! There exist surcharges to order %1 which are currently posted in invoice %2. Please reverse this invoice first".
The issue was corrected by improving the reversal/credit note validation to fail with such warning infolog only when there really exist some third-party surcharges that are posted in some other invoice.

Customer order management and pricing
Part invoice order could be created even without specifying a split address

It was possible to create a part invoice order without specifying a split address. Now the split address is required even when part invoice order is created manually (via transport leg split)

Other / General
Third-party surcharges were listed in invoice pool even though the surcharges were marked as "inactive"

Third-party surcharges were listed in invoice pool even though the surcharges were marked as "inactive". All order types were affected - customer/vendor/intercompany surcharges. As per now the inactive third party surcharges are not showing anymore in invoice pools.

Dispatching and confirmation
Tour activity could be changed/deleted even when tour was in status Confirmed (or Done)

The change/delete of tour activity can be now performed only when tour is in status Dispatching/Released/Confirming.

Dispatching and confirmation
''View details' of transport unit in goods management form was not working

In goods management form the 'View details' of transport unit was corrected.

Master data
Fix of known issue "Direct creation of CAP transport address from D365 address CREATION not possible"

Known issue ADO 44778 is fixed by this task. Now it is possible to create the transport address directly from "NEW ADDRESS" function, it is not needed anymore to use the "EDIT" address mode.

This fix expects 'D365 Finance and Operation 10.0.5 with Platform update 29' version installed (with KB 4504242).

Shipment Builder
''View details' of sales order in goods management form sometimes didn't open the correct sales order

In goods management form the 'View details' of source order was enhanced to open the correct sales order, provided user has sufficient access rights. When user has insufficient access rights then the 'View details' of source order is disabled.

During transport order EDI import the planning quantities were processed as "whole set", either all (or none) were imported/converted

During transport order EDI import, the planning quantities were converted from transport quantity only when all planning quantities were not specified (=not present in import file). Newly each planning quantity is processed (and potentially converted) separately, that means planning quantity 1 can be in imported and planning quantity 2 can be converted (from transport quantity) etc.

Master data
Unit conversion could not be opened from Contract/Version/Relation forms

It was not possible to open Unit conversion form from Contract/Version/Relation forms, system failed with error infolog "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Subcontracting/IC invoicing
The pro-forma self-billing invoice for 'sub-contracting transport order' could not be generated

The pro-forma self-billing invoice for 'sub-contracting transport order' could not be generated, system failed with error infolog "A currency to convert from is required to retrieve exchange rate information.", even though there was no reason to apply a currency conversion.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB GSR: button for 'Strategic tour routing' works only for users with 'System administrator' role

D365 GSR: the menuitem for "Strategic tour routing" can be used only by users with 'system administrator' role. For other users the menuitem fails with error "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."

2019-10Known issue52732
Customer order management and pricing
It was not possible to generate a transport order from pre-order

Several issues were corrected in pre-order area, now it is again possible to generate transport orders from pre-orders.

Track and Trace Status message: copy email status data to new table

A data migration job for task 48434 (Status message framework didn't work in D365, no messages were produced/sent).

The data migration job copies email status data from outbound message table to the a new table to exclude it from data entity's tracking.

2019-10Data conversion51666
Customer order management and pricing
Last transport order line could not be removed even though order is in status 'Registered'

In certain data constellation it was not possibleto remove the last transport order line even though the transport order was in status„Registered“. This was corrected - now it is not possible to remove the lasttransport order line only when transport order is in status “Plannable/Partiallyplanned/Dispatched/Delivered”.

Dispatching and confirmation
''Resource reservation' and 'Attach resource' menuitems were removed from GPB gantt screens, as obsolete

Following menuitems were removed from GPB gantt screens:

* Resource reservation (reason: related feature was deprecated in ADO 23736)

* Attach resource (reason: a leftover from AX2012 times, not needed anymore since differently handled in GPB)

2019-10New feature51494
Master data
Removal of 2 obsolete resource related process buttons in main TMS parameters

Due to the removed functionality of Resource reservation, the parameterization of 2 process buttons in main TMS parameters was also removed, as obsolete:

* Attach resources
* Resource reservation

2019-10New feature51493
Customer order management and pricing
Error in transport order functionality "Delete order from dispatching"

Removing of transport order from dispatching process (via "Delete order from dispatching") was sometimes failing with "Function Global::int642int has been incorrectly called" error. The code was corrected.

Wrong handling of virtual fields in TAL Parameters data entity

Some virtual fields in main TAL parameters were activated during data entity import even though the fields were not existing in import file. This was corrected - now the fields are activated/respected during import only when they really exist in import file. Following fields were affected:

* OneTimeAddress_PartyNumber
* ResourceSwapPlaces_PartyNumber
* UnitOfMeasureDistance_Symbol
* UnitOfMeasureDistanceEmpty_Symbol
* UnitOfMeasureDistanceLoaded_Symbol
* UnitOfMeasureDrops_Symbol

Dispatching and confirmation
Tab Vendor in tour confirmation form was redesigned and enhanced (to store start & end mileage of resource assignment)

This enhancement re-introduces the functionality to be able to specify the start & end mileage on resource assignment in tour.
As a part of solution the tab Vendor (In tour confirmation form) was redesigned.
Previously the tab Vendor contained only the FTL tour sub-contracting aspect of the tour.
Newly the tab Vendor is renamed into Resources/Vendor and contains the information about resource assignment on tour as well as FTL tour sub-contracting aspect of the tour. New fields for start & end mileage were added to the tab Resource/Vendor.

2019-10New feature51458
Shipment Builder
New two picking statuses for items enabled on for transportation management (but not for warehouse management)

In case an item is enabled only for transportation management (i.e. warehouse management is not enabled on the storage dimension group of the item), then the picking status was limited to only 1 value: 'Goods registered'.

In order to provide a better handling of the only transportation management enabled items, the picking status calculation logic was enhanced to provide 2 additional statuses, when the picking of the item is not done by advanced warehouse management processes.

New statuses:

* 'Picked'
* 'Packing slip posted'

Disclaimers (regarding to the 2 new picking statuses, if item is only transportation management enabled):

* 'Packing slip posted' picking status supports only order type 'Sales order'
* 'Packing slip posted' picking status calculation analyses the status of the sales order line. Hence in case of partial delivery or splitting of the sales order line related load line (and delivering in 2 tours), the 'Packing slip posted' status is only shown if both load lines are delivered or open quantity is cancelled. It is strongly recommended to have 1:1 relation between the sales order line and the load line.

2019-10New feature51442
Shipment Builder
Cost allocation to purchase order line was sometimes failing with error "Cannot edit a record in Purchase order versions.."

Functionality of "Split back transportation costs / revenues to shipment lots" was failing in case the purchase order had some problematic data constellation in its versioning. This was corrected - now the "Split back transportation costs / revenues to shipment lots" functionality works correctly even for purchase orders that have some versioning issues.

New data entity "TAL Package confirmation" was added to the TMS module, to be able to import/export the TMS package confirmation data

New data entity "TAL Package confirmation" was added to the TMS module, to be able to import/export the TMS package confirmation data.

Entity name: TAL Package confirmation
Staging table: TALPackageTourOrderLineStaging
Target entity: TALPackageTourOrderLineEntity

2019-10New feature51433
New data entity "TAL Packages" was added to the TMS module, to be able to import/export the TMS package header table

New data entity "TAL Packages" was added to the TMS module, to be able to import/export the TMS package header table.

Entity name: TAL Packages
Staging table: TALPackageTableStaging
Target entity: TALPackageTableEntity

2019-10New feature51430
Dispatching and confirmation
Empty tour start date and unloading before loading

In certain circumstances it was possible to create a tour with empty tour start date and with unloading tour stop preceding loading tour stop. This was happening in some tour planning methods when combined loading/unloading occurred on same tour stop and detailed scheduling was deactivated on transport type.
The tour planning methods were corrected to not cause such inconsistent data situation.

Shipment Builder
Open transport order from purchase order didn't work in cross-company setup, no transport order was found/opened

On purchase order header the menuitem "Transport order" didn't open the transport order in case the transport order was created in different legal entity than the purchase order. This was fixed - now the button "Transport order" works correctly even in case of cross-company transport order.

Other / General
When more migration data jobs exists for the same Job id, only first one was shown in "Data migration jobs" setup overview

When there were more migration data jobs existing for the same Job id, only first one was shown in "Data migration jobs" setup overview. This was corrected - now all migration jobs are shown in "Data migration jobs" setup overview.

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict management form: Shipment ID was not assigned to the shipment based conflicts

A data migration job for task 48458 (In conflict management form it was not possible to open shipment details even though the conflict was shipment related).

The data migration job fills the reference field Shipment Id on existing shipment related conflicts.

2019-10Data conversion51361
Master data
Using a street name suggestion from map component (during geo-coding) could create an incorrect address

In certain circumstances the geo-coding mechanism cannot locate provided address details but suggests some similar street name & number.
Previously the "suggest" dialog was focused entirely just on the street name & street number, and also only the street name & number was written back to the address. This could create an incorrect address, having a zip code and a city from original "wished" address but having a street name & number from "suggested" address.
This was corrected - now the "suggest" dialog contains also the zip code and the city, and all these details are then written back to the address.

Master data
System now stores and shows on logistics postal address the geo-coordinate detail level

New field "Level of validation" was added to logistics postal address, to show on which level of details were the geo-coordinates obtained.
"Level of validation" field can have following values:

COUNTRY 0 [Country level] - the candidate was found on countrylevel.
STATE 1 [State level] - the candidate was found on state level.
EXTPOSTCODE 2 [Global ZIP level] - the candidate was found on globalpostcode level.
CITY 3 [City level] - the candidate was found on city level.
CITY2 4 [City>district level] - the candidate was found on citydistrict level.
POSTCODE 5 [ZIP level] - the candidate was found on postcodelevel.
STREET 6 [Street level] - the candidate was found on streetlevel.
HNRSECTION 7 [House# section level] - the candidate was found on house numbersection level. The address candidate does not contain an exact house number.
HNRLINK 8 [House# link level] - the candidate was found on house numberlink level.
HNRINTERPOLATED 9 [House# interpolated level] - the candidate was found on house numberlevel, the house number was interpolated.
HNREXACT 10 [House# exact level] - the candidate was found on house numberlevel, the data contained the exact house number.
INTERSECTION 11 [Hose# intersection] - the candidate was found on intersectionlevel, the result data is an intersection.
MANUALLYDEFINED 50 - A user manually defined the geo location. It is considered as most accurate information possible.

Levels 0-11 are used for geo-coordinates obtained from map component.
Level 50 is reserved for manually specified/adjusted geo-coordinates.

"Level of validation=Street" means that address geo-coordinates were obtained from map component, on street name level. So even when address would have some street number, this is not reflected in geo-coordinates.

2019-10New feature51348
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance optimization of "Dispatch in tour" functionality

Performance optimization of "Dispatch in tour" functionality where certain code/logic was used too excessively.

2019-10New feature51346
Customer order management and pricing
Field Rough plan date on Transport leg points form was editable

In "Transport leg points" form it was possible to manually change a "Rough plan date" field. This was corrected - the field is now not editable. It is possible to change Rough plan date manually only in GPB, without GPB the field can be updated only by some process.

Master data
It was possible to change route start & end addresses directly on 'route plan' grid

In 'route/zone' definition it was previously possible to manually change the start & end depot address details directly on 'route plan' grid. This was corrected - now the start & end depot address details are locked for manual editing in 'route plan' grid and user can change these only via start & end depot dedicated fields on 'route/zone' itself.

Dispatching and confirmation
''View details transport order' functionality on gantt chart (level 3) sometimes showed entirely wrong order details

Opening transport order details from gantt chart (on level 3, via 'Viewdetails transport order') showed sometimes wrong details of transport order, e.g. wrong address, wrong transport unit & quantity etc. This was corrected - now the system shows the details of correct transport order.

Other / General
In "Data migration jobs" form the menuitems for "Run job" and "Change status" were available even when there was no migration data job existing

In "Data migration jobs" form the menuitems for "Run job" and "Change status" were available even when there was no migration data job in the main grid. This was corrected - now both buttons are available only when there is at least one migration data job in the main grid. In case of no data job the buttons are disabled/grayed out.

Shipment Builder
The quantity reduction on sales order line was not possible in some cases

The quantity reduction on sales order line was in certain cases not possible due to a bug in inventory unit conversion. This was corrected - the quantity reduction on sales order line is possible now even when inventory unit is used.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance optimization of "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" functionality

Performance optimization of "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" functionality where certain code/logic was used too excessively.

2019-10New feature51248
Master data
Several issues were corrected in "CAPcargo wrong addresses" form

Following issues were fixed in "CAPcargo wrong addresses" form:
1) Editing of address didn't happen on selected address but on first address in the grid
2) Missing automatic refresh on changed address in the form
3) In some data constellations the system still created a new 'active' address version

Shipment Builder
Remove not-picked shipment lot didn't reduce the load line quantity in case no work was existing

In case the inventory quantity of the load line is bigger than the work created quantity, then the "Remove not-picked shipment lot" function didn't perform the load line splitting. This was corrected - now the load line splitting is done even when inventory quantity is bigger than the work created quantity.

Shipment Builder
Inventory quantity on load line was not reduced during sales load line splitting, in case inventory unit is different than sales unit

When load line splitting was done on a load line that has inventory unit different than the sales unit, then only sales quantity of the load line was correctly reduced but inventory quantity was not reduced. This was corrected - now also the inventory quantity on the load line is reduced.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB client was crashing when the 'release to warehouse' from tour encountered some errors in AX2012

Releasing a tour to warehouse could lead to GPB client crash when some errors were encountered in AX2012. This was corrected - now when 'release to warehouse' from tour encounters some AX2012 error, the GPB client is not crashing anymore and the user is informed via error infologs.

Customer order management and pricing
Removing a Part invoice order from collection was sometimes not possible

Removing a Part invoice order from collection could fail in some cases, with ttsBegin/ttsCommit error. The code has been enhanced to not encounter this error.

Shipment Builder
The transport order shipment synchronization (when launched from the tour) sometimes caused a database deadlock

In certain circumstances the transport order shipment synchronization (when launched from the tour) could cause a database deadlock. The code was optimized for better performance and to avoid such deadlock.

2019-10New feature51146
Dispatching and confirmation
New framework for generic/customized filters in GPB

It is now possible to add project specific filters to various GPB screens, by simple form parameterization.
Definition of new generic filters happens in CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> GPB generic filters, where following basic characteristics must be specified:

* GBP screen - on which GPB target screen the filter should appear
* Table name - which table holds the filter field
* Field name - which field should be used as filter criteria
* Label - name of filter. Currently the label is interpreted as 'plain text', it is not possible to use true language specific labels.
* Class name & Method name - only applicable for 'string' based fields. Optionally it is possible to define a class & method from where should GPB populate the lookup values.

The custom filters are then initialized during GPB client opening to following places:

* for Transport orders /-legs screen - the filters are added directly to the filter section above main gantt grid
* for both gantt screens - the filters are added to tab 'Maintain to the "Filter" menuitem group, to the list of all filters (new dedicated filter group on the right edge of filter form)

Following filter field data types are supported:

* Integer (whole number)
* Decimal number
* String (text)
* Enum
* Boolean (Yes/No)

The 'Datetime' filter field data type is not supported.

Supported screens:

Transport orders /-legs form
* Both gantt forms
* Resource selection forms

The map screen is not supported.


* Only single selection is supported in the filter fields

2019-10New feature51134
Shipment Builder
Split of configuration key CLXTALshiShipmentBuilder into two new configuration keys, for customers transiting to the new shipment builder

The current existing configuration key CLXTALshiShipmentBuilder has to be split into 2 configuration keys to distinguish between Data and GUI/Logic. It has to be possible to keep all data of the old shipment builder but switch off GUI elements (Menuitems, form fields) and business logic:

* CLXTALshiShipmentBuilder - this configuration key is related to the GUI/Logic of the old shipment builder and will have to be switched off by customers transiting to the new shipment builder, as old shipment builder is NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE.
* TALshiShipmentBuilderOldData - this configuration key is related to the Data of the old shipment builder and should be switched on by customers transiting to the new shipment builder.

For further information please see our published "Supply Chain Management" white paper:

2019-10New feature51060
Shipment Builder
Automated tour update (as last step of shipment building process) was not working properly; system never re-used already existing (and suitable) tour for new transport legs

When "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" was used as a last step of shipment builder process then system always created new tour for every transport leg; the existing tours (even though entirely suitable) were not reused/updated. This was corrected - in shipment building process now the system first searches for some existing suitable tour before creating a new tour.

Dispatching and confirmation
New framework for generic/customized buttons in GPB

It is now possible to add project specific buttons to various GPB screens, by simple form parameterization.
Definition of new generic buttons happens in CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> GPB generic buttons, where following characteristics must be specified:

* GBP screen - on which GPB target screen the buttons should appear
* Object type - defines the content of the button/menuitem. E.g. 'tour' related button will not work correctly if set with 'Object type'=tour order line etc.
* Selection type - defines whether button/menuitem supports multi-selection or records or only single record selection.
* Label - button text. Currently the label is interpreted as 'plain text', it is not possible to use true language specific labels.
* Help - button help text. Currently the label is interpreted as 'plain text', it is not possible to use true language specific labels.
* Menu item type - defines the type of menu item (can be Display/Output/Action)
* Menu item name - menu item itself
* Refresh type - which GPB refresh to trigger once button/menuitem is used (can be Undefined/Full refresh/Web service)

Combinations of 'GBP screen' (and 'Object type') are not validated, following combinations are supported:

Gantt screen tour (Tour/Tour stop/Tour order line)
Gantt screen resource (Resource assignment)
Resource screen (Resource)
Legs screen (Transport leg)

The custom filters are then initialized during GPB client opening to following places:

* for Transport orders /-legs screen & both gantt screens - the buttons/menuitems are added to new dedicated 'Generic buttons' tab, on the main button ribbon
* for Resource selection screen - the buttons/menuitems are added between filters and main grid

Supported screens:

Transport orders /-legs screen
* Both gantt screens
* Resource selection screen

The map screen is not supported.


In general the combinations of fields (and entities) in button definition are not (yet) validated, so parameterization requires a certain knowledge of CAP.TMS functionality.

2019-10New feature50951
Data entity "Customers V3" was enhanced to allow creation of TMS addresses from customer delivery address

Data entity "Customers V3" was enhanced by field "TALDeliveryAddressIsTransportAddress" to allow creation of TMS addresses from customer delivery address import.

2019-10New feature50874
Shipment Builder
New infolog message "Field 'Mode of delivery' must be filled in." was added to shipment builder creation process

New infolog message "Field 'Mode of delivery' must be filled in." was added to shipment builder creation process (=when transport order should be generated) to inform user why no transport order was created. As having no "Mode of delivery" on any trade order line typically signifies a missing setup of automatic initialization of "Mode of delivery".

2019-10New feature50852
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of Resource selection screen

Performance of Resource selection screen was improved (a new index on vehicle group table was added and some obsolete code was removed).

2019-10New feature50687
Customer order management and pricing
Drag & drop of POI from map into gantt (level 1 or level 3) was not possible

Drag & drop of POI (=gas station, harbor, parking place etc.) to gantt chart was not possible, system didn't add the POI to the tour. This was corrected - now the POI's can be dropped to gantt chart (to level 1 or level 3).

Customer order management and pricing
Cancellation of 'Direct dispatch (route)' transport order planning process didn't remove the transport legs

When the user tried to plan transport order into tour via 'Direct dispatch (route)' but cancelled the operation, the system didn't cancel the whole process entirely (i.e. transport legs were not removed) and transport order was hence in status 'plannable'.
Now after the cancellation the system cancels the whole process (incl. transport legs) and transport order is hence in status 'registered'.

Customer order management and pricing
Warning infolog "The implicit conversion from date to utcDateTime is not supported." was sometimes encountered by users in several processes

During several processes in CAP.TMS users could encounter a warning infolog "The implicit conversion from date to utcDateTime is not supported."
Following process were affected:

* during logistics postal address management (in expiration date)
* during change of rough scheduling date on transport legs

This was fixed - now the dates are handled correctly in both processes.

2019-10New feature49466
Customer order management and pricing
Warning infolog "Comparing a numerical value with extensible enum 'Extensible Enumeration(enum name)' will yield unexpected results." was sometimes encountered by users in several processes

During several processes in CAP.TMS users could encounter a warning infolog "Comparing a numerical value with extensible enum 'Extensible Enumeration(enum name)' will yield unexpected results."
At least following process were affected:

* Transport order create dialog, in "Use existing address", when switching between various record type
* In transport type form, when creating new transport type

This was fixed - now the code behaves correctly and infolog is not encountered.

2019-10New feature49453
Shipment Builder
Missing 'product description' on transport order lines (shipment builder related)

Product description (of trade order item) was sometimes not showing correctly on transport order line (tab General) even though the transport order was synchronized with trade order(s).

Dispatching and confirmation
In conflict management form it was not possible to open shipment details even though the conflict was shipment related

On shipment related conflicts (in conflictmanagement form), the menuitem for “CAPcargo shipment” was sometimes disabledeven though the conflict was shipment related. The enable/disable behavior ofmenuitem was corrected.

Customer order management and pricing
Two GUI enhancements in customer invoice pool

Two GUI enhancements of customer invoice pool were done:

* form now starts in edit mode (thus it is possible to open the "select" filters directly)
* and the "select" filter form was transformed into more user friendly dialog

Status message framework didn't work in D365, no messages were produced/sent

Status message framework didn't work in D365 as it was based on AIF functionality (which was deprecated in D365). The status message framework was redesigned and is now working again. The event based logic is triggered via Business Event, additionally there is a new data entity to support also recurringintegrations.

Dispatching and confirmation
Creation of tour via drag & drop (from map or from transport leg form) was sometimes not possible

Several issues were corrected when drag & drop was performed from map (or from transport leg form) to gantt forms. Now it is possible to create tour via drag and drop, forms are refreshed etc.

Dispatching and confirmation
The activity sequence determination on tour stop was changed

The sequence of activities on tour stop was previously determined by 'Activity id', now the sequence is determined by 'Sequence id').

Other / General
New certificate for TAL license (current expires 14.12.2019)

The current certificate which is used for signing the TAL license expires 14.12.2019. A new one is needed to be installed, to be able to use CAP.TMS module after 14.12.2019. The installation of new certificate requires also a change in the TAL LicenseCode object in AOT, which is delivered/provided by this this task.

The installation of new TAL license is still required, it is not done by this task. This task only contains some code changes that also has to be in place, besides the TAL license.

2019-10New feature47408
Customer order management and pricing
Validation of quantity update on transport order line was moved from transport order level to transport order line level

Previously it was not possible to change the quantities on transport order line as soon as quantity split exists for any transport leg. Even when the transport leg (with quantity split) didn't even contain the transport order line.
This was enhanced - now it is not possible to change the quantities on transport order line only when the quantity split exists for transport legs that contains this transport order line.

Customer invoicing
Transport customer invoice reversal enhancement - mandatory classification via "Reason code"

Transport customer invoice reversals (both order and whole invoice reversal) were enhanced by the functionality of "reason code" classification. When issuing a reversal the user must select a reason code from predefined master data list. Reason code is then stored on invoice reversal (both on header and grid view).
Additionally a new optional parameter "Exclude reversed transport orders from calculation" was introduced to price calculation batches that allows to exclude orders (for which customer invoice reversal was issued) from automated price calculation process, to prevent accidental automated order calculation (and potential automated invoicing).

2019-10New feature45606
Customer order management and pricing
Two issues were fixed in area of tariff quantity update and usage of confirmed quantity on transport order

Following issues were fixed in area of tariff quantity update and usage of confirmed quantity on transport order, that could lead to unexpected price calculation results:

* The tariff quantity update mechanism was sometimes not working correctly unless the button 'Use confirmed quantity" was pressed
* Wrong tariff unit was used in "Use confirmed quantity" functionality on transport order header

Dispatching and confirmation
New infolog in 'Dispatch in tour' process when automatically adding also related overpackages

Enhanced user awareness in overpackage transport leg planning into tour when related transport legs are processed in the background.

Dispatching and confirmation
When opening an AX2012 form throws an error, then further GPB actions that would open any AX2012 form failed

Thus bug was encountered only when GPB was used with AX2012 client, bug was not happening when GPB was used with D365 client.
When some error is encountered during opening of some AX2012 form from GPB then any further GPB action (that would lead to opening of any AX2012 form, even completely different AX2012 form) is blocked. The only workaround was to restart AX2012 client. This was corrected - now if some error is encountered when opening AX2012 it is still possible to open another AX2012 forms even without AX2012 client restart.

Dispatching and confirmation
In gantt forms the 'Assign carrying resource' menuitem now exists also as a standalone 'Dispatching' tab element

In gantt forms the 'Assign carrying resource' menuitem previously existed only as a parameterizable 'Process' tab element. This task introduces 'Assign carrying resource' menuitem also as a standalone 'Dispatching' tab element; menuitem is placed to 'Resources' field group.

2019-10New feature40353
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of tour delay/earliness visualization in gantt charts (aka. red & green tour bars)

In GPB gantt screens the delay (and earliness) of tour is shown by red (and green) visualization of gantt chart. Previously the red & green visualization was based rigidly on difference between detailed scheduling and calculated ETA. For certain business types (especially in FTL logistic, on long tours) this is not sufficient as the tour 'planning' is not done based on detailed scheduling but rather based on experience of dispatchers and on other (rather off system) logic. For these business types the system now allows to determine the delay (and earliness) tour visualization based on difference between calculated ETA and transport order dates (aka 'customer wished dates').
Main parameterization is done on transport type, via new field 'Configuration Gantt bar extension' id Dispatching tab. Possible parameterization:

* None - delay/earliness tour visualization is entirely switched off (=no red & green visualization on tour gantts)
* Delayed/early arrival - delay/earliness tour visualization is switched on and is done based on difference between detailed scheduling and calculated ETA (=this is previously existing logic)
* Deviation to customer wish - delay/earliness tour visualization is switched on and is done based on difference between calculated ETA and customer wish (=this is newly added logic).

For 'Deviation to customer wish' logic there is an additional pre-requisite, system uses transport order unload date as 'customer wish' only when unload date of transport order is marked as 'Show in GPB / Warn at change'.

Key characteristics:

* In the 'Deviation to customer wish' logic the Manual ETA is considered as PLANNING information, not CONFIRMATION information, hence is not leading to red/green delays, but to a different visualization of the bar, i.e. blue frame instead of black frame on main tour gantt chart (in level 1).
* The red & green visualization happens only on tour end (=to signify whether truck/tour ends earlier or later than expected). There is no visualization on tour start, as it is expected that dispatchers plan tour start always as 'fitting' and the visualization of delay on tour start is not needed.
* Also the red & green visualization is not calculated for individual tour stops but only for tour end.
* Additionally new filter 'Early/late customer wish' was added to 'filters' dialog on tour gantt, to allow dispatchers for example to filter the tours that are earlier than 60minutes, or delayed more than 45minutes etc.

2019-10New feature39447
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB was still displaying 3 planning units even though 5 planning units were defined/specified in CAP.TMS

Despite the CAP.TMS enhancement (to have up to 5 planning units) the GPB still showed on several places only 3 planning units. This was corrected - now GPB shows correctly 5 planning units (if they are defined/activated).

2019-10New feature25849
Dispatching and confirmation
New menuitem 'Strategic tour routing' was added to gantt forms

New menuitem 'Strategic tour routing' was added to gantt forms, to 'Dispatching' tab, to 'Dispatch' menuitem group. Via this menuitem it is possible to regenerate 'Tour routing rules' (aka 'waypoints') for the whole tour.

2019-10New feature25814
Customer invoicing
Enhancement of "Status invoice documents" (aka Document management for invoicing) to TMS order types

New functionality was added to the CAP.TMS module via which it is possible to affect when order becomes invoiceable based on status of expected documents/order attachments.

Process is following:

* Per customer/vendor account it is possible to define which document types should be used for TMS orders ("Rule invoice document types"):

* Document type can be set as "Invoicing criterion", which means that TMS order will turn invoiceable only when all "Invoicing criterion" document types are "Received".
* Document type can be set as "Verification required", which means that TMS order will turn invoiceable only when all "Verification required" document types are manually "Verified"
* Transport order based document type can be set as "Invoice attachment", which means that such document will be also attached to TMS customer invoice.

* Expected document types are then automatically created for TMS orders of this customer/vendor (available on TMS order header as "Status invoice documents".
* Attaching an attachment of "Invoicing criterion" document type to TMS order sets automatically "Received" flag.
* For "Verification required" document types the "Verified" flag is to be set manually by user (after the received document is manually checked/verified, as correct and valid).
* "Status invoice documents" (aka document types) are used as an additional criteria when setting TMS orders as invoiceable. So only TMS orders with "Invoicing criterion" document types that are "Received" (and additionally with "Verification required" document types that are "Verified") are admitted for invoicing process.

Example of document types - CMR, Proof of delivery etc.

The functionality of "Status invoice documents" expects CAP.TMS module to be in "Advanced" invoice status logic (defined in main TMS parameters, section Invoice, group Common, field group Invoice status, parameter Invoice status logic).
The functionality of "Status invoice document" won't work in "Simple" invoice status logic, as this combination is not supported.

2019-10New feature25572
Dispatching and confirmation
For transport orders with no transport unit (and no planning quantities) the transport legs point pin on map was distorted (=cut)

Map visualization of transport leg with no transport unit (and no planning quantities) was corrected. Previously the transport leg point pin was distorted (=cut), now the pin displays in full.

Dispatching and confirmation
Incorrect refresh of the GPB resource dispatching

When a new tour was created (in D365 form launched from the GPB) then the GPB resource dispatching screen was sometimes not properly refreshed after closing of the D365 form. This was corrected - now the GPB resource dispatching form is automatically refreshed once the D365 form is closed.

Temporary suspension/deactivatation of 'Reset existing planning quantities" dialog (for activation of transport unit conversion) in EDI import order process

During EDI process (in 'Checked imported order' from) the dialog for 'Reset existing planning quantities' (to activate the transport unit conversion) was not performing according to original product design/expectation. Thus the dialog for 'Reset existing planning quantities" was temporarily suspended/deactivated in this release, to be further redesigned.

2019-11Known issue53246
Other / General
New management form for handling of data migration jobs in TAL releases

Previously in case when some upgrade data migration jobs were required to be run during CAP.TMS upgrade process, these data jobs must have been launched only via URL (via class runner). Which was not user-friendly and it was impossible to track statuses of these tasks.
This task introduces a simple management form via which it is possible to launch/track status of data migration jobs.

The form is accessible in main menu:
CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Data migration -> Data migration jobs

Upon every form opening the system scans for existence of new data migration jobs, and in case some new job is found it is added to the grip overview.
So the expected usage is that after every CAP.TMS code upgrade user checks the data migration job overview and in case new data jobs were delivered with code upgrade these can be launched directly from the management form. So there is no further need to launch data migration jobs via URL/class runner.

2019-11New feature52974
Customer order management and pricing
New field 'Time/distance calculation failed' on order types (and tours), to improve the performance of interface with PTV map component

When the driving time/distance calculation on an order (or tour) does not succeed because of any reason (e.g. no street available, truck attributes cannot be fulfilled etc), then the driving time/distance process would just not fill-in driving time/distance, but does not "remember", that this order could not be calculated. Hence at the next attempt, the process will try again (and again fail). This could have a greater impact especially when the driving time/distance is calculated via a periodic task.
To avoid unnecessary calls of driving time/distance calculation requests to PTV map component, we introduced a new checkbox field "Time/distance calculation failed", on following places:

* Transport order header
* Tour header
* Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) order header
* Intercompany order header
* Part-invoice order header

"Time/distance calculation failed" flag is entirely managed by system, it is not enabled for user changes. System sets the flag:

TRUE - when driving time/distance calculation fails (i.e. driving time and distance = 0)
FALSE - when driving time/distance calculation succeeds (i.e. driving time and distance > 0)

Once the "Time/distance calculation failed" flag is set TRUE then such order/tour is automatically excluded from further driving time/distance calculation periodic tasks. It is still possible to launch driving time/distance calculation manually via dedicated menuitems, for error correction & re-calculation.

2019-11New feature52773
Shipment Builder
Correction of several issues in shipment builder synchronization process

Several issues were identified and corrected in shipment builder synchronization process that could in certain constellation lead to:

* failure to delete the transport order line during shipment synchronization, hence causing the transport order line duplicity and detachment of transport order line from shipment building structure
* shipment appears as "synchronized" but in reality is not synchronized
* impossibility to release tours into warehouse

Duplicated transport orders from one imported order (in EDI order import process)

Under certain circumstances in EDI order import process it was possible to generate multiple transport orders out of one single imported order. This happened during the validation of checked imported order (or during transport order creation), when "Firm automatically" parameter was activated in EDI import process. The issue was corrected - now each imported order can create only one transport order.

Dispatching and confirmation
In 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form it was possible to manually change the SCM status of transport leg

In 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form it was possible to manually change the SCM status of transport leg. This was corrected - now the SCM status is not editable on transport leg, as the field is entirely managed by system.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance enhancement of "Delete order from dispatching" on transport order form

Performance enhancement of "Delete order from dispatching" on transport order form. Now the process of removal of transport order from dispatching should be faster, with same functionality as before.

2019-11New feature51767
Other / General
Adding description to CAP.TMS periodic tasks, for better management of batch journalization tasks

Description was added to CAP.TMS periodic tasks, to explain to user the periodic task (=class) content. Users will see the description when setting up the batch journal tasks.

2019-11New feature51652
Dispatching and confirmation
Several GUI adjustments of Dispatch light - Transport legs & Tour forms

Following GUI adjustments of Dispatch light Transport legs & Tours forms were done, to help user getting better & more consistent form experience.

On 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form:

* Menuitem section "Controlling" was renamed to "Manage"
* "Package management" and "Connected packages" menuitems were moved into "Manage" section

On 'Dispatch light - Tours' form:

* Menuitem section "Controlling" was renamed to "Manage"
* "Package management", "Connected packages" and "Tour orders" menuitems were moved into "Manage" section
* Now empty 'Maintain' group was removed
* Menuitem section "Shipment" was moved, is now placed between "Manage" and "Print"

2019-11New feature51649
Customer order management and pricing
GUI adjustment - buttons for 'New' and 'Delete' were removed in ‘Dispatch light – transport legs’ form

Buttons for 'New' and 'Delete' transport legs were removed in ‘Dispatch light – transport legs’ form, as they could never be used (=were always deactivated in code).

Customer order management and pricing
Contract finding algorithm didn't handle correctly the 'tariff zone' geographical definitions on contract relation

Several 'tariff zone' based issues were corrected in the contract finding algorithm. Eg. when contract relation was defined via tariff zone (that was specified via zipcode only), then contract finding didn't consider such contract relation in case the address on transport order contained also a state details. The contract finding algorithm evaluated the tariff zones (on contract relation) as whole 'set' (=combination of country/state/county/zip code/city") and did compare with same set on load/unload address. And only when both 'sets' exactly matched, then contract relation was evaluated as "fitting". This was corrected - now the contract finding evaluates the validity of tariff zones on individual 'elements' (=zip code vs zip code, city vs city), instead of comparing the whole 'sets'.

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict management status of tour/transport order/transport leg was sometimes not automatically synchronized with real conflict management data

Conflict management status of tour/transport order/leg was sometimes not automatically synchronized with real conflict management data and users had to manually refresh the tour/transport order/transport leg records to see current conflict management status. This was corrected - now the conflict management status of tour/transport order/transport leg is refreshed automatically once the conflict management form is closed.

Shipment Builder
New field "Load line qty" was added to the Shipment lot section of the Shipment form

Previously in the Shipment lot section of the CAPcargo Shipment form, two fields were displayed in the grid - the inventory quantity (in inventory unit) and the unit (of the load line). Since the unit of the load line is not always necessarily the same as the inventory unit, it was sometimes confusing, as the quantity didn't correspond to the displayed unit.
Therefore a new field "Quantity" was added to the Shipment lot section of the Shipment form, to display also the quantity of the load line.

​Previous field structure:​
- Inventory quantity​
- Unit

New field structure:
- Inventory quantity
- Quantity
- Unit

Hence the "Quantity" now corresponds to "Unit", and "Inventory quantity" corresponds to "Inventory unit" (the inventory unit is not displayed directly on Shipment lot section).

2019-11New feature51215
Shipment Builder
Several batch tasks in 'CAP.Trade & Distribution' module were only available to users with 'System administrator' role

Due to missing security/role definition, several batch tasks in 'CAPcargo Trade & Distribution' module were only available to users with 'System administrator' role. This was corrected - the batch tasks were properly assigned to CAP.TMS roles, depending on each batch task context. Following roles ware used/enhanced:
T&L Transport clerk
T&L Transport manager
T&L Sales clerk
T&L Purchase clerk
T&L Warehouse worker
Shipment Builder system administrator

Customer order management and pricing
Contract version lookup on various order type lines was always using order load date as the date validity criteria

Contract version lookup on various order type lines was always using order load date as the date validity criteria. This was corrected - now the service provision date (as specified in main TMS parameters) is used as date validity criteria in contract version lookups on order type lines.

Master data
The general filter on contract form didn't work/filter the records

The general filter on contract form didn't work, hence it was not possible to search for the specific contract. This was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases the periodic task "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" was crashing with unhandled error

In certain cases the periodic task "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" was crashing with unhandled error and user was informed via infolog "Due to breaking the over package impact scope, process cannot be executed. %1 legs are missing to fulfill the scope!" and not processing the further transport legs.
The periodic task was enhanced to handle these cases in a better way, informing user (with same infolog") but stepping over the problematic cases and processing further transport legs.

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong/invalid rough plan date sequence of transport legs

Via 'Change rough plan date" functionality in 'GPB Transport orders /-legs' screen it was possible to manually achieve a wrong/invalid sequence of transport leg dates. E.g. unloading should be happening before leading etc. This was corrected - the date validations in "Change rough plan date" dialog were enhanced, to prevent user from saving the wrong/invalid transport leg date sequence.

Bug in address creation, when performed directly in EDI process (in 'Checked imported order' form)

The creation of address directly in EDI process (in 'Checked imported order' form) was not possible, the "+" icon for new address creation was failing. The user could 'correct' the addresses in EDI process only by selecting some already existing addresses. This was corrected - now user can also create (and use) new address directly in EDI process.

Dispatching and confirmation
Start & end address were not mandatory on default tour template

Start & end addresses were not mandatory on default tour template. This was complicating the tour management process, as CAP.TMS module expects to have always start & end addresses on tour. This was corrected - now the start & end addresses are mandatory on default tour template.

Customer order management and pricing
Missing lookup & validation for packing unit during manual package creation

When packages were being created manually (via dedicated menuitems & dialog) then in 'creation' dialog the packing unit field was only a plain string field, without lookup, without validation. So it was possible to specify a packing unit that doesn't exist in master data. This was corrected - a selection lookup was added to the packing unit field in dialog and field is validated against master data.

Shipment Builder
During warehouse picking process the existing container type (on license plate) is newly respected/used

Business case:
Customer has an area in the warehouse, where he stores palletized goods, which already has a container type assigned to the license plate. In this case, the warehouse worker doesn’t want to select a container type on the mobile device, but wants to use the already assigned container type.​
If the to-be-picked goods/license plate already has a container type, it is initialized to the mobile device, but is left open for user change.
If the to-be-picked goods/license plate has no container type, then user has to specify container type in the mobile device.

2019-11New feature39432
Dispatching and confirmation
New cross-docking form

This task introduces a new overview tool which enables the cross-dockingmanager to get an overview of the inbound/outbound transport legs in/out of hiscross-docking depot. The overview is a passive tool (=view only), it is notforeseen to make any active actions via this tool.

New form is located in main menu:
CAPcargo Transport -> Common -> Cross-docking -> Cross-docking

Cross-docking form utilizes two different 'modes/views':

* Depot overview - for depot managers, to have an overview of the inbound/outbound transport legs in/out his depot, per date range.
* Cross-docking overview - to have an overview of goods that are present (or were present, or are foreseen to be) inside a depot in one single point in time

Both 'modes' have various filters, which can be used further to narrow (or extend) the selection. It is also possible to sum up the transport leg volume totals, either in single planning unit or per each involved route/zone.

2019-11New feature26686
Customer invoicing
Orders not appearing in invoice pool

In certain circumstances it could happen that transport order didn't appear in TMS invoice pool even though all pre-invoicing conditions were fulfilled. Such transport order could not be invoiced and required a special manual 'data correction' support action. The issue in the code has been identified and corrected, such cases should not appear anymore.

Customer order management and pricing
Allow to calculate transportation order with 'zero' price

Under certain parameterization it is now possible to calculate (and invoice) transportation orders with "zero" price.

Feature is activated by following parameterization:

* In main TMS parameters the feature has to be activated, via main parameter "Allow null calculation" = TRUE
* The TMS price agreement (=contract scaling price matrix on contract/version/relation), that will be used for order pricing, has to have a valid suitable price matrix line with "zero" variable unit & fix price component

If both above conditions are fulfilled then the order will be successfully calculated with 'zero' price. Such transportation order will be then normally processed also via invoicing process and will appear on invoice report.

Orders with 'zero' price can be used for example for registration of 'free' re-deliveries (after 1st delivery failed due to reasons not caused by customer fault), or for marketing models/campaigns (for new customers) etc.

2019-11New feature25840
Customer invoicing
Automated periodic function for transport customer invoicing didn't include the transport orders that have different invoice account than customer account

When transport order had different invoice account than customer account then such transport orders were not processed by automated periodic function for transport customer invoicing. This was corrected - now periodic customer invoicing function also include such transport orders.

Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: RS screen is not fully updated for new qualification framework

RS screen is not fully updated for new qualification framework, the green/red (fitting/non-fitting) side mini bars on resources do not reflect the new qualification framework.

2020-01Known issue56684
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance redesign of Resource selection form in area of fitting/non-fitting resource availability calculation/visualization - 1st part

First part of performance optimization of Resource selection form (when resources are being loaded to the screen), to achieve a faster responsiveness of the Resource selection form. The loading of the resource data is newly performed in two waves:

* 1st wave - loading data is reduced to minimum (to allow user continue working with the screen as soon as possible). The user session is still blocked until following data is entirely loaded:

* Resource Available/Planned classification (to be able to position resource into horizontal sections)
* Resource driving distance (to be able to sort by distance inside horizontal sections)

* 2nd wave - the rest of data. User session is unblocked at this stage, so users can continue working while the data is being loaded (via parallel background services). Following data is loaded in the 2nd wave:

* Resource driving time
* Resource Fitting/Non-fitting classification
* Resource details - Overview/Qualifications/Capacity/Cost (only when individual resource is selected)
* Resource Past/Future assignments (only when individual individual resource is selected)

As a consequence the resources are not anymore sorted by "Fitting/Non-Fitting" criteria (but only by the distance criteria), as the "Fitting/Non-Fitting" data is not available in the 1st wave. Users are advised to use the "Fitting" & "Non-Fitting" checkbox filters instead.

2020-01New feature56581
Dispatching and confirmation
Menuitems for strategic tour routing were removed from D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form

Menuitems for strategic tour routing were removed from D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form, as such functionality belongs to the advanced tour management tools which are supported only in GPB.

2020-01New feature56576
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour confirmation was sometimes not possible even though tour was in status "Released"

In Resource dispatching gantt form it was sometimes not possible to launch tour confirmation even though the tour status was "Released". This was corrected, now the tour status is re-read correctly before launching the tour confirmation.

Other / General
Data migration job for ADO 53310 task

The data migration job removes/deletes orphaned default tour lines (ie. which are not related to any default tour order header).

2020-01Data conversion56524
Dispatching and confirmation
Error when conflict analysis form was opened from GPB screens

Conflict analysis form can now be opened also from GPB screens.

Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of resource vs vehicle usage in Resource Dispatching & Resource selection forms

Usage of resource id (and resource description) and TMS vehicle id (and vehicle descriptions) in the GPBapp forms was not consistent with the previous GPB releases. This was corrected in the following way:

* in Resource Dispatching gantt form, in main grid, system now displays resource id (and resource description)
* in Resource selection form, in resource filter lookup, system now displays resource id (and resource description)
* in Resource selection form, in main grid, system now displays resource id (and resource description)

2020-01New feature56443
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour confirmation was sometimes not possible even though tour was in status "Released"

In Resource dispatching gantt form it was sometimes not possible to launch tour confirmation even though the tour status was "Released". This was corrected, now the tour status is re-read correctly before launching the tour confirmation.

Dispatching and confirmation
Dedicated refresh button (on GSR/GST) sometimes didn't load all tours

Bug was fixed in the dedicated refresh button (on GSR/GST) which was causing that in (very special) constellations the GPB didn't load all tours to the gantt grid.

Dispatching and confirmation
Self-definable resource icons didn't show on several places in GPB

Recently released self-definable resource icons didn't show correctly on several places in GPB. Following places were enhanced/corrected:

* the 'drag' dialog of resource from RS to GSR/GST
* level 2 of GSR/GST with resource allocation details
* visualization on map

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the tour stop depot split functionality, it is now possible also to adjust the tour end address from the depot address

During the tour stop depot split it is now possible to also update the tour end address accordingly. This is done via new checkbox "Adjust tour end" on the tour stop depot split dialog. When checked then the tour stop end address is updated from the depot split address, but only if there are no orders being unloaded on tour end stop.

2020-01New feature55432
Customer order management and pricing
Order collection (when done via batch) in certain constellations didn't respect correctly the order collection rules

Order collection (when done via batch) in certain constellations didn't respect correctly the order collection rules. This was especially happening when several load/unload based order collection rules were to be applied in the same batch run.

Customer order management and pricing
Missing "Add" & "Remove" buttons for surcharge criteria, on surcharge group form

On surcharge group form, due to missing buttons for "Add" & "Remove" the surcharge criteria could be added/removed only via keyboard shortcut. This was corrected - surcharge criteria rules can be added/removed via dedicated buttons.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases the periodic task "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" was crashing with unhandled error

In certain cases the periodic task "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" was crashing with unhandled error and user was informed via infolog "Due to breaking the over package impact scope, process cannot be executed. %1 legs are missing to fulfill the scope!" and not processing the further transport legs.
The periodic task was enhanced to handle these cases in a better way, informing user (with same infolog") but stepping over the problematic cases and processing further transport legs.

Master data
Depreciated fields on TMS vehicle (and vehicle type) table, related to vehicle utilization

5 fields for "Max. % Utilization" were removed from the vehicle (and vehicle type) table, as not longer supported by CAP.TMS.

2020-01New feature55318
Dispatching and confirmation
Some vehicle icons were hard to recognize in the GPB screens

The design of several pre-defined TMS vehicle icons was enhanced, for better readability of the icons in the GPB screens.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance enhancement of Resource selection form, whole form data was reloaded too excessively - followup

A followup of 45581 task, which improves the "intelligence" of the automated refresh of the Resource selection form.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of tour delay/earliness visualization in gantt charts (aka. red & green tour bars)

In GPB gantt screens the delay (and earliness) of tour is shown by red (and green) visualization of gantt chart. Previously the red & green visualization was based rigidly on difference between detailed scheduling and calculated ETA. For certain business types (especially in FTL logistic, on long tours) this is not sufficient as the tour 'planning' is not done based on detailed scheduling but rather based on experience of dispatchers and on other (rather off system) logic. For these business types the system now allows to determine the delay (and earliness) tour visualization based on difference between calculated ETA and transport order dates (aka 'customer wished dates').
Main parameterization is done on transport type, via new field 'Configuration Gantt bar extension' id Dispatching tab. Possible parameterization:

* None - delay/earliness tour visualization is entirely switched off (=no red & green visualization on tour gantts)
* Delayed/early arrival - delay/earliness tour visualization is switched on and is done based on difference between detailed scheduling and calculated ETA (=this is previously existing logic)
* Deviation to customer wish - delay/earliness tour visualization is switched on and is done based on difference between calculated ETA and customer wish (=this is newly added logic).

For 'Deviation to customer wish' logic there is an additional pre-requisite, system uses transport order unload date as 'customer wish' only when unload date of transport order is marked as 'Show in GPB / Warn at change'.

Key characteristics:

* In the 'Deviation to customer wish' logic the Manual ETA is considered as PLANNING information, not CONFIRMATION information, hence is not leading to red/green delays, but to a different visualization of the bar, i.e. blue frame instead of black frame on main tour gantt chart (in level 1).
* The red & green visualization happens only on tour end (=to signify whether truck/tour ends earlier or later than expected). There is no visualization on tour start, as it is expected that dispatchers plan tour start always as 'fitting' and the visualization of delay on tour start is not needed.
* Also the red & green visualization is not calculated for individual tour stops but only for tour end.
* Additionally new filter 'Early/late customer wish' was added to 'filters' dialog on tour gantt, to allow dispatchers for example to filter the tours that are earlier than 60minutes, or delayed more than 45minutes etc.

2020-01New feature54471
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong sequence of tour stops after sequence optimization was launched

Bugfixing of the sequence optimization of tour stops which was sometimes producing a sub-optimal result, especially on tours that were created from default tour templates.

Other / General
Possibility to print pallet/package label from different TMS entities

New SSRS report for pallet/package label printing was added to the system. It is possible to Print labels from following places:

* from main TMS menu (CAPcargo Transport -> Reports -> Transport order -> Print labels)
* from transport order
* from package management
* from Dispatch light - Tours

2020-01New feature54451
"Owner company" and "Check status" filters on the "Checked imported order" form were not performing reliably

Bugfixing of the "Owner company" and "Check status" filters on the "Checked imported order" form in transport order EDI; both filters now work correctly.

Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of resource vs vehicle usage in Resource Dispatching & Resource selection forms

Usage of resource id (and resource description) and TMS vehicle id (and vehicle descriptions) in the GPBapp forms was not consistent with the previous GPB releases. This was corrected in the following way:

* in Resource Dispatching gantt form, in main grid, system now displays resource id (and resource description)
* in Resource selection form, in resource filter lookup, system now displays resource id (and resource description)
* in Resource selection form, in main grid, system now displays resource id (and resource description)

2020-01New feature54426
Dispatching and confirmation
System informs dispatcher once tour has been successfully released by new infolog

A new infolog has been added to the system which informs dispatcher that tour has be successfully released.

Dispatching and confirmation
Tour end was sometimes not correctly visualizated in gantt bar

In both gantt forms the tour end gantt visualization was in certain parameterization not exactly corresponding with tour end "on mouse over" details. This was corrected, now the tour end is visualized correctly in gantt bars.

Shipment Builder
Trade forms could not be opened when new shipment builder config key is switched off

It was not possible to open the trade order forms (=Sales/Purchase/Transfer order) when new Shipment builder configuration keys was switched off; users were facing an error infolog "You are not authorized to access table 'Scheduling information...'". This was corrected, now trade order forms can be opened even when new Shipment builder configuration key is switched off, as the access validation logic was moved from form level to individual form detail sections (='Scheduling information group').

Functionality to upload document attachment to orders (via EDI)

It is now possible to upload attachments to TMS orders via EDI import.

In general two basic cases are supported:
1) upload plain 'notes' to D365. In this case the source file has just a text field that is attached to D365 orders as a 'note' type.
2) upload 'files' to D365. In this case the source file is a zip file, with pre-defined structure of files/folders.

Key characteristics:

* Functionality is using document attachments as target in AX side
* New data entity "TAL Imported attachments" was added to the system
* After the files are imported via data entity into D365 (and before the attachment is added to order document attachments), files are pooled into the staging table (CAPcargo Transport -> Inquiries -> Imported attachments).
* Then the batch processes the staging table and attaches files to exact order (ie. into order document management). The batch is available in main menu: (CAPcargo Transport -> Periodic -> Transport order import -> Process imported attachments)
* Especially for 'file' imports there are certain requirements on file (and folder) structure.
* System is using several criteria for determination of which order should be the target for each attachment, and the specification of which criteria is to be used is done in content of the file. Following criteria are supported:

* Transport order id
* Customer account (table/group/all)
* Customer reference
* External document number

2020-01New feature54359
Dispatching and confirmation
New button "Delete strategic tour routing" was added to both gantt forms

New button "Delete strategic tour routing" was added to both gantt forms (to button group Dispatch), via which dispatchers can now delete all pre-generated tour routing stops (aka. tour waypoints). Button is enabled only for the single tour selection and is disabled either when tour reaches status "Released" or "Confirming", based on main TMS parameter "Modification planning blocked from tour status".

2020-01New feature54341
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour confirmation was sometimes not possible even though tour was in status "Released"

Tour confirmation was sometimes not possible even though tour was in status "Released"

Other / General
Data migration job for 53310 task

The data migration job removes/deletes orphaned default tour lines (ie. which are not related to any default tour order header).

2020-01Data conversion54310
Several tour related transaction data entities are restricted only for export from D365

Following tour related data entities were restricted for data import purposes:

* CIRTRATourLine
* CIRTRATourOrderLine
* CIRTRATourAction
* CLXTALPackageTourOrderLine
* CLXTALPackageTable

Above listed data entities are available only for exporting from D365. Importing into D365 via these data entities is not officially supported by CAPcargo AG and is disabled.

2020-01New feature54303
Other / General
Bug in data migration jobs, when the execution dialog shows wrong caption in some cases

Sometimes when running some CAP.TMS release data migration job, the migration job dialog name and description showed data from the previously executed data migration job. This was corrected - the dialog data is now cleared before new data migration job execution setup is started.

Other / General
Data migration job for removing duplicate migration jobs from other legal entities

Data migration job for 54278 task. Removes duplicate migration jobs from other legal entities.

2020-01Data conversion54283
Other / General
CAP.TMS data migration jobs were sometimes showing in other legal entities as "not run" but in fact the data was already processed/corrected

CAP.TMS release migration jobs update data in all legal entities but the migration job status was managed only in current legal entity. So in other legal entities the migration jobs were still showing status "not run" but in reality the data was already updated. This was corrected - CAP.TMS migration jobs are now shared between legal entities (ie. property SaveDataPerCompany in TALDataMigrationJob table was changed from "Yes" to "No").

To avoid the duplicity of migration jobs from other legal entities, the data conversion job in ADO 54278 must be run.

Other / General
New role "T&L Depot clerk" was added to CAP.TMS module, to better manage the security of the cross-docking overview form

Cross-docking duty was moved from TALWarehouseWorker (T&L Warehouse Worker) role to the new role "T&L Depot clerk", to better manage the security of the cross-docking overview form.

2020-01New feature54275
Master data
Depreciated fields TALConfirmed & TALArrived on CIRTRATourOrderLine table

TALConfirmed & TALArrived fields were removed from CIRTRATourOrderLine table, as they were not effectively used in CAP.TMS module.

2020-01New feature54261
Dispatching and confirmation
Addition of intelligent fulltext search in vehicle lookups in both gantt forms

Vehicle filter lookups in both gantt forms were enhanced to allow intelligent fulltext lookup filtering. Dispatchers can now type for example "pe" (without quotes) into vehicle filter field and lookup will filter only vehicles that contain this string in any column (=either in vehicle id or in vehicle description). I.e. for "pe" string lookup will filter records that have "Peugeot" but also "Opel" in any lookup column.

Additionally the column widths in vehicle/resource filter lookups were enhanced to show also longer vehicle/resource ids and vehicle/resource descriptions.

2020-01New feature54239
Customer invoicing
Filter enhancement on customer invoice pool opening dialog

New filter for transport type was added to the customer invoice pool opening dialog. It will help the user experience and also the performance of the customer invoice pool opening dialog. Also the customer account filter is now disabled when the customer group filter is applied.

2020-01New feature54158
Customer order management and pricing
Several enhancement of the invoicing frequency functionality on transport order and 'part-invoice' order

Following enhancements were done for invoicing frequency functionality (both for manual & automated invoicing methods):

* Invoicing frequency (on transport order and on 'part-invoice' order) is now initialized from Contract/Version/Relation, if defined there.
* Invoicing frequency is now treated as hard criteria for order collection, ie. orders with different invoice frequency are not collected (and invoiced) together in the same order collection.
* New filter for invoicing frequency was added to the customer invoice pool opening dialog and to the Invoice automation setup

2020-01New feature54155
Other / General
Minor GUI label terminology unification for Part-invoice orders (was previously called "Invoice split")

Existing "Part invoice" related labels for menuitems in main TMS menu were adjusted.

"Invoice split - preliminary"
"Invoice split - definitive"

Now is:
"Part-invoice orders - preliminary"
"Part-invoice orders - definitive"

New data entity for CIRTRAAddressQual table (Address Qualifications)

New data entity for CIRTRAAddressQual table (Address Qualifications), to improve the 'mass' management of the TMS Address.

2020-01New feature53330
New data entity for TALAddressEmptiesSetup table (Address empties setup)

New data entity for TALAddressEmptiesSetup table (Address empties setup), toimprove the 'mass' management of the TMS Address.

2020-01New feature53328
New data entity for CIRTRAWaitTime table (Waiting time)

New data entity for CIRTRAWaitTime table (Waiting time), toimprove the 'mass' management of the TMS Address.

2020-01New feature53326
New data entity for CIRTRAAddressWMSLoadWeekDays table (Warehouse shipping days)

New data entity for CIRTRAAddressWMSLoadWeekDays table (Warehouse shipping days), toimprove the 'mass' management of the TMS Address.

2020-01New feature53324
New data entity for CIRTRAHours (Business hours)

New data entity for CIRTRAHours (Business hours), to improve the 'mass' management of the TMS Address.

2020-01New feature53321
Master data
It was not possible to create a Default tour template, system showed only stack trace error

Creation of the Default tour (either manually or via "Duplicate default tour" function) was not possible due to some code error. Bug was corrected - the default tour template can be now created (or copied).

To remove the corrupted default tour templates a migration job from ADO 56524 should be run.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance of TMS address lookup (when inserting new tour stop on level 3 on gantt forms) was enhanced

Previously the performance of TMS address lookup (when inserting new tour stop on level 3 on gantt forms) was depending on amount of TMS address in the system, sometimes even causing a GPBapp crash (in case of tens thousands of TMS addresses). This was corrected, now system loads only TMS address that can be immediately shown in lookup dialog (and loads other TMS addresses only when scrolling in the lookup dialog further).

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport leg day duration was not respecting the "Default values load-/unload date" rule

The "Default values load-/unload date" parameterization was not respected during transport leg generation process. This was corrected - now it is possible again to specify the transport leg duration via "Default values load-/unload date" setup, provided the duration is not defined via other tools (eg. Transit scheduling etc.)

Other / General
Deprecate roles T&L Shipment Builder System Administrator (TALshiShipmentSystemAdministrator) and T&L Warehouse Planner (TALshiWHSPlanner)

Roles for T&L Shipment Builder System Administrator (TALshiShipmentSystemAdministrator) and T&L Warehouse Planner (TALshiWHSPlanner) were depreciated, their content was moved to another roles:

* T&L Shipment Builder System Administrator (TALshiShipmentSystemAdministrator) content was moved to T&L Master Data Management Clerk role
* T&L Warehouse Planner (TALshiWHSPlanner) content was moved to T&L Warehouse Worker role

2020-01New feature53264
Dispatching and confirmation
Code/logic unification of quantity view on cross-docking form (TAL & GPB)

Followup of 26686 enhancement, which unifies the code so that the same code/logic (for summarized view of transport leg quantities) is used both for D365 & GPB.

2020-01New feature53261
New data entity for TALgpbVolumeSummaryUnits table (Set up volume summary units for transport orders / -legs)

New data entity for TALgpbVolumeSummaryUnits table (Set up volume summary units for transport orders / -legs), toimprove the 'mass' management of the GPB parameterization.

2020-01New feature53258
Customer invoicing
Automated periodic function for transport customer invoicing didn't include the transport orders that have different invoice account than customer account

When transport order had different invoice account than customer account then such transport orders were not processed by automated periodic function for transport customer invoicing. This was corrected - now periodic customer invoicing function also include such transport orders.

Data entity for CIRTRAColRouteRoutes (Dispatch sector content) was renamed

Data entity for CIRTRAColRouteRoutes (Dispatch sector content) was renamed:

* previously was "TAL Routes/zones in dispatch sectors"
* newly is "TAL Dispatch Sector Route/Zone assignment"

Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicated packages on transport legs after quantity quantity split of transport legs

When performing a quantity split on transport legs, the package structure was in some cases duplicated. This was corrected - now system asks user which packages should be kept/split-off during quantity split operation and respects user decision.

Master data
Default load/unload address lookup enhancement on customer account form

Lookups for default load/unload address on customer account form were enhanced, to match the address lookups as on transport order form.

Customer order management and pricing
''One time' tariff zones were not respected during contract finding

The 'one time' tariff zones (defined directly on Contract Relation) are again correctly respected as contract finding criteria.

Customer order management and pricing
The package identification structure was not reliable, especially when multiple packages were assigned to individual transport order lines.

The structure of package identification (eg. identification type, code, content etc.) was corrected.

Customer order management and pricing
Deletion of transport order line didn't automatically delete the 'position linked' order line packages

When transport order line was delete, the related 'position linked' order line packages were not treated (=stayed in the system). This is corrected now - the deletion of transport order line also deletes 'position linked' order line packages.

Dispatching and confirmation
Historical tours were displayed always as 'early', once enhancement for showing tour early/delay was activated (ADO 39447)

Recently introduced enhancement of the visualization of tour early/delay (against the 'customer wish') had unexpected impact on already existing (=historical) tours, on which the early/delay visualization showed that the tours were always early. This was corrected, now the early/delay is displayed correctly even on already existing (=historical) tours.

Dispatching and confirmation
Adding the possibility to open & filter GPBapp directly from several TAL forms

On several TAL forms (e.g. transport order form, dialog for 'Dispatch directly to new tour' etc.) it is now possible to open and filter GPBapp directly, either via dedicated button ("Dispatched tour (GPB)" in transport order form/list page) or via checkbox ("Go to tour (GPB)" in 'Dispatch directly to new tour' dialog). If used then Tour Dispatching form is opened and first tour that holds given transport order/leg is pre-filtered.

Necessary prerequisites:

* GPBapp client has to be already launched (it is enough to have just main client window opened)
* User must have an access to GPB, via security parameterization

2020-01New feature53043
Customer order management and pricing
Functionality of manual creation of overpackage structure across different transport orders

To be able to combine several packages into an overpackage it is now possible to create a package (overpackage) and set the parent package reference on the sub packages, in the package management form (when launched from main TMS menu).
This additionally provides the overpackage creation for transportation (not only shipment builder based) transport orders. Hence it is possible, using this feature, to guarantee that several transport orders are planned together into a tour (first leg only counts)

Disclaimer: It is possible to break this functionality if users create quantity splits on transport legs (ie. breaking apart the overpackage structure).

2020-01New feature53034
Customer invoicing
Several customer related filters were added to the "Create and post invoice batch" periodic function

Following customer related filters were added to the "Create and post invoice batch" periodic function, to enable more detailed setup of the automated customer invoicing process:

* Customer validity (Table/Group/All)
* Currency
* Order origin
* Load/Unload address
* Customer reference
* Transport type
* Contract/Version/Relation
* Invoicing frequency

2020-01New feature53028
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of tour delay/earliness visualization in gantt charts (aka. red & green tour bars)

In GPB gantt screens the delay (and earliness) of tour is shown by red (and green) visualization of gantt chart. Previously the red & green visualization was based rigidly on difference between detailed scheduling and calculated ETA. For certain business types (especially in FTL logistic, on long tours) this is not sufficient as the tour 'planning' is not done based on detailed scheduling but rather based on experience of dispatchers and on other (rather off system) logic. For these business types the system now allows to determine the delay (and earliness) tour visualization based on difference between calculated ETA and transport order dates (aka 'customer wished dates').
Main parameterization is done on transport type, via new field 'Configuration Gantt bar extension' id Dispatching tab. Possible parameterization:

* None - delay/earliness tour visualization is entirely switched off (=no red & green visualization on tour gantts)
* Delayed/early arrival - delay/earliness tour visualization is switched on and is done based on difference between detailed scheduling and calculated ETA (=this is previously existing logic)
* Deviation to customer wish - delay/earliness tour visualization is switched on and is done based on difference between calculated ETA and customer wish (=this is newly added logic).

For 'Deviation to customer wish' logic there is an additional pre-requisite, system uses transport order unload date as 'customer wish' only when unload date of transport order is marked as 'Show in GPB / Warn at change'.

Key characteristics:

* In the 'Deviation to customer wish' logic the Manual ETA is considered as PLANNING information, not CONFIRMATION information, hence is not leading to red/green delays, but to a different visualization of the bar, i.e. blue frame instead of black frame on main tour gantt chart (in level 1).
* The red & green visualization happens only on tour end (=to signify whether truck/tour ends earlier or later than expected). There is no visualization on tour start, as it is expected that dispatchers plan tour start always as 'fitting' and the visualization of delay on tour start is not needed.
* Also the red & green visualization is not calculated for individual tour stops but only for tour end.
* Additionally new filter 'Early/late customer wish' was added to 'filters' dialog on tour gantt, to allow dispatchers for example to filter the tours that are earlier than 60minutes, or delayed more than 45minutes etc.

2020-01New feature53022
Customer order management and pricing
Duplicated form control menuitems on "Intermodal traffic" when form was opened from transport order

Duplicated form control menuitems were removed from "Intermodal traffic" form.

Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Legal entity logo was not printed on Intercompany transport invoice

When company logo is specified on legal entity, it is now printed also on Intercompany transport invoice.

Customer order management and pricing
"New" quick button for transport order creation was added to transport order form

To be in line with standard D365 order form controls (eg. sales order etc.) we introduced a "New" quick button for transport order creation to top header control ribbon. Menuitem opens transport order creation form.

2020-01New feature52834
Dispatching and confirmation
Capacity check in tour planning is not consistent for Vehicle type and Default vehicle type of transport type

Capacity check (when legs are to be added to tour) is done based on route's:

* Resource
* Vehicle type
* Default vehicle type of transport type

For latter two the capacity check was not calculated properly. Bug was corrected - now the capacity check during tour planning is calculated in the same way for all the capacity sources.

Status message framework didn't work in D365, no messages were produced/sent

Status message framework didn't work in D365 as it was based on AIF functionality (which was deprecated in D365). The status message framework was redesigned and is now working again. The event based logic is triggered via Business Event, additionally there is a new data entity to support also recurringintegrations.

2020-01New feature52821
Customer invoicing
Transport customer invoice reversal enhancement - mandatory classification via "Reason code"

Transport customer invoice reversals (both order and whole invoice reversal) were enhanced by the functionality of "reason code" classification. When issuing a reversal the user must select a reason code from predefined master data list. Reason code is then stored on invoice reversal (both on header and grid view).
Additionally a new optional parameter "Exclude reversed transport orders from calculation" was introduced to price calculation batches that allows to exclude orders (for which customer invoice reversal was issued) from automated price calculation process, to prevent accidental automated order calculation (and potential automated invoicing).

2020-01New feature52818
Shipment Builder
Enabling 'None' value in 'Splitting base' parameter in 'Trade and Distribution (module overlapping)" parameters

Originally the 'Splitting base' parameter in 'Trade and Distribution (module overlapping)" parameters was a mandatory setup, even though it makes sense only to a certain business cases. New parameter value "None" was introduced (and is the default parameter value), to be activated only when it is really needed.

Dispatching and confirmation
The tour planning (and ETA) values were sometimes not automatically recalculated after whole tour rescheduling (via drag & drop)

In gantt forms rescheduling the whole tour in time forwards/backwards (via drag & drop) sometimes didn't automatically re-calculate all planning (and ETA) times & dates in level 3. This was corrected, now the planning (and ETA) values are re-calculated after whole tour drag & drop.

Dispatching and confirmation
Customer wish delay/early calculation on “on mouse over” details showed reliable figures only when “delay/early calculation was less than one day

Customer wish 'delay/early' calculation on 'on mouse over' details showed reliable figures only when 'delay/early' calculation was less than one day, as for example for delay of 1day 11hours 30min the 'one mouse over' details showed only "11:30". This was corrected, now the 'delay/early' calculation includes also day figures, showing for example "35:30" for delay of 1day 11hours 30min.

Dispatching and confirmation
Dragging a tour end was sometimes causing a stack trace error in Tour dispatching gantt form

In Tour dispatching gantt form when changing the duration of tour (via drag & drop of tour end point), users sometimes could encounter a stack trace error. This was corrected, now the error is prevented and users can finish the process by 'drop' operation.

Dispatching and confirmation
Driver picture feature

It is now possible to upload a driver picture to a Worker, which is then automatically shown in GPB Resource selection form (in resource details bottom section).

2020-01New feature52719
Shipment Builder
New two picking statuses for items enabled on for transportation management (but not for warehouse management)

In case an item is enabled only for transportation management (i.e. warehouse management is not enabled on the storage dimension group of the item), then the picking status was limited to only 1 value: 'Goods registered'.

In order to provide a better handling of the only transportation management enabled items, the picking status calculation logic was enhanced to provide 2 additional statuses, when the picking of the item is not done by advanced warehouse management processes.

New statuses:

* 'Picked'
* 'Packing slip posted'

Disclaimers (regarding to the 2 new picking statuses, if item is only transportation management enabled):

* 'Packing slip posted' picking status supports only order type 'Sales order'
* 'Packing slip posted' picking status calculation analyses the status of the sales order line. Hence in case of partial delivery or splitting of the sales order line related load line (and delivering in 2 tours), the 'Packing slip posted' status is only shown if both load lines are delivered or open quantity is cancelled. It is strongly recommended to have 1:1 relation between the sales order line and the load line.

2020-01New feature52713
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance redesign of Resource selection, to achieve faster responsiveness of the screen - 1st part

First part of performance optimization of Resource selection form (when resources are being loaded to the screen), to achieve a faster responsiveness of the Resource selection form. The loading of the resource data is newly performed in two waves:

* 1st wave - loading data is reduced to minimum (to allow user continue working with the screen as soon as possible). The user session is still blocked until following data is entirely loaded:

* Resource Available/Planned classification (to be able to position resource into horizontal sections)
* Resource driving distance (to be able to sort by distance inside horizontal sections)

* 2nd wave - the rest of data. User session is unblocked at this stage, so users can continue working while the data is being loaded (via parallel background services). Following data is loaded in the 2nd wave:

* Resource driving time
* Resource Fitting/Non-fitting classification
* Resource details - Overview/Qualifications/Capacity/Cost (only when individual resource is selected)
* Resource Past/Future assignments (only when individual individual resource is selected)

As a consequence the resources are not anymore sorted by "Fitting/Non-Fitting" criteria (but only by the distance criteria), as the "Fitting/Non-Fitting" data is not available in the 1st wave. Users are advised to use the "Fitting" & "Non-Fitting" checkbox filters instead.

2020-01New feature52685
Dispatching and confirmation
Due to performance reasons, the blue highlight of tours (with manual ETA) was removed

Due to performance reasons, the recently released enhancement of visualization of existence of the 'manual ETA' on tour gantts (=via blue highlight around tour gantt bars, part of ADO 39447) had to be suppressed. Now the tours with manual ETA are not anymore highlighted by blue line, dispatchers can still locate such tours via early/late (=green/red) visualization.
Additionally small graphical imperfections were also corrected on tour gantt bars.

2020-01New feature52633
Dispatching and confirmation
New framework for generic/customized filters in GPB (D365)

It is now possible to add project specific filters to various GPB screens, by simple form parameterization.
Definition of new generic filters happens in CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> GPB generic filters, where following basic characteristics must be specified:

* GBP screen - on which GPB target screen the filter should appear
* Table name - which table holds the filter field
* Field name - which field should be used as filter criteria
* Label - name of filter. Currently the label is interpreted as 'plain text', it is not possible to use true language specific labels.
* Class name & Method name - only applicable for 'string' based fields. Optionally it is possible to define a class & method from where should GPB populate the lookup values.

The custom filters are then initialized during GPB client opening to following places:

* for Transport orders /-legs screen - the filters are added directly to the filter section above main gantt grid
* for both gantt screens - the filters are added to tab 'Maintain to the "Filter" menuitem group, to the list of all filters (new dedicated filter group on the right edge of filter form)

Following filter field data types are supported:

* Integer (whole number)
* Decimal number
* String (text)
* Enum
* Boolean (Yes/No)

The 'Datetime' filter field data type is not supported.

Supported screens:

Transport orders /-legs form
* Both gantt forms
* Resource selection forms

The map screen is not supported.


* Only single selection is supported in the filter fields
* For manyCAP.TMS tables/fields further code adjustment is still needed, these canbe done on project specific base.

2020-01New feature52629
Dispatching and confirmation
New framework for generic/customized buttons in GPB (D365)

It is now possible to add the project specific buttons to various GPB screens, by simple form parameterization.
Definition of new generic buttons happens in CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> GPB generic buttons, where following characteristics must be specified:

* GBP screen - on which GPB target screen the buttons should appear
* Object type - defines the content of the button/menuitem. E.g. 'tour' related button will not work correctly if set with 'Object type'=tour order line etc.
* Selection type - defines whether button/menuitem supports multi-selection or records or only single record selection.
* Label - button text. Currently the label is interpreted as 'plain text', it is not possible to use true language specific labels.
* Help - button help text. Currently the label is interpreted as 'plain text', it is not possible to use true language specific labels.
* Menu item type - defines the type of menu item (can be Display/Output/Action)
* Menu item name - menu item itself
* Refresh type - which GPB refresh to trigger once button/menuitem is used (can be Undefined/Full refresh/Web service)

Combinations of 'GBP screen' (and 'Object type') are not validated, following combinations are supported:

Gantt screen tour (Tour/Tour stop/Tour order line)
Gantt screen resource (Resource assignment)
Resource screen (Resource)
Legs screen (Transport leg)

The custom filters are then initialized during GPB client opening to following places:

* for Transport orders /-legs screen & both gantt screens - the buttons/menuitems are added to new dedicated 'Generic buttons' tab, on the main button ribbon
* for Resource selection screen - the buttons/menuitems are added between filters and main grid

Supported screens:

Transport orders /-legs screen
* Both gantt screens
* Resource selection screen

The map screen is not supported.


In general the combinations of fields (and entities) in button definition are not (yet) validated, so parameterization requires a certain knowledge of CAP.TMS functionality.
For many CAP.TMS menuitems/processes further code adjustment is still needed, these can be done on project specific base.

2020-01New feature52627
Customer order management and pricing
Code redesign of the emailing component of the order status message framework

Communication component (that is responsible for sending emails) of the order status message framework was redesigned, to re-use existing D365 standard components. It also solves certain issues with document attachment emailing.

Other / General
It was not possible to define the 'default finance dimensions' on T&L order statistic calculation / Cost accounting categories

It is now possible again to define the 'default finance dimensions' on T&L order statistic calculation / Cost accounting categories. The functionality was lost during the AX2012->D365 upgrade.

Customer order management and pricing
It was possible to change some fields on transport order header even when transport order was already invoiced

Fields are locked for user changes on invoiced transport order.

Customer order management and pricing
Bug in package unit change in the package management form

Changing a package unit manually in the package management form (when opened from transport order form) users could sometimes experience a strange behavior, when package unit (that was selected in the lookup) was not effectively used.

Dispatching and confirmation
Small GUI reorganization of GST/GSR header menuitems/groups

To unite the dispatchers experience the following changes were done to main header menuitem ribbon in various GPB screens:

OS screen:

* Section "Controlling" was renamed to "Manage"
* "Show on map" menuitem was moved from "Geo services" section to "Dispatching" section
* "Geo services" group was removed
* Menuitems for "Goods management"/"Package management"/"Connected packages" were moved from "Shipment" group to "Manage" group
* "Dispatching" group was renamed to "Change owner"

GSR & GST screens:

* Section "Controlling" was renamed to "Manage"
* Section "Shipment" was moved one position left (ie. between "Manage" and "Print")
* New menuitems for "Package management" and "Connected packages" were added to "Manage" section

2020-01New feature51466
Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of gantt forms automated refresh when TAL forms are launched & closed

When TAL forms are launched & closed from GPBapp, the GPBapp gantt screens are automatically refreshed. This mechanism was improved in this task, as sometimes not all GPB elements were refreshed entirely.

2020-01New feature51353
Customer order management and pricing
Small redesign of transport offer creation form

Several bugs were fixed in transport offer creation form; the form design was also enhanced for better user usability.

Bug in data entity for TALUnitOfMeasureConversion table, the import sometimes failed with 'File Import not possible' error

Data entity for TALUnitOfMeasureConversion table was corrected.

Data entity for TALServiceLevelAgreement table sometimes failed with error "Field 'Criteria type' cannot be updated"

Data entity for TALServiceLevelAgreement table sometimes failed with error "Field 'Criteria type' cannot be updated". This was corrected by removal of 'Criteria type' mapping; the 'Criteria type' is now determined automatically from 'Criteria ID'.

Dispatching and confirmation
Confirmation of parent package can now confirm also all related sub-packages

Previously the tour confirmation of parent package (and sub-packages) were two independent processes. Newly when dispatchers are confirming the package (that is linked to some parent package) system identifies such case and asks user "Selected package is part of parent package: %1. Would you like to confirm the whole parent package? “Yes” will confirm all packages of this parent package in the tour stop. “No” will confirm only the selected package."
So now it is possible to confirm the unloading only of first sub-package (and the rest of related sub-packages is confirmed automatically too).

2020-01New feature51152
Dispatching and confirmation
Direct tour confirmation could lead to zero confirmed values

Confirming a tour via 'Confirm tour(s) directly' could lead to zero confirmed values and to a quantity change conflict even when the TMS main parameter "Initialise confirmed values from planned values" is set to TRUE.
This was corrected, the confirmation values are now initialized from planned values, if activated in main TMS parameters.

Dispatching and confirmation
Redesign of "Show capacity" dialog on both gantt forms (effecting only D365 installations)

On both gantt forms, it was previously possible to launch a "Show capacity" dialog that showed the resource utilization for each tour stop.
In D365 installation the dialog was previously a D365 dialog (which was not user friendly and was performance lacking), which is newly replaced by GPBapp native dialog.
In AX2012 installation the dialog was already previously a native GPBapp dialog, meaning there is no affect of the task on AX2012 installations.

2020-01New feature50580
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Contact person handling on Intercompany order was not consistent

Several bugs were corrected in the area of the "Contact person" handling on Intercompany order. Sometimes the contact persons were not showing in the fields/lookups, or were showing from from wrong legal entity etc.

Dispatching and confirmation
Package management handling in dispatching process was not consistent

Several bugs were corrected in the area of the "Package management" dispatching. Packages were not correctly handled during quantity split on the transport leg, packages were not correctly assigned to split off transport legs etc. Also the package management view from transport leg was enhanced to show packages that are related to transport leg only.

Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of rendering performance of both gantt forms

Via code optimization the rendering performance of gantt bars was improved in both gantt forms. Impact should be noticeable especially when high amount of tours is being loaded to the gantt forms.

2020-01New feature47479
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance enhancement of Resource selection form, whole form data was reloaded too excesivelly

Performance enhancement of Resource selection form. Previously the whole Resource selection form data was reloaded after every D365/AX2012 browser form/dialog closing. This was enhanced, now the Resource selection form data is reloaded after D365/AX2012 browser form/dialog closing only when it makes sense (e.g. after Strategic tour routing was performed, after new tour was created etc.)

Dispatching and confirmation
Adding a possiblity to specify an individual icons for TMS vehicles

It is now possible to assign a pre-defined icon to every TMS vehicle, which is then visualized in GPBapp to help dispatchers getting a graphical overview which resources they are working with. It is possible to select from a pre-defined list of 33 icons that are provided by the CAP.TMS module. The vehicle icons are then automatically visualized in the Resource selection form (in resource main grid overview) and in both gantt forms (on resource assignment on level 2).

If a specific icon is not selected for some TMS vehicle then default hardcoded icon for vehicle type is used as a fall-back (=previously existing functionality).

Additionally it is possible to see all icons in new dedicated simple overview form:
CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Resources -> Icons

2020-01New feature44829
Dispatching and confirmation
Ability to specify a vehicle picture and visualize it in Resource selection form

It is now possible to define (=upload) a vehicle (=truck/trailer) picture to TMS vehicle master data, which is then also shown on Resource selection form in GPBapp.

2020-01New feature44765
Customer order management and pricing
Delete of Part-invoice orders was not possible when Part-invoice order form was opened directly from main TMS menu

Now it is possible to delete Part-invoice orders even when form opened directly from main TMS menu.

Customer order management and pricing
Re-calculation of transport order by 'zero' price was not possible

Followup of 44385 enhancement. In 44385 there was introduced a functionality to calculate transport orders with 'zero' price. This tasks handles the cases when 'zero' price is achieved only by order re-calculation (eg. due to price agreement change).

Customer invoicing
TMS invoice posting process could sometimes cause a database deadlock

TMS invoice posting process could sometimes cause a database deadlock, especially when invoicing was done via several periodic batch tasks (and some collective order was involved). The bug was corrected and also infologs were enhanced, to better inform about the result (and encountered errors).

Customer order management and pricing
When index based surcharge was used in tariff surcharge groups then the resulting surcharge calculation didn't respect the 'index base' logic

Index based surcharge is now correctly calculated even when used in the tariff surcharge groups.

Dispatching and confirmation
Worker's default Depot filter was not automatically applied in the Tour dispatching gantt form

When some default Depot filter was specified on the Worker, it was not respected/used when the Tour dispatching gantt form was opened. This was was corrected, now Worker's default Depot filter is initialized and applied during the Tour dispatching gantt form opening.

Dispatching and confirmation
Validation of menuitem for Tour confirmation was enhanced

It is now possible to open the tour confirmation form when the tour has any other status than "Dispatching". When user tries to open tour confirmation on tour that is still in status "Dispatching" the infolog "Tour confirmation form can only be opened if tour status is higher than "Dispatching"." is populated.

2020-01New feature44000
Customer order management and pricing
Searching for package directly from TMS main menu sometimes failed with stack trace error

Searching for the package directly from TMS main menu sometimes failed with a stack trace error. This was corrected and the search for packaged from main TMS menu works correctly.

Dispatching and confirmation
Several map control labels were distorted in German language version of GPB map screen

The map control labels (ie. tour airline view, Show resource legs) are now showing correctly in GPB map screen, even in German language version.

Dispatching and confirmation
Some labels in GPB were displayed in English language only, even though the GPB was launched in different language

Some labels in GPB were displayed in English language only, even though the GPB was launched in different language
This was corrected, the GPB labels should be displayed correctly in selected language.

Dispatching and confirmation
In German language version the label for "Transport orders /-legs" was distorted in GPB start screen

The label for "Transport orders /-legs" now shows correctly in GPB start screen, even in German language version.

Shipment Builder
Packing slip posting (from tour) can now include also the 'not stocked' products

Previously the packing slip posting (from tour) only worked, when the Quantity parameter (on the dialog) was Picked. However, in such case the 'not stocked' products (which are obviously not in a warehouse work) were never posted.
Therefore, we had to support the 'Picked quantity and not stocked products' option as well. When this value is selected on the Packing slip posting dialog, then beside the items (which are in TMS packages) the system posts the packing slip for all the service items, which are in the packages of related sales order.

2020-01New feature42011
Customer order management and pricing
Form 'Package identification code' sometimes doesn't show any details despite the packages (with barcode) were existing for transport order

Packages with registered identification code (eg. barcode) were sometimes not showing on the dedicated Package identification code form.

Dispatching and confirmation
The batch for transport leg generation didn't validate the existence of transport order line

Now the batch for transport leg generation has the same validation as manual process of transport order pre-dispatching (ie. the batch will not process transport orders with no transport order line).

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvements of map process "Show tour on map"

Several performance related improvements were done in the map component, in process "Show tour on map". This affects the processes that were launched from GPB forms (eg. "Show tour on map") as well as processes that were launched from map form (eg. Pull tracks / Clear tracks).

2020-01New feature34362
Customer order management and pricing
"Order confirmation" and in "Undo confirmation" on transport order could sometimes reset invoice status on already invoiced transport orders

In certain (quite special) constellations the "Order confirmation" and "Undo confirmation" (on Transport order header) could reset back the order invoice status from “Invoiced” either to "Invoiceable" or even to "Registered". This was happening only when main TMS parameter for "Invoice status logic" was set to "Advanced" and some special "Status term invoice" rule was applied. Bug was corrected - both processes don't anymore change the order invoice status when transport order is invoiced.

Customer invoicing
Transport orders (with Part-invoice order) were sometimes still appearing in transport order invoice pool

Transport orders (that have some some Part-invoice order attached) were sometimes still appearing in the transport order invoice pool. This was corrected, now transport orders (that have some some Part-invoice order attached) will not get flag Calculated set TRUE, hence they will not appear in transport order invoice pool.

Customer order management and pricing
Automatic creation of Part-invoice orders

Previously the Part-invoice orders could be created only by manual pressing of buttons on Transport order form.
This task introduces an automated Part-invoice order creation; it is possible to create Part-invoice orders automatically (=without user interaction) in following processes:
1) During transport order creation from EDI imports
2) As a result of transport order price calculation batches
3) As a result of transport order manual price calculation

Ad 1)
This is achieved by new checkbox parameter "Do not create Part-invoice orders" on transport order import process. The parameter is by default set FALSE, that means that by default part-invoice orders are created automatically. Users can still deactivate it by setting "Do not create Part-invoice orders" parameter to TRUE.

Ad 2)
This is achieved by new checkbox parameter "Do not create Part-invoice orders" on transport order price calculation batches. The parameter is by default set FALSE, that means that by default part-invoice orders are created automatically. Users can still deactivate it by setting "Do not create Part-invoice orders" parameter to TRUE.

Ad 3)
This is achieved by enhancement of transport order manual price calculation button/process.

2020-01New feature25935
Customer order management and pricing
Update conflict in Part-invoice order collection, when preliminary collection already exists

Sometimes it was not possible to generate a Part-invoice order collection, when a preliminary collection already existed in the system.

Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Manually changed invoice reference was not respested during vendor invoice journal posting

When the pre-generated invoice reference was manually changed in vendor invoice journal, it was not respected during vendor invoice journal posting.

Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Depreciated filter criteria "Tour Id" was removed from the Invoice automation setup vendor rules

Field "Tour Id" was removed from the Invoice automation setup rules as it makes no sense to setup a periodic invoicing task for self-billing against individual tour id.

2020-01New feature25794
Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Vendor 'Payment' hold code blocked the vendor invoicing

When a vendor was set to hold code 'Payment', than no invoice could be posted against the vendor. This was corrected, vendor invoicing is blocked only when the vendor hold code is 'All' or 'Invoice'.

Other / General
Parameter "Automatic package creation" was showing in the transport type form even thought the "Package management" license configuration was deactivated

Transport type parameter "Automatic package creation" is now properly linked to "Package management" license configuration.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the qualification framework

Previously existing framework for qualifications was redesigned & enhanced.


* TMS Address can newly act also as qualification provider. So it is now possible to setup a qualification that the transport order should be loaded/unloaded only at addresses that provide the qualification.
* TMS Vehicle can newly act also as qualification requester. So it is now possible to setup a qualification that the vehicle should be driven only by drivers that provide the qualification.
* Qualifications were removed from AX Resource entity. For vehicles the qualification directly on TMS Vehicle should be used, for drivers the qualification directly on D365 Worker should be used.
* It is newly possible to define on qualification itself against whom is the qualification aimed

* static conditions - qualification can be requested against Motor vehicle / Trailer / Driver / Transport orders. Set up of multiple target requested conditions is possible.
* dynamic conditions - allows to custom code a specific qualification conditioning (ie. exact D365 code class). The framework doesn't provide any predefined classes out of the box, these would have to be custom coded for specific project needs.

* Several new conflict were added to conflict management, to cover the extended qualification structure.
* Qualification overview form (launched from transport order form, from transport address, from vehicle, from tour etc.) were reworked, to cover the extended qualification structure.

Please note:

* To handle the previous qualification structure a migration job 25693 must be run.
* GPB is not fully updated for new qualification framework, please see Known issue 56684.

2020-01New feature25713
Other / General
Data migration job for 25713 task

The data conversion job transforms the data from previously existing qualifications into the new structure of qualification framework.

2020-01Data conversion25693
Dispatching and confirmation
Several fixes in Default tour area (related to driving time & distance calculation)

Several issues were corrected in Default tour area (related to driving time & distance calculation).
1) The driving time & distance calculation (when launched on Default tour template) was sometimes not correctly saved to Default tour template
2) It is possible to launch driving time & distance calculation on the tour (that we generated out of Default tour).

Dispatching and confirmation
Sometimes it was not possible to insert a depot split on transport legs that already had some packages registered

Sometimes it was not possible to insert a depot split on transport legs for which some packages were registered. This was happening especially when transport order was already depot split via some cross-docking rule.

Customer order management and pricing
''Open for' fields on transport order header didn't respect the entire address opening hours definition

On transport order header, in section 'date', the system shows in 'open for' fields how long is load/unload address opened for requested load/unload time slots. Previously the "open for" fields took into account only the first set of address opening hours (=morning slot). Now the "open for" fields uses also the second set of address opening hours (=afternoon slot).

Dispatching and confirmation
New map functionality of resource stacking/grouping

To improve the map performance (and to enhance user experience) a resource "stacking/grouping" was introduced to the map component.

Previously in case of several resources being located at exactly the same address, the system listed on map all the resources as individual icons in a box which could take a lot of space since many resources could be at one place.
Newly instead of individual icons (for resources being at the same place) system shows only one summary icon (ie. "pin") with resource count, the individual resource details (and icons) are available only in detailed window after mouse click.

2020-01New feature1724
Dispatching and confirmation
New functionality of map clustering

To improve the map performance (and to enhance user experience) a "clustering" was introduced to the map component.

In the background the map is separated into different clusters (aka. tiles) and the resource/order/tour icons inside the same cluster are not displayed individually/separately but are grouped together into summary icon (with element count).
Zooming closer into the map then reveals individual/separate icons, as the icons are not anymore located inside the same cluster.

2020-01New feature1534
Dispatching and confirmation
No result infolog was populated to users when "Distance and time calculation" was launched in GSR

When the "Distance and time calculation" was launched from GST then the driving time & distance was calculated and users were informed by infolog about calculation results. But when the same functionality was launched from GSR then the driving time & distance was calculated but users were not informed by infolog. This was corrected - now the users are informed via infolog regardless whether the process was launched in GST or in GSR.

Dispatching and confirmation
Informing user if login to GPB fails

If login to GPB application fails user is now informed via infolog.

2020-02New feature58613
Dispatching and confirmation
Closing of the shipment building process was sometimes not possible on GSR

When the "Close shipment building" functionality was launched on the Resource dispatching screen, it sometimes did not succeed and users were getting an error infolog "The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server error." The issue was corrected - the "Close shipment building" functionality works also when launched from Resource dispatching screen.

Dispatching and confirmation
Several functionality was failing in GSR when GSR was opened from GST (via 'View details in Resource dispatching')

When the GSR was opened from the GST (via 'View details in Resource dispatching') then some functionality in the GSR was failing (eg. D365 forms were not opening, processes were failing etc.). This was corrected - now the tour is properly focused in the GSR, once opened from GST (via 'View details in Resource dispatching').

Dispatching and confirmation
Newly introduced functionality of opening GST (and focusing of tour) from D365 forms is not 100% reliable

Newly introduced functionality of opening GST (via "GPB - Tour Dispatching" or "Go to tour (GPB)" options within D365 forms) is not 100% reliable, sometimes the GST is not opened, Functionality works the best when GST screen is already launched.
Also the "Show in GPB" options within D365 are visible even when user does not have a GPB security role.

2020-02Known issue58537
Dispatching and confirmation
In several forms the transport unit id was concatenated, showing only first 10 characters of transport unit id (despite the transport unit id can have 20 characters)

Previously on several forms only the first 10 characters of transport unit id were shown. Eg. in tour confirmation, in conflict manager etc. This was corrected - now the full transport unit id is shown on these forms (ie. maximum of 20 characters).

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the capacity route/tour planning process, to create new tour when capacity limit of previous tour (of same route) was reached

When route capacity was exceeded on the existing tour (and load/unload address was not yet being served on this tour), then previously "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" planning process did not automatically create a new tour and transport legs were left unplanned (and user was informed by infolog). This was enhanced and now the "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" planning process automatically creates a new tour (and allocated transport legs) when the capacity is exceeded on the existing tour (and load/unload address is not yet being served on this tour).

2020-02New feature57629
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB screens were not opening in certain constellations

In certain constellation the opening of GPB screens was not possible. This was happening especially when a the custom generic filters/menuitems labels were contain some non-standard characters.
The error handling of the GPB screens was enhanced, to inform user about encountered issues.

Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of the "View details tour" context option in GST & GSR

Following points were correct for "View details tour" context option (ie. 'right mouse click' on tour):
* the label shows proper translation in different language mutations
* the label is properly aligned with other labels

Dispatching and confirmation
The loading date (and time) of successor transport legs was initialized from the transport order header load date (and time)

When the transport legs were automatically split (via 'Cross docking rule') then the loading date & time on successor transport legs were populated from transport order header load date & time. This was corrected - the loading date & time of transport leg is initialized from transport order header load date & time only on the first transport leg.

Customer order management and pricing
Load & unload address names were not printed on the pallet label

Pallet label SSRS report (eg. printout) was enhanced to include also the load & unload address names.

Dispatching and confirmation
Log GPBapp errors in standard windows even viewer

Introducing a functionality to log GPBapp activities in standard windows event viewer, to be able to track (and investigate) GPBapp behavior (and client crashes).

2020-02New feature56687
Dispatching and confirmation
"Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" functionality (when used with parameter "Find and update existing tours"=FALSE) was in certain cases not planning all transport legs into tours

Previously when the "Find and update existing tours" parameter was switched off (in the "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" dialog) then the resulting tour structure was not correct in certain constellation. Especially when there were more transport legs (belonging to various routes) being planned. This was corrected, now (in such constellation) the system correctly produces one tour per each route.

Dispatching and confirmation
Driver's picture was displayed in GPB Resource selection screen only for users with "Purchasing agent" and "Sales clerk" security roles

Driver's picture was displayed in GPB Resource selection screen only for users with "Purchasing agent" and "Sales clerk" security roles. This was corrected - now the functionality of driver's picture require only GPB security role.

2020-02New feature56619
Dispatching and confirmation
Incorrect calculation of the 'Cost distance' in the Resource selection screen

The 'Cost distance' calculation was corrected in the Resource selection screen.

Customer order management and pricing
Possibility to send a track & trace status messages per package

Previously the track and trace status message framework operated on the transport order, transport leg and tour order line level. This feature was improved with an additional, deeper level: packages. Hence a separate track and trace status message can generated for each package.

Prerequisite parameterization:

* Parameter "Message per package" has to be activated on the status message setup (CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Track and Trace -> Status message setup

Also the status message template (and the status message criteria) forms were enhanced to be able to send status messages only for certain package transactions/identifications etc.

2020-02New feature56572
Dispatching and confirmation
Several labels in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen were displayed correctly only in the 'en-us' language

Several labels were corrected in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, to display proper text even in other language mutations.

Dispatching and confirmation
Possibility to print a pallet label also from the GPB screens

Previously it was possible to print a pallet label only from D365 forms. This task introduces the option to print a pallet label also from GPB.
Now it is possible to set up a 'generic/custom' button for the pallet label printout on following GPB screens:
* 'Transport orders /legs' screen
* 'Resource dispatching' screen
* 'Tour dispatching' screen

2020-02New feature56536
Dispatching and confirmation
In some constellations the manually specified ETA figures on tour stops were not respected during tour confirmation

In some constellations the manually specified ETA figures on the tour stops were not respected during the tour confirmation process. This could lead to incorrect tour duration visualization after/during the tour confirmation (eg. tour 'shrinking'). The issue was corrected - now the manual ETA is respected in the tour confirmation process.
Also the 'Tour activity' update mechanism was enhanced, to respected the manual ETA figures during tour confirmation process.

Dispatching and confirmation
Name of driver was concatenated in the GPB Resource selection form

Previously only the first 20 characters of the driver's name were shown in the Resource selection screen. This was corrected - now the whole driver's name is displayed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Adding the possibility to open & filter GPBapp directly from several TAL forms

On several TAL forms it is now possible to open and filter GPBapp directly, either via dedicated button ("Dispatched tour (GPB)" in transport order form/list page, in tour) or via checkbox ("Go to tour (GPB)" in 'Dispatch directly to new tour', 'Direct dispatch (route)', 'Dispatch directly' dialogs). If used then Tour Dispatching form is opened and first tour that holds given transport order/leg is pre-filtered.

Necessary prerequisites:

* GPBapp client has to be already launched (it is enough to have just main client window opened)
* Exactly just one GPBapp client has to launched
* User must have an access to GPB, via security parameterization

The functionality is in a 'pilot' mode, has certain limitation (please check Known issue 58537).

2020-02New feature55618
Dispatching and confirmation
GPBapp was crashing when custom security role was restricting the GPB access to certain functionality/process

It was not possible to restrict an access to certain processes in GPB (ie. via custom roles/privileges/etc.) as the GPBapp was crashing in result. The security role/privilege handling in GPBapp was enhanced (ie. it is not crashing anymore) but only informs the user that the certain process/menuitem cannot be used due to the security restriction.

2020-02New feature55473
Dispatching and confirmation
Error infolog "Buffer 'Tour ...' changed by another user!" when working with tour in GST

Users were sometimes encountering the "Buffer 'Tour ...' changed by another user!" error infolog when working with the tour in "Tour Dispatching" screen. This often happened when the tour was either directly searched by tour id, or when the tour was focused by "Open in GPB" D365 menuitems, or when the tour was focused by switching from GSR (via "View details in Tour Dispatching").

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain specific constellation the 'delay/early arrival' tour visualization was not accurate in GSR

When transport type was set to "Configuration Gantt bar extension=Delayed/early arrival" and "Switch off detailed scheduling=TRUE" then the delay/arrival visualization in GSR tour gantt was sometimes inaccurate. This was especially happening when several resources were assigned to the tour but not all of resources were assigned for the whole duration of the tour.

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of "Failed delivery" is introduced to tour confirmation

It may happen that transport orders can not be delivered (e.g. receiver is not present). In these cases, the transport order can be sent back to a predefined location (or to original delivery hub) and a new transport leg is created to be planned by the dispatcher for another delivery attempt. Also, for each failed delivery attempt, the value of a counter – in the transport order header – is increased by one, which can be the base of surcharge calculation.
Additionally the order track & trace (and order status message) functionalities were enhanced, to inform properly about the failed delivery.

The feature is launched by menuitem "Delivery of tour order line failed" in the Functions of tour confirmation form and can be launched only for the last delivery leg.

2020-02New feature54449
Dispatching and confirmation
When extending the tour duration (eg. via 'drag and drop' of tour end) the process was sometimes ending with warning infolog

When extending the tour duration (eg. via 'drag and drop' of tour end) the process was sometimes ending with "Function has been incorrectly called." warning infolog. The code was corrected - the warning infolog is not populated anymore.

Customer order management and pricing
Possibility to cancel a transport order

Previously the CAPcargo transport order could not be cancelled. There existed certain workarounds (eg. defining an own transport type for it and assign transport orders to be cancelled to the respective transport type). But these workarounds were not good enough for most of customer businesses and therefore we introduced a new way of cancelling transport orders.
The idea is that a cancel status (with a reason) can be added to the transport order, to mark a order as cancelled. It also has a certain impact on existing delivery planning - the transport legs (and tours) that are not yet "confirmed" are removed, order is returned back either to original delivery hub or to custom location.

The functionality is launched via "Cancel" menuitem in the transport order form.
The process can be also undone, via "Undo cancellation" menuitem in the transport order form.

Solution limitation:
* Quantity split – A transport order that is split in quantity cannot be cancelled anymore. In this case, the user can e.g. manually change the unloading address of the transport leg.
* Cancellation will not be allowed in case there exists a sub-contracting or intercompany involved for the transport legs that have to be cancelled.
* In case the cancel status will be removed from the transport order (ie. via "Undo cancellation"), there is no automatic update on the related transport legs, so the legs should be handled/reviewed individually and manually

2020-02New feature54390
Dispatching and confirmation
GST screen was crashing when cross-reloading the tour GST->GSR->GST

When switching from GST into GSR (via 'View details in Resource dispatching') and then switching back to GST (via 'View details in Tour dispatching') the GST screen crashed. This was corrected, the GST screen crashing should not occur when changing the tour view between GST & GSR.

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong alignment of menuitem 'View details tour' on the right mouse click context menu in GST & GSR gantt screens

The alignment of 'View details tour' on right mouse click context menu in GST & GSR gantt screens was corrected. The menuitem also now shows the correct translation in other language mutations.

Customer order management and pricing
Several GUI enhancement of the 'Pre-order' functionality

Following enhancements were done for 'pre-order' functionality:
* New dedicated button 'Pre-order' was added to the transport order form, to directly create a pre-order.
* The "Order from pre-order" dialog was redesigned, for better user readability. Eg. the excessive menuitem groups were transformed into tabpages etc.
* The "Cancel" button on "Order from pre-order" dialog was renamed to "Close".

2020-02New feature51775
Dispatching and confirmation
Number of decimal places in planning unit visualization in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen is now respecting the decimal precision parameter on D365 Unit.

Previously the amount of the decimal places that were shown in the planning unit visualization in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was not defined, which could lead to an excessive amount of decimal places on the screen (ie. all decimal places were shown). This was corrected - now the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen respects the 'Decimal precision' (ie. a parameter on D365 Unit of measure). Only "non null" decimal places are shown.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain constellation it was not possible to a plan transport leg into GSR tour via drag and drop

When GSR was opened from GST (via "View details in Resource Dispatching") than adding a transport leg into GSR tour (via drag and drop) sometimes ended with the error infolog "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.". The issue was fixed and error infolog is not appearing anymore.

Dispatching and confirmation
The resources selected in GSR in level 1 should not appear again in level 2 of tour details

The resources selected in GSR in level 1 should not appear again in level 2 of tour details. As the level 2 in GSR should show only an additional resources (ie. excluding the one focused in level 1). This was already temporarily fixed in the past releases, this task introduces a proper fix (ie. with better performance).

Dispatching and confirmation
Button "Edit" was removed from "Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)" form (when called from GST/GSR) as obsolete

Button "Edit" was removed from "Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)" form (when called from GST/GSR) as obsolete, as the form already starts in "edit" mode by default and further attempts to press button had some negative side effects.

Customer order management and pricing
GUI redesign of "Direct dispatch (route)" & "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" dialogs

The dialog for "Direct dispatch (route)" (on the transport order) and "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" dialog (on the transport legs) were redesigned, for better user readability.

Also the "Direct dispatch (route)" dialog now shows only the relevant routes (ie. the routes that belong to the transport legs of the selected transport order(s)). Previously all routes were shown in the dialog (ie. even the routes that could not be used for selected transport order(s)).

2020-02New feature43145
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the 'Pick-up', 'Shuttle', 'Distribution' & 'Direct' filters in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs" screen

The filtering performance of the 'Pick-up', 'Shuttle', 'Distribution' & 'Direct' filters in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs" screen was improved. Now all four checkboxes filters the transport leg grid without the need of the new database query, hence their performance is greatly improved.

2020-02New feature41146
Dispatching and confirmation
New functionality of "resource swap" is introduced to tour planning

A new functionality of "resource swap" was introduced to tour planning. The idea is that motor vehicle & driver resources are exchanged between two tours, on selected address, on selected time. Together with resource swap a new tour stops are inserted to both tours (ie. swap location), and new "dock"/"undock" activities are inserted to tour stop (with swap location). Also the tour scheduling is adjusted (to respect the swap time), by inserting a "waiting" activity when necessary.
This allows the dispatchers to operationally optimize the tour planning, by detaching the trailer (with goods) from original truck (that did the goods pick up) to new truck (that will do the goods delivery).

Functionality works in following way:
* Dispatchers should multi-select two tours that should participate in "resource swap"
* Press button "Resource swap" in "Dispatch light - Tours" form
* In "resource swap" dialog select on which position the resource swap should happen (ie. by putting focus on desired tour stop in each tour). The system inserts swap location before the selected tour stop position.
* Define the swap location & swap time in the below grid of "resource swap" dialog
* Confirm the resource swap by "Swap resources" button in the Functions ribbon

Current limitations of the resource swap functionality:
* System does not validate the resource swap time, so users can define any swap time (eg. even in the past). That means that users be careful (and also properly trained) to use some meaningful swap time
* There is no "undo" option of the resource swap. In case the resource swap should be removed, it has to be done manually (ie. remove resources from tours, extend the motor vehicle & driver resource assignments, remove the swap locations).
* Both tours participating in resource swap are not anyhow internally linked together, meaning it is possible to see which tour was swapped with which tour only from the resource allocation level (eg. two consecutive sets of truck&driver were participating on delivery of one trailer).
* The resource swap functionality can be used only in the "Dispatch light - Tours" form, it is not yet accessible in the GPB. But with certain parameterization (and small limitation) it can be already now activated in GPB via "custom/generic" buttons.

2020-02New feature26022
Package unit field discrepancy between 'Checked imported order' form and transport order form

Previously, in the package management of the 'Checked imported order' form, the package unit was just a freetext string field, without any validation. This could lead into issues later in the process - as it didn't correspond to the field handling on the transport order. This was corrected - the package unit in the package management of the 'Checked imported order' form is now a lookup field and is validated against package unit master table.

Dispatching and confirmation
Gantt grid sometimes didn't match the gantt header date & time

In certain constellation the date and time in the header of the gantt did not correspond to the gantt grid, the gantt grid seemed "shifted". This was especially noticeable when the users moved back/forward in time in the gantt. The gantt grid alignment was corrected.

Customer order management and pricing
Removing excessive "Cancel statuses transport order" index elements

Previously the "Cancel statuses transport order" had three field in the main table index:
* Cancel status
* Transportation process
* Invoice

Later two fields were removed from the index, as they made no sense. So the "Cancel statuses transport order" has now only the "Cancel status" field in the index.

if users already created more than one Cancel statuses with same id, the duplicates must be removed before this TAL version can be installed.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB addition for the new feature of fuel management

Provides the visualization of fuel locations/products/prices in the map component.
Fuel locations must be activated in the map component screen, by activating the "Gas station" in the "Get address types" lookup, in "Addresses" control.

2020-03New feature63022
Dispatching and confirmation
''Generate/update tour out of route/zone' planning process worked only when "Show all routes" was not used

Previously the 'Show all routes' option on the 'Generate/update tour out of route/zone' dialog made the planning process entirely failing (ie. transport legs were not planned into existing our, new tours were not created etc.). This was corrected - now the 'Generate/update tour out of route/zone' functionality works correctly even when user switches the 'Show all routes' option in the planning dialog.

Customer order management and pricing
No track & trace status messages were generated by the system in certain cases

When 'Message per package' parameter was not activated on the track & trace status message setup (but there were already some criteria specified), then no track & trace status messages were created by the system. This was corrected - track & trace messages are now created even when some criteria is specified but "Message per package" parameter is set FALSE, as such criteria are then ignored.

Customer order management and pricing
''Default values load-/unload date' parameterization was not respected during rough scheduling (after load/unload address change)

When users were changing load (or unload) address either in transport order form or on transport leg forms, the 'Default values load-/unload date' parameterization was not respected when users opt for rough scheduling re-calculation (ie. "Run rough scheduling (transport legs) = TRUE") in the address change dialog.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of several filters on Tour & Resource dispatching forms

In Tour & Resource dispatching forms the performance of following filters was improved by removing the duplicate executions:
* Transport type
* Vehicle group
* Dispatch sector

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport leg could not be planned into tour via "drag & drop" from map

In some cases the planning of the transport leg into the tour (from the map via drag & drop) was sometimes not working correctly. The issue was corrected, now the transport leg planning (via drag & drop) is possible again.

Dispatching and confirmation
Adding a conflict analyzer menuitem to the 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form

Previously it was possible to launch the conflict analyzer from transport leg level only in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen. This was enhanced - now the menuitem is available also in D365 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form.

2020-03New feature58886
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of transport order update via EDI - GPB additions

GPB part of the 54403 enhancement.

Two new menuitems were added to the GST & GSR:
* Confirm address change - when pressed it accepts all 'address change' based conflicts on the selected tour
* Confirm date/time change - when pressed it accepts all 'day/time change' based conflicts on the selected tour

Additionally the visualization of the tour stops was enhanced (ie. on level 3), to show via "red triangle" icons whether the tour stop has any 'address change' or 'day/time change' based conflict. The "red triangle" icons occur either next to address name (for 'address change' based conflicts) or in front of the detail scheduling dates (for 'day/time change' based conflicts). Additional details are available on the 'on mouse over/hoover on" infobox.

2020-03New feature58730
Customer order management and pricing
Filtering via load (or unload) date in the transport order overview sometimes showed also transport orders which were not fitting the defined date filter range

A bug was fixed in the date filtering in the transport order overview which was causing that even some "not fitting" transport orders were sometimes included in the filter result.

Dispatching and confirmation
In some constellations the manually specified ETA figure on tour end stop was not respected after the undo of the tour confirmation

In some constellations the manually specified ETA figure on the tour stops was not respected during the undo of the tour confirmation process. This could lead to incorrect tour duration visualization (eg. tour 'shrinking'). The issue was corrected - now the manual ETA is respected in the undo of the tour confirmation process even when defined on the last tour end stop.

Dispatching and confirmation
Rough scheduling functionality was not working correctly for "Backward scheduling" transport orders

Previously the rough scheduling functionality was not working correctly for transport orders with "Strategy rough scheduling = Backward scheduling". This was corrected - now the transport leg dates are correctly calculated even for "Backward scheduling" transport orders.

Customer order management and pricing
Customer account could not be changed on transport order when order was already delivered

Previously it was sometimes not possible to change a customer account on the transport order that was already delivered. This was corrected - now the customer can be changed even on the delivered transport orders.

Master data
It is now possible to directly geo-code an address even though the previous geo-coding had failed

Previously it was not possible to directly geo-code an address that had already "Geo-coding failed=TRUE". Users had to manually set the "Geo-coding failed=FALSE" and only then it was possible to geo-code the address. This was enhanced, now the geo-coding is possible even on addresses that were already marked as "Geo-coding failed=TRUE".

2020-03New feature58625
''Load date fixed' and 'Unload date fixed' address flags were added to transport order import framework

Previously the 'Load date fixed' and 'Unload date fixed' address flags were existing only on the transport order form but were not included in the transport order import framework. This was enhanced - both flags were added to the 'Imported transport orders', 'Checked imported orders' and also to relevant transport order data entities.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enabling resource swap feature also in "Tour Dispatching" screen in GPB

A follower of 26022 ("New functionality of "resource swap" is introduced to tour planning") feature, new menuitem for Resource swap was added to the GST screen, so it is now possible to launch the resource swap also from the GPB.

2020-03New feature57631
Customer order management and pricing
Rough scheduling could not be automatically updated when 'Change address' or 'Change date/time' functionality was used on transport order form

In 'Change address' or 'Change date/time' dialogs in transport order forms users can opt for automated "Run rough scheduling" recalculation but no rough scheduling was actually performed. This was corrected - the rough scheduling is recalculated when user selects "Run rough scheduling=TRUE" in the dialogs of 'Change address' or 'Change date/time' menuitems on transport order form.

Dispatching and confirmation
New framework for adding project specific custom fields to 'Transport orders /-leg' screen

New technical framework was added to the D365/TMS which allows the adding of project specific custom fields to GPB OS screen without GPB development. The framework is purely technical, there is no form parameterization, setup etc. Via this framework the developers can add custom fields purely via D365 X++ coding.
For further instructions please contact CAPcargo AG.

2020-03New feature57588
GUI redesign of the 'Checked imported order' form

''Checked imported order' form was redesigned, to match the GUI of the of 'Imported transport orders' form.

2020-03New feature56644
Customer order management and pricing
Several description fields on transport order creation dialog form were not displayed correctly

On transport order creation dialog some description fields didn't automatically display the value when parent record was selected (eg. selecting a customer account didn't display the customer name etc.).

Following display fields were corrected:
* customer name (from customer account)
* contract/version/relation description (from contract/version/relation)
* transport unit name (from transport unit)

Dispatching and confirmation
Inconsistency in GSR/GST tour filtering, in some cases the tour gantts were duplicated

The resource/tour filtering in GST & GSR was reworked.

Following corrections were applied (ie. new behavior is described):
* when tour is searched directly via tour id - main filters are ignored; for GSR only checkbox "Truck", "Trailer", "Driver" filters are applied.
* when tour is filtered from counterpart gantt screen (via "View details in 'Resource Dispatching'" & "View details in 'Tour Dispatching'") - only checkbox "Truck", "Trailer", "Driver" filters are applied; main filters are ignored.
* when gantt is entirely refreshed via dedicated menuitem - all main filters (and for GSR also checkbox "Truck", "Trailer", "Driver" filters) are applied.

Master data
New address creation was not possible from the address search result dialog

In the address search result dialog, the users could opt to create a new address. But previously this process could not be finished due to a bug in the new address creation dialog. The GUI was corrected - now it is possible to create a new address even from the address search result dialog.

Customer order management and pricing
On several forms the address search field became a mandatory once used for searching the address

Previously when the address search field was once used, it become a mandatory field until the form was closed. This was corrected, the address search field is never a mandatory field.

Master data
Address suggestion from PTV map component was bypassing the standard D365 address detail validation

During the address validation process the address suggestions from PTV map component were bypassing standard D365 address detail validation. Eg. the standard D365 address validation was set against D365 city table (and D365 city table didn't contain city 'Winterthur"), the 'Winterthur" address was still saved if suggested by PTV map component. This was corrected - now the address suggestion by PTV map component are validated against D365 standard address details validations.

Master data
Enhancement of the address spelling validation mechanism against PTV map component

Previously the address was validated against PTV map component only on the level of street name spelling. This was enhanced - now also the spelling of the city & zip code is validated against PTV map component.

Master data
It is now possible to directly batch geo-code an addresses even though the previous geo-coding had failed

Previously it was not possible to directly batch geo-code an address that had already "Geo-coding failed=TRUE". Users had to manually set the "Geo-coding failed=FALSE" and only then it was possible to batch geo-code the address. This was enhanced, now the batch default criteria "Geo-coding failed=FALSE" is not anymore a mandatory criteria and can be removed by user.

Customer order management and pricing
New feature of tariff surcharge per transport order cancel status code

New criterion of "Cancel status" (with Table/All logic) was added to the tariff surcharge criteria, to enable the setup of the automated tariff surcharges per transport order cancel status code.

2020-03New feature55301
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance optimization of resource "fitting/non-fitting" visualization in Resource selection form

Performance of the resource "fitting/non-fitting" visualization in the Resource selection form was improved, now only the filtered (ie. visible) resources are reloaded/retested.

2020-03New feature54452
New feature of transport order update via EDI

Previously it was possible only to import new transport orders via EDI. This was enhanced - now it is possible (via EDI) also to update (previously imported) transport order.

Following use cases are supported:
* Change load/unload date/time
* Change load/unload address
* Update quantities (transport quantity/planning quantity)
* Add packages (including barcode identification) and content lines

Key characteristics:
* New field "Import type" in EDI framework, to distinguish between "create" and "update" EDI messages
* New menuitem group "Change date/time" on transport order, for manual order changes. This can be used also on regular transport orders (ie. not only on transport orders imported via EDI)
* New menuitem "Change logs transport order", to store the logs for changed dates/addresses of orders already in planning. Logging is activated on transport type (parameters"Capture date/time changes", "Capture address changes")
* New fields "Date last update" & "Time last update" on transport order
* Four new "Update allowed" parameters on import process, to activate/deactivate updating of addresses & dates/times
* Two new conflicts "Change customer wish" & "Change load/unload address" in conflict management, to inform dispatchers about performed order update
* Via EDI function it ispossible to only update an already existing imported order, the deletion of an(imported) order is not supported.
* EDI function has no check oforder update version, e.g. to prevent an update being processed while itsalready superseded by another update.
* Customers who want to usethe ‘EDI update function’ must provide a unique combination for the ‘customeraccount’, ‘import group’ and ‘external sales ID’ in the import file (pertransport order). If such combination cannot be provided the system will beunable to retrieve the unique reference to the original imported order andresult in an error.
* Updating an order via EDI doesn’thave its own Track&Trace status; the existing Track&Trace status ‘Orderimported’ covers only the order import (ie. order creation via import).

existing projects (who would like to continue using "Create" feature) must add "Import type" to data import project and specify fixed value of "1" (ie. Create). As by default the "Import type" has value of "0", in which case the transport orders will not be imported.

2020-03New feature54403
Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases when scrolling of gantt into past/future the tours were loaded onto screen with some delay

This described issue was happening mostly when incorrect parameterization of "Load date range ('From' minus days)" & "Load date range ('To' plus days)" was set up in the GPB parameters.

Following points were corrected:
* New validation was added to GPB parameters setup of "Load date range ('From' minus days)" & "Load date range ('To' plus days)", to ensure that user can setup only a meaningful parameterization
* The handling of both GPB parameter fields was corrected - now these fields correctly extend the "view range" of the gantt and affect how GPB pre-loads the tours into memory. Newly this parameterization is also applied to the current gantt "view range", as the users can change flexibly the "view range" in the gantt itself.

Default "view range" of gantt is still defined on AX Worker (with fallback from main TMS parameters), there no correction was needed.

Recommended usage:
* specify in main TMS parameters the general fallback default "view range" of gantt (via "Plan Date From (+ Days)" & "Plan Date To (+ Days)"
* optionally specify on AX worker the individual default "view range" of gantt (via "Plan Date From (+ Days)" & "Plan Date To (+ Days)"
* optionally specify in GPB parameters the extended range for the tour pre-loading, to provide an instant scrolling of gantt (ie. without data reload) when scrolling into past/future

Important: the GPB parameters should be corrected (ie. "Load date range ('From' minus days)" must be 0 or negative, "Load date range ('To' plus days)" must be 0 or positive), before the release is installed.

Customer order management and pricing
Adding a package to the existing overpackage on transport order that is already dispatched in some tour could in some cases produce a "not supported" data structure

When adding a package to the existing over package (with some other packages) on the transport order that is already dispatched in some tour (which is different than the tour that is holding the transport order of the other packages) could cause a "not supported" data structure. This was enhanced - now users are stopped via error infolog "Due to breaking the over package impact scope, process cannot be executed. As the transport order %1 is already in the tour (that is different than tour which contains other over package elements) or is directly confirmed without the dispatching."

Master data
Minor GUI correction of the 'CAPcargo Transport Address' tab (on standard AX address form)

Several GUI imperfections were corrected on the 'CAPcargo Transport Address' tab (on standard AX address form), eg. missing fields labels, repetitive field group labels etc.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the planning a transport leg into tour

The performance of the planning a transport leg into tour (when tour is already sub-contracted via "Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)") was improved.

2020-03New feature53174
Master data
New feature of fuel price management was added to the TMS

It is now possible to manage the fuel locations & prices in the TMS module and display them in the map in GPB module.

Key characteristics:

* Setup is done thru a new transport type, which will hold the fuel product definition (eg. transport unit Petrol 95, Diesel Winter etc.)
* In main TMS parameters this transport type must be assigned in a new section Fuel management
* Fuel management is represented by following structure:
* Fuel origin - defines the origin of fuel. Can be linked to a vendor account (for 'Fuel origin type=External'), or to an inventory journal (for 'Fuel origin type=Internal'). Color representation can be also specified (is later used in map visualization in GPB).
* Fuel location - represents a gas station, is linked to certain TMS address & Fuel origin.
* Fuel pump - represents fuel pumps inside the location, must be linked to certain transport unit (ie. fuel product), can be linked also to AX products.
* Fuel prices - prices of each fuel product for each fuel location
* New data entities were added, to be able to import fuel management elements

2020-03New feature53037
Customer invoicing
Feature of delayed batch posting from the manual customer invoice pool was deprecated

The technical solution of the customer invoice pool posting was enhanced, to avoid the blocked records in case the customer invoice pool posting fails to finish.
As a consequence this task removes the feature of delayed (ie. batch) posting from the manual customer invoice pool.
The automatic batch posting (ie. via 'Invoice automation setup") is preserved/not affected and should be used instead.

2020-03New feature52941
Master data
"Validity" check during the transport order creation seems not working

A new infolog "No settings in Geographical address validation found for country %1." was added to the transport address creation wizard, to inform the user about missing parameterization, so that the user understands why the "Validate" button seems not correcting the entered address details against the map component.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB client was sometimes crashing when switching between GST->GSR->GST on selected tour

When switching between GST & GSR screens (via "View details in Resource dispatching” & "View details in Resource dispatching”) the GPB client was sometimes crashing. This was corrected - now the GPB client doesn't crash, regardless of from which gantt screen the switching was initiated.

Data entity 'TAL Surcharges contract relation' was enhanced, to be able to import also the fuel index based surcharges

Data entity 'TAL Surcharges contract relation' was enhanced, to be able to import also the fuel index based surcharges. Because in D365 surcharge data model the fuel index value is linked to surcharge via RecId (which cannot be imported via data entities), the data entity was enhanced - now the fuel index value is found dynamically during import process based on fields in import file.

Following fields are required in import file mapping, to be able to import the fuel based surcharges:

* ContractIndexTypeId
* ContractindexValue
* ValidFrom
* ValidTo

Customer order management and pricing
New feature of adding/removal of packages even when transport order is already in dispatching

Previously the package creation/deletion was possible only when transport order was in status "Registered". This was enhanced - now the package creation/deletion is possible even when transport order is already submitted to dispatching.
New packages can be created/deleted in package management form, from transport order/transport leg/tour order levels.

Certain limitations still apply:
* The creation of new packages for transport orders/legs (for which some quantity split exists on transport legs) is currently not yet supported. The creation of new packages for transport orders/legs (for which some address split exists on transport legs) is supported.
* The creation & deletion of packages in tour confirmation form is currently not yet supported. If needed this can be done in tour form (on tour order level), even for tours that are being confirmed.
* The confirmation of packages (that are not linked to individual transport order lines but to transport order header only) from tour level is currently not yet supported.

2020-03New feature51462
Master data
The deletion of transport address (as part of deletion of global address book location) was sometimes not successful

The mechanism of transport address deletion was reworked. Previously it was possible to physically delete a transport address also from the global address book locations. This feature was removed - now it is possible to physically delete a transport address only from the transport address form. Users can further decide via dialogs, whether the global address book location should be also physically removed or not (ie. in this case only the transport address is deleted).

Please note: system will physically delete the global address book location only when it is not a primary location (or when it is not used in D365 standard orders).

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases it was not understandable to user why some transport leg could not be planned into tour

When the transport leg (of the transport order that is part of over package) is attempted to be planned into tour (which does not contain the rest of over package transport legs) the user is newly informed by infolog "Due to breaking the over package impact scope, process cannot be executed. %1 legs are missing to fulfill the scope!", to understand better why the transport leg was not planned into the tour.

Customer invoicing
Introducing an option to selectively post the orders in the TMS invoice pools

Previously the customer/vendor/intercompany manual invoice pools were posting all records present in the invoice pool main grid. This was enhanced - now the user has an option to multi select the orders that will be posted. Two existing menuitems in invoice pool were renamed, two new menuitems were added.

The functionality is as follows:
* Post selected - posts only the selected orders in the invoice pool. Multi selection of orders is enabled and is effectively used.
* Post all - posts all orders in the invoice pool, regardless whether orders are selected or not. This represent the previously existing functionality.
* Pro forma invoice (selected) - creates pro forma invoice(s) for selected orders in the invoice pool. Multi selection of orders is enabled and is effectively used.
* Pro forma invoice (all) - creates pro forma invoice(s) for all orders in the invoice pool, regardless whether orders are selected or not. This represent the previously existing functionality.

Additionally it is now also possible in all invoice pools to multi-select more records and remove them from invoice pool at once.

2020-03New feature45585
Customer invoicing
New consistency validation in customer invoice posting process

New validation was added to the customer invoice posting process, to ensure that the invoice (that is posted in D365 general ledger) is consistent with the TMS module. Several criteria are checked during the validation and in case the consistency validation fails then user is informed via error "Invoice for account '%1' cannot be created!". It is recommended to retry the invoice posting again, as it might be that the invoice inconsistency is due to some standard D365 general platform issue. Only repeatedly failed invoice posting cases should be individually analyzed.

2020-03New feature39343
Dispatching and confirmation
More precise resource swap date & time determination

Introducing a possibility to initialize a resource swap date & time based on the map component recommendation, thus it is possible to initiate a resource swap based on more realistic data, entirely in the system.

Following enhancements were introduced:
* New action menuitem "Calculate earliest swap time" was added to the resource swap dialog, when pressed the system proposes the earliest possible time of swap, based on selected tour stops and selected swap address. It uses the map component to calculate the driving time from previous tour stops (of both tours) into selected swap address and initializes the later time into "Time of swap" field.
* New validation has been added to the "Time of swap" field, to ensure that users can perform a resource swap only with some realistic swap date & time. In general it is possible to perform a resource swap with date & time that is later than originally proposed system date & time; to setup a resource swap with earlier date & time is not allowed.
* Additionally it is possible to activate an automatic validation of "Time of swap" entry against calculation from map component - this is done in main TMS parameters (parameter "Automatically validate resource swap time against map component=TRUE", in Geo services section).

2020-03New feature31961
Customer order management and pricing
Change of customer account on transport order was sometimes not possible

Change of the customer account on the transport order was sometimes not possible due to a bug in update mechanism of the status invoice documents. This was corrected - the status invoice documents are now updated according to the invoice document rules of the new customer account.

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of tour stop split was added to the GPB dispatching gantt screens

It is now possible to perform a tour stop split in both GPB dispatching screens. Functionality of "Split" is available in the "right mouse click" context menu on the tour stop, both in GSR & GST. After pressing the menuitem the user has to select which tour order line should be split into separate transport leg. Newly created transport leg remains in the original tour and can be further processed (eg. removed from tour etc.), separately to the original transport leg.

2020-03New feature11416
Dispatching and confirmation
Feature of splitting the whole tour via certain depot was deprecated and removed

Feature of splitting the whole tour via certain depot was removed, as it led to the loss of existing tourID (ie. existing tour was physically deleted and new two tours were created). Such behavior proved to be unusable and confusing to dispatchers.
Dispatchers should use the tour stop 'Depot split' feature instead, which is available on the 'right mouse click' context menu on the individual tour stop.

2020-03New feature2016
Dispatching and confirmation
In certain parameterization constellation the sending of some transport orders to pre-dispatching was not possible

In certain parameterization constellation the sending of some transport orders to pre-dispatching was not possible, no transport legs were generated and the browser session ultimately timed out. The issue was happening when loading (or unloading) TMS address was linked to a D365 calendar that was set up on another D365 base calendar. The issue was corrected, no the rough scheduling supports also the D365 base calendar linking.

Dispatching and confirmation
Function deprecated: the 'fly out' Qualifications right side panel on the gantt screens

The 'fly out' Qualifications right side panel on the gantt screens was removed as deprecated - users should use instead the more powerful action menuitem Qualifications (located in gantt screens in top action ribbon, in the "Dispatching" section, in the "Resources" menuitem group).

2020-04New feature63575
Dispatching and confirmation
GS: Improvment of customer wish visualisation (red/green extension)

The trigger, when the customer wish extensions (red/green) are displayed, was improved/enhanced:

D365: (where date and time ranges exist since TAL 9.0 release):
The following triggers/settings make the customer wish extension show in GS:
* TransportType.GPBConfigGanttBar = CustWish
* WarnAtChange (Unload) flag on transport order --> not anymore relevant
* If any of the 4 fields (end date of unload date range, start or end time of unload time windows, unload date fixed) is filled, then the system interprets a customer wish being entered. If only the unloadDate [From] is filled without any other range/time/fixed information, it is interpreted as no dedicated customer wish and accordingly the red/green extension in GS is not visualised in order not to spoil the GS.
* If TourStatus isNot Confirmed nor Closed - this is needed, that the green/red extensions disappear once the tour is confirmed/closed. Because if they stay, they overlap the potential next tour (in GSR) which makes the bars not well readable anymore

AX2012 (where no date ranges exist, only time ranges):
The following triggers/settings make the customer wish extension show in GS:
* TransportType.GPBConfigGanttBar = CustWish
* WarnAtChange (Unload) flag on transport order --> not anymore relevant
* If any of the 3 fields (start or end time of unload time windows, unload date fixed) is filled. then the system interprets a customer wish being entered. If only the unloadDate is filled without any other time/fixed information, it is interpreted as no dedicated customer wish and accordingly the red/green extension in GS is not visualised in order not to spoil the GS.
* If TourStatus isNot Confirmed nor Closed - this is needed, that the green/red extensions disappear once the tour is confirmed/closed. Because if they stay, they overlap the potential next tour (in GSR) which makes the bars not well readable anymore

2020-04New feature63550
Dispatching and confirmation
Adding a vertical scroll bar to GPB infologs

In some cases the infologs produced by GPB could be quite long (eg. during "Complete tour execution" process etc.). Previously users could not read the whole infolog as the infolog text didn't fit into infolog dialog. This was enhanced, now for longer infolog texts the infolog dialog contains a vertical scroll bar, so that users can scroll & read the whole infolog text.

2020-04New feature63516
Dispatching and confirmation
In Resource screen the horizontal scroll bar was automatically reset to default position (ie. to the left) when users tried to use vertical scroll bars

This was especially noticeable when user had to scroll across more columns and then even scroll horizontally. The GUI experience of Resource screen was improved, now the horizontal scroll bar keeps the current position even when users use the vertical scroll bars.

Dispatching and confirmation
Deletion of multiple resource assignments from the tour (in 'one by one' action sequence) sometimes failed with an error

The code was corrected, now the deletion of multiple resource assignments from the tour (in 'one by one' action sequence) doesn't fail with an error anymore.

Additionally the feature of "Goto Tour Main Table" from resource assignment (ie. in level 2) was removed as deprecated, as there exist the same feature already on the tour itself (ie. in level 1).

Other / General
De-activation of not supported CAP.TMS configuration keys in new CAP.TMS installations

The default setup of CAP.TMS configuration keys was adjusted, to automatically activate only the currently supported CAP.TMS configuration keys. The adjustment only affects the new CAP.TMS installations, does not affect the installation of CAP.TMS upgrades.

2020-04New feature63510
Other / General
Data job for new feature of transport order load & unload date ranges, needs to be launched also by projects who use the shipment builder

The data job to update the transport order/leg structure for existing transport orders that are in dispatching (and were not delivered yet). The data job does the following actions:
* Fills the new date ranges on first/last transport legs
* Sets on transport orders (that were created from shipment builder process) the the "Load time window applied on" and "Unload time window applied on" parameters to "Entire date range"

Please note:
* This data job must be launched even by projects who use the shipment builder (despite these projects cannot actually benefit from the new date range enhancement), to ensure that shipment builder related transport legs behave correctly in dispatching process.

2020-04Data conversion63509
Dispatching and confirmation
Several corrections in rough scheduling algorithm for transport leg date determination

The rough scheduling algorithm for the transport leg dates determination was adjusted, following issues were corrected:
* When the main TMS parameter "Respected opening days" was activated, the rough scheduling algorithm sometimes used a date on which the address was closed.
* When no suitable date combination could be determined by rough scheduling algorithm the system uses as fallback the load/unload date of transport order and informs the user via conflict "Scheduling - no valid rough scheduling found for this transport leg" (conflict id 350). In this case the transport leg unload date is still a subject for rough scheduling (and could differ to transport order unload date, for example when some "Default value load-/unload date" rule is set up between transport order addresses).
* In some cases during "backward" scheduling modes the algorithm didn't provide the consistent results (eg. the load/unload dates of the transport legs were sometimes not determined optimally etc.).

Dispatching and confirmation
Confirmation of tour/tour stop/tour order line didn't automatically confirm the underlying packages

The tour confirmation process was enhanced, now the packages are automatically confirmed even when user confirms the whole tour (or tour stop, or tour order line).

Other / General
Batch for driving time & distance calculation was sometimes crashing when some error was encountered

Batches for driving time & distance calculation were improved to not crash (when some error is encountered) but loop over the problematic order and continue further. The correction applies to all order types.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performing a part delivery on the tour sometimes failed with error

When the part delivery was performed on the tour, the "split-off" transport leg was correctly unplanned from the tour but the unplanning of the underlying "split-off" packages sometimes failed with the error "Cannot edit a record in Package confirmation (CLXTALPackageTourOrderLine). The record has never been selected.". The issue was corrected, now the underlying packages follow the transport leg even when part delivery is performed on the tour (in "Goods management" form).

Dispatching and confirmation
GBP addition for new feature of transport order load & unload date ranges (only D365FO GPBapp)

Contains GPB additions for new feature of transport order load & unload date ranges. Following functionality was added to the GPB:
* Visualization of "Customer wish" on tour stop (level 2) was adjusted - when the load/unload date range is used, the customer wish (in tour stop boxes) is visualized as "*" and dispatchers have to go to individual tour stop (to flyout for Order details), to see the exact date range. The reason for not visualizing the date range directly on the tour stop is the limited space of tour stop box.

Please note:
* The functionality is available only in GPB for D365FO, functionality is not available in GPB for AX2012.

2020-04New feature63337
Dispatching and confirmation
Code improvement of how the tour stops are being created/inserted

The code logic was improved, to achieve better stability & performance when tour stops are being created/inserted.

2020-04New feature63292
Dispatching and confirmation
GBP addition for new feature of transport order load & unload date ranges (only D365FO GPBapp)

Contains GPB addition for new feature of transport order load & unload date ranges. Following functionality was added to the GPB:
* Show load/unload date ranges on Transport orders /-legs screen
* Show load/unload date ranges on tour gantts (on tour stop (level 3), in the flyout for order details)

Please note:
* The functionality is available only in GPB for D365FO, functionality is not available in GPB for AX2012.

2020-04New feature63267
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of return goods handling

Return goods can be available for pickup at the customer address without having it registered as a transport order.
The solution idea is that return packages are pre-generated in the system (as TMS default order, for each customer location, incl. packages) and customer receives the provided package labels upfront.
In the moment when some return goods need to be registered for pickup at customer location, the driver registers such return package. Then dispatchers in the tour confirmation form can register a return order (for these return goods packages) which in the background generates transport order (from original default order that contains the return packages) and the transport order is planned automatically into the same tour (to capture the return of goods from customer location). Used return packages are automatically de-linked from the original default order and re-linked to newly created transport order (for returned goods).

The package labels for returns contains following information (and can be printed from package management of the default order):
* Unique SSCC label ID
* Pickup address (ie. from which customer location)
* Delivery address (ie. where returns should be transported)

2020-04New feature63149
Customer invoicing
In certain cases the part-invoice orders didn't appear in invoice pool

When no transport type filtering was set up in invoice pool (ie. the default filter for 'transport type = 0' was used), then the part-invoice orders (and collective part-invoice orders) were not showing in the invoice pool grid. The filter interpretation was corrected, now the both order types are shown in invoice pool even when no transport type filter is applied.

New feature of order cancellation via EDI

It is now possible to cancel a transport order also via EDI update mechanism.

New fields were added to the transport order EDI data entities:
* Cancel status
* Reason code
* Return address (transportaddress ID)

All these 3 fields can be either defaulted on import process, or imported with the EDI message via data entities. The default values from import process are applied when EDI message doesn't contain these fields but its import type is "Cancel".

The existing field "Import type" was enhanced in EDI entities, now contains also a "Cancel" value.

The cancellation of order via EDI re-uses the existing functionality of order cancellation (ie. same as pressing menuitem "Cancel" on transport order form).

It is possible to cancel order via EDI only if order was not yet directly invoiced or no transport leg was yet dispatched into tour. In case some transport leg is already planned in some tour, the EDI process will not cancel such order automatically and the EDI message will stuck in Checked imported order form (with error code). In order to process with cancellation users must first un-plan all leg(s) from tour(s) manually.

Please note:
* The cancellation of transport order via EDI does not physically delete a transport order, it just sets a transport order as cancelled.
* Undoing of the order cancellation can happen only in CAP.TMS, the option to undo the order cancellation via EDI is not supported.

2020-04New feature63015
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Enhancement of the TMS cost / revenue allocation for tours with mixed sub-contracting modes

In some business cases it might happen that tour is carried out by subcontractors where rates for the freight are calculated as FTL tour sub-contracting. But on the same tour there might be some transport legs that should be priced individually (via LTL transport leg sub-contracting pricing). Dispatching-wise (and pricing-wise) this was already possible in existing TMS functionality but not respected properly in TMS cost / revenue allocation.
Newly the TMS cost / revenue overview allocates the FTL costs only to those transport legs which were not sub-contracted via LTL sub-contracting. The LTL costs are then allocated to its transport legs only, which results into the correct structure in the TMS cost / revenue allocation.

The necessary prerequisite is to allow both FTL & LTL sub-contracting modes in the main TMS parameters (ie. "Subcontracting LTL + FTL allowed=TRUE).

2020-04New feature58891
Customer order management and pricing
Enhancement of the Track & Trace status message criteria - adding 3 new conditions

The Track & Trace status message criteria were enhanced, following entities can be newly used as criteria conditions:
* Customer group (TAL)
* Transport type group
* SLA group

The previously existing Customer group criteria was renamed to "Customer group (D365)", so that system supports both grouping types - the TAL customer groups as well as the D365 standard customer groups.

2020-04New feature58889
Customer order management and pricing
New feature of transport order load & unload date ranges

Previously the CAP.TMS solution worked with 2 exact dates on the transport order: the load date and theunload date. This task enhances this functionality, newly it is possible to specify the load and the unload date as ranges. The load/unload range date definition is used mainly for dispatching visualization purposes (on transport legs/tours), to give to dispatchers more flexibility in planing.

Core points of the solution:
* New fields "Load date to" & "Unload date to" were added to the transport order header (and to the transport order/offer/pre-order creation dialogs)
* New fields "Applied on" were added to the transport header, to define whether the time windows are applicable either to the "Load date" or to "Load date to" or to whole range (and ditto for unload date).
* The default order was also enhanced adequately
* Data entities (as well as other EDI related entities) were enhanced to be able to import/update these fields
* New fields were added to the transport leg "Load date", "Load date to", "Unload date", "Unload date to", to show the range requests from transport order header. Fields are filled only for first and last transport leg, can be used for filtering.
* Rough scheduling logic remains based on individual load/unload dates (ie. no date range is used), the definition whether "Load date" or "Load date to" (and ditto for unload dates) should be used for rough scheduling is done via new main TMS parameters "Exact date for forward planning" & "Exact date for backward planning"
* Dispatchers are informed about planning issues on transport leg form via new warning infolog "The rough plan date oftransport order %1 is outside of the requested date range.", is triggered only when "Warning at change" is set on transport order header
* The existing scheduling conflicts 301 & 303 were enhanced to respect the new date range logic, new conflict 304 was introduced

Please note:
* The load/unload date range enhancement can be used only on transport orders that were not created from shipment builder process.

2020-04New feature58822
Dispatching and confirmation
Delete of tour stop that was participating in resource swap was failing with some technical error

When users tried to delete the tour stop (that was participating in the resource swap) then the resource swap tour stop deletion failed with following error infolog:
@TRA3973 @TRA3974
Function TALgpbGanttTour::deleteTourStop has been incorrectly called.

The error handling in tour stop deletion was improved, now users are informed with proper error infolog:
The tour stop is used as start or end by the resource '%1'!
Tour line cannot be deleted!

Dispatching and confirmation
Several labels were not showing proper language translation in GST/GSR screens

Several labels in GST/GSR screens (in filter dialog) were corrected to show a proper translation in different language mutation.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the vehicle/resource filters in all gantt screens

The vehicle/resource filters were not consistent in the GPB screens. In some screens it was possible to filter only via resource, in others only via vehicle. This was enhanced - now both vehicle & resource filters are present in relevant GPB screens.

Following GPB screens were enhanced:
* Tour Dispatching
* Resource Dispatching
* Resources

2020-04New feature54444
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the planning a transport leg into tour

The performance of the planning a transport leg into tour (when tour is already sub-contracted via "Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)") was improved.

2020-04New feature53174
CAP.TMS newly supports the PTV xServer version 1.30

Due to PTV official discontinuation of xServer 1.24, the CAP.TMS doesn't support this version anymore. For the projects using the PTV map components it is advised to upgrade to some newer xServer version. The CAP.TMS release was tested on PTV xServer version 1.30.

2020-04New feature50578
Dispatching and confirmation
High CPU utilization when visualizing tours on map

Visualization of more tours on the map (via "Track view" functionality or when viewing the tour on map from GST/GSR) could lead to high CPU utilization of the client machines. The reason is the moving visualization of the tour (aka. "marching ant" visualization) which is technically quite demanding on CPU power. To improve the work experience for dispatchers, a new switch "Animate tours" was introduced to the map screen, via which it is possible to deactivate the moving visualization and have only the static tour visualization.

Dispatching and confirmation
Dispatching conflict "Business hours - address closed" was sometimes being triggered even though the address was not closed

The functionality of dispatching conflict "Business hours - address closed" (conflict id 500) was enhanced, to correctly handle the situations when the UTC time shift (on the transport leg load/unload date) lead also to a different date.

Dispatching and confirmation
Visualization of driving time empty (aka. "black line") in the level 1 of the tour was sometimes not consistent

The gantt visualization of driving time empty (aka. "black line") in the level 1 of the tour in both dispatching screens was corrected. Previously the "black line" sometimes included also certain activities, now the "black line" visualizes only the amount of driving time without any order.

Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Currently only the 1st filter definition works correctly in the column filters in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Known issue of the new feature 'Performance driven redesign of the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, introduction of the 'paging' mechanism' (introduced by 63393 task).
In general it is possible to set up additional filters on several columns in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen.
Currently only the 1st filter definition works properly in the column filter dialog, the 2nd filter definition is faulty and should not be used in the current GPB release.

2020-05Known issue67776
Customer order management and pricing
Transport order cancellation process adjustment (allow to specify return address only when it can be effectively used)

Previously during transport order cancellation process it was possible to specify a return address regardless of the cancel status. This was corrected, now user can specify the return address only for relevant cancel statuses.

2020-05New feature67670
Customer order management and pricing
Price calculation menuitem on transport order form was sometimes not active

The reason for price calculation menuitem being not active on transport order form was that at least one of addresses on transport order was set inactive. The issue was corrected, now the price calculation menuitem is active even when some of addresses are set inactive, instead the user is informed via infolog, to understand better why the price calculation cannot be performed.

Cancellation of transport order via EDI was possible only when some return address was included in EDI message

Previously it was possible to cancel a transport order via EDI only when some return address was specified in the EDI message. This was corrected, now the return address is required in EDI message only for relevant cancel statuses.

Customer order management and pricing
Performance improvement of transport distance table

The performance of the transport distance table was improved, via optimization of the table index.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases the generic buttons in the GPB app didn't correctly process the multi selection of records

The functionality of generic buttons in GPB app was enhanced, to cover more multi-selection cases out of the box. Due to the nature of generic buttons it cannot be guaranteed that all multi-selection cases are immediately supported, certain cases might still require a project specific custom development.

Dispatching and confirmation
Several fixes for the customer wish calculation/visualization in the GPB gantt screens

Following issues were corrected, in the calculation/visualization of customer wish earliness/delay in the GPB gantt screens:
* when more than one transport order is being unloaded at the same tour stop, then system now shows * placeholder sign in the tour stop overview (level 3), as more than one customer wished date & time can occur. For exact value of customer wished unload date & time, dispatcher must switch to tour order line detail grid.
* the customer wished unload date & time column in the tour stop overview (level 3) is only shown when some customer wished date & time is defined in the transport order.
* the earliness/delay calculation & visualization of customer wish is newly applied in GPB dispatching gantt screens only when there is no driving distance between customer unload and tour end. The validation runs against the driving time on the tour stop where customer unload happens.
So when the tour is not ending on the same location as customer unload (ie. there exist some driving time after the order was unloaded at customer location), then the earliness/delay visualization (and calculation) of customer wish is suppressed, as it is not supported.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the "Fitting/Non-Fitting" logic in the GPB Resource selection screen

The performance of the "Fitting/Non-Fitting" filter (and its visualization) in the Resource selection screen was improved, via code reorganization.

2020-05New feature65674
Dispatching and confirmation
Quantity split of transport leg was sometimes failing in case of several quantity splits in the row

In case the transport leg needed to be split more than once via quantity split, sometimes only the first quantity split was performed successfully. Further quantity splits were in some cases failing, especially when the transport order was also split via some depot. The splitting mechanism was improved, the combination of quantity & depot splitting of the transport legs acts consistently even for multiple splitting in the row.

Customer order management and pricing
Suppressing the 'decision making' dialog for overwriting the existing data on the order lines, when contract finding is run via batch

Previously when the contract finding functionality encountered a situation when user should be asked for a decision (eg. tariff level of contract/version/relation differs to already existing tariff level on order line, ditto for posting profile etc.), the 'decision making' dialog was also run during batch process, causing the batch process to skip such orders (as no dialog is allowed during batch processing). This was enhanced, now the 'decision making' dialog is used only in the manual contract finding process; in the batch processing the 'decision making' dialog is suppressed and all proposals are automatically accepted.
This also has a positive effect on price calculation batches as more orders are processed via contract finding batches (as tariff level (and other fields) are automatically applied from contract/version/relation).

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of 'Vehicle capacity per country' was added to the system - GPB addition

GPB addition for the 63599 enhancement. New field 'Country' was added to the capacity tab on GPB Resource screen, to visualize for which country is the vehicle capacity defined.

2020-05New feature64689
Master data
New feature of "Compartments", to extend the capacity definition of the TMS resources (phase 1)

A new entity "Compartment" was introduced below the capacity enabled resource (eg. trailer), which serves as an alternative way of resource capacity calculation.

Key characteristics of the enhancement:
- Compartments can be manually created for each capacity enabled resource, either directly in the TMS Vehicle form or from main TMS menu (CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Resources -> Compartments).
- For each compartment it is possible to define a capacity, which then can be used to populate a total capacity of the resource (which is then used effectively in tour dispatching). This is done via 'Initialize capacities from compartments' menuitem, on vehicle capacity form.

Currently the system doesn't access the compartments (and its capacity definition) directly from tour dispatching yet (ie. it is not yet possible to plan transport leg directly into individual vehicle compartment, also capacity related conflicts are not yet measured directly against compartment capacity).

2020-05New feature64542
Customer order management and pricing
Batch for 'Generate transport orders from default orders' required a transport type filter

When trying to generate transport orders from default orders via batch, the batch job did run successfully only when some transport type filter was defined during batch preparation. When no transport type filter was defined, the batch task failed with error. This was corrected, now the transport orders can be generated via batch from the default orders even when there is no transport type filter specified during batch preparation.

Shipment Builder
Enhancement of the 'Remove from transportation' function on the trade order lines

The existing logicof the 'Remove from transportation' function on trade order lines had been modified. Previously, assoon as there was an order line related transport order, which did not acceptquantity changes anymore (because it was confirmed/sub-contracted/invoiced or toofar in the transportation/warehouse process), the system cancelled the whole 'Removefrom transportation' process. Therefore, even such order line related transportorders, which would be allowed to be completely deleted, are not removed fromtransportation.

Newly the system applies a “remove what it can” logic. Hence onetransport order which can’t be removed will not abort the whole process. The new logic can be activated in 'Trade and Distribution parameters' form. by new parameter 'Partially remove from transportation'. In case it is activated (set to YES), then the “remove what it can” logic to be applied by the system Otherwise, the existing logic to be used: block the entire process, if any trading order line related transportation entity cannot be removed.

2020-05New feature63601
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of 'Vehicle capacity per country' was added to the system

As the vehicle capacity utilization can be different, depending on the local country legislation, a new feature of 'Vehicle capacity per country' was introduced to the system.
When user is defining a capacity for the vehicle/vehicle type, it is now possible to define for which country is the capacity definition valid. When no country is selected then the vehicle capacity is considered as 'valid for all countries'. The vehicle capacity checks through out the module were adjusted, to first apply the country specific capacity definition and only when no such are defined then system goes for capacity 'valid for all countries'. Existing capacity related conflicts were adjusted, to respect this logic too.
As it can happen that transport leg (carried by vehicle) passes thru more countries, then whenever a capacity calculation is executed by the system, it considers all the countries (that are involved in the transportation process) and defines the capacity record to be used by a minimum logic.

2020-05New feature63599
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven redesign of the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, introduction of the 'paging' mechanism

The GUI experience when working in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen is heavily dependent on the amount of filtered transport legs, with larger amount of transport legs (eg. 1000+ legs) the form is starting to struggle. Therefore a new feature of 'paging' mechanism has been introduced to the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen.

Key characteristics of enhancement:
* Newly GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen loads by default only a certain amount of records (ie. transport legs). The amount can be defined in main GPB parameters (menuitem name 'Number of loaded records per page').
* The number of the loaded records (compared to total amount of records) is displayed on the right side of GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, above the main grid.
* It is possible to load on demand an entire record set to the grid, by menuitem 'Pre-load' button (in top action pane).
* Scrolling down the grid automatically loads further records automatically.
* Certain grid field filters were removed (load/unload dates, from/till times, number of packages etc.)
* The map pulls only the currently loaded transport legs.

Following functionality still runs over the total amount of records (despite only a fragment might be shown in the grid):
* The total unit calculation field & icon
* The total volume tab
* The 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' planning mechanism

2020-05New feature63393
Dispatching and confirmation
Background processes in GPB screens sometimes failed to finish

The background processes (eg. for refreshing the resources in the Resource selection tour upon tour change in one of the gantt screens, when Resource selection form is actively linked to gantt dispatching screen) was sometimes not performing reliably. This was for example happening when user changed the focus to different tour before the background process for resource refresh was finished for previously selected tour. The issue was corrected, now the background processes correctly recognize the focus change of the source and restart again for newly set focus.

Dispatching and confirmation
It was possible to perform a resource swap even on entirely confirmed tours

Previously there was no validation until which dispatching process step the user can perform a resource swap on the tour. So it was possible to swap resources even on entirely confirmed tours. This was corrected, now the resource swap process respects the general tour dispatching validation (ie. TMS main parameter 'Modification planning blocked from tour status') and even the individual confirmation statuses of each tour stop. So it is still possible to perform a resource swap even on already confirming tours (provided that tour stops after resource swap are not confirmed yet and main TMS parameter 'Modification planning blocked from tour status' is set to 'Confirmed').

Customer order management and pricing
New feature of 'Scheduled part-delivery' was added to the system

A new 'Scheduled part-delivery' tool was introduced, whichenables the user to define on which dates what part of the transport order has to betransported, then the tool itself executes the transport leg splitting in the background.

The 'Scheduled part-delivery' form isaccessible from the transport order and from the transport order list page, viaa new menuitem 'Scheduled part-delivery' in the Dispatching button group. The new menuitem is only enabled ifthe order is in Registered status and is not shipment builder based and does not contain any packages.
On the 'Scheduled part-delivery' form, user first defines in the header which vehicle types (for truck & for trailer) are foreseen to be used. System then calculates the total available resource capacity for the specified planningunit.
Then in the upper grid user creates desired part-delivery structure (which is at the end used as a base for transport leg creation process). Each part-delivery record is defined by a quantity (in the specified planning unit).
User can also specify individual unload date & unload time for every part-delivery record. If no date/time is specified then system will use the unload date/time from transport order header.
Once the desired part-delivery structure is achieved (in the upper grid), it must be pre-calculated (via "Pre-calculate' menuitem). If the resulting structure (in the lower grid) is according to user expectation, user can finish the process by pressing the 'Split' button. Once 'Split' button is pressed, system generates transport legs from selected transport order, respecting the part-delivery structure (incl. unload dates/times/quantities). The transport order is then immediately available in dispatching (ie. transport order status is changed to 'Plannable').

Please note:
The feature of 'Scheduled part-delivery' is available only for transport orders that were not created from D365 trad orders (via shipment builder).

2020-05New feature61367
Customer order management and pricing
Excessive usage of "Do you want to delete packages" on multi-selected Transport order deletion

When user was trying to delete multiple transport orders with existing packages, the system was asking "Do you want to delete packages" for each multi-selected transport order. The issue was corrected, now the system asks only once and applies the user decision for all selected transport orders that should be deleted.

Dispatching and confirmation
When the transport legs were manually rescheduled on "Transport orders /-legs" screen, the new transport leg dates were shown only after the grid was manually refreshed

The main grid of "Transport orders /-legs" screen is now automatically refreshed when the transport leg dates are changed as a a result of "Rough scheduling (transport legs)" functionality.

Dispatching and confirmation
Functionality of 'Confirm tour(s) directly' was sometimes failing in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form

Functionality of 'Confirm tour(s) directly' was sometimes failing in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form. It was happening due to a bug in the code, which enabled 'Confirm tour(s) directly' process only when the accrual posting was activated for tour additional costs in the main TMS parameters. The bug was corrected, now the 'Confirm tour(s) directly' menuitem on D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form works even without accrual posting of tour additional costs.

Customer order management and pricing
Transport order invoice lines were sometimes not keeping a correct reference to source entity

In certain cases it could happen that transport order invoice lines (ie. CIRTRACustInvoiceLine records) were not having a proper reference to original order line record. This was especially happening for transport order header surcharges (when being split into individual order line finance dimensions, for invoicing purposes); their invoice lines were sometimes not referencing to any order line. This was corrected, now the transport order invoice line referencing is checked (and if needed it is automatically corrected) during price calculation.

Dispatching and confirmation
New 'ETA manual' fields were added the to the tour confirmation form

To help the user to better understand the source of confirmation values in the tour confirmation form, new display fields for "ETA manual" were added to the tour confirmation form.

2020-05New feature56719
Dispatching and confirmation
Usage of D365 email templates for Tour report SSRS

Previously it was not possible to define a custom email subject text for Tour report SSRS. This was enhanced by adjusting of Tour report SSRS to use the standard D365 email template feature, where email subject can be defined.

Key characteristics of the enhancement:
- A new transport parameter "E-Mail template Tour report" was introduced to main TMS parameters - defines a default D365 email template for the Tour report SSRS.
- A new parameter "E-mail template" was introduced to printing dialog for Tour report - is initialized from main TMS parameters but can be altered by users for individual creation of Tour report SSRS.
- In the selected D365 email template create a record where subject email text is defined. Following placeholders can be used:
- %ResourceName% - is replaced by driver resource name (if specified on the tour), or by truck resource name (if specified on the tour) or by vendor name (a fallback for LTL sub-contracting order). In above mentioned sequence.
- %TourPlannedEndDate% - is replaced by planned tour end date.
- The Tour report SSRS then generates the email subject from D365 email template (only for email print destination).

2020-05New feature55483
Dispatching and confirmation
Reorganization of GPB security parameterization, depreciation of 'T&L Graphical Planning Board User' role

Previously the GPB security parameterization was quite limited, user with GPB role had access to all functionalities in GPB. This was improved, following actions were taken:
* Individual privileges were created for every GPB web service operation, originating from GPB. Exception: the passive web services responsible for pulling/viewing data from D365 are grouped into common privileges, per each GPB screen (eg. "GPB - Transport orders /-legs, GPB - Tour Dispatching etc.).
* All these privileges were assigned to "T&L Dispatcher" role and the "T&L Graphical Planning Board User" role has been deprecated and removed.
* Projects can configure their own roles instead of using T&L Dispatcher role if they want to define their own security inside GPB. This can be done either without development (ie. via standard 'Security configuration' mechanism) or by development (as before).

This allows a more granular control, making it possible to grant/deny access to individual functionalities within GPB, via web service privileges.

2020-05New feature55470
Subcontracting/IC invoicing
It was possible to set up the automated sub-contractor invoicing process even for sub-contracting orders of invoice type 'Vendor invoice'

It was possible to set up the automated sub-contractor invoicing process even for sub-contracting orders of invoice type 'Vendor invoice'. Such sub-contracting orders were not processed by automated invoicing, as the automated sub-contractor invoicing is supported only for sub-contracting orders of invoice type 'Self-billing'. The issue was corrected, the 'Invoice type' field was removed from set up of automated invoicing process.

Enhancement of the import/update of transport order via EDI (fix of Known issue 53246)

It is now possible to use transport unit conversion (defined on transport type) even in EDI order import/update process. Previously the transport unit conversion in EDI was temporarily suspended (please see known issue 53246 of TMS release notes).
New option 'Quantity conversion' was added to import process, via which it is possible to define whether (and how) should be the transport unit conversion used in EDI process.

Following options are possible:
- 'None' - the system always uses the planning quantities from EDI message for transport order import/update; the transport unit conversion is never used.
- 'Only when zero' - only the "non zero" planning quantities are imported/updated from the EDI message; the "zero" (or not specified) planning quantities are not imported from EDI message but they are converted from transport unit conversion instead.*
- 'Forced' - the planning quantities from EDI message are ignored and system relies on transport unit conversion instead.*

*General rule (applicable for 'Only when zero' and 'Forced' quantity conversion setup) - the transport unit conversion is applied only when some transport quantity (and some transport unit) is specified in the EDI message. For "zero" transport quantity the quantities from EDI message are still used, as no transport unit conversion is possible.

2020-05New feature53013
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the tour deletion process

The performance of the tour deletion process was improved, via code redesign. The performance optimization will be especially noticeable during the deletion of large tours (eg. with 20+ tours stops, with many packages etc.). The optimization affects the tour deletion both in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' and GPB gantt screens.

2020-05New feature51047
Customer order management and pricing
It was possible to set up (and calculate) the part-invoice orders even when some address was inactive

It was possible to set up (and calculate) the part-invoice orders even when some address was inactive. The issue was corrected, now the part-invoice orders can be created (and calculated) only when transport address is active.

Customer invoicing
New feature of mass printing of TMS invoices

New feature of mass printing of TMS invoices were added to the system. The menuitem accessible from main menu:
CAPcargo Transport -> Periodic -> Invoice automation -> Print transport invoices

In mass printing dialog users can define further criteria, to define the scope for the TMS invoice printing. The destination of the printout (eg. printer, email etc.) can be defined via standard D365 print management.

2020-05New feature44357
Dispatching and confirmation
The merging of tour stops in the GPB Tour Dispatching screen was sometimes not possible

In certain cases it was not possible to merge tour stops in the GPB Tour Dispatching screen, due to 'BOX API can't be used from non-interactive sessions' error. This was especially happening when some merging tour stops had some ETA manually adjusted by dispatchers. The issue was corrected, now in such cases the GPB correctly opens the 'decision making' dialog and dispatchers can decide whether to proceed with the tour stop merging process (and lose the manually specified ETA) or cancel the merging process entirely.

Customer order management and pricing
Improvement of package management performance

Package management performance was improved, via optimization of the table indexes.

2020-05New feature42081
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: ULD transactions of carrying resource not automatically created in GPB when multi-selected legs are dropped in GSR for new tour

The new features ULD/compartment/carrying resources (66677) will not yet automatically assign the carrying resource in the following specific case:

- Multi-select legs and drag to Gantt-Screen Resource (GSR) onto a white spot, in order to create a new tour for the 'drop-resource' with those 3 legs
- Everything is correctly created, but the legs are not directly assigned to the 'drop-resource' as carrying resource

This will be fixed in release 12, with task 72665

2020-08Known issue72664
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: ULD transactions of carrying resource not automatically split at part-delivery

The new features ULD/compartment/carrying resources (66677) will not yet automatically split the transactions in the part-delivery process.

- 10 PAL in tour, assigned to truck A
- Split load into 6 and 4 PAL
- The ULD assignment (transaction table) stays on 10 --> The user has to adjust it manually to 6

This will be fixed in release 12 with task 72662

2020-08Known issue72661
Dispatching and confirmation
Issue with frozen transport leg scheduling (aka. rough scheduling) in certain constellations

For certain cases the transport leg scheduling process (aka. rough scheduling) failed to finish and the webpage timed out. It was especially happening in following constellation:
- No open date was found for the transport leg date (which was inherited from previous transport leg)
- Transport leg point has a route with 'Plan date control'=None

The issue was encountered not only during the rough scheduling process but also in other processes (which automatically trigger the rough scheduling, eg. depot split insertion etc.).

Dispatching and confirmation
No tour information icons after filtering the exact tour id

When the user searched the exact tour id in the gantt screens, the resulting tour gantt bar was displayed without additioinal information icons (eg. sub-contracting icon, tours status icon, driver assignment icon etc.). The issue was corrected, now the tour information icons are visualized in the gantt bar even when exact tour id is searched & filtered.

Dispatching and confirmation
Package structure could get inconsistent after certain dispatcher actions

In certain cases not all packages were removed during the removal of the depot split on transport leg. This happened for example when multiple depot splits were removed at once from the single transport order. The issue was corrected, now the packages are removed in synchronization with the transport leg removal.

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong column name in the 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form

In the 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form one of the column names was wrong. The label was corrected, now instead of 'Temporary' the column name is 'Order quantity'.

Shipment Builder
In certain cases it was not possible to remove shipment lot from shipment

Removal of shipment lot from shipment was in some cases not possible, system reported with 'Stack trace: The company does not exist.' The issue was identified and corrected. Following processes were affected:
- Remove from Transportation (a menuitem on trade order line level)
- Remove shipment lot from shipment

Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of several issues in the map screen

Several issues were corrected in the map screen:
- all transport legs were visualized on the map screen, despite only single transport leg was pushed from 'Transport orders /-legs' screen
- switching between transport legs in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen automatically visualized the air line of the transport leg even though the transport legs were not pulled from the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB client executable file was renamed from 'client.exe' to 'GPBclient.exe'

The main GPB client executable file was renamed from 'client.exe' to 'GPBclient.exe', for better system maintenance (eg. it is easier now to locate & filter GPB client in the windows event log etc.).

2020-08New feature72388
Dispatching and confirmation
Order package structure could get inconsistent after certain dispatcher actions

The order package structure could get inconsistent after certain dispatcher actions. This was especially happening when a whole order line split has been performed (via 'Keep' or 'Remove' menuitems in goods management forms) on transport leg that belong to the transport order which was already geographically split (ie. had some depot splits). The behavior was corrected, now the package structure is consistent after quantity & geographical split actions.

Data migration job for the task 69666 (New feature of shipment lot quantity criteria)

Data migration job for the task 69666 (New feature of shipment lot quantity criteria).
Data job generates the shipment lot quantity criteria for existing records, both on shipment lot quantity and transport order line.

Please note:
The data job should be run even when new commodity feature is not used, to ensure the correct behavior of the shipment builder.

2020-08Data conversion72343
Dispatching and confirmation
Change of tour stop sequence (via drag & drop) was sometimes not possible in both dispatching gantt screens

In certain cases it was not possible to change the sequence of the tour stops via drag & drop in the level 3 of dispatching gantt screens. The issue was corrected, now the change of the tour stop sequence is blocked only when it makes no sense (eg. move unload before load, move confirmed tour stop etc.)

Dispatching and confirmation
No possibility to select & copy the tour stop information text from the 'pop-up' dialog in the gantt screens

It is now possible to select & copy the tour stop information text (from the 'pop-up' dialog) in the gantt screens, in level 3.

Customer order management and pricing
Under certain parameterization no barcode was printed on the package label

Previously when no package identification type was defined in the main TMS parameters then no barcode was printed on package label (even though the package had some barcode specified). This was enhanced, now when no package identification type is defined in the main TMS parameters then the system prints first found barcode of the package.

Customer order management and pricing
Under certain circumstances the EDI import process could create 2 transport orders from 1 EDI import message

The issue could happen when all following circumstances were met:
- 'Firm automatically' was set TRUE on import process
- 'Invoice status logic' was set to 'Advanced' in the main TMS parameters
- Some 'Status term invoice' was specified on the 'Terms of delivery'

Then due to a bug in the code it could happen that two transport orders were created from one EDI import message during the "Check errors" process on the checked imported order. The issue was corrected, now only one transport order is created.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the SCM status 'on mouse over' pop-up descriptions in both dispatching gantt screens

The SCM status 'on mouse over' pop-up descriptions were enhanced in both dispatching gantt screens. Previously the 'on mouse over' SCM status descriptions showed for example 'Detailed planned', newly the description shows 'Detailed planned: Predecessor leg planned into a tour and detailed scheduled, but tour not yet released.'

2020-08New feature70690
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour activity variable calculation did not calculate correctly for planning unit 5

Tour activity variable calculation did not calculate correctly when set against fifth planning unit. This was happening for example when unloading tour activity was specified as 10min per each m2 (and m2 was a fifth planning unit). The issue was corrected, now the variable calculation of tour activities behaves correctly for all planning units.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases the transport leg was created with empty date (or the date was set to 1900)

The issue was encountered especially in following constellation:
- Main TMS parameter for 'Respect opening days' was set TRUE
- Main TMS parameter for 'Max. future planning (number of days)' was not specified (ie. was set to 'zero')

Then for some cases the rough scheduling algorithm could not determine the suitable transport leg date. The issue was corrected, newly when no suitable transport leg can be found during rough scheduling then the system uses the date from transport order as a fallback.
Additionally a new validation has been added to the save of main TMS parameters, to inform the user that the above constellation was encountered and to advise either to specify some 'Max. future planning (number of days)' or to deactivate the 'Respect opening days' parameter.

Shipment Builder
Some shipment builder related elements (eg. fields/parameters) didn't have any usage in the current shipment builder process

Several shipment builder elements (eg. fields/parameters) were incorrectly linked to a new shipment builder configuration key, despite their functionality was related to an old shipment builder functionality only. The assignment of configuration keys was corrected.

Enhancement of the 'Party postal address V2' data entity

Following TMS fields were added to the 'Party postal address V2' data entity (DirPartyLocationPostalAddressV2Entity):
- 'Protect Geo-coordination'
- 'Geo-coding failed'

2020-08New feature70643
Enhancement of the 'Customer postal addresses' data entity

Following TMS fields were added to the 'Customer postal addresses' data entity (CustomerPostalAddressEntity):
- 'Protect Geo-coordination'
- 'Geo-coding failed'

2020-08New feature70639
Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases the 'Complete tour execution' functionality in dispatching gantt screens ended in stack trace error

In certain cases the 'Complete tour execution' functionality in dispatching gantt screens ended in stack trace error. This was especially happening when the print destination of packing slip was set to 'screen' (via print management). The behavior was adjusted, now the packing slip printing to screen is not supported via print management during complete tour execution but can be triggered manually after the complete tour execution.

Dispatching and confirmation
No possibility to adjust the resource leg by 'drag & drop' in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen

Previously the possibility to adjust a resource leg by 'drag & drop' on level 2 was existing only in the 'Tour Dispatching' screen. This was enhanced, now it is possible to adjust a resource leg by 'drag & drop' on level 2 also in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen.

Transport type (provided in EDI import file) was sometimes not respected during transport order import process

When some default transport type was specified on the TMS import group then the transport type (that was provided in EDI import file) was ignored. The behavior was corrected, the default transport type (specified on TMS import group) is used only when no transport type is provided in EDI message.

ULD/Compartment handling: creates a new ULD/Compartment handling compatible structure from previous 'Carrying resource' assignment data

A data migration job for the task 69696 (New feature of 'ULD/Compartment handling').

The data job creates a new ULD compatible structure from previously existing "Carrying resource" assignment (from the tour order lines).

2020-08Data conversion69700
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB additions for the task 66677 (New feature of 'ULD/Compartment handling' (replaces the previous carrying resource feature))

Adds the new 'ULD/Compartment handling' also to the GPB screens. For more details please see release description of task 66677.

2020-08New feature69696
Dispatching and confirmation
Package confirmation sometimes failed with error

In some the cases the package confirmation did not happen and system reported error "Function TALUnitOfMeasureConverter::newFromConversionParameters has been incorrectly called." This was especially happening when no volume & weigh unit were specified on the package. The issue was corrected, now the volume & weight package units are submitted for conversion only when specified.

Dispatching and confirmation
The visualization of customer wish 'early/delay' didn't respect the main GPB parameter

Even though deactivated in the main GPB parameters (ie. 'Show customer wish' parameter was set to FALSE) the customer wished date was still visualized in tour stop details (in level 3 of dispatching gantt screens). The issue was corrected, now the customer wished date respects the main GPB parameter 'Show customer wish'.

Shipment Builder
New feature of shipment lot quantity criteria

New feature of 'Shipment lot quantity criteria' has been added to the system, as a preparation for the future product enhancements (eg. introduction of the commodity entity also to the D365 trading orders). Newly the structure between shipment lot quantity and transport order line is steered via new criteria set (a field that is stored on transport order line and shipment lot quantity).

2020-08New feature69666
Dispatching and confirmation
Deletion of strategic tour routing was not possible in 'Resource Dispatching' screen

Previously the deletion of strategic tour routing in 'Resource Dispatching' screen was not possible, the functionality was failing with an error. The issue was corrected, now the deletion of strategic tour routing is possible from both gantt screens.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB performance & freezing improvements in Gantt (for certain constellations)

In the following constellations it could happen, that GPB Gantt screen froze or performed very badly:
- Tour with many orders (50+)
- "Show customer wish deviation" parameter and/or "Cost/Revenue real-time calculation" parameter is switched ON

Either at selecting of any tour, or at simple opening of the Gantt screens, or at full-refresh, the screen would freeze or take very long (several minutes) to load data.

The reason for this was that 'background code workers' did collide with heavy loads and blocked each other, because the configuration of "number of allowed parallel web-service connections" was put to 2 by default. Opening up this configuration allowed GPB to better fire web-services in parallel which solved a big part of the above described issue, meaning the heavy processes can now keep running in the background (e.g. small spinning wheels on icons) while the user can continue working.

However, in Gantt-Screen-Resource (GSR) there could previously still be issues when the parameter "Show customer wish deviation" was switched on and big tours were in the view port. This was corrected in this task and should not happen anymore.

Find more information in the technical installation guide about the "open connection" setting, it's important to follow those instructions carefully, since opening up this configuration too much could lead to other [unknown] issues.
Please note:
The above mentioned parameters (customer wish and cost/revenue) still are heavy processes and are therefore configurable. CAPcargo will be improving those processes in future releases, but still their usage should be carefully considered.

- Customer wish show deviation in Gantt bars
To be switched on only in relevant business; this feature is made for FTL business, where 1 tour equals more or less to 1 order. Only the last unload customer wish can be respected in the visual element of a bar.
- Cost/Revenue real-time calculation
To be carefully considered if real-time calculation is really needed. It's about the red/green icon on the gantt bar indicating profit/loss, which is calculated for all tours immediately (if parameter ON), or only at request (button) per tour (if parameter OFF). The bigger the tours, the heavier the performance impact. - Actually, the recommended best practice is to run that cost/revenue statistics splitting by the foreseen D365 batches in the background, which calculate the tours asynchronously. Dedicated flags on the tour mark, if values on the tour are up-to-date and allow GPB to directly show the red/green icons without any performance impact. Like that only very few tours really need to be calculated in real-time, potentially only the once the dispatcher is currently working on.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of tour visualization in both dispatching gantt screens

The performance of the visualization of tour gantt was improved in both dispatching gantt screens, by optimization of the code responsible for the customer wish "early/delay" visualization.

2020-08New feature69619
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB addition for the task 69604 (New feature of commodity entity (only 'non shipment builder' transport orders))

Displays the new commodity field on the GPB screens:
- 'Transport orders /-legs' screen - new grey infobox in the right bottom part (in 'Overview' tab)
- both dispatching gantt screens - on order detail section of both dispatching gantt screens (a 'flyout' side 'Orders' panel on the tour stop)

Also enables the visualization of commodities by different color icons in the map component (the color parameterization happens on the transport type).

2020-08New feature69607
Customer order management and pricing
New feature of commodity entity (only 'non shipment builder' transport orders)

New feature of "Commodity" has been added to the TMS system. It basically represents an additional level of details on the transport order line, to better support the commodity related business cases. Commodity can enhance (or even replace) the transport unit. So it is for example possible to have a transport order with transport unit "BAG" (with commodity "Grain organic") and another transport order with transport unit "BAG" (with commodity "Wheat"). Or even without any transport unit (eg. when commodity is transported in bulk).

Key characteristics:
- Commodity structure definition is done in new form accessible from main menu "CAPcargo Transport ->Setup -> Commodities"
- Commodity structure is hierarchical, each element can be valid for table/group/all customers (with a date validity)
- New 'Commodity' field on transport order line (and also on many places where transport order line is presented, eg. transport order creation dialog, transport leg points, tour orders, tour confirmation, goods management, default order line, LTL sub-contracting order line, intercompany order line, GPB etc.)
- On transport type a different color (for each commodity visualization on the map) can be specified
- Transport order EDI flow was updated to allow the import (and update) of the commodity on transport order line

Usage of commodity:
- informational - extends (or replaces) the transport unit
- qualifications - as the commodity can be setup as a qualification requester, further usages are possible:
- conflicts - new commodity related conflicts were introduced (conflict id 1260 - 1264)
- restriction for combined loading - certain commodities should not be transported together in the same resource

Please note:
in current release the commodities can be used only in the transport orders that were not generated from the D365 trading order entities.

2020-08New feature69604
Other / General
CAP.TMS data migration jobs were sometimes showing in other legal entities as "not run" but in fact the data was already processed/corrected

CAP.TMS release migration jobs update data in all legal entities but the migration job status was managed only in current legal entity. So in other legal entities the migration jobs were still showing status "not run" but in reality the data was already updated. This was corrected - CAP.TMS migration jobs are now shared between legal entities (ie. property SaveDataPerCompany in TALDataMigrationJob table was changed from "Yes" to "No").

Please note:
To avoid the duplicity of migration jobs from other legal entities, the data conversion job in ADO 54278 must be run.

2020-08New feature69602
Dispatching and confirmation
Not accurate visualization of customer wish 'early/delay' (in level 1) in certain cases

The visualization of customer wish 'early/delay' in level 1 tour gantt bars (aka. the red/green bars) was in certain cases not accurate, as the earliness/delay was visualized even when more transport orders (with different customer wished dates) were unloaded at the same tour stop. The behavior was corrected, newly the customer wish 'early/delay' is visualized only when there is exactly one transport order being unloaded.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases the merging of tour stops was not possible

In certain cases the merging of tour stops was not possible, the merging failed with 'BOX API can't be used for non-interactive sessions.' This was especially happening when some Manual ETA was specified for some tour stop. The behavior was corrected, now in case the Manual ETA is specified for some tour stop then during the merging system asks user for decision what should happen to Manual ETA.

Subcontracting/IC invoicing
''Post selected' feature was not working properly in vendor invoice pool, when launched from vendor invoice journal

Previously the 'Post selected' feature in vendor invoice pool (when launched from vendor invoice journal) posted all records in the grid. This behavior was corrected, now the 'Post selected' post only the selected records.

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of 'Undo tour closing' was added to both dispatching gantt screens

New feature of 'Undo tour closing' was added to both dispatching gantt screens, to enable the re-opening of the tour when it had been closed previously.

2020-08New feature68653
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Transport quantity on 'Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)' order was sometimes not displayed correctly

This was especially happening when some quantity split was performed on the original transport order line, then on LTL order line the system displayed the original (ie. not split) transport quantity. The issue was corrected, now the system respects the quantity split and shows only the corresponding transport quantity on the LTL order line.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB client version is newly hard-coded, instead of being populated from D365 label file

Previously the GPB client version (eg. 'GPB Version 2.3.5, Dynamics 365, 14.08.2020') was populated from a D365 label file and the same label was reused (and updated) for every GPB release. This could theoretically lead to some version naming discrepancy, as the label file can be technically adjusted/updated by projects even between the official versions. To avoid such discrepancy the GPB client version is newly being hard-coded in every GPB release.

2020-08New feature67806
Dispatching and confirmation
Inconsistency in the adding of new packages when transport order is already planned in some tour

New packages (which were created by the increase of transport quantity on transport order that was already planned in some tour) were not automatically accessible on the tour. The behavior was corrected, now the new packages are accessible on the tour regardless whether they have been created directly (ie. added on transport order) or indirectly (ie. via the transport quantity change).

Dispatching and confirmation
Inconsistency in the visualization of customer wished date & time on tour stop stops (level 3)

The customer wished date & time visualization on tour stop detail section (in level 3) was sometimes not consistent, the unload wished date & time had an additional logic (of displaying the "*" when more than one order was scheduled for unloading at the same tour stop, with different customer wished date & time). Such additional visualization logic was previously applied only on unload tour stops, now is applied also on the loading tour stops.

Enhancement of the track & trace event and message framework

The track & trace event and message framework was enhanced, following functionality was added:
- Introduction of message configuration group Id - the track & trace status setup is newly referenced by unique configuration group id. Additionally a new configuration table has been introduced that links the customer & service (SLA) & message configuration group id.
- Package level events - newly the confirmation of a package (eg. a package scan) triggers an individual track & trace event. Previously the trigger happened only on the whole transport leg level which triggered track & trace events also for other (ie. not currently confirming) packages.
- Package scan events overview - new package scan event overview was added to the system, users can see also the related track & trace event statuses.
- New 'Address group' track & trace event message criteria - newly the track & trace event messages can be set also per address group (previously the setup was possible only on individual address level)
- 'External address codes' can be newly included in the outbound status messages - previously the message contained only internal address id, which was not too useful in the external receiving systems.
- 'External track & trace status Id' and 'External track & trace status name' can be newly included in the outbound messages.
- Enhancement of the event date/time usage in the status outbound messages - previously certain types of the status outbound message contained only the registration date/time of the event (ie. the date/time event was registered in D365) but not the original date/time of the event (ie. the date/time the event really happened, prior to D365 registration). This was improved, system now includes the event original date/time in all event messages (for which such information is available in the D365/TMS).

2020-08New feature67740
Shipment Builder
Enhancement of the Service (SLA)

Previously the usage of Service (SLA) on D365 trade order entities was not consistent - on some trade order entities the Service (SLA) was on the header, on others just on the line. This task unites the usage of Service (SLA) in the following way, for D365 sales/purchase/transfer order:
- Service (SLA) on trade order header is newly used only for initialization of Service (SLA) to trade order lines
- Additionally the update mechanism has been introduced to trade orders - when user manually changes the Service (SLA) on header, it newly asks whether the Service (SLA) on lines should be also updated
- Service (SLA) on trade order line is effectively used (ie. pushed to transport order).
- As a consequence it is newly the Service (SLA) from trade order lines that is used as the shipment building criteria for transport order creation.
- As a consequence the Service (SLA) of the trade order lines has been added to the shipment builder management logic.

Additionally Service (SLA) has been also added to the TMS tariff surcharges (as a new surcharge criteria). So it is now possible to set up a TMS tariff surcharge per individual Service (SLA), or per 'Service level agreement' group. All TMS order types are supported (ie. transport order, LTL/FTL sub-contracting order, part-invoice order, intercompany order, collective orders etc.)

2020-08New feature67541
Dispatching and confirmation
The 'dotted' air line visualization of the counterpart transport leg points was sometimes misbehaving on the map screen

On the map screen (with some transport legs loaded), when the user clicks on some leg point then the map connects the leg point with its counterpart leg point via the "dotted" air line. Previously this mechanism was working properly only when user clicked on the unload leg point. The behavior was corrected, now the "dotted" air lines visualizes both transport leg points even when user clicks on the load leg point.

Dispatching and confirmation
New validation of the GPB client, to ensure the compatibility match with the D365 version

New validation has been added to the GPB client, to ensure that the GPB client is connected to the supported D365 version only. The validation is launched automatically during GPB client start and warns user when incompatible D365 version is detected.

2020-08New feature66722
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of 'ULD/Compartment handling' (replaces the previous carrying resource feature)

New ways of carrying resource assignment are introduced. The carrying resource assignment form allows the user to have a tour stop level overview about orders to be assigned to carrying resources and about orders, which are already assigned to them. Moreover, the assignment itself can be also done on the form with the consideration of combined loading restrictions. The new form is prepared to 2 levels of carrying resource assignment: tour order and package level.

On the other hand, if prior the planning of the orders, resources are already assigned to the tour, then carrying resource assignment can be executed directly in GPB, via dragging and dropping the transport leg on the resource of the tour.

Key points:
- The definition whether the carrying resource assignment is managed on tour order level (or newly on package level) is done via new parameter 'Carrying resource assignment on package level', on transport type.
- The new carrying resource functionality can be accessed in following places (both TAL and both GPB dispatching gantt screens):
- Menuitem 'Carrying resource assignment' in the GPB top action bar (in menuitem group 'Resources') - launches the process for the whole tour (eg. for all loading/unloading tour stops)
- Menuitem 'Carrying resource assignment' in the GPB 'right mouse click' context menu of the tour stop (level 3) - launches the process just for individual loading/unloading tour stop
- Menuitem 'Assign carrying resource' in the GPB top action bar - assigns the carrying resource for the whole tour (eg. for all loading/unloading tour stops)
- The existing carrying resource assignments are also shown in the tour order level (when opened either from 'Dispatch light - Tours' or from GPB screens)
- After activation of the relevant configuration key the previous functionality of carrying resource (on tour orders) becomes replaced by new ULD/Compartment handling functionality (which requires usage of GPB).
In order to use the new feature ULD/Compartment handling and/or the redesigned existing feature "assign carrying resource/compartment to tour orders", the configuration key "Compartment handling (ULD)" under "**Not officially released sub-modules**" has to be switched on. - The feature will be officially released in the next release R12, since minor last details/improvements are still open. But the main functionality is available and can be tested.

Please note:
- The unofficial config keys are by default switched off. This does though not harm the data migration job of the carrying resource (see 69700) which shall be executed at installation of this release 11.
- The new carrying resource (aka. ULD/Compartment handling) functionality can be used only from GPB. The TAL 'Dispatching light - Tours' form can be used only for visualization of already existing carrying resource assignment but not for its creation.

2020-08New feature66677
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the tour stop delete, when tour contains some automatically generated strategic tour routing (aka. waypoints)

Newly when the tour stop is being deleted in both dispatching gantt screens (and tour contains some automatically generated strategic tour routing (aka. waypoints)), then the user is asked via a new dialog, to decide whether the existing strategic tour routing should be updated (ie. removed and re-generated for the new tour stop structure) or kept without any changes.

2020-08New feature65759
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong visualization of resource capacity in Resources screen

Previously the visualization of resource capacity in Resources screen (ie. in 'Capacity' tab page of resource details) was not too reliable. Following issues were corrected:
- Duplicated visualization of 3rd planning unit (and planning quantity)
- 5th planning unit (and planning quantity) was missing entirely

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature of transport price simulation has been added to both dispatching gantt screens

It is now possible to simulate what would be the cost effect if certain transport leg(s) or already planned tour stop(s) would be delivered via external sub-contractors instead of being delivered by internal resources. The feature can be used also for finding the most cost effective sub-contractor for selected transport legs (or tour stops).

Key characteristics of the enhancement:
- New menuitem 'Price simulation' on the 'Transport orders /-legs' top screen action pane, which opens a new D365 window where user has to select for which TMS sub-contractors the price simulation should be launched. The price simulation then calculates the expected costs for each selected TMS sub-contractor over all selected transport legs. Standard* TMS contract finding is used for allocating the best fitting tariff to the selected transport legs (including the driving time & distance calculation and potential currency conversion logic). For the purpose of price simulation the LTL sub-contracting model is used (incl. the automated order collection when more than one transport leg is selected).
- New 'right mouse click' context menuitem 'Price simulation' in tour stop overview in both dispatching gantt screens (in level 3), which launches the process. The price simulation logic (and result) is the same but user has an additional option to simulate the effect on existing default costs of the tour.
- *A small modification of standard TMS contract finding had to be done. Purely for the purpose of price simulation if 'more than one' best fitting tariff is found then system uses one of them randomly & automatically (instead of asking the user for selection).

Please note:
- The result of price simulation is the overview of foreseen costs per each selected TMS sub-contractor, for better decision making. The system doesn't perform the sub-contracting itself (eg. doesn't plan transport legs into tours, doesn't sub-contract the tour etc.). Such actions must be done manually by dispatchers.
- The price simulation result is not stored in the TMS, result is only presented to the user (but process can be re-run again for same or different leg/stop selection).
- Price simulation menuitems are accessible also from the 'Goods management' forms, from both dispatching screens.

2020-08New feature65649
Dispatching and confirmation
GUI improvement of the gantt screens (horizontal scrolling bar is wider)

When not all tour stops can be visualized in the level 3 of gantt screens (eg. in case of higher count of tour stops), the horizontal scrolling bar is presented to the user. Previously the horizontal scrolling bar was quite thin and users reported some difficulties when using it. The horizontal scrolling bar was improved - is wider now.

2020-08New feature64598
Dispatching and confirmation
Better visualization of tour stop details in the level 3 in gantt screens

Previously to visualize all details of tour stop details users had to manually 'pull up' the horizontal separator of level 3 in gantt screens, as some details were not visible on the screen by default (eg. resource swap icons, GMT time zones etc.). This was enhanced, now the level 3 shows by default all tour stop details.

2020-08New feature64596
Dispatching and confirmation
New 'ship' and 'aircraft' resource icons were added to the system

Several 'ship' and 'aircraft' resource icons were added to the system, for better visualization of alternative resource types. The parameterization happens in the TMS vehicle details, where user can select from 10 new vehicle icons.

2020-08New feature64467
Dispatching and confirmation
When Resources screen was opened for the first time, all resources were sometimes shown as 'Planned' even though some of them were still not planned

When user selected some tour in any of both dispatching gantt screens and afterwards opened the Resources screen, the initial visualization of Resources screen was not correct (ie. all resources were visualized already in "Planned" section). To get the correct resource visualization (ie. Available or Planned) user had to re-select the tour while having the Resources screen already open. This was corrected, newly the initial filtering of Resource screen is already correct when screen is opened for the first time.

Dispatching and confirmation
New dispatching feature - generate 1 tour from several 'multi-selected' transport legs

Previously when user selected several transport legs in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen and did 'drag & drop' them to unused space of the dispatching gantt screens, then the system created several tours (each with one transport order). This was enhanced, now the system creates one tour for all selected transport legs. During the 'drop' action the user can specify some further details of the new tour (eg. exact tour start date & time, allocate resources, activate the 'Sequence optimization' or 'Respect business hours' logic etc.)
Additionally the system is newly using the 'Route/Zone' of the transport legs for initialization of several fields in the new tour (eg. tour start date & time, tour start & end address, transport type, resource initialization etc.). In case when the selected transport legs belong to different 'Routes/Zones', then system is using for initialization the 'Route/Zone' that is specified in the 'drop' action dialog.

Please note:
- When the 'drop' action happens to unused space in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen then the tour is created for the resource depending on the 'drop' position.
- The same dialog is newly used also for the manual new tour creation (ie, via "New tour" menuitem in both dispatching screeens), hence it is possible to initialize fields from 'Route/Zone' for the new tours that are created also by this method.
- In case the previous functionality is needed (ie. create individual tours from selected transport legs) the user can still use the 'Generate tour from transport leg' planning method.

2020-08New feature42965
Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicate conflicts in the conflict ID filter lookup in gantt screens

In gantt screens the conflict ID filter lookup previously showed duplicated conflicts (as the same conflicts could be activated in several transport types). This was enhanced, now the conflict ID lookup contains only unique conflicts across all transport types, sorted by conflict ID.

Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: On the "Transport orders /-legs" screen the menuitem "Remove part delivery" does not work

Via "Remove part delivery" it was possible to physically delete a part delivery transport leg. In current GPB release the menuitem unfortunately works only for users with "System administrator" security role; for users without "System administrator" security role the menuitem doesn't work (ie. button does nothing).
As a temporary workaround - when needed please use the same menuitem "Remove part delivery" on the D365 "Dispatch light - Transport legs" form, there the functionality works correctly.

The issue be fixed in release, by task 73930.

Please note:
- The merging of part delivery is not anyhow affected and works correctly in "Transport orders /-legs" screen, the issue is affecting only the removal of part delivery.

2020-09Known issue73943
Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) order was sometimes not created automatically when transport leg was planned into tour which was already sub-contracted

When planning a transport leg into already sub-contracted tour, the transport leg sub-contracting (LTL) order was sometimes not automatically created in the background. The issue was caused by a bug in ULD transaction creation logic. The issue was corrected, now the system correctly generates ULD transactions only for the newly added transport legs and also creates sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) orders accordingly.

Dispatching and confirmation
Inconsistency in package confirmation when confirming individual packages in tour confirmation

In the tour confirmation form previously there was a certain inconsistency in the package confirmation process, the result was not exactly the same when the confirmation happened from the order level or from the package level. The processes were aligned, now both lead to the same result.

Dispatching and confirmation
"Create new tour" dialog could be avoided by creation of tour via ALT-N keyboard combination

In "Dispatching light - tours" it's possible to create a new record with Alt-N keyboard combination. This way it was possible to skip the standard "Create new tour" dialog, which could lead to an incomplete tour data. The issue was corrected, now the "Create new tour" dialog is populated even when new tours are created via Alt-N.

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport leg rough scheduling process was sometimes scheduling an unload on the day when address is closed

TMS address parameterization of "Default business hours" was sometimes not respected during the rough scheduling process. This was especially happening when transport leg points were using a mix of "Default business hours" & "Differing business hours" setup. The issue was corrected, the "Default business hours" are now correctly respected during rough scheduling process, when main TMS parameter "Respect opening days" is activated.

Dispatching and confirmation
"Default values load-/unload date" parameterization was sometimes not respected during pre-dispatching process

The parameterization of "Default values load-/unload date" was sometimes not respected during transport leg creation process. This was happening especially when the main TMS parameter "Respect opening days" was set TRUE. The issue was corrected, the "Default values load-/unload date" parameterization is newly taken into account during transport leg creation when no other rough scheduling modes are available, even when TMS parameter "Respect opening" is activated.

New data entity: TAL Revenue and cost splitting

New data entity "TAL Revenue and cost splitting" was added to the system, it is now possible to export TMS cost & revenue statistics from D365 (the data entity is allowed only for exporting).

2020-09New feature73702
New data entities for sub-contracting orders

Following sub-contracting order related data entities were added to the system:
- TAL Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)
- TAL Sub-contractor order lines
- TAL Sub-contracting Tour

It is now possible to export TMS sub-contracting orders from D365 (the data entities are allowed only for exporting).

2020-09New feature73697
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong detection of conflict ID 245 (Qualification - restriction for combined loading of address is disobeyed) in some cases

The qualification based conflict ID 245 (Qualification - restriction for combined loading of address is disobeyed) was sometimes being detected by conflict analyzer even when it shouldn't. The issue was corrected, now the conflict ID 245 is detected only when (ie. both conditions must be fulfilled):
- not allowed combination of qualifications is being loaded on single address
- all tour orders are assigned to same carrying resource OR some carrying resource assignment is missing

Other / General
Display of TAL license expiration in "Info about CAP.Transport&Logistics" form

Newly the TAL license expiration datum is accessible also in the "Info about CAP.Transport&Logistics" form, in following main menu path:
CAPcargo Transport –> Setup –> Info about CAP.Transport&Logistics

2020-09New feature73620
Data migration job for the task 67651 (New feature: AX Sales return order is supported in the shipment builder)

Data migration job populates the "Shipment building area" field on existing transport orders and transport legs. The shipment building area is an internal field, it is not shown on the forms. Field stores the information whether transport order was generated via shipment building process (and from which D365 trade order type) and is used internally by TMS for several purposes (eg. filtering, queries etc.)
For end user the field can be useful when setting up some advanced filters, or can be added individually to the forms via form personalization.

2020-09Data conversion73619
Dispatching and confirmation
ULD transactions were not created automatically when several orders were planned into tour in 'Resource Dispatching' screen

Previously the automated creation of ULD transactions worked correctly in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen only when an individual single transport leg was planned. In case of transport leg multi-selection, the ULD transactions were not generated. The issue was corrected, the ULD transactions are generated even when multiple transport legs are planned into tour in 'Resource Dispatching' screen.

Dispatching and confirmation
Change management of the carrying resource ULD transactions

Previously introduced ULD transactions (for carrying resource assignment) were lacking a proper update mechanism, which is being corrected by this task. Following update cases are newly being covered:
- When transport order line quantity is adjusted while ULD transaction for this transport order line exists
- When resource assignment on tour is changed (ie. removed) while ULD transaction for this resource exists

In general the following update mechanism is applied:
- The existing ULD transactions are automatically updated when the structure is entirely clear. Eg. when only one ULD transaction exists for the transport order line.
- When the ULD (and transport order line) relation is not entirely clear then the ULD transactions are not automatically updated (but are removed instead, together with removal of carrying resource assignment from the tour order lines) and user is informed accordingly via a new infolog. Eg. when one transport order line is carried by several resources (ie. more ULD transactions exist for the transport order line), or when transport order line was split (via quantity split) during the dispatching process.

The update mechanism is activated automatically, no additional parameterization is needed.

Release of the "Message framework" & "Transport Event Management" functionality

Configuration keys "Message framework" & "Transport Event Management" were moved from "**Not officially released sub-modules**" section into new dedicated "Transport Event Management" section, as both sub-modules are officially released. It is now possible to set up an outgoing event message per track & trace status change.

2020-09New feature72654
Other / General
Removal of configuration key "Compartment handling (ULD)" from "**Not officially released sub-modules**" section

The configuration key "Compartment handling (ULD)" was removed from "**Not officially released sub-modules**" configuration key section. The feature "Compartment handling (ULD) is officially released and generally available without any dedicated configuration key.

2020-09New feature72652
Master data
Data migration job for task 67545 (Enhancement of the dispatching activity setup)

The data job will populate the new activity duration field (in seconds) based on the old duration (in minutes).
Additionally the "Fix time" (which was previously a decimal value for minutes) is cleaned/corrected, maximum decimal should be .59.

Any existing values which would be more than 99:59:59 are converted to 99:59:59.

2020-09Data conversion72638
Correction of duplicate event message generation for certain track and trace statuses

For certain track and trace statutes the system previously sometimes created (and sent) a duplicate event message. This was especially happening for following track and trace statuses:
- Status420 (Load/unload finished)
- Status425 (Load/Unload package finished)

The issue was corrected and duplicate event messages should not occur anymore.

2020-09New feature72545
Enhancement of the track and trace status messages (adding the exact timestamp into more event messages)

Previously the exact timestamp of the event (ie. when the event occurred) was filled only in certain event messages. This was enhanced, the event timestamp is newly being filled in the messages also for following track and trace events:
- Status311 (Failed pick-up)
- Status430 (Delivered by sender)
- Status436 (Picked up by sender)

2020-09New feature72544
Enhancement of the track and trace status messages (manual sending of event messages)

This enhancement introduces a possibility of a manual sending of the track and trace event status messages. The functionality can be launched via menuitem "Manually create message" in the "Confirmation" action pane of the transport order form, users can then in the wizard select which event message should be generated/sent.

Please note:
- The menuitem "Manually create message" was existing already in previous release(s) but did not produce a reliable result. This task officially releases this functionality.

2020-09New feature72541
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: customer pick up at depot & customer delivery into depot - GPB additions

Default filter (query) of the "Transport orders /-legs" screen had to be adjusted, to not display the "Sender delivery" and "Receiver pick-up" transport legs which were confirmed directly without a tour.

Following filters were added to the "Transport orders /-legs" screen:
- Receiver pick-up (new grid filter)
- To be delivered by sender (new grid filter)
- To be picked up by receiver (new SCM status filter)
- Ready for receiver pick-up (new SCM status filter)

Additionally a new icons for new Goods planning statuses were introduced.

2020-09New feature72474
Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicate refresh of level 2 when viewing a tour in GSR (from GST) and viceversa

When switching the tour views between 'Resource Dispatching' and 'Tour Dispatching' screens the level 2 was sometimes refreshed twice. The issue was corrected, now the refresh of level 2 happens only once.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB performance driven redesign of the tour refresh in "Resource Dispatching" & "Tour Dispatching" screens

To improve the performance of both gantt screens, the mechanism of tour refresh was enhanced. Previously the tour refresh was loading the tour entire details at once (ie. user session was blocked until data from all tour levels was loaded). Which, especially for tours with several dozens of tour stops (and order data) could take a significant time. Newly the tour refresh mechanism is split into two parts:
- loading of details for level 1 (ie. tour gantt bar data) and the basic structure of tour stops in level 3
- loading of details for each tour stop in level 3 (ie. tour stop scheduling dates & times, loading & unloading quantities of transport legs). Also newly the details for each tour stop are being loaded independently (ie. in parallel background sessions).

For users the GUI experience of working with both gantt screens should be improved, as the "tour refresh" mechanism is called very frequently - basically after every tour change. One noticeable visual difference is that during tour refresh instead of common "spinning icons" (that were previously shown both for level1 and level3) system now shows the individual "spinning icons" for every tour stop (but user session is unblocked at this moment already).

2020-09New feature69621
Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Invoice automation flag "Calculate orders first" didn't work properly for Tour sub-contracting orders and for Tour additional costs

Previously the invoice automation flag "Calculate orders first" worked correctly only for Transport leg sub-contracting (LTL) orders, it didn't work properly for Tour sub-contracting orders and for Tour additional costs. This was corrected, now the invoice automation flag "Calculate orders first" calculates all sub-contracting elements.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Following performance driven improvement were done in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen:
- New "Filter" menuitem was added to the action pane (bellow Refresh & Pre-load), which optionally affects the basic logic of the filters. The menuitem must be enabled in the AX Worker setup (new parameter " Show 'Filter' button in OS", in CAPcargo Transport section, in group "Filter Initialization Dispatching"). Once the Filter button is activated for particular user/worker, then the filters are not immediately applied after every change but are applied only manually (ie. via Filter button). This allows the users to change several filters at once (ie. without any delay) and apply them all at once.
- AND/OR logical operators can now be used in the filter for Quantity, also the sorting of Quantity works more reliably.
- The icon for summing of the selected planning quantity changes into "spinning wheel" when system calculates and the calculation itself doesn't lock the session.
- Filtering/sorting were added to the date & time fields.
- Pre-loaded grid (ie. with all records shown) now doesn't reload after field sorting. This allows the user to do rapid sorting (even with many transport legs) once the grid is fully pre-loaded.
- Load/Unload name filtering was enhanced by options: "Is equal to", "Starts with", Ends with" and "Does not contain".
- ZipCode filtering was enhanced by option "Starts with".

2020-09New feature67743
Shipment Builder
New feature: D365 sales return order is newly supported by the shipment builder

A new entity is involved in the shipment builder feature, the sales return order. Via this new shipment building area the user is enabled to create CAPcargo shipment and transport order from sales orders of type Returned order.
To respect the characteristics of the sales return order, the related CAPcargo functionality differs from the other trading order types. It provides more flexibility at creation and more options for manual adjustment both at creation and during updates. Hence the necessary modifications of the order, that have to happen after the transportation is finished when the goods are received, are allowed and have no impact on the (at this point) already historical transportation data.
On the other hand, the price of such flexibility was that instead of the general order line – load line – shipment lot relation, a new link had to be established on the order header. This also means, that there is always a 1:1 relation between the sales return order header and the CAPcargo shipment / transport order. Furthermore, the lines of the sales return order are only considered by a limited number of processes (e.g. CAPcargo shipment lot quantity record creation when the CAPcargo shipment is generated).

The sales return order based transport orders are integrated into the CAPcargo solution. Information bridges and flows are created – at least when it makes sense for such inbound process – between trade and transportation even when the trading order is a sales return order.

However, some functions are not handled yet:
- packing slip posting: current way of packing slip posting from tour is based on TMS packages, which are not available for sales return orders
- split transport cost/revenue to shipment lot: no golden rule whether miscellaneous charges shall be added to sales return order header or to the everchanging sales return order lines

2020-09New feature67651
Master data
Enhancement of the dispatching activity setup

Previously the dispatching activity master data setup could be done only on "hours & minutes" level. This was enhanced, now it is possible to define dispatching activity master data duration also in seconds.

2020-09New feature67545
Update of the data entity "TAL Trade and Distribution parameter"

Following fields were added to the "TAL Trade and Distribution parameter" data entity:
- Load template ID
- Changing warehouse is allowed

Fields were previously not existing in the data entity, though were accessible in the "Trade and Distribution parameters (module overlapping)" form.

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: customer pick up at depot & customer delivery into depot

New special transport leg types are introduced, which handle those scenarios, when the shipping of the first or last leg is not managed by the transportation company, but the sender and the receiver. The creation of these so called ‘sender delivery’ and ‘receiver pick-up’ legs can be done manually or automatically at pre-dispatching.

Due to the fact, that these special leg types are mostly not planned into a tour, the Cross-docking form is enhanced to support the direct and detailed confirmation of them. This confirmation process supports the update of confirmed quantities, empties management, package level confirmation and auto-confirmation of counterpart leg points.

Regarding to the ‘sender delivery’ and ‘receiver pick-up’ legs several features were also enhanced:
- Transport leg classification (new classification of "Sender delivery", "Receiver pick-up" was added next to the existing classification of "Pick-up", "Shuttle", "Distribution")
- Goods planning status (new statuses)
- Conflict analyzer (new conflict)
- Track and trace framework (new statuses)
- Cost/revenue calculation (to ignore the special transport legs if not planned into a tour)

2020-09New feature55356
Dispatching and confirmation
Manually specified resource allocation was sometimes not respected when creating a new tour

In the dialog for new tour creation, it is possible to affect the resource assignment for the new tour. But previously the resources manually assigned in this tour creation dialog were in some cases not respected and system just used the fixed resource combination. This was corrected, now system allocates to tour the resources that are specified in the tour creation dialog.

Customer order management and pricing
Small GUI enhancement of the header section of the transport order line view

Load/unload address names and the load/unload time windows were added to the header section of the transport order line view.

Dispatching and confirmation
Optimization of the "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" dispatching method

The implementation of "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" was re-worked, to achieve a better performance especially in mass transport leg planning. The optimization was done on the code architecture level - the functionality of "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" mechanism itself was not altered.

Important, please note:
- Users must delete their usage data for class TALGenerateTourFromRouteController before they can launch "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" again. If the usage date for this class is not cleared, the class will not work
- Additionally if some periodic task for "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" is set up in the system, this periodic task must be deleted (and recreated). Otherwise the periodic task will start failing with error "TALGenerateTourFromRouteController - Invalid query".

2020-09New feature49407
Enabling the usage of "External codes" for transport addresses in the EDI order import process

Previously due to the platform change (from AX2012 -> D365) the usage of "External codes" was not working in EDI order import process. This was now enhanced, the "External codes" can be used to map the transport addresses against external codes, per each import process. The administration of external codes is accessible under following main menu path:
CAPcargo Transport -> Setup ->Data export/import -> Administration of external codes

or directly from transport address form, via menuitem "External codes".

Please note:
Only transport addresses are currently enabled for the "External codes", the customer accounts & transport units not yet.

2020-09New feature43951
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance optimization of "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone"

During "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone" planning method the system can also calculate driving time & distance (if activated in main TMS parameters via "Tour distance/time calculation in real-time"). Previously such driving time & distance calculation happened individually after addition of every tour stop in the tour. Which, especially in the case of mass transport leg planning via "Generate/Update tour out of route/zone", could lead to sub-optimal performance. This was enhanced, now the driving time & distance calculation is performed only once - when all transport legs are added to the tour.

2020-09New feature25975
Dispatching and confirmation
Optimization of the tour scheduling mechanism

The implementation of tour scheduling mechanism was re-worked, to achieve a better performance. Following processes were affected:
- Manual delete tour line with order
- Delete order from dispatching - empty tour stop
- Deleting of tour
- Deleting the last tour order from tour stop
- Tour stop split
- Manually delete tour activity

The optimization was done on the code architecture level - the functionality of tour scheduling mechanism itself was not altered.

2020-09New feature25521
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance optimization of the tour scheduling mechanism

Previously in some processes the tour scheduling mechanism was called too excessively, as it was called per process element. As part of general performance optimization, this was enhanced - newly the tour scheduling mechanism is called once per individual process.

Following planning methods were affected/enhanced:
- Generate tour from transport leg
- Generate/Update tour out of route/zone
- Dispatch directly to new tour
- Manual create of new tour

2020-09New feature25509
Other / General
Re-work of the "Named User License Counts" licensing report

The TMS "Named User License Counts" report was re-worked, to be in line with the current TMS license terms. Previously the report checked the roles setup in the system, newly the report is based on menu items or privileges and provides the information how many TAL full users and how many TAL light users are using the system.

Additionally a new periodic task was introduced, to collect the information about required CAP.Transport&Logistics user licenses.
Main menu path:
CAPcargo Transport –> Periodic –> Licensing –> Named user license count reports processing

Please note:
It is the duty of the customer to be compliant with the CAPcargo license terms. The mentioned report helps to get an overview of the set-up users and their needed licenses, depending on their role/security setup.
In order to get this report filled with data, it’s needed to setup a batch job with a daily recurrence, as described in this white paper.

2020-09New feature18702
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour stop overview in both gantt screens (aka. level3) was sometimes not automatically refreshed after certain dispatching actions

After certain dispatching actions in both gantt screen, the tour stop overview (aka. level 3) was sometimes not automatically refreshed and had to be refreshed manually. Following automated tour stop refresh mechanisms were added:
- in 'Tour Dispatching' screen, when transport order was removed from some tour stop
- in 'Resource Dispatching' screen, when Manual ETA was specified by user (via 'pencil' icon on tour stop)
- in 'Resource Dispatching' screen, when tour stop was split (via 'Split' action, in 'right mouse click' content dialog)
- in 'Resource Dispatching' screen, when whole tour was deleted

Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Manual tour creation, adding Route/Zone not working

More options are provided for [manual] tour creation in task 73678. It was meant also to provide the option, to manually add a route/zone to a newly-to-be-created tour, in the same manner as it is possible to add/change the route/zone field on an existing tour (serving for filtering of dispatch sectors).

In R13 that option of manually entering route/zone in the tour creation dialog is not working and will lead to an error message in most scenarios. Work-around: Leaving the field empty and fill it once the tour is created.

This will be fixed in release 14 with task 78487

2020-10Known issue78538
Dispatching and confirmation
Two new languages were added to the GPB app

From now on the GPB app includes and supports also the 'de' and 'de-at' languages.

2020-10New feature78525
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong readability of the address detail 'hover the mouse over' dialog in the map

Previously the address detail 'hover the mouse over' dialog (which appears in the map when mouse cursor is placed over some map pin, that is related to some specific address layer type, eg. depots/gas stations/warehouses etc.) was barely readable as too bright grey font color was used. This was enhanced, the font color is now black and clearly readable.

Dispatching and confirmation
The total count of filtered records in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen sometimes was not precise

In certain filter constellations the total count of filtered records in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen sometimes produced unreliable results. The issue was corrected, the total count now corresponds to the filter result.

Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Tour order confirmation does not respect new value in 'Confirmed Qty' unless the record is manually saved first

When entering a confirmed value in the tour confirmation and directly click the 'confirmed' checkbox, the entered value is not excepted and jumps back to the original value. Work-around: After entering the value, first save the record manually (Alt-S).

2020-10Known issue77645
Dispatching and confirmation
Discrepancy between quantity (of confirmed packages) and the confirmed order quantity, in the tour confirmation process

Previously the transport order quantity related confirmation fields (eg. confirmed transport quantity, confirmed planning quantities) were directly editable in the tour confirmation form even when the transport order had some packages registered. This was corrected, the transport order quantity related confirmation fields are newly editable only when no packages are defined for the transport order. Explanation - in the confirmation process the quantity of transport order (with package management) is actually defined by the confirmed packages. So transport order with package management should be confirmed also via package confirmation only, which then automatically manages also the transport order confirmation quantity fields.

Master data
Renaming the 'Additional tour stop' to 'Tour routing - additional stop'

The existing entity (and menuitem) for 'Additional tour stop' was renamed to 'Tour routing - additional stop', to better correspond with the entity usage in the TMS.
Position of menuitem the in main menu:
- CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Strategic dispatching -> Tour routing - additional stop

2020-10New feature77571
Dispatching and confirmation
Missing load/unload activities for transport orders that were added after the tour was sent to Driver app

Under certain parameterization when adding a new transport order to existing tour stop (of the tour that was already submitted to Driver app), the new load/unload activities were not created. This was especially happening when 'Asynchronous change tracking' Driver app update mechanism was used (ie. TMS main parameters, tab Dispatching, section Tour, parameter 'Change tracking mode' = Asynchronous). The issue was corrected, now the load/unload activities in the Driver app are generated correctly for additionally added transport orders in both change tracking modes.

Dispatching and confirmation
Blocking error in the confirmation of arrival on first tour stop, in tour confirmation

A bug was fixed in the Manual ETA validation that was incorrectly called when not needed. If user tried to confirm arrival on the first tour stop, but the timestamp was later than Manual ETA on any following tour stop, then the confirmation was (incorrectly) blocked.

Driver App
Enhancement of the transport activities, new activity types & activity category feature

New categorization feature was added to the transport activities. Each activity now belongs to a certain category. The categories are defined by activity action type and have a different usage in TMS. Following categories were established:
- Dispatching --> contains all previous activities (ie. activity types), used for scheduling in tour dispatching process
- Instruction --> used for informational purposes only, mainly for the Driver app. Contains 4 new activity types - Picture, Signature, Barcode scan (address), Barcode scan (address area). These are not respected in scheduling in tour planning process, are used only to inform about needed activity in Driver app.
- Execution --> used for registering new activities (typically 'out in the field', by the driver). These are used normally for scheduling in tour dispatching process, even though usually only with confirmed values.

Important (for projects who use Driver app):
- Entity list must be refreshed
- The 'TAL Driver app activity feedback' entity inside the corresponding data project must be removed and added again
- These must be done before Driver app middleware is updated to match the new TAL version
- Driver app middleware must be updated before Picture activities are created in TAL

2020-10New feature77411
Dispatching and confirmation
Date filters were not applied during manual filtering in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

When GPB transport leg filtering mode was set to manual (via 'Show 'Filter' button in OS' parameter set to TRUE on worker), then the date filters were not respected properly by 'Filter' button in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen. The issue was corrected and the 'Filter' button now applies the date filters correctly in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen.

Dispatching and confirmation
Missing labels in the several filter dropdowns in 'Tour Dispatching' screen

Several labels were missing in the filter dropdowns in 'Tour Dispatching' where instead of label the filter dropdown just showed @???. The issue was corrected and proper labels are now displayed. Following filters were affected:
- Early/late arrival
- Early/late customer wish

Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of conflict ID 1244 (Qualification - Missing transport address qualification for trailer)

Correction of bug in conflict ID 1244 (Qualification - Missing transport address qualification for trailer) which could cause that conflict was not detected in certain cases (but it should).

Customer order management and pricing
Track & trace order statuses 'Delivered by sender' & 'Picked up by receiver' were sometimes registered on wrong transport legs

It certain constellation it could happen that some transport order track & trace statuses were registered on wrong transport legs. The following statuses were corrected:
- Delivered by sender - should be registered on the unload transport leg point (Status430)
- Picked up by receiver - should be registered on the load transport leg point (Status436)

Shipment Builder
Planning units were sometimes missing in 'Create/Updated transport order' dialog for sales return orders

When using the 'Create/Update transport order' process for sales return orders, the planning units was previously displayed in the 'Create/Update transport order' dialog only when 'Create' process was used (ie. when transport order was being created). In the 'Update' process (ie. when transport order was already existing), the planning units were missing/empty. This was corrected, the planning units are now displayed in the 'Create/Update transport order' dialog for sales return orders in both processes.

Dispatching and confirmation
Several tour related actions were either failing without proper error infolog or were not failing (but tour was not automatically refreshed)

Following tour related actions were improved/corrected:
- Confirm tour directly - missing auto refresh of tour (level 1) when action was successful, missing error infolog when action was not successful
- Close tour - missing auto refresh of tour (level 1) when action was successful
- Undo tour closing - missing auto refresh of tour (level 1) when action was successful

Shipment Builder
TMS related menuitems were always enabled in the sales return order list page

On the sales return order list page, the TMS related menuitems (eg. Transport order, CAPcargo Shipments etc.) were always enabled, even when there were no underlying TMS entities existing. This was corrected, the TMS related menuitems on sales return order list page are now enabled only when underlying TMS entities exist.

Data migration job for the task 76543 (New feature: splitting of transport order line per trade order line)

The data migration job populates new fields on shipment lot qty and on transport order lines, for existing transactions. Is needed for the new feature of the transport lines splitting per trade order line, to have a correct data structure even for existing transactions.

2020-10Data conversion76545
Shipment Builder
New feature: splitting of transport order line per trade order line

A new boolean parameter 'Group per trading order line' was added to the Shipment building group form.
Its logic is following - when the system generates or synchronizes such a transport order, which ‘Group per trading order line’ parameter is activated on the related shipment building group, then the transport order lines shall not only be grouped by the transport unit, but also by the trading order line.
The logic shall be applied on such shipment building areas, that use the line level link between trade and transport (sales, purchase, transfer). On the other hand, the trading order line grouping shall ignore such shipment building areas, that use header level link between trade and transport (sales return order).

2020-10New feature76543
Customer order management and pricing
Enhancement of the 'item name' in the package management content, enabling the 'item name' also for standalone transport orders

Previously, in the package management, the item name (in the package content) was only shown when the transport order was originating from D365 trade order (as it was just a display of name from the item/release product). But as TMS supports the usage of package content also for standalone transport orders (ie. that are not originating from D365 trade order), for these cases the field was always empty. This was enhanced and system supports now also the item name (in package content) for standalone transport orders. As a consequence several places needed to be updated accordingly.

Key points:
- 'Item name' was added to the package content EDI composite data entity (both for header package entity and as line package)
- 'Item name' was added to the package content EDI standalone data entity
- 'Item name' was added to the 'Imported transport orders' (and also to 'Checked imported orders')
- 'Item name' was added to the package management content (called from for example transport order, but also other places)
- The display of 'item name' in the package management content was removed, replaced either by display the name from item/released product (for shipment builder cases) or by showing the real imported value (for standalone transport orders).

2020-10New feature75718
Driver App
Improvement of the internal reference linking between Driver app activity & TMS tour activity

In certain constellation it could happen that the Driver app activity loses it's reference link to TMS tour activity. This could endanger the processing of the confirmation data (feedback) from the Driver app back into the TMS. The reference linking mechanism was thus enhanced by an additional logic, to establish the reference linking (at least for main activities) in case it is not existing.

2020-10New feature75701
Dispatching and confirmation
Unification of activity confirmation (ie. swipe off) for activities of type 'Information' in the Driver app

Activities of type 'Information' were previously not possible to confirm in the Driver app. There was no checkbox and the user was not expected / allowed to confirm them. However with the new swipe-based confirmation process in the Driver app (instead of clicking the checkbox) it was unintuitive that these activities couldn't be swiped off the screen. Therefore this was enhanced, the activities of type 'Information' can be now also confirmed (ie. swiped off). The confirmation data / feedback flows back to D365 just like with other activities, but currently doesn't trigger any business logic.

2020-10New feature75690
Dispatching and confirmation
Stack trace error when changing the unload address in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen in certain cases

Menuitem 'Change unload address' on 'Transport orders /-legs' screen in some cases didn't work correctly, users were facing a stack trace error. The behavior was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Planning the loading after the unloading via drag & drop in the gantt screens

In gantt screens in level 3 it was previously sometimes possible to drag & drop the tour stop (with loading) to position after the tour stop (with unloading). The issue was happening only in gantt screen GUI, the 'wrong' tour stop sequence was actually not saved into database (and was reset back after the GUI was refreshed). The issue was corrected by improving a validation of tour stop sequence management engine, now already the 'drop' action is validated and user is informed via error infolog 'Tour line moving at that position not possible!'.

Customer order management and pricing
''Concerned vehicle' lookup could not be opened in the Claim Management form

In the Claim Management form the 'Concerned vehicle' lookup was not working, instead of opening the vehicle dropdown the system threw 'Error executing code: Wrong type of argument for conversion function' error. The issue was corrected and 'Concerned vehicle' dropdown opens correctly now.

Dispatching and confirmation
Deletion of tour stop on the tour was sometimes not possible

In certain cases the deletion of tour stop from the tour was not possible, the deletion failed with stack trace error. This was especially happening when some resource was already allocated to the tour. The issue was corrected, the tour stop can be deleted unless some resource is starting/ending on the tour stop, or unless some further restrictions are encountered (eg. tour stop is already confirmed etc.)

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB app client couldn't connect when network connection was routed thru proxy server

Previously the GPB app client in certain network constellation didn't manage to connect to base D365 application. This was especially happening when the connection was routed thru a proxy server.
The GPB app default configuration was enhanced to use the 'signed-in' user’s credentials for proxy authentication. This setting only has impact if the outbound connections are routed through a proxy.

Driver App
Visualization of the removed tour stops was not optimal in the Driver app

The removal of a tour stop (in D365) on a tour that was already submitted to Driver app was not handled correctly by the change tracking batch job which lead to strange visualization in the Driver app. The issue was corrected, deleted tour stops do not anymore appear in the Driver app.

Other / General
Data migration job - to transform the legal entity references for active tours in Driver app to upper case

Data migration job for 73661.

Data migration job updates legal entity references (ie. 'TourCompanyId') to upper case in following tables:
- TALdraTour
- TALdraTourLine
- TALdraTourActivity
- TALdraTourActivityDetails
- TALdraReasonCode

All Driver app tours that are related to an active TAL tours (Released or Confirming) will be re-sent to middleware (Export pending is set to Yes).

2020-10Data conversion73964
Dispatching and confirmation
Unification of the legal entity referencing in the Driver app

Previously the legal entity references in Driver app were not handled consistently, in some cases the legal entity was stored in upper case, in some cases in lower case. This was united, the legal entity is newly stored always in upper case in the Driver app tables.

Dispatching and confirmation
Assignment of carrying resource to transport leg sub-contracting orders was not possible in certain cases

The carrying resource assignment on the tour sometimes didn't fill the carrying resource on transport leg sub-contracting orders and users were facing with an error infolog. The issue was corrected and carrying resource is now assigned also to transport leg sub-contracting orders (if tour & sub-contracting structure allows it).

Dispatching and confirmation
''Remove part delivery' functionality in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen does not anymore require 'System administrator' security role

Previously the 'Remove part delivery' functionality on 'Transport orders /-legs' screen worked only for users with 'System administration' security role. The issue was corrected, the 'Remove part delivery' can be now used also by users without 'System administration' security role.

Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicate transport leg confirmation, in certain business cases (eg. pickup by receiver, cross-docking form)

In certain special business cases (eg. pickup by receiver, confirmation done on cross-docking form) the 'Confirm transport leg directly' menuitem was available even when the transport legs were already confirmed. The issue was corrected, the menuitem is now not accessible (ie. greyed out) when transport leg is already confirmed.

Customer order management and pricing
Missing package unload confirmation, in certain business cases (eg. pickup by receiver)

In certain special business cases (eg. pickup by receiver, package confirmation done on cross-docking form) the confirmation of package unloading did not automatically happen after the package loading was confirmed. The issue was corrected, the confirmation of package loading now also confirms the package unloading in case the transport leg is of type 'no dispatching' and 'receiver pickup'.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven enhancement of the of the tour creation logic in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen

The code (which is responsible for the tour creation in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen) was enhanced, for better performance. The enhancement affects several planning methods:
- Drag and drop of transport leg from 'Transport orders /-legs' screen into 'Resource Dispatching' gantt unused space
- Drag and drop of transport leg from map into 'Resource Dispatching' gantt unused space
- Manual creation of the tour in 'Resource Dispatching' screen

2020-10New feature73919
Customer order management and pricing
Wrong infolog 'One or more successor legs were already confirmed' during package confirmation in cross-docking form

In certain parameterization the system warned via infolog 'One or more successor legs were already confirmed' during package confirmation (in the cross-docking form) even though no successor transport legs were actually confirmed. The issue was happening only when parameter 'Promote confirmed quantity to successor planning leg' was activated on the transport type. The issue was corrected and the infolog appears only when it should.

Customer order management and pricing
Missing 'checked' OK icon for certain track & trace transport order statuses

In the transport order track & trace status overview it could previously happen that some track & trace status had a timestamp (showing when status was reached) but the status was actually not marked by 'checked' OK icon. This was encountered for example in the 'Ready for pick-up by receiver' status. The behavior was improved and 'checked' OK icon appears correctly when certain track & trace status is fulfilled/reached.

Driver App
Missing Driver app activity link to TMS tour stop when new order was added in TMS to tour (that was already accepted by driver in Driver app)

When adding a new order in TMS to the tour (that was already accepted by driver in Driver app), the newly generated Load activity in the Driver app were lacking the reference to the tour stop. This issue was corrected and the Driver app activities reference to tour stop is established (and maintained) even for these cases.

Dispatching and confirmation
Editing a tour in GST/GSR newly opens directly the header details view of the 'Dispatch light - tours' screen

Editing a tour in GST/GSR newly opens the header detail view of the 'Dispatch light - tours' screen where users can directly edit the tour details. Previously editing a tour opened only the main grid overview of the tour and users had to switch to header detail view manually.

2020-10New feature73903
Dispatching and confirmation
Discrepancy in the tour confirmation process - sometimes tour stops were confirmed even though the underlying tour orders were not confirmed

In the tour confirmation process it was possible to achieve a situation when tour stop was confirmed but the underlying elements (eg. tour orders) were not confirmed. The behavior was corrected (by introducing new validation and update mechanism), to ensure that the tour stop is confirmed only when all underlying elements (eg. activities, tour orders) are also confirmed.

Enhancement of the timestamp of trace & trace status event messages

Previously in the track & trace status event message framework the timestamp for some fields was based on trigger date (of transport leg), which was not sufficient as the timestamp contained only the date component. The logic was enhanced, now the timestamps in the track & trace status event messages also contains a time component.

Please note: for certain statuses the system doesn't have such date & time information available hence a special logic was implemented. These are following:
- Status311 - for timestamps of 'Failed pick-up' messages the system now uses the tour activity confirmation date/time of the LOAD activity of that tour stop where the pickup failed
- Status315 - for timestamps of 'Failed delivery' messages the system now uses the tour activity confirmation date/time of the UNLOAD activity of that tour stop where the pickup failed
- Status430 - for timestamps of 'Delivered by sender' messages the system now uses the tour activity confirmation date/time of the UNLOAD activity of that tour stop where the shipment was delivered by the sender
- Status433 - for timestamps of 'Ready for pick-up by receiver' messages the system now uses the tour activity confirmation date/time of the UNLOAD activity of that tour stop where the shipment is ready for pick-up by the receiver
- Status436 - for timestamps of 'Picked up by receiver' messages the system now uses the tour activity confirmation date/time of the LOAD activity of that tour stop where the shipment was picked up by the receiver

2020-10New feature73894
Enabling the usage of 'External codes' in the EDI order import process (for customers & transport units)

Previously due to the platform change (from AX2012 -> D365) the usage of 'External codes' was not working in EDI order import process. This was later enhanced, by enabling the usage of 'External codes' for transport addresses. This tasks enables also the remaining elements - customers & transport units.
So 'External codes' can now be used to map also the customers/transport units against external codes, per each import process. The administration of external codes is accessible under following main menu path:

CAPcargo Transport -> Setup ->Data export/import -> Administration of external codes

or from individual customer/transport unit forms.

2020-10New feature73834
Missing message configuration id on the packages (in track & trace even status message framework)

Previously the message configuration id (used in track & trace event status messages) was inherited only to the transport order but not to its packages. This caused a certain issues when track & trace event messages were later populated for packages. The issue was corrected and the message configuration id is now initialized also to the packages.

Dispatching and confirmation
Print item name in loading/unloading list for sales return orders

Previously the SSRS report for loading/unloading list contained the item name but the field was not filled in case of sales return order. This was enhanced and item name is printed in the SSRS reports even for sales return orders.

2020-10New feature73813
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the filters in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Filters in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen were enhanced, it is newly possible to select by checkbox individual record(s) in the filter dialogs. Multiple selection of individual records is also supported.

2020-10New feature73737
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the new tour creation mechanism

Several enhancements were done in the mechanism of how start/end tour address is determined in the process of creation of a new tour:
- Create new tour manually - the start/end tour address is initialized either from active dispatch sector filter, or from AX Worker parameterization, or from TMS main parameters (as a fallback)
- Create new tour by drag & drop from 'Transport orders /-legs' screen - the start/end tour address is initialized either from active dispatch sector filter (of the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen), or from AX Worker parameterization, or from TMS main parameters (as a fallback)

2020-10New feature73678
Dispatching and confirmation
Enabling work instructions in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen and in both gantt screen tour stops

GPB addition for the 39329 enhancement. Following points were added to the GPB app:
- In both gantt screens - introducing a work instruction per tour stop (accessible in the 'right mouse click' context menu on tour stop)
- In 'Transport orders /-legs' screen - allowing to see work instructions also from the transport legs (can be activated via 'generic buttons' parameterization, by calling a display menuitem 'CIRWMSWorkInstructionTransportLegs' or 'TALWorkInstructionPopupTransportLegs')

2020-10New feature73654
Dispatching and confirmation
D365 trade order details were shown in Driver app only when trade order and transport order were in the same legal entity

Clicking on the load/unload activity in the Driver app opens a new window where further additional details are displayed - eg. from transport order, from original D365 trade order etc. The issue was that the D365 trade order details were displayed only when D365 trade order was in the same legal entity as the transport order. This was corrected, now the D365 trade order details are displayed in the Driver app even when legal entities (of transport order & trade order) differ.

Dispatching and confirmation
Planning of greater amount of new tour stops into exactly same position in the tour stop sequence could lead to incorrect tour stop structure

When planning a greater amount of new tour stops into exactly same position in the tour could lead to incorrect tour stop sequence. The issue was caused by a limitation in the tour stop sorting mechanism - the system could insert only cca. 35 new tour stops into the same position, the further tour stops were inserted into wrong position. The issue was corrected and the limitation is avoided.

Dispatching and confirmation
Track and Trace: Validation of status message sequence

A validation ensures, that status messages are only sent, if a pre-configured sequence is ensured, e.g. unloading confirmation is not sent before loading confirmation, even though the confirmation data might appear/enter to the back end system in the wrong sequence.
This feature will continue to evolve and improve in later releases.

2020-10New feature72542
Dispatching and confirmation
During the removal of not picked shipment lots the system sometimes performed a quantity split

In a certain cases, during removal of not picked shipment lots from the transport leg/tour (from Goods management), the system performed a quantity split of a transport leg. This was especially happening when transport leg contained both entirely not picked and partially picked load lines. The issue was corrected, now the system does not create a quantity split anymore but just removes the not picked shipment lots from shipment.

Dispatching and confirmation
Rearranging of tour stops (via drag & drop in gantt screens) was not possible in certain cases

The bug prevented dispatchers from rearranging tour stops in some scenarios - especially (but not only) when the tour stops were not confirmed in the originally planned order. The issue was corrected by enhancement of the drag & drop validation.

Dispatching and confirmation
Several GUI label corrections in the qualification related forms

Following GUI label corrections were done in the qualification related forms:
- In the tour qualification form the 'Available' field group was renamed to 'Qualifications provided' and the 'Request' field group was renamed to 'Qualifications requested'
- The help labels for qualification validity checkboxes were reworked in the qualification setup form, to better explain the purpose

Driver App
Enhancement of the Driver app activity (new rule framework for dynamic activity setup)

Several enhancements of the Driver app (and TMS module), to support following processes:
- New rule framework to provide light 'Instruction' activities - in this release Picture and Signature
- Dynamic activity setup based on Customer, Transport type, SLA
- Tour activity has now new Category field:
- Dispatching (the traditional activities)
- Instruction (from the new framework)
- Execution (from Driver app)

2020-10New feature69588
Dispatching and confirmation
Two shipment builder related enhancements on the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Two shipment builder related features were added to the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen:
- Sales return order lines related product description is newly shown in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, in the same way as for the other trading order lines (ie. in the 'Products' field box in the 'Overview' tab).
- New filter 'Shipment building area' was added to the same screen, to be able to filter the transport legs via trade order origin (eg. Sales orders, Purchase orders, Transfer orders, non shipment builder orders). Filter supports the multi selection, eg. it is possible to filter sales & purchase order transport legs etc.

2020-10New feature67652
Update transport order (via EDI) is now possible even when original transport order contained external order line numbering

Update transport order (via EDI) was not possible when original transport order (that was imported by EDI) contained external order line numbering. The reason for such behavior was that external order line numbers were discarded during EDI import, as were replaced by TMS standard order line numbering (eg. 10, 20 etc.). This task enhances the EDI logic, the external order line numbers are not anymore discarded but are newly saved on the transport order line (and are used as 'find' criteria for EDI update messages.

Please note:
The important consequence of original limitation is that projects are not able to 'update' multi line transport orders via EDI, if original 'create' message was imported before this task. This is inevitable because before this task the external line numbers from EDI messages were lost during imports, hence the 'update' message cannot find which line to update. And this cannot be covered even by data job. The single line transport orders will be ok, as these are covered via special mechanism.

2020-10New feature67576
Customer order management and pricing
Enable the multi-select deletion of the order packages

Previously, in the package management form, it was possible to delete only one single transport order package at once, as the package grid was not enabled for multi-selection. This was enhanced, now it is possible to select multiple packages and delete them at once.
As a consequence of enabling the multi-selection in the package management form, other action menuitems were also adjusted on the form (as for some the multi-selection makes no sense).

2020-10New feature59731
Dispatching and confirmation
Columns in 'Transport order /-legs' screen are now adjustable & resizable per user

User personalization of GUI elements in 'Transport orders /-legs' screen (eg. column sequence & width) is newly saved per each user, allowing the user to have a constant work experience with GPB.
Column personalization is automatically saved during 'Transport orders /-legs' screen closing.

2020-10New feature56797
Customer order management and pricing
Additional logic for 'Use confirmed quantity' parameterization on the tariffs

Previously on tariffs it was possible to activate the usage of confirmed quantity (either from load or from unload) for each tariff quantity calculation. But the feature was limited (either don't use confirmed values at all, or always initialize from confirmed loading quantity, or always initialize from confirmed loading quantity). This was enhanced, now it is possible to further define the usage of the confirmed quantity in more details. New additional parameter 'Confirmed quantity - usage' was added to the tariffs, for each planning unit, with following values:
- None - no additional logic is activated (ie. system either doesn't use the confirmed quantity at all, or always uses the confirmed load or unload quantity).
- Greater - system uses confirmed load (or unload) quantity but only if it is greater than the planned quantity.
- Smaller - system uses confirmed load (or unload) quantity but only if it is smaller than the planned quantity.

All three values still respect the 'Use confirmed quantity' existing parameter.

2020-10New feature56698
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance enhancement of the tour confirmation process

The tour confirmation process code logic was improved, to achieve a better user experience. Optimization was done by a code reorganization, as several methods/checks were run too excessively (and in duplicity).

2020-10New feature51343
Customer order management and pricing
Enhancement of the work instructions

Existing framework of work instructions was greatly enhanced, to cover more entities and processes.

Key points:
- Introducing work instructions to the TMS Address, which serve as a template for work instruction transactions (that are generated for individual orders)
- Introducing work instructions to D365 trade orders
- Allowing work instructions also for the cross-company business cases (where D365 trade order is in different legal entity than its transport order)
- Introducing a work instruction per tour stop
- Allowing to see work instructions also from the transport legs
- Enhancing work instructions to be used also for Driver App

2020-10New feature39329
Customer order management and pricing
Enhancement of the contract finding & price calculation periodic tasks (all order types)

Previously whenever the user interaction would be requested during contract finding and/or price calculation periodic tasks, then batch process did cancel for this order and proceeded to next order. As user interactions (eg. dialog for overwriting the existing order values by values from the tariffs etc.) are generally not allowed in periodic tasks (which by nature run on the server side, where no user interaction is possible). This mechanism was altered in following way:
- If running as periodic task (ie. batch), the system newly assumes 'Yes' answer to all 'Re-initializing of existing values' questions/dialogs.

Hence the order is not skipped but is processed by periodic tasks (as all values from tariffs are automatically accepted to overwrite the existing values on the order/line).

In specific (very rare) business cases it is possible that different tariffs (used on order line) should initialize/update one order header field by different values (eg. two order lines, each with different tariff that should initialize different 'Rule order collection' to order header), then system uses any of available values. To inform the user about such case a new infolog was added to the periodic task log.

Example of infolog: Out of 2 order lines there were different possible initialization values found for the header field 'CollectionRuleId'. Since not unique and the function called in batch mode (where no user interaction possible), the system initialized the following value: 'SameLoadDate'.

2020-10New feature26038
Dispatching and confirmation
Message history could not be opened from the tour stop details (in both gantt screens)

The 'View message history' functionality (which can be launched from the 'right mouse click' context menu of the tour stop detail, in both gantt screens) previously always failed to open. The issue was corrected and the form opens properly now.

Dispatching and confirmation
Change of order confirmation quantity was sometimes not possible in the tour confirmation form

The possibility to change the order confirmation quantity in the tour confirmation form is managed via package structure. When transport order contains some packages then its confirmation quantity cannot be directly changed (ie. confirmation quantity fields are locked), as the confirmation quantities are defined by the confirmation on the package level.
The issue was that the field locking mechanism was not working correctly in certain business cases, especially when several transport orders (with & without packages) were planned into the same tour/tour stop. The field locking mechanism was corrected - it respects now only the package structure of the active transport order.

Dispatching and confirmation
During transport order cancellation (when triggered from the failed delivery) a wrong final leg could have been deleted

During the transport order cancellation (when triggered from the failed delivery), in certain situations the final delivery transport leg is physically removed. A potential weakness was identified in the responsible code, which could lead to a deletion of the final transport leg (of different quantity path). This could happen for example when the transport leg was split into two delivery quantity paths, and only the one path was registered for failed delivery. The code was enhanced and the system removes only the last transport leg of the same quantity path.

Dispatching and confirmation
''Shipment building area' was added to the D365 Worker default filters

Default filters (on the D365 Worker) were enhanced, to newly contain also the default filter for the 'Shipment building area'. Once 'Shipment building area' default filter is specified, it is then initialized to the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen.

2020-11New feature79249
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour stop details were sometimes not loaded after changing the tour start (by 'drag and drop' of the whole tour) in 'Resource Dispatching' screen

When changing the tour start (by 'drag and drop' of the whole tour) in 'Resource Dispatching' screen, the tour stop details (aka. level 3) were sometimes not loaded and users just saw the 'Loading data' spinning icon. The issue was corrected, the tour stop details are now loaded properly after the 'drag and drop' of the tour, even on the 'Resource Dispatching' screen.

Master data
Wrong German translation of 'Load' enum value (of the 'Load code' enum)
Other / General
''T&L Sales clerk" and "T&L Warehouse worker" security roles required a license type of 'Full user'
Master data
Correction of two bugs in the area of new compartment registration
Other / General
Removal of the empty role 'T&L Warehouse Planner"

In previous versions the security configuration of the role 'T&L Warehouse Planner' was merged into 'T&L Warehouse Worker' role but the 'T&L Warehouse Planner' was not physically deleted. This is corrected by this task, the 'T&L Warehouse Planner' security role (which is empty) was also removed.

2020-11New feature78966
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong label additions in the column titles of the generic fields in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

When some custom/generic field was added to the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, its label got a suffix (with the field count).
So adding a 'Leg reference' & 'Leg note' to the custom/generic fields resulted into ''Leg reference1' & 'Leg note2' in the column titles in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen. The issue was corrected and field count suffix was supressed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Sales return order transport legs were sometimes not shown in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Sales return order transport legs were sometimes not shown in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen. This was especially happening when a certain default filter combination was specified on the D365 worker (which was linked to the D365 user). The issue was corrected and sales return order transport legs are shown in the 'Transport orders /-legs' even for users that have some default filters specified on the D365 worker.

Master data
Users could override the address reference when registering a new work instruction template on the TMS address
Dispatching and confirmation
Work instructions of the sales return orders were previously not shown on transport legs & tours

Work instructions of the sales return orders were previously not shown in the work instruction overviews of the transport leg & tours. The issue was corrected and work instructions of the sales return orders are now included when work instruction overview is launched from transport leg & tours.

Customer order management and pricing
When creating a new sales return order, it was not possible to select a shipping address from the global address book

Previously, when registering a new sales return order, the shipping address validation was done in a way that it prevented the selection of the shipping address from the global address book in the sales return order creation dialog. The issue was corrected and the validation of shipping address was moved to the dialog closing, to allow the shipping address selection (from global address book).

Shipment Builder
Small GUI label enhancement in the TMS shipment form

Previously, in the TMS shipment form, the loading/unload time windows were a bit confusing, as the same 'Time' label was reused several times. This was enhanced, fields are now labelled as 'From' or 'Till', including the proper help text.

2020-11New feature78817
Master data
GUI enhancement of the 'Administration external code' form

Two small enhancement were done in the 'Administration external code' form:
- 'Customer name' column was added to the 'Customer' fasttab grid (previously the grid contained only 'Customer account', which is a field generated from number sequence, with very limited information value)
- Fasttab 'Client' was renamed to 'Customer', to be consistent with other D365/TMS forms

2020-11New feature78809
Master data
Data migration job for 52970 task - to initialize the 'Setup type' classification on tariff zone header
2020-11Data conversion78808
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance optimization of filtering in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

The filtering in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was in previous releases enhanced by 'paging' feature - when more records are to be filtered then the result is loaded to the screen in different sets (aka. 'pages'). The user is informed that for example only 20 records (out of total 98 records) are loaded/displayed. There were some performance issues detected in this mechanism - with greater amount of 'total' records the loading time (even for first set/page) was rising. The filtering mechanism was enhanced, by splitting the 'total' record count processing into separate background service (which is loaded independently in the background, not slowing down the user experience). Users can experience better performing filtering in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen and can newly observe that the 'loaded' record count (eg. 20) is displayed in the first step (incl. the showing the 20 records in the grid), while the 'total' record count is calculated with some delay (via background service).

2020-11New feature78799
Dispatching and confirmation
The functionality of 'auto pop-up' of work instructions on the tour was depreciated

In the historical releases long time ago (when the dispatching was done entirely in AX, as no GPB was existing yet), the work instruction feature included the "auto pop-up" functionality, which was automatically popping up an information dialog (with work instructions) whenever the dispatcher opened the tour. The same information dialog could be triggered manually (by "pop-up" menuitems). Then, with the arrival of GPB this feature was unfortunately lost, due to the technology difference. This tasks removes these "pop-up" menuitems (and related parameterization) as depreciated.

2020-11New feature78781
Dispatching and confirmation
GUI enhancement of the 'Qualifications' overview form (adding the qualification counts to all tab headers)

''Qualifications' overview form (which shows the summary of all detected qualifications for certain entity, eg. tour) was enhanced, to show the qualification counts on all tab headers, so users immediately see for which source there was some qualification detected (and for which not), without having to open each individual tab.

'Qualifications' overview is launched from following places:
- 'Transport order' form
- GPB gantt screens

2020-11New feature78756
Dispatching and confirmation
In several dispatching processes the tour was sometimes not automatically focused/selected in the 'Tour Dispatching' GPB screen

Several issues were corrected in the tour creation processes:
- Previously, in certain cases, the newly created tour was not automatically focused/selected in the 'Tour Dispatching' screen. This was especially happening when the new tour didn't fit into active filters on the 'Tour Dispatching' screen. The issue was corrected, now the newly tour is always focused/selected in the 'Tour Dispatching' screen even when it doesn't fit into active filters.
- The menuitem 'GPB - Tour Dispatching' (for opening a tour in GPB, from D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form) was only available to users with 'System administrator' role.
- On several dispatching processes (and dialogs) for adding transport order/legs into tour, the checkbox "Go to tour (GPB)" previously didn't sometimes focused/selected the tour in 'Tour Dispatching' GPB screen.

Customer order management and pricing
Transport orders without load/unload address

Under certain circumstance it was possible to delete a load (or unload) address from the transport order, which caused an inconsistency and could lead to unforeseen consequences (as these orders could also be sent to dispatching). This was happening when users were trying to change load/unload address (via dedicated menuitems on the transport order form) but didn't specify any address in the "Change load/unload address" dialogs. The issue was corrected, the address is now mandatory in the "Change load/unload address" dialogs.

Other / General
Data migration job - to fill the empty invoice account on transport orders
2020-11Data conversion78720
Master data
Missing validation of transport unit (and planning/tariff units) in several forms
Dispatching and confirmation
Graphical visualization of the capacity on the tour stop was sometimes not correct

The capacity visualization on the tour stop (aka. vertical capacity bar) was not working correctly in certain cases. The issue was happening only in the vertical capacity bar visualization; the 'hover the mouse over' of the capacity utilization percentage (eg. 83%) was correct, as well as the 'hover the mouse over' capacity utilization dialog with details. The issue was corrected, the vertical capacity bar on the tour stop shows the correct visualization now.

Dispatching and confirmation
In the 'Resource Dispatching" the tour gantt bar was sometimes not automatically refreshed after certain dispatching actions

After certain dispatching actions the tour gantt bar was sometimes not automatically refreshed in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen. The issue was happening for example when dispatchers manually removed the Manual ETA from the individual tour stop. The issue was corrected and tour gantt bar is now automatically refreshed in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen.

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflicts 301 & 303 were wrongly triggered for some dispatching cases

For certain dispatching cases, it could happen that the conflict analysis reported Conflict 301 or 303 even when there was no reason for such conflicts. The issue was happening especially when transport order was split into several transport legs (as the conflict analyser validated even the loading/unloading of the depot leg points). The issue was corrected and both 301 & 303 conflicts are triggered only on the transport leg points that representing the original transport order load/unload.

Other / General
TMS Dutch labels were sometimes showing wrong special characters
Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict analyser error 'Object reference not set to instance of an object' on some TMS installations

In certain TMS installations it could happen that the conflict analyser correctly detected the conflicts but also threw an error 'Object reference not set to instance of an object'. The issue was happening only for certain combinations of license configuration keys.
The conflict analyser form was enhanced, to correctly show the conflict references even when 'Shipment builder (based on WHSLoadLine)' license configuration key is not activated.

Dispatching and confirmation
Price simulation on tour sometimes failed with stack trace error

In certain cases the price simulation functionality on the tour didn't finish correctly but ended with stack trace error. This was especially happening when the price simulation was launched with activated parameter 'Simulate effect on existing tour costs'. The issue was corrected and stack trace error is avoided.

Redesign of Track & Trace status message sequence validation

The sequence handling of the Track & trace event status messages was re-worked, to be able to deliver the event status messages in the chronological sequence (even though the events were not registered chronologically in D365). The sequence was previously managed via static sequence parameterization (on message group), newly the sequence is determined dynamically - by the structure of the tour confirmation. So when new message is created, system newly checks whether predecessor event is confirmed - if yes then message can be sent out, if not then message is not sent out but is put to the waiting queue.
The whole sequence handling logic is activated by 'Sequence validation' parameter on the message group.

When 'Sequence validation' is activated, the in order to ensure that waiting event status messages get active when predecessor event is confirmed, a new periodic task must be set up, under following path: CAPcargo Transport -> Periodic -> Track and Trace -> Process messages in waiting status (Seq.Val.)

2020-11New feature78584
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Carrying resource was sometimes not updated on the Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) order line
Dispatching and confirmation
Menuitem to print a pallet docket report was added to the GPB screens

Previously it was possible to print a pallet docket report only from the D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form, the menuitem was entirely missing in the GPB. The menuitem "Pallet docket" was added to both GPB gantt screens, hence the users do not need to switch anymore to D365 for the pallet docket report creation.

Dispatching and confirmation
Loss of resource assignment after 'drag and drop' of multi-selected resources in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen

Previously, it was allowed to select multiple resource assignments (ie. gantt bars) in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen and do the mass tour re-planning (by 'drag and drop') into different date & time. This was causing an issue in certain cases as the same 'drag and drop' action is used for resource change (ie. 'drag and drop' of gantt bar from one resource into another). To avoid such issue the 'drag and drop' of multiple(!) resource assignments is newly blocked in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen entirely. When dispatchers need to re-plan multiple tours, it has to be done one by one.

''Send message' parameterization was available in the 'Parameter Track and Trace status' form even when the messaging feature was not activated

The 'Send message' parameterization was available in the 'Parameter Track and Trace status' form even when the main feature configuration key 'Message framework' was not activated. The issue was corrected and the 'Send message' parameterization is available only when 'Message framework' configuration key is activated.

Dispatching and confirmation
Two scheduling menuitems were added to the tour confirmation form

Two scheduling menuitems 'Rough scheduling (transport legs)' and 'Rough scheduling (tour)' were added to the tour confirmation form. These menuitems were previously available in AX2012 old Dispatching form, but were not migrated to D365.
Menuitems are newly available in tour confirmation process, will be also added to the GPB gantt screens in future releases (ie. for dispatching process). Menuitems in the tour confirmation allow to manually re-calculate the rough scheduling for successor transport legs (that either belong to the same transport order or for all transport legs in the tour). Menuitems represent the manual scheduling update option, the automated scheduling update option is still available (and is recommended more) - it is activated by main TMS parameter 'Reschedule at tour confirmation'.

2020-11New feature77518
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven enhancement of tour dispatching (introducing a simple mode of resource assignment structure)

Enhancement of the resource leg/resource assignment structure, to improve the performance of the tour dispatching. Previously, the resource assignment structure on the tour was 'one resource assignment per each activity of the resource leg', which in case of dozens of activities (for one resource leg) could have a negative performance impact (as all these resource assignments had to be created/read/updated etc.). To improve the performance a new parameter 'Resource assignment calculation mode' was introduced to the main TMS parameters.

Possible values/modes:
- Detail - represents previous functionality of 'one resource assignment per each activity of the resource leg'
- Simple - new (simpler but better performing) functionality of 'one resource assignment per each resource leg'

For existing projects the default value of the 'Resource assignment calculation mode' is 'Detail' to preserve the previous behavior (but can be changed into 'Simple' mode by manual intervention/decision)
For new projects the default value of the 'Resource assignment calculation mode' will be set to 'Simple'.

2020-11New feature77437
Customer order management and pricing
Surcharge amounts in the order calculation were sometimes shown without decimals

In certain constellations the surcharge related amounts were shown in the order header totals (and in price calculation details) without decimal places. The issue was happening only on the form/display level; the real database values (which were used for invoicing) were correct. The issue was corrected, the surcharges are now displayed with correct decimal places.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the carrying resource assignment form, to support the manual planning into compartments

Previously, via carrying resource assignment form (launched from both gantt GPB screens), it was possible to plan orders into individual carrying resources. The carrying resource assignment form was enhanced, to newly allow the planning of orders into individual compartments of the carrying resource.

Key characteristics of the compartment level assignment:
- Scope of the displayed records is always the tour stop.
- All compartments are shown, that have capacity record defined in the transport type of the tour stop.
- Multiselect is enabled (to allow the planning of one order into multiple compartments, and to allow the planning of multiple orders into one compartment (or even into many compartments).
- Assignment records are shown on compartment level (right side grid) if compartment level assignment happened
- New capacity utilization menuitem was introduces (launched from context menu of tour stop), which shows the capacity utilization per compartment.

2020-11New feature77402
Dispatching and confirmation
New conflicts were added to conflict analyser, to support the process of manual planning into compartments

The new process of manual planning into compartments can be used only in the GPB (from both gantt screens), the enhancement is described in the 77402 GPB task.

In D365 following several new conflicts were added to conflict analyser, to support the new compartment planning:
- Conflict ID 170 (Resource – mixing items (released products) in a compartment is not allowed)
- Conflict ID 171 (Resource – mixing commodities in a compartment is not allowed)
- Conflict ID 172 (Resource – mixing transport order lines in a compartment is not allowed)
- Conflict ID 180 (Resource – unequal weight distribution between truck and trailer)
- Conflict ID 610 (Capacity – not enough compartment capacity)

The existing conflict ID 245 (Qualification - restriction for combined loading of address is disobeyed) was enhanced to respect the planning into compartments.

2020-11New feature77400
Dispatching and confirmation
Two search/filter related enhancements of the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Following points were improved, in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen:
- The full-text search (launched by CTRL+F) newly searches through the whole filtered scope (previously the search was performed only in the filter scope that was currently loaded in the grid). So now it is possible to search even for results (that are occurring for example in the 3rd filter screen) already from the 1st filter screen.
- Closing (and re-opening) the load/unload date filter dialog now remembers the original date scope, so it is possible to activate/deactivate additional individual date filtering without performing the full refresh of the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen.

2020-11New feature76560
Driver App
Enhancement of the TMS address - introducing a barcode scanning

TMS address was enhanced to allow the specification of a barcode (which will identify the address).
New activity was added to the driver app, that allows the drivers to scan (or type in manually) the address barcode in location, which is validated against TMS address master data barcode.

2020-11New feature76541
Driver App
Enhancement of the TMS address and transport order - introducing a barcode scanning for address area (eg. shelf)

TMS address was enhanced to allow the specification of address area (eg. shelf), incl. the definition of a barcode (which will identify the address area). Address area specification was also added to the transport order header (both for load & unload address) to be able to define from/to which address area (eg. shelf) the goods should be loaded/unloaded.
New activity was added to the driver app, that allows the drivers to scan (or type in manually) the address area barcode in location, which is validated against address area master data barcode in TMS.

Additionally the data entities (for transport order import and export) were enhanced, to include the address area fields.

2020-11New feature76540
Customer invoicing
Posting profile initialization after price calculation not anymore contract finding; impact on manual overwriting

In earlier versions, the posting profile was initialized after the contract finding and BEFORE the price calculation. In manual mode (button price calculation) this makes no big difference, but in batch mode it is important to understand, since the posting profile will only be filled after the [2nd] batch "price calculation". The reason for this change was dependency in inter-company scenarios where orders can be invoiced within sister companies and therefore the posting profile can only be found/validated at the end of the whole calculation process where all order lines were treated first.

One consequence is, that if the posting profile is manually overwritten BEFORE the price calculation has happened (order calc flag = FALSE), the system would overwrite this manual entry again with the init value from the contract. Hence, in case the user wants to have one order differently posted into the ledger, he has to change the posting profile AFTER the price calculation.

2020-11New feature74844
Other / General
New report "User License Count History" was added to the system

New TMS report "User License Count History" was added to the system. The report populates the historical daily count of following license types:
- Operations Licenses
- Team Members Licenses
- Activity Licenses

Main menu path:
CAPcargo Transport –> Reports –> Licensing –> User License Count History

2020-11New feature73778
Dispatching and confirmation
Undo of the package confirmation was not respected correctly in some TMS processes

Previously the undo of the package confirmation (when performed in the tour confirmation form) sometimes didn't reset the package confirmation, causing certain issues in several processes (which were wrongly treating the packages as "fully confirmed"). The issue was corrected.

Customer order management and pricing
Small GUI enhancement - new infologs when changing the 'driving time & distance' based tariff quantity on order lines

On various order types, when a contract requires the time/distance tariff quantities (and tariff level on order line is 'simple' or 'collect'), the system does not read the time/distance values from the tariff quantity fields on the order line, but reads them from dedicated fields on the order header (or on the collective order header). This was sometimes confusing to user, as he/she changed the driving time or distance in tariff quantity on the order line but it was not effectively used in the price calculation (as the tariff level was 'simple' or 'collect'). This was enhanced by adding two new infologs, when user tries to change driving time & distance tariff quantities on the order line but the tariff level is 'simple' or 'collect', he/she is now informed that such change won't be reflected in the price calculation.

2020-11New feature73694
Dispatching and confirmation
Several labels were missing in the 'Direct order-to-vehicle dispatching' form

Missing labels were corrected/added.

Customer order management and pricing
Empty invoice account on the transport order

Previously, it was possible to have a transport order without an invoice account. As the invoice account is mandatory for the invoicing process, it becomes newly a mandatory field already in the transport order.

Customer order management and pricing
Failing to specify some mandatory fields during transport order creation could lead to the loss of transport order

Failing to specify some mandatory field (eg. load/unload address) in the transport order create dialog could lead to the loss of transport order (that is being created). The issue was happening because certain validations for mandatory field were triggered only after the dialog (for new order creation) was closed and thus all previously entered data were lost. This was enhanced, the validations for mandatory fields are now triggered already in the dialog for new order creation, hence the users can still correct the missing/wrong fields during the transport order creation process.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB addition of the 73629 task (Silo handling)

GPB was enhanced in the way to support the new feature of silo handling.
Following enhancements were added to the GPB:
- Visualization of address area details in the 'Transport orders /-legs' screen
- Visualization of address area details in the both gantt screenc, incl. new icon the tour stop box

2020-11New feature73631
Customer order management and pricing
New feature: Silo handling

By introducing the address area entity below the transport address, dedicated locations of the address can be defined in the system. The following characteristics can be defined for the areas: capacities in different transport types, identification codes and types, type of the area (e.g. silo, barn, building), qualifications.
To use the address area in the transportation, first it has to be defined on the transport order line (loading area for the load address and unloading area for the unload address). This can be done manually, by copying transport order, by generating transport order from default order or by the import process. On the other hand, on shipment builder side, by default only the sales return order is supported as the origin of the loading/unloading address area.
During the planning and dispatching process, the address areas are visualized (both in GPB and D365). Furthermore, since they are completely involved in the qualification framework, the system raises conflicts, whenever an incompatibility is identified between the address area and the motoric vehicle / trailer / driver / transport order / transport unit / commodity / transport address / address area.
A new calculation base is implemented, that support all order types: tour stop. By using this calculation base in the price calculation, surcharge can be added, that is based on the number of tour stops, that are related to the order.
A new parameter field is introduced for the surcharges: reduction value. This new parameter supports only such surcharges, that are multiplying the surcharge value based on a calculation base. The intention with the new parameter is, to enable the user to reduce the base quantity (calculated from calculation base) with a predefined value.

2020-11New feature73629
Master data
It was possible to define on worker even the invalid qualifications

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict analysis sometimes didn't open in several TMS forms

Previously, when there were no conflicts detected for certain elements (eg. transport legs etc.) then the conflict analysis overview form didn't open. This was confusing as users were getting impression that the conflict analysis menuitem doesn't work.
Also the behavior of conflict analysis menuitem was not entirely consistent across TMS forms, as sometimes the conflict analysis overview actually was opened (but the overview was empty).
This was enhanced - by introducing an additional infolog "No conflicts detected." and by unification of menuitem behavior in all TMS forms.

The behavior is following:
- When Conflict analysis menuitem is pressed and no conflicts are detected/existing, then the conflict analysis overview is not opened and user is informed via new infolog.
- When Conflict analysis menuitem is pressed and some conflicts are detected/existing, then the conflict analysis overview is opened.

Master data
Default filters were not working on the contract version & relation forms

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: Failed pickup

By the introduction of the failed pickup feature, the user is enabled to register such loading attempts, when the entire or part of the planned quantity couldn’t be picked up. Furthermore, the registration of the attempt activates further business processes depending on the failed pickup scenario.
6 failed pickup scenarios are supported:
- Full failed without retry: pickup of the entire order is failed, no new attempt (neither via new order nor via new transport leg) can be created automatically
- Full failed with retry under the same order: pickup of the entire order is failed, new attempt can be registered automatically. New attempt shall use the same references as the original order
- Full failed with retry under a new order: pickup of the entire order is failed, new attempt can be registered automatically. New attempt shall be created under a new transport order
- Partial failed without retry: pickup of the order is partially failed, no new attempt (neither via new order nor via new transport leg) can be created automatically for the remaining quantity
- Partial failed with retry under the same order: pickup of the order is partially failed, new attempt has to be registered automatically. New attempt shall use the same references as the original order, only the planned pickup quantity is less
- Partial failed with retry under a new order: pickup of the order is partially failed, new attempt has to be registered automatically. Picking up the remaining quantity has to happen under a new transport order

Besides doing the necessary adjustments on order and transport leg levels when a failed pickup attempt is registered, all 6 scenarios support track and trace event status messages. Moreover, the cost of failed pickup can be generated for all 6 cases.

2020-11New feature72408
Master data
Copy of the vehicle (that was not linked to D365 resource) created an supported resource structure

Previously, it was possible to copy a vehicle (that was not linked to D365 resource). The result was an unsupported resource structure (ie. some resource was automatically created for the copied vehicle, but resource was not showing in the D365 Resource form). As the vehicle (without a link to D365 resource) cannot be actively used in the TMS, we have also disabled the copy feature. So the copying of the vehicle is newly allowed only for complete vehicles (ie. that are linked to some D365 resource)

Transport order with address (with some unregistered zipcode) failed to import

Previously, when some transport order contained an address with a zipcode (that was not previously registered in D365 zipcode table), then the order import failed already during the import into D365 and such orders were not admitted into Imported (and Checked imported) order tables. This was enhanced, now the import process itself doesn't validate the existence of the zipcode (against the D365 zipcode table) and such orders are admitted into Imported transport orders and the validation is applied only during error checking process in the Checked imported order form, where users see such failed cases and correct them (either by registering a new zipcode into D365 zipcode master data table, or by selecting some other valid zipcode).

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance optimization of the dispatching process (track & trace event status message asynchronous creation and processing)

Performance optimization of the dispatching process, when transport orders with many packages are being planned into tours (and later confirmed) and system is set up to generate track & trace status messages. Previously the dispatching process was not performing optimally in such business cases, as the track & trace event status messages were generated in the synchronous mode (ie. the dispatching process was waiting till all track & trace status messages were generated). The core of the performance optimization was to introduce an option to create track & trace event status messages in the dispatching process in the asynchronous mode (ie. the track & trace event message creation is not blocking the dispatching process, as it is detached from the dispatching process).

Key characteristics of the enhancement:
- New main TMS dispatching parameter 'Create status messages' was introduced, which defines whether track & trace event messages should be processed in synchronous (ie. previous functionality) or asynchronous (ie. new functionality) mode
- New periodic task 'Create status messages' was introduced (main menu path CAPcargo Transport -> Periodic -> Track and Trace -> Create status messages) which creates the track & trace event status messages if asynchronous mode is used
- New status field 'T&T message status' was added to the events, to support the asynchronous mode. Status field can get two main values - either 'Pending' (ie. event was not yet processed by batch, message is not yet created) or 'Processed' (ie. event was processed by batch, message is either created (or put to waiting queue) depending on sequence validation). In synchronous mode the 'Pending' state is skipped. There exist a third status value 'No message needed' which is used in cases when no messages are needed for the event (due to the system setup).

Once the 'Create status message' mode is switched to asynchronous, then to ensure that the messages are created/sent, new TMS periodic task 'Create status messages' has to be set up.

2020-11New feature67634
Master data
Infolog improvement when TMS address is deleted

When the TMS address is deleted and user chooses also to delete the linked D365 address, user is then informed via two infologs about the deletion result (ie. one infolog for the TMS address deletion, second infolog for D365 address deletion). Previously both infologs contained only the details of TMS address. Newly the D365 address deletion infolog contains the D365 address details (eg. address name, city (and location id)).

2020-11New feature64471
Dispatching and confirmation
Redesign of two package related forms, to follow the new package data structure

Following two package related forms were redesigned, to follow the new package data structure:
- 'Package confirmation' form (launched from the tour confirmation form)
- 'Confirmation status' form (launched from the transport order form, from the confirmation action pane, from 'Track and Trace' menuitem group)

Previously both forms were based on temporary table (that had to built upon every form opening), newly both forms read directly from the package date structure (from package tour order lines).

2020-11New feature56640
Customer order management and pricing
Performance driven enhancement of the contract finding algorithm, in area of tariff zone processing

Performance driven enhancement of the contract finding algorithm, in area of tariff zone processing. Previously, when contract relation was geographically defined via tariff zone, the contract finding performance might suffer as it had to do extensive checks (as some tariff zone might contain quite complex setup - using wildcards, zipcode ranges, excluding certain addresses (or zipcodes) etc). To improve the contract finding performance (and to still benefit from the flexibility of the complex case setup) following enhancements were developed:
- Tariff zone header newly defines whether tariff zone is a simple (or complex) setup. This is done via 'Setup type' flag on the tariff zone header.
- The contract finding then internally reflects the parameterization, without negative performance impact.

2020-11New feature52970
Dispatching and confirmation
Default date (of the 'Manual date' mode in 'Resources' screen) is now initialized to today's date

When switching the 'Resources' screen to 'Manual date' mode, the default date was previously initialized to '01-01-0001'. The initialization mechanism was enhanced, the default date is now initialized to today's date.

2020-11New feature32045
Other / General
Removal of the main TMS service parameter 'Search service level agreement at order creation'

The main TMS parameter 'Search service level agreement at order creation' (located in the Services section) was removed as obsolete. The parameter only activated the default initialization of the same parameter 'Search service level agreement at order creation' that is located in the transport type (which effectively activates the 'Search service level agreement at order creation' functionality). As the transport type creation is a setup task, it doesn't need any parameterization for default field initialization. The transport type parameter 'Search service level agreement at order creation' is thus newly initialized as "false" and main TMS parameter 'Search service level agreement at order creation' is removed.

2020-11New feature26688
Dispatching and confirmation
New infolog to inform user that Sub-contracting tour order (FTL) was automatically created

Unlike to automatic creation of Sub-contracting transport leg order (LTL) (where user is properly informed by infolog), the automatic creation of Sub-contracting tour order (FTL) didn't previously inform the user anyhow. This was enhanced by this task, now when Sub-contracting tour order (FTL) is created automatically in the background (for example as a consequence of assigning a sub-contracted resource to the tour) the user is informed via new infolog.

2020-11New feature25810
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Failed pickup: Retry within same order schedules the confirmed/failed leg points

After failed pickup a 2nd retry can happen within the same transport order. This will create a 2nd leg while the first leg will be put to "failed" and "confirmed":
- 1st leg A-A, 0 qty, failed, confirmed
- 2nd leg A-B, x qty, open to dispatch

The depot split function reschedules all the legs, instead of only the 2nd leg (because first is already confirmed). Depending on the setup (e.g. route weekday scheduling indicates closed on the confirmed date - which would be quite rare), then the scheduler could update the planning dates of the first leg to a later date, which is wrong. However, the confirm date is not touched and since the leg is anyway already confirmed, these potentially wrong planning dates will appear nowhere in the planning process. Also track & trace is not affected, since that bases also on [correct] confirm dates.

Will be fixed with ADO 80311.

2021-02Known issue80312
Dispatching and confirmation
Failed pickup: Wrong scheduling in some constellation

It could happen that the 2nd attempt to re-pickup was wrongly scheduled. It is supposed to be scheduled at least +1 day after the failed pickup attempt, maybe later depending on the opening dates and route scheduling. The bug was, that this scheduling was not properly respected and it even could happen that the re-pickup date (load of 2nd attempt) was after the unload date of the 2nd attempt. - This was fixed.

Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Special case "Depot split after removed/reduced part-delivery" promotes wrong quantities

If a transport order (e.g. 10 PAL) is part-delivered, i.e. split into 2 legs (e.g. 8 PAL & 2 PAL), then we have the option to end one path, for example, if the customer decides to not need the transportation of the 2 PAL anymore. With the function "remove part delivery" this is achieved.

If now, the dispatcher decides to ship the remaining 8 PAL via a hub, he can perform a depot split. Here the issue happens, the successor leg (Depot to Receiver) initiates the quantity of 10 PAL instead of 8 PAL.

This issue will be fixed asap in a next release with #80232.

2021-02Known issue80270
Dispatching and confirmation
Selected transport leg is sometimes unselected in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen when full grid refresh is triggered

In GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, when full grid refresh was triggered (for example by performing a depot split), then previously selected transport leg got sometimes unselected. This was especially happening when more transport legs were filtered than could fit onto one screen. The issue was corrected and selection of transport leg is now preserved even after the full grid refresh.

Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUES or missing functionality in the area of failed pickup and failed delivery

The entire process of failed pickup and failed delivery has been redesigned and fully integrated to the Driver App. The main features are available and successfully tested. The following issues/topics are not yet implemented:
- [79333] Special case which is not fully nor partialy failed pickup
If a transport order consists of 2 order lines and one of them fails entirely in picking up, then this is currently not properly covered. From an order perspective it is a partial failure (which currently focuses on splitting off quantities from an order line), and from a practical perspective is fully failing an entire "position", but full failure will fail the complete order currently. - Concept and implementation to be enhanced in a future release.
- [79143] Unload list report
The unload list still prints the "dummy/zero-qty/pre-confirmed" unload point from the failed pickup leg. Should be suppressed for better UX.
- [80424] Partially failed delivery not available in TAL yet, only fully failed delivery.
The Driver App allows though partial failure for load and unload, hence would support partial failed delivery, but cannot be handled then by TAL. - Concept and implementation to be enhanced in a future release.
- [80241] Multiple partially failed pickup with different reason codes not supported
Driver App supports to fail pickup of every single package and enter as well for each a different reason code. In TAL that process is grouped and only one reason code per failure can be handled. - Concept and implementation to be enhanced in a future release.
- [80243] Partially failed pickup not supported for order from shipment builder
In TAL we don't support partially failed pick-up (= quantity split) for transport orders originating from trade module (shipment builder) because the splitting of records would lead to unclear references in the WH module. However, the app itself cannot validate this yet and hence would allow a partial failure of pickup, which would lead to an error in TAL. In reality this would not be a very realistic scenario, since pick-up happens in the own warehouse. If there are some issues they should be solved before driver has to load them

2021-02Known issue80231
Driver App
Driver App: new app features with CAP.Transport&Logistics 10.0-CAP15.0

Following enhancement were added to the Driver app in this release:
- Skip activity and provide a reason code (for example failed pickup, failed delivery)
- Skip mandatory barcode scan and provide a reason code

2021-02New feature80229
Dispatching and confirmation
Quantity split on transport leg failed with generic error in some complex dispatching cases

Splitting a transport leg (via quantity split) on certain complex dispatching cases could fail with generic error 'Cannot create a record in Orders in Tour (CIRTRATourOrderLine). Order: TO-123456. The record already exists.'. This was especially happening when 'Promote confirmed quantity to successor planning leg' feature was activated in the transport type parameterization. The issue was simulated on certain complex (and rather hypothetical) dispatching case where several quantity splits were combined with several depot splits, together with different confirmed quantities in the tour confirmation. The issue was corrected and quantity split mechanism was improved to cover such case.

Shipment Builder
Function 'Remove from transportation' on trade order lines didn't work correctly when only shipment lots were existing

By menuitem 'Remove from transportation' (accessible on trade order lines) it is possible to remove TMS shipment lots, remove TMS shipments, remove transport order/legs etc. The issue was that the menuitem performed correctly only when TMS shipment lots were assigned to some TMS shipment. The issue was corrected, now the menuitem 'Remove from transportation' removes TMS shipment lots even when they are not assigned to any TMS shipments.

Other / General
Adjustment of the security parameterization for 'Release tour/leg to warehouse' functionality (duty 'Release to warehouse')

To reduce the need for Full user TAL license amount, an access to 'Release tour/leg to warehouse' functionality has been removed from the 'T&L Warehouse worker' security role, as the 'T&L Warehouse worker' security role requires only Light user TAL license.
On the other hand the security role 'T&L Dispatcher' gained access to 'Release tour/leg to warehouse' functionality, as the 'T&L Dispatcher' security role already requires Full user TAL license.

2021-02New feature80095
Driver App
New inquiry forms 'Review Driver app issues' & 'Review Driver app issues (tour line)' were added to the tour confirmation form

New inquiry forms 'Review Driver app issues' & 'Review Driver app issues (tour line)' were added to the tour confirmation form, to show more information about Driver app tours that might exist for the tour & tour stop, eg. to show the failed activities, missing barcode scans etc.

2021-02New feature80007
Customer order management and pricing
Removal of unit conversion from the tariff surcharge criteria logic

Via tariff surcharge criteria it is possible to define when the tariff surcharges should be applied during price calculation, eg. when planning quantity is over 10 load meters etc. Previously, system also applied the unit conversion, when testing the surcharge criteria. So if the planning quantity on transport order was for example defined in square meters (and there was a conversion rule defined between square meters and load meters), then such tariff surcharge could get applied.
This caused quite confusion as it was not easily understandable why the tariff surcharge (with certain unit criteria) was applied when the amount of the same unit was not sufficient on the order line (but the tariff surcharge was applied because thru the conversion rule the sufficient amount was converted from some other unit). Hence the conversion logic was supressed when the price calculation checks for tariff surcharge criteria.

2021-02New feature79986
Driver App
Attaching a picture in the Driver app when reporting a failed activity or a failed barcode scan

It is newly possible to attach a picture in the Driver app when reporting a failed activity or a failed barcode scan.
These pictures are attached to TAL (either to package tour order lines, or to tour order lines, or to tour activity), depending on where captured in the Driver app.

Prerequisite parameterization:
- Define the 'Document type for failed activity' and 'Document type for failed barcode scan' in the main TMS parameters (in section 'Document management') - to specify which document type shall be used for both cases

If parameters are empty, attachments are still handled/attached to TAL but using "first document type for files" that system can find.

Additional new parameterization:
- 'Document type for claim' was added to the main TMS parameters (in section 'Document management') - previously the "first document type for files" that system could find was used when attaching the claims to TAL

2021-02New feature79933
Master data
Address area couldn't be deleted

Previously it was not possible to delete an address area (either from transport address or directly in the main menu in address area setup); the delete action failed with error 'Field Vehicle must be filled in.'. The issue was corrected and address area can be deleted.

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong activity status after certain dispatching actions

Certain dispatching actions can lead to the copy of activity (for example from existing tour stop to new tour stop). The issue was that the activities were copied also including the activity status. This was happening for example when a failed delivery was performed on a tour that already had some unload activities with status 'in progress' (and user didn't decide for transport order cancellation). Then the new tour stops were generated and their activities inherited the 'in progress' status. The issue was corrected, now the activities are copied but their confirmation status is reset.

Other / General
Two new languages were added to the TAL

From now on the TAL includes and supports also the 'en-gb' and 'en-au' languages.

2021-02New feature79732
Dispatching and confirmation
Two new languages were added to the GPB app

From now on the GPB app includes and supports also the 'en-gb' and 'en-au' languages.

2021-02New feature79730
Dispatching and confirmation
GUI enhancement of the visualization of the generic buttons on the GPB Resources screen

Previously the generic buttons on the GPB Resources screen got graphically distorted once pressed. The issue was corrected.
Also the general compatibility of the generic buttons in Resource screen was improved, to cover more business cases.

Dispatching and confirmation
New target for work instructions: tour stop

By enhancing the transport address related work instruction template, the user is enabled to define such address specific instructions, that are initialized to the tour stop during the tour stop creation.

2021-02New feature79638
Dispatching and confirmation
Automatic release of tour to WHS

A new periodic function 'Release to warehouse – Tour' was introduced, which can be used to release trading orders assigned to tour to warehouse.

The following parameter can be defined:
- Tour plus days: Defines for how many days in the future – related to the tour start –tours should be released to warehouse.
- Calendar: The defined calendar controls which dates should be taken into account for the tour start date to select tours that are to be released to warehouse. Only the dates marked as ‘Open’ will be used. If no calendar is specified, all dates are used.

New periodic function is accessible in following path:
- Main menu -> CAPcargo Transport -> Periodic -> Dispatching -> Release to warehouse - Tour

Additionally, a new 'Release to warehouse' menuitem has been added, to following places:
- to GPB (to action pane on both gantt screens, in menuitem group Shipment)
- to 'Dispatch light - Tours' form (to menuitem group Shipment)

via which it is newly possible to release multiple tours to warehouse at the same time. The function can also be run in batch processing mode.

2021-02New feature79611
Master data
Data migration job for the task 79588 ('Driver acceptance before tour start' enhancement)

The data migration job populates the new parameter 'Driver acceptance before tour start' from the old parameter 'Driver must accept the tour', in the main TMS parameters.

2021-02Data conversion79608
Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Enhancement of the vendor invoice posting process, to manually specify the vendor invoice number

Vendorinvoice posting process was enhanced, to optionally populate also the invoice number(on all vendor invoice journal lines), if specified in the vendor invoice poolposting dialog (in new field 'Vendor invoice').
Additionally both vendor invoicing flows (vendor invoice & vendor self-billing) were adjusted, so that each invoicing flow newly uses a separate dedicated number sequence. Previously both invoicing flows shared one number sequence (parameterized under 'Vendor invoice' in main TMS parameters), which was newly renamed to 'Vendor self-billing invoice' (and serves now only for the self-billing posting purposes). New number sequence parameterization for 'Vendor invoice' was added to the main TMS parameterization, for the vendor invoice posting purposes.

Please note:
- the new number sequence parameterization for 'Vendor invoice' is by default empty and has to be manually specified in the main TMS parameters, by projects that use this functionality.

2021-02New feature79605
Driver App
The main checkbox parameter 'Driver must accept the tour' was replaced by more flexible 'Driver acceptance before tour start' enum

By introducing the ‘Driver acceptance before tour start’ parameter, a new configuration option is provided. Hence besides the previously existing 2 options (driver accepts/rejects tour, tour is automatically accepted by driver), a third option is added: driver acknowledges tour. In this case rejecting the tour is not possible in the Driver app, but only 1 icon (=accept) is shown on the tour tile.
Furthermore, the new parameter does not only replace the previous ‘Driver must accept tour’ general TMS parameter, but it is introduced on the carrier/vendor as well. So more sophisticated configuration is possible for the external drivers.

2021-02New feature79588
Dispatching and confirmation
Transport order and transport leg can be blocked / put on hold by means of reason code

Transport order and transport leg can be blocked by indicating a reason code:
- Blocking TRO: TRO cannot be pre-dispatched
- Blocking transport leg: Leg cannot be dispatched in tour

Indicating a reason code allows to define why an order or leg should be put on hold. Possible reasons: Awaiting new date/time slot from customer, or any other documents, or even credit limit issues.

2021-02New feature79569
Customer order management and pricing
Deprecate field 'Order closed with issue' on transport order header

Field 'Order closed with issue' (which was previously existing in the transport order header and in the dialog for manual status message creation) was removed as obsolete. Field was not actively used in the TAL functionality (was only a GUI fragment of some project specific development that was not admitted into TAL).

2021-02New feature79563
Master data
Address lookup in the fuel location setup showed wrong address name (or no address name at all)

When creating a new fuel location, the transport address lookup was showing wrong address names (or no address names at all), when lookup filtering option 'All' was used. The issue was corrected and the fuel location address lookup now shows correct address names.

Customer order management and pricing
The change of the values in header section of the transport order line view was sometimes not saved (ie. lost)

The change of the values in header section of the transport order line view was sometimes not saved (ie. lost). This was happening when header section changes were not manually saved and user continued to change the line section values (eg. transport quantity). Then the line section values (eg. transport quantity) were successfully saved but header section values were just reloaded from database, without saving the changes first. The issue was corrected and header section changes are also first saved, before the automated reload happens.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven enhancement of the GPB, newly only one background service is used for maintenance of the refresh of the dispatching entities

Previously there were two background services that were responsible for maintaining the automated refreshing of the entities in GPB (eg. tours, transport legs, resources etc). To improve the general GUI experience with all GPB screens, both background services were merged into one.

2021-02New feature79390
New feature 'Generic message content' in the Message framework

Message framework was enhanced with a more flexible way of configuring the message content in status message setup.
It is now also possible in an easy way for customers to implement new content (as customization), as well for the product to easily provide further data (when requested).

To achieve this we will provide a possibility to implement a dedicated X++ interface, and those classes shall be selectable finally in the message template configuration.

Key characteristics:
- The message template content configuration happens in 'Status message template' form (main menu -> CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Track and Trace -> Status message template)
- 4 default content definition classes are provided, these are accessible in 'Status message calculated values' form (main menu -> CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Track and Trace -> Status message calculated values):
- Transport address (leg)
- Failed delivery reason (leg)
- Failed pickup reason (leg)
- Transport type

2021-02New feature79383
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour details (in level 2) in GPB gantt screens were not refreshed correctly in some cases, so the traces of tour were still visible on the screen (in level 2) even when tour was removed from the gantt

The issue was happening for example when dispatchers changed the owner company, then tour disappeared from the main gantt grid but the tour details (aka. level 2) were still left visible in the gantt screens. The issue was corrected, the section with tour details (level 2) is now automatically refreshed when the main gantt grid is refreshed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Missing address name dropdown, in the dialog of 'Change unload address' menuitem, in the 'Dispatching light - Transport legs' form

Previously, in the 'Dispatching light - Transport legs' form, in the dialog of 'Change unload address' menuitem, the address name dropdown worked correctly only for users with 'System administrator' security role. The issue was corrected and address name dropdown now opens correctly even for users without 'System administrator' security role.

Master data
Data migration job for the task 76529 (New feature: cleaning framework and truck loading history)

The data migration job populates new field 'Level' on 'Activity Time per Address' table (on the transport address) by value 'None' on all existing 'Activity Time per Address' records.

2021-02Data conversion79347
Master data
Data migration job for the task 76529 (New feature: cleaning framework and truck loading history)

The data migration job populates new field 'Level' on Activity time class table by value 'None' on all existing time class records.

2021-02Data conversion79346
Other / General
''T&L Sales clerk' and 'T&L Warehouse worker' security roles newly have read access to more tour elements

As needed for several business processes, the security roles 'T&L Sales clerk' and 'T&L Warehouse worker' newly gains a read access to several tour elements, eg. orders in tour etc. Read only access was achieved by assigning a duty 'View tour orders' to both security roles.

2021-02New feature79307
Customer invoicing
Custom invoice layouts couldn't be used when generating TMS customer invoice

Via print management, it is possible to define a custom layout of the TMS customer invoice. The issue was that such custom invoice layout was ignored and standard default TMS customer invoice layout was always used. The issue was corrected and custom invoice layout is now used when it is defined and activated in the print management.

Dispatching and confirmation
Confirmed tour quantity sometimes failed to update the planning quantity on the successor transport legs

In certain data constellation, confirmed tour quantity sometimes didn't update the quantity on the successor transport leg. This was only happening on successor transport legs which were not yet planned into any tour and which were not directly succeeding (ie. there was at least one depot split between the tour stop that is being confirmed and the successor transport leg). The issue was a regression of task from the TAL 10.0-CAP9.0 release, which was realized only recently and is fixed now.

Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicated packages after a failed delivery registration

Process of registration of a failed delivery could in some cases lead to the corrupted data in transport leg & tour structure. The visual impact to user is that the packages get duplicated after performing the failed delivery but in fact the problem was caused by corrupted data in the transport leg & tour structure. The issue was fixed and the failed delivery process behaves correctly now.

Customer order management and pricing
Newly created address was not visible in the return sales order creation dialog

Previously when creating a new shipping address (via address creation wizard in the return sales order creation dialog), the shipping address on the return sales order dialog was not automatically updated. The issue was corrected, the details of newly created address are immediately visible on the return sales order creation dialog, once address creation wizard is closed.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the initial opening of both GPB gantt screens

Previously the initial opening of both GPB gantt screens could be less performing, especially when higher count of resources and tours had to be loaded at once. The responsible code was enhanced in this task, to achieve quicker gantt screen opening. The optimization was done purely on the code structure level, besides the performance improvement it leads to no functionality difference.

2021-02New feature79188
Dispatching and confirmation
Allow to bypass in GPB the initial TAL compatibility check

When launching the GPB, the GPB client automatically checks whether some compatible TAL version is installed. The compatibility check was previously mandatory, ie. GPB client could be launched only with the TAL compatible version only. For various (mostly test) purposes it is sometimes needed to bypass such validation, hence a new parameter in the GPB config file was introduced. For more details please see the installation guidelines document.

Please note:
- Bypassing the TAL compatibility check was introduced for maintenance & support purposes, must not be done on the productive applications, as it might lead into unforeseen GPB behavior, possibly even to data corruption.

2021-02New feature79119
Customer order management and pricing
New warning infolog when posting profile is not suitable for the current customer/vendor account

When posting profile is being determined (eg. during price calculation etc.) system newly reports when some posting profile was found (but discarded) because it was not suitable for current customer/vendor account. Newly, the user is informed about such cases via warning 'The found posting profile XYZ has no valid lines for Customer-Vendor-ABC' (where the XYZ shows the exact posting profile and Customer-Vendor-ABC shows the exact customer or vendor account).

2021-02New feature79100
Customer order management and pricing
Conflict management was enhanced to Conflict analysis, in the Resource assignment form

Previously, on Resource assignment form (that can be launched form transport order form) a menuitem Conflict management just opened the overview of previously detected conflicts. The menuitem was transformed (and renamed) into Conflict analysis, so once clicked it newly also automatically performs the conflict analysis (to detect the new conflicts and to retest previously detected conflicts).

2021-02New feature79041
Customer order management and pricing
GUI enhancement of the filtering sidebars in 'Checked imported order' & 'Imported transport order' forms

Previously the filtering sidebars in the 'Checked imported order' & 'Imported transport order' forms were slightly distorted (eg. showing too much information, the spacing between orders was suboptimal etc.). This task unifies both filtering sidebars in both EDI forms. Now both filtering sidebars have the same GUI as on transport order form.

2021-02New feature78992
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Re-calculation of FTL sub-contracting tour order sometimes didn't happen correctly

Re-calculation of FTL sub-contracting tour order (which was previously already calculated) sometimes didn't happen correctly. The FTL order seemed calculated by new tariff quantity (as the 'Calculated' flag was checked), but the order totals were still showing the old (now obsolete) price. The issue was fixed and the order totals are calculated correctly even after the re-calculation of previously calculated order.

Driver App
Timestamp of the driver's approval is now visualized in GPB tour details in the time zone of the tour start address

In gantt screens in tour details (in level 2) the GPB displays the approval status (and the timestamp) from the Driver app. The logic was enhanced and GPB now also respects the potential time zone shift, applying the same time zone as on the tour start address.

2021-02New feature78964
Customer order management and pricing
Deprecate feature 'Transport order header linked packages'

Feature 'Transport order header linked packages' (which was previously existing in the transport order) was removed as obsolete. Feature had several weaknesses (these packages couldn't be displayed in the transport leg forms when transport order had more lines; also were not respected properly in the quantity split dispatching scenarios; couldn't be used for ULD processing; had certain issues in the package tour confirmation etc.).
As the functionality was not used in the productive TAL applications, it was deprecated and removed.
From now on, it is only possible to handle packages that have a clear reference to some transport order line.

2021-02New feature78948
Customer order management and pricing
''Distance and time calculation' can be newly used also for multiple selected orders

Previously it was possible to launch 'Distance and time calculation' only for single selected order. This task enables the multiselect of the orders, allowing users to calculate driving distance and time for multiple orders at once.

Following forms were enhanced:
- All transport orders
- Cross-company transport orders
- Transport pre-orders
- Part-invoice orders
- Intercompany order

2021-02New feature78942
Dispatching and confirmation
Several menuitems were not accessible in the forms for users without 'System administrator' security role

Following menuitems were accessible in the forms only for users with 'System administrator' security role:

In 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form:
- Sync transport order
- Dispatch in tour
- Release to warehouse

In tour confirmation form:
- Revoke package conf. (complete tour line)

In global address book address detail form:
- CAPcargo edit coordinate

Issues were corrected, menuitems don't anymore require 'System administrator' security role.

Dispatching and confirmation
The functionality of 'auto pop-up' of work instructions on the tour was depreciated (GPB)

Previously released task 78781 (The functionality of 'auto pop-up' of work instructions on the tour was depreciated) removed the menuitems for 'auto pop-up' of work instructions from TAL forms. This task also removes the 'auto pop-up' menuitem from the GPB gantt screens.
For more details about depreciated 'auto pop-up' functionality please see the release letter of task 78781 (in TAL release 10.0-CAP14.0)

2021-02New feature78782
Other / General
Specifying 'miles' as PTV 'Distance unit' didn't calculate the driving distance in miles, but still in kilometres

When the 'Distance unit' was specified as 'miles' (in the Geo services in main TMS parameters) then such parameterization was previously not respected (as system requested the PTV map component still for result in kilometres). The issue was corrected, and system now supports also the driving distance calculation in miles.

Please note:
- When switching the PTV 'Distance unit' to 'miles' (in the Geo services in main TMS parameters) then also the 'Distance' (and 'Distance (empty)' & 'Distance (loaded)') in the main TMS parameters must be specified in units that have a 'System of units' classification as 'United States customary units', in order to get correct result in miles.

Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Change of the posting profile on the vendor orders doesn't anymore invalidate the previously existing price calculation

Previously, on vendor order types, when changing the posting profile manually on the order (that was previously calculated), the order price calculation was invalidated (ie. 'Calculated' flag was reset to FALSE). As a consequence, the price calculation had to be performed again, to have order calculated. Such behavior was different to the customer order types (where change of posting profile doesn't reset the price calculation).
The behavior on vendor order types was enhanced, to follow the same logic as on the customer order types.

2021-02New feature78721
Shipment Builder
Wrong warning in certain cases when trade order line cannot be removed from transportation

When a trade order line cannot be removed from transportation (because of transport order being too far in the process) the system in certain cases showed wrong warning. This was especially happening when 'Partially remove from transportation' parameter was activated in the CAPcargo Trade & Distribution main parameters.
Previously the system showed the warning 'Order line SO-123456 / 1.00 has been partially removed from transportation.', which was wrong, as the order line was not removed from transportation.
The warning was corrected, now it properly informs the user that 'The order line SO-123456 / 1.00 cannot be removed from transportation! The linked transport order is already too far in the dispatching process (Parameter settings, tour release/confirmation, sub-contracting etc.) or has been manually part-delivered.
SO-123456 order id, 1.00 line id wasn't removed from transportation.'

Dispatching and confirmation
Better distinguishing of confirmed 'Sender delivery' transport legs in the goods planning status overview

Previously, the identification of 'Sender delivery' transport legs (that were confirmed) was confusing in the goods planning status overviews (especially in the transport leg planning & cross-docking forms), as these legs were previously treated as common transport legs (with goods planning statuses of 'Roughly planned'). This was enhanced and following goods planning status logic is newly applied:
- When the 'sender delivery' leg is confirmed and is not in the tour - it gets goods planning status 'Arrived'
- When the 'sender delivery' leg is confirmed and is in the tour - it gets goods planning status 'Unloaded'

2021-02New feature78644
Dispatching and confirmation
Goods planning status 'To be picked up by receiver' was sometimes showing on transport legs even on non-receiver business cases

Goods planning status 'To be picked up by receiver' was sometimes showing on transport legs even on non-receiver business cases. This was especially happening after the removal of depot split from transport legs. The issue was corrected and the proper goods planning status 'Ready for collection' is shown on transport legs.

Customer order management and pricing
Change of quantity was not possible on transport order line in certain scenarios

When trying to change quantity on transport order line (where some other transport order line of the same order already had a quantity split on its transport legs) then the change of quantity failed with error 'Action not allowed! Order is already [partially] in a tour which is already released or confirmed.'. The issue was corrected and the error is shown only when the quantity change happens on the transport order line that already has some quantity split on its transport legs.

2021-02New feature78624
Customer invoicing
During the invoice reversal of the transport order system sometimes asked for print destination settings even though no printing of reversal/credit note was activated

The issue was corrected, now the system asks for print destination details only when printing of reversal/credit note is activated in the reversal dialog.

Master data
Data migration job for task 77654 (Customer self-billing), to update customer invoices

Data migration job for task 77654 (Customer self-billing) to have existing customer invoices compatible with the new feature of customer self-billing.

2021-02Data conversion78593
Master data
Data migration job for task 77654 (Customer self-billing), to update customer account

Data migration job for task 77654 (Customer self-billing) to have existing customer accounts compatible with the new feature of customer self-billing.

2021-02Data conversion78587
Master data
Data migration job for task 77654 (Customer self-billing), to update transport order / default order

Data migration job for task 77654 (Customer self-billing) to have existing transport order (and default order) transactions compatible with the new feature of customer self-billing.

2021-02Data conversion78583
Dispatching and confirmation
TAL infolog 'No conflicts detected.' was replaced by GPB native infolog, in GPB conflict analysis menuitems

Previously released task 72628 (Conflict analysis sometimes didn't open in several TMS forms) enhanced the behavior of the conflict analysis menuitems in TAL dispatching screens, showing a new infolog 'No conflicts detected.' when no conflicts were detected by conflict analysis.
Having a TAL infolog is certainly sufficient for TAL forms but is not sufficient for GBP screens (as the user would have to wait for TAL browser window to open, just to learn that there were no conflicts detected). So for GPB processes the TAL infolog was replaced by a native GPB infolog (that is displayed instantly).

For more details about the infolog logic in the conflict analysis please see the release letter of task 72628 (in TAL release 10.0-CAP14.0)

2021-02New feature78581
Dispatching and confirmation
Manual ETA specification is newly also shown in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

In GPB, in 'Transport order /-legs' screen, in tour stop overview, the GPB displays the entire transport leg structure, ie. also the transport legs that are already planned in some tour. The detailed scheduling of such transport legs could have been already adjusted via Manual ETA specification on the tour, but such information was previously not anyhow reflected in the transport leg structure overview. This was enhanced, the Manual ETA specification is newly also visualized (by green font color & icon) in the transport leg structure overview in the 'Transport order /-legs' screen.

2021-02New feature78508
Customer order management and pricing
Missing time stamps for certain track & trace statuses

Previously, time stamps were missing for following track & trace statuses:
* (Status430) - Delivered by sender
* (Status436) - Picked up by receiver

The issue was corrected and both track & trace statuses are now properly marked by time stamp when the status was reached.

Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the activity category handling in both GPB gantt screens

A follower of task 77411 (Enhancement of the transport activities, new activity types & activity category feature), that was released in previous release GPB 2.3.7 (with TAL 10.0-CAP14.0).

Following enhancements were added in this task:
- Previously introduced activity 'Category' field (and also a new 'Mandatory for Driver app' field) are now also displayed in both GPB gantt screens (in level 3, in the activity overview 'slide in' side window)
- Activity visualization in both GPB gantt screens (in level 2, in the activity overview section) newly only activities of type Dispatching or Execution are shown. As only these do affect the duration of the tour.

For more details about activity category feature please see the release letter of the task 77411 (Enhancement of the transport activities, new activity types & activity category feature), that was released in previous release GPB 2.3.7 (with TAL 10.0-CAP14.0).

2021-02New feature77657
Customer invoicing
New feature 'Customer self-billing' was added

With this task a support for customer self-billing process is introduced in CAPcargo Transport. This is sometimes also referred to as ‘Recipient Created Tax Invoices (RCTI)' or ‘Gutschriftverfahren’ (in German language).
In this business process it’s the customer who sends the transportation company the billing proposal for a transport invoice instead of the transport company sending the customer the transport invoice. With the help of a data entity the billing proposal can be imported. After that it can be automatically matched against transport orders and the calculated amounts are verified against the billing proposal values. When the billing proposal has been completely matched an invoice is created with only the transport orders that were on the billing proposal.

2021-02New feature77654
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the tour confirmation process, when the confirmation happens on the package level

Previously the tour confirmation (via package confirmation) was possible but the feature was lacking in certain aspects, especially in the area of how confirmed quantities were handled/updated on the tour order line from the package confirmation. Depending on the package data users could for example experience the loss of confirmed weight (or volume) quantity, or it was not clear why certain confirmed quantity was updated (as some conversion rules were applied etc.). The package confirmation mechanism was thus re-worked and following key logic is now applied, for the tours/orders that contain some packages:
- Package confirmation now updates the confirmed transport quantity (by the count of confirmed packages, when the last package is processed/confirmed). The confirming transport quantity is locked for manual editing (as it is managed by the package confirmation)
- Package confirmation now updates the confirmed weigh (and volume) based quantity (by the summing of data from the packages, when the last package is processed/confirmed), but only if such weight (or volume) data is available on all packages that are being confirmed. Otherwise (eg. when some weight or volume data is not available on some confirmed package), then the confirmed quantity is not updated. Users still can manually adjust the confirming quantity, as the fields are editable.

2021-02New feature77643
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour confirmation enhancement: the order confirmation is not anymore done via 'Confirmed' checkboxes but via dedicated menuitems

The order confirmation (in tour confirmation form) is not anymore done via 'Confirmed' checkboxes but newly via dedicated menuitems 'Confirm' and 'Undo confirmation'. The reason for such change was that several issues/limitations were related to the confirmation via checkboxes (eg. the change of the confirmation quantity was sometimes reset when the checkbox 'Confirmed' was used; the order confirmation shall differ when orders with (or without) packages are confirmed etc.).

2021-02New feature77641
Dispatching and confirmation
ETA of tour stop is not anymore overwritten by its confirmed date & time

When confirming date/time of a tour stop in the tour confirmation, the system re-schedules the successor tour stops ETA, which is correct and important. But the system also re-scheduled the ETA of current confirmed tour stop by overwriting it by the confirmed value. This was not entirely needed and it caused that the original ETA of current tour stop was lost, hence this logic was removed. Newly, the confirmation of date/time only re-schedules the successor tour stops ETA, but the current tour stop ETA is not updated (ie. is preserved).

2021-02New feature77611
Shipment Builder
Connect container structure to shipment builder

This feature enables the shipment builder to support the automatic containerization process.
At container closing, the shipment builder entities will be updated based on the available information of the container / container type.
At transport order synchronization, the system creates 1 CAPcargo package per container. The volume and weight of the packages are retrieved from the container type and items.
In case a container gets reopened, the related packages will be deleted and the related shipment builder entities get updated.
Multi-level containerization is not fully supported with this feature. The shipment builder can handle multi-level container but only the most outer container (=container level 0) will be considered for transport and plan quantity calculations.

Please note (info for existing customers):
- The parameter “Flexible volume dimensions” on container types has to be set to YES in order to make it work as today.

2021-02New feature77606
Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicated gantt grid refresh in certain scenarios when dispatchers rearranged the tour stop sequence (via drag and drop)

Previously, when rearranging the tour stops (via drag and drop in GPB gantt screens) in certain constellations the GPB performed a duplicate grid refresh. The issue was corrected and the gantt grid is now refreshed only once after rearranging the tour stop sequence.

Customer order management and pricing
Several GUI enhancements of the 'Re-initializing of existing values' dialog, in the contract finding process

In the contract finding process, when tariffs shall initialize some fields to the order header (but these fields already have a different value in the order header), a 'Re-initializing of existing values' dialog (aka. 'decision making' dialog) is invoked where user has to select which fields shall be initialized/overwritten on transport order and which not. GUI of the dialog was improved, in following way:
- 'Update' flag was moved to the third column
- The record 'hiding' mechanism was improved (ie. when user selects a value from one order line, only other order lines (with the same field) are hidden).
- Whole dialog grid was horizontally expanded, for better grid readability

2021-02New feature77511
Customer invoicing
''Invoice responsible company' is newly a mandatory field, on transport order & part-invoice order, when intercompany is activated

As the field 'Invoice responsible company' is crucial for intercompany invoicing, the field is filled (and updated) on relevant order types automatically by the system, when intercompany configuration key is activated. The issue previously was that the field value could be manually deleted by user in the forms, which caused problems later during invoice posting. Newly, on the applications with intercompany configuration key activated, the 'Invoice responsible company' field is treated as mandatory and cannot be cleared.

2021-02New feature77456
Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict visualization on the tour was not automatically refreshed when conflict analysis was done automatically during the tour release

The conflict visualization on tour was not automatically refreshed when conflict analysis was done automatically during the tour release, so dispatchers didn't have accurate information about the detected conflicts. The issue was corrected and the conflict visualization on tour is refreshed after the tour release, in both gantt screens.

Shipment Builder
Display of TMS scheduling information (on D365 trade order lines) was not following the 'Modes of delivery' parameterization

On 'Modes of delivery' it is possible to define whether TMS scheduling information (that is available as 'CAPcargo scheduling information' on D365 trade order lines) shall be shown either for load part, or for unload part, or for both. The issue was that the 'Modes of delivery' parameterization was ignored and CAPcargo scheduling information was shown always for load & unload parts. The issue was corrected and the setup on 'Modes of delivery' is now respected.

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: cleaning framework and truck loading history

A new framework isintroduced, that is responsible for warning the user when, where and which carryingresource needs to be cleaned. Furthermore, based on the mode of the cleaning,additional costs can be added to the tour.

Prerequisites of using thecleaning determination logic are:
- the setup of the cleaningtype, that defines the way of cleaning and the efficiency of it
- the setup of the cleaningmatrix, that contains the rules which determine what type of cleaning is necessaryif a certain commodity was carried by the vehicle/compartment prior the currentload

The aim of the logic is todetermine what type of cleaning has to be done before loading goods intovehicle or compartment. This cleaning type is returned on the one hand to theconflict management (where it triggers a conflict), on the other hand to anew form, that gives information to the user about the necessity of cleaningand provides a semi-automatic way of inserting cleaning activity/activities.
Regardless of which tool is used,the goal is to insert cleaning activity/activities with the right cleaningtype into existing or new cleaning specific tour stops. Such activities are notonly the indicators for the driver (that cleaning has to be done at pre-definedlocations), but they are also used for the creation of tour additional costsautomatically at the confirmation of the cleaning activity.

As an overview for the useralso a new form is introduced, the Truck loading history. Via this form, thesystem grants always up-to-date information for the user, what activitieshappened with which vehicle. It depends on a new parameter of the activitymaster data, whether the activity is shown in the Truck loading history.

2021-02New feature76529
Document import framework: new target table "Tours"

The document import framework has been extended with the target table tours. After uploading the file via the data management workspace against the existing entity "TAL Imported attachments" it is now possible to attach notes and documents against the tour table. As unique identifier the Tour ID must be specified during the upload.

2021-02New feature74878
Customer order management and pricing
Additional/alternative source for order driving distance & time calculation

Previously, on transport order (and on other order types) it was possible to calculate the driving distance & time only from the PTV map component. This was enhanced - now it is possible to determine the driving distance & time either from the map component or from internal distance table or from the combination of both. The parameterization of which method shall be used is done on the transport type, in new section 'Distance and time calculation'.
The functionality can help in the projects where nonstandard addresses are used (ie. that cannot be calculated by the map component), or some custom negotiated driving distances & times are used (ie. that differs to the map component data).

This task also removes the “Default Distance Determination”functionality (which could calculate the driving distance & time from the internal distance table during transport order creation) as depreciated.

The enhancement can be used only for the calculation of driving distance & time on various order types; it cannot be used for the calculation of driving distance & time on the tour between tour stop (there still the map component is the only source, beside the manual entry).

2021-02New feature73676
Dispatching and confirmation
Missing confirmation dialog in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, when merging tour stops that have some manual ETA specified

In GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen, when merging tour stops that have some manual ETA specified, a confirmation dialog is shown where user has to confirm that the merge of tour stops shall really happen (as the merging will delete the existing manual ETA). But in 'Resource dispatching' screen such confirmation dialog was previously missing (and the tour stops were immediately merged, with manual ETA being deleted). This task enhances the 'Resource Dispatching' screen, to populate the same confirmation dialog (as is already existing in the 'Tour Dispatching' screen).

2021-02New feature72786
Driver App
Failed pickup process from Driver App

The failed pickupprocess can be launched from Driver App which automatically handles ordercancelling or potential re-attempting of pickup. Retry of pickup is possiblewithin the same transport order (keeping all the references) or with a newtransport order.
Further, automaticre-scheduling or blocking of new transport leg or new transport order ispossible. For that a new function on transport order and transport leg wasintroduced, where an order or a leg can be blocked by indicating a reason code:
- Blocking TRO: TRO cannot be pre-dispatched
- Blocking transport leg: Leg cannot be dispatched in tour

By means of order import update, new appointment/wish dates for re-attempts can be imported and automatically updated in dispatching. Further, there is some configuration for potential automatic unblocking of the order/leg.

2021-02New feature72460
Customer order management and pricing
New track & trace status: 'Failed pick-up'

As the 'failed delivery' process already had its own track & trace status, the status for 'failed pick-up' (Status312 'Failed pick-up') was also added to the track & trace framework.

2021-02New feature72455
Driver App
Failed delivery process from Driver App

The failed deliveryprocess can be launched from Driver App which automatically handles ordercancelling or potential re-attempting of delivery. Retry of delivery is possible within the sametransport order.
Further, automatic re-scheduling or blocking of new transport leg or new transport order is possible. For that a new function on transport order and transport leg was introduced, where an order or a leg can be blocked by indicating a reason code:
- Blocking TRO: TRO cannot be pre-dispatched
- Blocking transport leg: Leg cannot be dispatched in tour

By means of order import update, new appointment/wish dates forre-attempts can be imported and automatically updated in dispatching. Further,there is some configuration for potential automatic unblocking of theorder/leg.

2021-02New feature72354
Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Third party LTL transport leg sub-contracting tariff surcharges were in certain constellation not processed during automated vendor invoicing

In vendor invoice automation process, it is possible to setup a rule that orders gets also calculated (via 'Calculate orders first' parameter). The issue was that the price calculation (when launched as part of automated invoicing process) didn't calculate the third party LTL transport leg sub-contracting tariff surcharges, which were in result also not invoiced. The issue was corrected and such third party surcharges are now correctly processed (ie. calculated & invoiced) when 'Calculate orders first' parameter is used in automated invoicing rules.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the customer wish 'early/late' visualization in GPB gantt screens (respect address business opening hours)

The visualization of customer wish 'early/delay' in level 1 tour gantt bars, (aka. the red/green bars) could previously give only a rough overview when no customer wished timeslot was specified on the transport order header (ie. customer wish was specified only on the 'date' level, but not on the 'hours:minutes' level), as no exact 'wished' time was known.
The visualization (and the 'early/delay' determination) was enhanced in this task, newly the system takes into account also the business opening hours of the unload address, but only when no exact customer wish timeslot is specified on transport order header. When determining the business opening hours the system uses the usual 'hierarchical' structure (ie. opening hours can be defined on the TMS address itself, or on address calendar, or on country calendar etc.) and uses the latest opening hours timeslot on the address for customer wished day).
For the cases when customer wish is specified on the unload address of the transport order header with maximum details (ie. including the 'hours:minutes' timeslot, then these are still used (and business opening hours on address are ignored).
This allows better precision in the 'early/late' tour visualization in tour gantt screens when customer wish is defined only on the 'date' level.

2021-02New feature67715
Customer order management and pricing
Rule order collection is newly initialized already in the contract finding process

Previously the initialization of 'Rule order collection' from tariffs to order header happened only during the price calculation process, hence the initial price calculation was a mandatory prerequisite for the order collection. To improve an order collection performance (as such initial price calculation is not effectively needed, it is only needed for 'Rule order collection' initialization), the 'Rule order collection' is newly initialized to order header already during the contract finding process (as one the last steps of the contract finding).

This allows to skip the initial price calculation step in the fully automated collection process, so the following periodic task structure is sufficient:
- Contract finding task (initializes 'Rule order collection' to order header)
- Order collection task (forms the order collection, based on previously initialized 'Rule order collection')
- Price calculation task (calculates the price of the transport order)

2021-02New feature65756
Dispatching and confirmation
Small visual enhancement in GPB, when tours (which are overlapping for individual resource) are delayed

In GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, when the tours are delayed, a 'red bar' visualization is shown in the gantt. But in case when more tours (which were overlapping for individual resource) were delayed, the 'red bar' visualization was hardly visible/readable, due to the visualization of the overlapping tours. This was enhanced and the delay of the overlapping tours is newly highlighted by an additional red line.

2021-02New feature64611
Driver App
Introducing an option in Driver app, to 'not confirm' (ie. skip) certain activities

To avoid the need to individualize the processes for all potential failed activities, a generic solution is introduced to 'not-confirm' an activity and add a reason code telling why.
Instead of confirming (ie. swiping off) an activity, the driver newly has an option (per activity and per tour stop (serving as multi-select of all activities on this tour stop)), to skip (ie. not-confirm) one or several activities. By doing so, the app asks the driver for a reason code which has to be selected from a list.

Before Failed activity can be used in Driver app, following pre-requisites are needed in D365:
- At least one transport order cancellation reason code for process "None" must be set up (it is used to fail activities other than load / unload)
- At least one transport order cancellation reason code for process "Failed delivery" must be set up
- At least one transport order cancellation reason code for process "Failed pickup" must be set up
- Doublecheck that these reason codes are shown in Driver app reason code form (main menu -> CAPcargo Transport -> Inquiries -> Driver app -> Driver app reason code
- If not, click "Settings refresh / synchronize" button
- The Driver app reason codes are expected to stay in sync with transport order cancellation reason codes. But if some transport order cancellation reason codes were created in the system before Driver app was activated, then they must be synchronized using "Settings refresh / synchronize" button.

2021-02New feature64571
Driver App
Enhancement of the activity configuration framework (Package scan mandatory / error with reason code)

To avoid the need to individualize the validation for scanning, a generic solution is introduced, to set Driver app activities mandatory or optional:
- Mandatory activities can only be cancelled/skipped with entering a reason code and optionally some description.
- Optional activities can be cancelled/skipped without entering a reason code, but with the option to add a description.

This configuration is possible for each driver activity type, being previously mostly initialized from TAL tour activities; additionally, it is possible to define whether the package scanning is optional or mandatory for the 'load' and 'unload' activities.
Special driver activities “Start working…”, “Arrived” and “Depart” are still hard-coded and not subject of this configuration. They are always mandatory.

Key characteristics:
- The configuration happens in the 'Instruction activity rules' (accessible in main menu path under:
main menu -> CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Dispatching -> Instruction activity rules
- New option 'Barcode scan required (package)' was added to the Activity type. This allows to set up rule(s) for activity being mandatory (or not), to be applied for all customers (or some), to be applied during loading (or unloading, or both) etc.

2021-02New feature64567
Dispatching and confirmation
Docking/undocking icons were sometimes not shown in the tour stop overview in both GPB gantt screens

When the docking (or undocking) activity occurs on the tour stop, the tour stop is highlighted by the small icon below the tour stop overview (aka. in level 3), in both GPB gantt screens. The issue was that the visualization of these icons was not reliable - sometimes the icons were shown, sometimes not, sometimes the icons disappeared when changing the focus between the tours etc. The visualization is now corrected.

Customer invoicing
New validation to prevent duplicate customer invoicing

New validation was added to the customer invoicing process, to avoid (rather hypothetical) cases of duplicate invoicing, which could theoretically happen when several automated customer invoicing periodic tasks were run against the same transport order scope, on several batch servers.
New validation checks whether invoice already exists for transport order (and if so then the duplicate invoicing is not done). The validation is by default active but can be deactivated in main TMS parameters (in section 'Invoice', flag 'Deactivate customer invoicing corrupt data check').

2021-02New feature57668
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance enhancement of the GPB 'Resources' screen

Several performance related optimizations were done on the GPB 'Resources' screen, to improve the users GUI experience when working with the screen. The optimizations were done in the code structure (and in underlying technology) level, without functionality change of the 'Resources' screen.

2021-02New feature54299
Customer order management and pricing
''Over package' scope could get broken in certain order management scenarios

''Over package' scope (ie. several packages are linked to the same package parent id) should be processed (ie. planned into tour, removed from from tour) as a whole, to avoid that part of the over package is planned into tour and part not (or part is planned in the different tour etc.). The issue was that in certain order management scenarios the 'over package' scope could get broken. This was happening especially when the packages of two transport orders were linked to the same parent package id (ie. 'over package' scope across different transport orders) and one of the transport orders was removed from dispatching (either via menuitem 'Delete order from dispatching' on non-shipment builder transport order; or via menuitem 'Remove from transportation' on trade order lines). The issue was corrected and such transport order is not anymore removed from dispatching (if it would break the 'over package' scope) and user is informed via error infolog.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the transport leg & tour planning engine (when transport legs are planned into tours / removed from tours)

Several performance driven code enhancements were done to the engine that is responsible for planning of transport legs into tour and for removal of transport legs from the tour. The functionality itself should stay the same, just with better performance.

2021-02New feature48477
Dispatching and confirmation
Several issues were corrected in the transport leg related forms

Following issues were corrected in the 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' screen:
- Only first few records/transport legs showed the correct planning quantity (in the right info section). The rest transport legs showed zero planning quantity
- Some fields were directly editable (eg. planning quantity or conflict state)
- When new fields were added to the grid (via form personalization) then sometimes the new fields were immediately opened for user changes

Following issues were corrected in the 'Transport leg points' form (which can be launched from transport order form):
- Some fields were not displayed correctly for the second transport leg point record (eg. address ID was missing on unload leg point)
- Some fields were directly editable (eg. planning quantity, transport leg type checkboxes)

Customer order management and pricing
Overuse of the package ID number sequence

Previously, the package (that was manually created by user) did skip a number in the package ID number sequence. The issue was corrected and the package ID number sequence is allocated correctly even for manually created packages.

Driver App
Full failed pickup (performed in mobile app) sometimes failed to synchronize to D365

When the full failed pickup was performed in the mobile app then sometimes the synchronization to D365 failed and activity feedback in D365 remained unprocessed. This was especially happening when transport type parameter 'Retry after failed pick-up' was set to 'None'. The issue was corrected and the full failed pickup is process regardless of the 'Retry after failed pick-up' parametrization.

Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of the 'Owner' filter in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen

Previously, in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, the 'Owner' filter was applied against the owner of the tour. This was not correct and was adjusted. Newly, the 'Owner' filter is applied against the owner of the resource.

Driver App
Several 'Reason code' related issues were solved in the mobile app interface

Following 'Reason code' related issues were solved in the mobile app interface. Issues were mostly happening when the asynchronous change tracking mode was activated in the general mobile app parameters:
- Newly created 'Transport order cancellation reason codes' & 'Claim codes' were sometimes not automatically synchronized to the mobile app
- Manual re-generation of the newly released mobile app reason codes (ie. via 'Settings create/synchronize' on the 'Driver app reason code' form) was sometimes failing

Both issues were corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB gantt screens were sometimes not automatically refreshed after certain dispatching actions

After certain dispatching actions, the GPB gantt screens were sometimes not automatically refreshed (and had to be refreshed manually).
This was especially happing after following actions:
- when new tour stop was manually insert into tour
- when sequence of tour stops was changed via drag & drop
- when carrying resource was assigned
- when tour stop split was performed
- when tour additional costs were created
- when new sub-contracting order was created (either tour sub-contracting, or transport leg sub-contracting, or intercompany order)

Dispatching and confirmation
The 'i" information icon is newly displayed under tour stop (in level 3, in both GPB gantt screens) only when some work instruction exist for the tour stop

With the deprecation of the 'Dispatching information' feature, the 'i" information icon that is displayed under the tour stop (in level 3, in both GPB gantt screens) was adjusted, to appear only when there exist some work instruction for the tour stop.

2021-03New feature81261
Other / General
Data migration task - to recreate the tour activities after the resource was removed from the tour

Data migration task for 81117.
Data migration task recreates the tour activities that were lost due the to bug in the resource unplanning mechanism.

2021-03Data conversion81126
Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicate opening of the dialog (for the creation of the new tour) when transport leg was planned into new tour in the GPB

Previously, it could happen that when transport leg was planned in to new tour (via 'drag & drop' from the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen to the 'Resource Dispatching' screen, the dialog (for the creation of the new tour) was opened twice. The issue was corrected and the dialog 'for the creation of the new tour) is not duplicated anymore.

Dispatching and confirmation
Loss of tour activities after removal of some resource from the tour

When unplanning a resource (ie. truck/trailer/driver/passenger) from the tour, in certain constellations all tour activities were also removed. This was especially happening when some cleaning related activity was used. The issue was corrected and the system removes now only the activities that are related to individual resources.

Driver App
Sequence and handling of activities was sometimes not correct in the mobile app

Issues was especially happening when activities per address area were used (eg "Scan barcode: Address area"). Then following (faulty) behavior could be encountered in the mobile app:
- Activities with duplicate sequence
- Load/unload without parent activity id even if they belong to address area

Both issues were corrected.

Driver App
Driver App: new app features with CAP.Transport&Logistics 10.0-CAP16.0

Terminology in D365 user interface has been updated: many forms and menu items now mention "Mobile app(s)" instead of "Driver app".

New app features:
- Load later: New reason codes in "Skip remaining activities" dialog, now supporting "Load later" feature in D365 when all the goods don't fit in the truck.
- Fix layout issue in barcode scanning dialog with small resolutions when using German language.
- After "Skip activity" or "Confirm without barcode scan" the app goes automatically back to activity list, instead of staying in activity details screen.
- Enhancements in the barcode scanning functionality will be published in the upcoming weeks in a separate app version.

2021-03New feature81063
Customer order management and pricing
From/Till-times fields on transport leg points were sometimes not initialized from the transport order data

Under certain parameterization the 'From/Till'-times fields on transport leg points were sometimes not initialized for unload leg point. This was especially happening when parameter "Transport order controls/impacts rough planning" was activated on the transport type. The issue was corrected and 'From/Till'-times fields are initialized on transport leg points (that are related to load or unload addresses of the transport order).

Customer order management and pricing
'Duplicate generation of 'Print labels' report

''Print labels' report was sometimes generated multiple times in the transport order form. This was especially happening when transport orders war transported via several transport legs (eg. depot split was applied). The issue was corrected and 'Print labels' report generates one report per transport order, with individual package labels on separate pages.

Driver App
Respect the work instruction load code and show work instructions in the mobile app only in order related tour stops

The work instruction load code is newly respected when showing the work instructions in the mobile app. The logic is following:
- If work instruction load code is 'Load', then the work instruction is shown in the mobile app only on the tour stop(s) where loading of the transport order happens
- If work instruction load code is 'Unload', then the work instruction is shown in the mobile app only on the tour stop(s) where unloading of the transport order happens
- If work instruction load code is 'None', then the work instruction is shown in the mobile app on the tour stop(s) where loading of the transport order happens and on the tour stop(s) where unloading of the transport order happens

2021-03New feature80813
Other / General
Data migration task - to migrate existing 'Dispatching information' on TMS addresses to work instruction templates on TMS addresses

Data migration task for 78562.
Data migration task migrates existing 'Dispatching information' on TMS addresses to work instruction templates on TMS addresses.

2021-03Data conversion80751
Customer order management and pricing
Wrong package structure after removal of last transport order line from the transport leg

Previously, when Goods management forms launched from the transport legs screens, it was possible to remove (via menuitem 'Remove') the last transport order line from the transport leg. This resulted into improper structure of packages in transport legs. The issue was corrected and the system now informs the user that it is "Not allowed to fully split last position ('1/'1)! Only partial split possible. No qty split split allowed at leg TRO1-XXXXXX '1/'1'!" and the package structure is not altered.

Master data
Missing control menuitems for the addition (and the removal) of delivery terms, in the 'Delivery term group' form.

Previously, the addition (and also the removal) of the delivery terms was a bit troublesome in 'Delivery term group' form, as the delivery term grid didn't have dedicated control menuitems. The issue was corrected and the delivery term section contains the 'New' and 'Remove' control menuitems.

2021-03New feature80737
Other / General
Data migration task - to move the mobile app related parameters from main TMS parameters into mobile app parameters

Data migration task for 80712.
Data migration task moves the mobile app related parameters from main TMS parameters into mobile app parameters.

2021-03Data conversion80720
Other / General
Mobile app related parameters were moved from main TMS parameters into Mobile app parameters

Mobile app related parameters that were previously in main TMS parameter form were moved to the Mobile app parameters form.
Data migration job needs to be run to copy the values from Transport parameters.

2021-03New feature80712
Other / General
Data migration task - to remove duplicate Mobile app global parameters (TALdraGlobalParameter) entries

Data migration task for 80376.
Data migration task finds & removes the duplicate entries in the TALdraGlobalParameter table, after the table was set global.

2021-03Data conversion80707
Dispatching and confirmation
Not all elements were removed on the map when 'Clear all layers from map' was used

On the map screen, the menuitem 'Clear all layers from map' sometimes didn't remove all elements on the map. Especially the available resources (ie. which could be planned into tours) were sometimes not cleared. This issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain parameterization some dispatching processes were failing, as system could not create carrying resource assignments

Assignment of the carrying resource was sometimes failing and system reported the error 'Cannot create a record in Uld transactions (TALuldTransactionTable). Order: TO-XYZ. The record already exists.' The issue was especially happening when there were already some (but not all) tour orders assigned to the carrying resource. As the carrying resource assignment could be activated as a sub-process (of some main process, eg. tour release etc.), the whole main process was failing. The issue was corrected and the error is not anymore encountered.

Dispatching and confirmation
Resource assignment start was sometimes wrong in the tour tooltip in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen

For tours that were created from default tours, the resource assignment start was sometimes wrong in the tour tooltip in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen (ie. the resource assignment start was shown as 01.01.01 00:00). The issue was especially happening when 'Initialize confirmed values from planned values' parameter was deactivated in the main TMS parameters. The issue was corrected and the resource assignment start is calculated correctly, regardless of the 'Initialize confirmed values from planned values' main parameter.

Dispatching and confirmation
Tours in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen were sometimes displayed only when the gantt view point was changed

In certain parameterization it could happen that the tours in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen were not immediately displayed in the gantt, but appeared only when the gantt view point was changed (eg. by scrolling the gantt to 1hr into the future or into the past). This was especially happening when '1-day' view point of gantt was used and when load date range was set to 'from 0, to 0' in GPB parameters. The issue was corrected and tours are displayed in the gantt without needing to change the gantt view point.

Two package related data entities were added to the system

Following package related data entities were added to the system:
- TAL Package identification codes
- TAL Package content

It is now possible to export package identification codes and package content; both data entities are allowed only for exporting.

2021-03New feature80625
Dispatching and confirmation
''No conflict detected.' infolog was sometimes triggered on the tour even though the conflict analysis sub-process was disabled

Under certain parameterization the "No conflict detected." infolog was triggered on the tour, even though the conflict analysis sub-process was deactivated for the conflict analysis process menuitem (in the main TMS parameters). Which was a bit misleading as the conflict detection was actually not performed. The issue was corrected and the 'No conflict detected.' is populated only when conflict analysis sub-process is activated (and no conflicts are detected).

Transport order EDI import process sometimes failed when import file contained TMS address id (or TMS address id was mapped via external codes)

Under certain parameterization (and data constellation) the transport order import process was failing and transport orders could get imported only with manual intervention of user. This was especially happening when a general zip code validation was activated in the D365 address setup and the import EDI file contained either exact TMS address id (or the TMS address id was achieved via external code mapping). The issue was corrected.

Driver App
Activity feedback was sometimes failing when the driver decided to skip a mobile app activity of type 'Take a picture'

In mobile app, skipping the activity for taking a picture (and providing a reason description for skipping) could get wrongly interpreted when synchronizing the activity feedback back to D365 TMS. As the system was previously trying the process the provided reason description as the taken picture itself. The issue was corrected and the provided reason description (for skipping the activity 'Take a picture') is handled correctly now.

Customer order management and pricing
Missing control menuitems for the creation (and removal) of cause, in the TMS claim management

Previously, the adding (and also the removal) of the claim cause was a bit troublesome in the claim management form, as the cause grid didn't have dedicated control menuitems. The issue was corrected and the cause grid now contains the 'New' and 'Remove' control menuitems.

Dispatching and confirmation
Address area icon was sometimes not displayed in the tour stop details in both GPB gantt screens

An address area icon (that is shown on the tour stop level 3 details in both GPB gantt screen) was sometimes not visible, as it could get covered up by too long address name. The visualization of tour stop level 3 was enhanced and long address name is newly cut, to ensure that the address area icon is always visible.

2021-03New feature80564
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven optimization of the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen

Following improvements were done in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, to achieve better performance when launching the screen:
- Determination of icons (for quantity change conflict & number of drivers, in level 1 gantt bars) were moved to the web service
- Several other code adjustments

2021-03New feature80534
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour stop details were sometimes not loaded after changing the tour start (by 'drag and drop' of the whole tour) in 'Resource Dispatching' screen

When changing the tour start (by 'drag and drop' of the whole tour) in 'Resource Dispatching' screen, the tour stop details (aka. level 3) were sometimes not loaded and users just saw the 'Loading data' spinning icon. This was especially happening when only trucks were filtered in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen. The issue was corrected, the tour stop details are now loaded properly after the 'drag and drop' of the tour, even when only trucks are filtered in the 'Resource Dispatching' screen.

Dispatching and confirmation
Missing screen refresh of level 3 of GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen

After certain dispatching actions, the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen level 3 was not automatically refreshed (and had to be refreshed manually).
This was especially happing after following actions:
- when transport order was planned via 'drag & drop' to the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen
- when tour stop was manually removed

Other / General
Data migration task - to update the WHS reference type of the shipment log quantity buffer

Data migration task for 77606 (Connect container structure to shipment builder), which was released already in TMS 10.0-CAP15.0 release.
Shipment builder related data migration task sets the picking reference on shipment lot quantity to license plate id.

2021-03Data conversion80524
Other / General
Data migration task - to set a new flag 'Driver app' on all existing driver app users

Data migration task for the upcoming feature of truck loading app. Data migration task populates the flag 'Driver app' on all existing driver app users.

2021-03Data conversion80509
Driver App
New feature in the mobile app: Loading later

Previously, the driver could not depart from a location before all orders (and potential other activities) were fully confirmed/scanned. This sometimes does not reflect the reality (as some order might not be ready for the loading etc.). Therefore a new process was introduced to the mobile app, so that driver newly has an option to depart from the location even though not all loads are scanned. New process is activated when driver would like to depart from location (ie. driver is 'swiping off' the 'Depart' activity) and system detects that not all loads are successfully scanned. In such case the mobile app first asks the driver (whether he/she would really like to depart, as there are still some remaining activities not yet done) and in the second step asks for additional details (driver should select the 'Load later' reason code and provide some description and/or attach a photo). Afterwards the driver can depart (and continue with his trip).
During the synchronization with D365 the remaining loads are 'moved' from the current tour stop (and are assigned to the end of the current tour).

Please note:
- 'Load later' is possible only on the tour stops that are defined as TMS depots. Loading later on the customer locations is not supported.
- Certain driver attention is needed as it is supported to load later (aka. skip) only the package sets that are representing the whole transport order line. In other words, to 'load later' only one package (whereas transport order line has 4 other packages) is not supported.

2021-03New feature80490
Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict management form was sometimes not opening when conflict analysis was launched from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

In certain constellation it could happen that the conflict management form was not opened from the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, even though there were some conflicts identified. In such cases the dispatcher was only informed by infolog 'No conflicts detected.'. The issue was corrected and conflict analysis menuitem performs now correctly in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen.

Master data
Barcode scanning activities could not be created

Creation of new activities of action types 'Barcode scan (address area)' or 'Barcode scan (address)' was previously not possible, system failed with an error. The issue was corrected and new barcode scanning activities can be created.

Other / General
Data migration task - to fill the empty invoice account on part-invoice orders

Data migration job for 79171.
Data migration task fills the invoice account on part-invoice orders (and on collective part-invoice orders), if no invoice account was specified.

2021-03Data conversion80407
Other / General
Mobile app global parameters (TALdraGlobalParameters) table was set global (SaveDataPerCompany: No)

Mobile app parameters form shows data from this table.

This table was intended to be global, but was accidentally left as company specific. One D365 system is always using one Driver app middleware even if Driver app is used in multiple legal entities. This table contains technical settings related to the integrations with the middleware, therefore it makes sense to store the data globally, not having to set it up for each company separately.

(For storing the information that should be controlled per legal entity, there exists already a non-global table, also shown in Mobile app parameters form.)

Customer order management and pricing
New feature: Pro-forma invoice for transport order, before order is invoiceable

Previously, it was possible to create (eg. print) pro-forma invoice only when transport order was invoiceable (as the pro-forma printing was existing only in the TMS customer invoice pool). Enhancement in this task introduces an option to create/print pro-forma invoice directly from the transport order form (and even for transport orders that are not yet invoiceable).

Please note:
- Pro-forma invoice can be generated/printed from the transport order form only when order is calculated.

2021-03New feature80352
Dispatching and confirmation
GUI rework of the 'OK' column in the tour confirmation form

In the tour confirmation form, the previously existing 'OK' column was renamed to 'Orders confirmed', to better explain the column purpose. Also the icon visualization logic was enhanced:
- when at least one tour order is not yet confirmed at the tour stop, the 'Orders confirmed' newly show no sign/icon. (Previously such state was visualized with a warning yellow 'triangle', which led to impression that there is something wrong with the tour stop. Which is not entirely correct as the tour stop confirmation might just not happened yet.)
- when all underlying tour orders are confirmed at the tour stop, the 'Orders confirmed' show the 'checked' sign/icon. (This case didn't need any enhancement as it is working according to expectation.)

2021-03New feature80331
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Vendor reference on the sub-contracting tour and sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) order forms

Sub-contracting tour and sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) order forms were enhanced, to store a vendor reference. The reference can be used as a primary reference throughout the transportation and vendor invoicing process.

2021-03New feature80329
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhance 'Simple' tour confirmation form view by new menuitems 'Confirm' & 'Undo confirmation'

Previously released new menuitems 'Confirm' & 'Undo confirmation' were only appearing in the 'Advanced' view of the tour confirmation form. This enhancement introduces both menuitems also to the 'Simple' tour confirmation form view.

2021-03New feature80322
Dispatching and confirmation
Undo tour confirmation was possible even on the already closed tours (ie. when tour was in status 'Done')

Previously introduced menuitems 'Confirm' & 'Undo confirmation' (in the tour confirmation form) didn't respect the tour status 'Done'. So it was possible to undo the tour confirmation (via menuitem) even on the tour that was already closed (ie. in tour status 'Done'). The issue was corrected and 'Confirm' & 'Undo confirmation' menuitems are now not available in the tour confirmation form, until the tour is re-opened (ie. 'Undo tour closing' is used).

Dispatching and confirmation
Several GUI enhancements of GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, in area of order 'blocking'

Following GUI enhancements were done on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen:
- New 'Blocking' checkbox filter was added to the screen, to simplify the filtering. By setting the 'Blocking' filter checkbox, the grid contains only the transport leg that are blocked
- Blocked transport leg are newly shown in red font color

2021-03New feature80316
Dispatching and confirmation
Paging counter of total filtered records in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was sometimes not actualized automatically

The paging counter of total filtered records in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was sometimes not actualized automatically. So for example when dispatchers had 20 records in the grid (ie. transport legs) on one page (out of total 25 records), then when one transport leg was planned into tour, the resulting paging counter previously was showing 19 records out of 25 records. Which was not correct, as the paging counter should show 19 records out of 24 records. The issue was corrected.

Driver App
Introduce a timestamp to the 'Review Driver app issues' form

To improve the information base for the tour confirmation process, a new field 'Timestamp' was added to the 'Review Driver app issues' form (that is available in the tour confirmation form, in 'Inquiries', only for the tours that ware submitted to the mobile app).

2021-03New feature80302
Driver App
Filtering option was not usable in the 'Review Driver app issues' form

For the tours that are submitted to Driver app, it is possible to open 'Review Driver app issues' form in the tour confirmation. The issue was that the default filtering was not working on the 'Review Driver app issues' form. The issue was corrected.

Master data
Missing validation of transport unit (and planning/tariff units) in several forms

When defining a transport unit (in the transport type form) the system correctly validated the transport unit selection (via lookup). But when typing the transport unit manually it was still possible to save a record (even though the "typed in" transport unit didn't exist in the transport unit master table). Similar issue was happening with different fields (eg. unit ID in the transport type form, planning units in the transport type form, tariff units in the contract/version/relation forms etc.). The issue was corrected, the transport unit (and other units) are now validated even when being typed in manually.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen (introducing an individual transport leg refresh on the system level)

Previously, when some grid refresh was needed in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, the system could only do the full refresh of the grid (ie. including the paging). By this task the refresh mechanism was improved, newly the system is capable of refreshing the individual transport legs.
The enhancement is activated immediately (and automatically) and is used by various processes of the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen (ie. it cannot be called manually by user but is used internally by the GPB client).
On the frontend users should get better experience and general responsiveness when working with the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen.

2021-03New feature80275
Driver App
Several issues in the area of tour stop sequence synchronization between D365 TMS and mobile app

Following issues were fixed in the area of tour stop sequence synchronization between D365 TMS and mobile app:
- Change of the tour stop sequence in the D365 was not sometimes reflected correctly in the mobile app
- In mobile app, the changed tour stops are highlighted/marked, so that driver can easily recognize where the change happened. The issue was that the highlight/marking mechanism was not reliable, especially when tour stops were changed because of the tour stop sequence change in D365

Both issues were corrected.

Customer order management and pricing
Update of the package identification via transport order EDI process was sometimes failing

Update of the package identification via transport order EDI process could sometimes fail, system reported an error 'Field Package unit must be filled in.' during transport order firming. The issue was corrected.

EDI process tried to update transport order address (ie. via EDI update message) even though the address update was not allowed

Previously, the EDI import process sometimes tried to update a transport order address even though the address update mechanism was not activated in the EDI Import process. Such update was failing during the firming of transport order (due to certain error in the address handling), but should not happen at all. The issue was corrected and EDI update of transport order address happens only when it is activated.

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong planning quantity on the transport legs in certain complex business cases

Via certain dispatching actions, it was previously possible to achieve an inconsistent planning quantity structure on the transport legs. This was especially happening when certain sequence of quantity split, depot split, remove partial delivery and another depot split was performed on one transport order. The issue was corrected and is not happening anymore.

Customer order management and pricing
''Invoice type' was not specified on transport order when order was generated from pre-order

Previously, the 'Invoice type' was not initialized properly on the transport order when order was generated from pre-order. The issue was corrected and invoice type is not initialized correctly in pre-order process.

Customer order management and pricing
Feature of transport order 'header' package was deprecated

The feature of transport order 'header' package was deprecated, as the feature implementation was lacking and the feature was not used in the productive installations.
What remains (and is in main focus) is the functionality of packages linked to the transport order lines.

2021-03New feature80201
Dispatching and confirmation
Package weight & volume was sometimes not updated from the confirmed data on the predecessor transport leg (point)

During package confirmation process, confirmed package load weight & volume amounts sometimes didn't update the weigh & volume amounts on the counterpart (ie. package unload) transport leg point, even though the parameter 'Promote confirmed quantity to successor planning leg' was activated on the transport type. This also caused that package weight & volume on any successor transport leg was not updated. The issue was corrected and the confirmed package weight & volume is now updating the further successor elements (ie. counterpart transport leg points or successor transport legs) correctly.

Dispatching and confirmation
New features: Cleaning framework & Truck loading history

A new framework is introduced, that is responsible for warning the user when, where and which carrying resource needs to be cleaned. Furthermore, based on the mode of the cleaning, additional costs can be added to the tour.

Prerequisites of using the cleaning determination logic are:
- the setup of the cleaning type, that defines the way of cleaning and the efficiency of it
- the setup of the cleaning matrix, that contains the rules which determine what type of cleaning is necessary if a certain commodity was carried by the vehicle/compartment prior the current load

The aim of the logic is to determine what type of cleaning has to be done before loading goods into vehicle or compartment. This cleaning type is returned on the one hand to the conflict management – which raises a conflict by it –, on the other hand to a new form, that gives information for the user about the necessity of cleaning and provides a semi-automatic way of inserting cleaning activity/activities.

Regardless which tool is used, the goal is to insert cleaning activity/activities with the right cleaning type into existing or new cleaning specific tour stops. Such activities are not only indicators for the driver, that cleaning has to be done at pre-defined locations, but they are also used for the creation of tour additional costs automatically at the confirmation of the cleaning activity.

As an overview for the user also a new form is introduced, the Truck loading history. Via this form, the system grants always up-to-date information for the user, what activities happened with which vehicle. It depends on a new parameter of the activity master data, whether the activity is shown in the Truck loading history.

2021-03New feature80163
Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Wrong posting profile on the 'Tour sub-contracting order (FTL)'

The posting profile finder (that is responsible for finding a posting profile for order lines) was previously not respecting the owner of the 'Tour sub-contracting order (FTL)'. So it could happen that 'Tour sub-contracting order (FTL)' was allocated with the posting profile that was defined for some other owner company. The issue was corrected and the owner criteria is respected in the posting profile finder also in the 'Tour sub-contracting order (FTL).

Dispatching and confirmation
Confirmed quantity (in the tour confirmation) was sometimes not initialized properly to the successor transport legs

This was especially happening when the depot split was performed after the different quantity was confirmed on the predecessor transport leg (that was already participating on some quantity split). The issue was corrected and the confirmed quantity is initialized correctly to the successor transport legs even after the depot split was performed.

New data entity: TAL Variation template lines

New data entity 'TAL Variation template lines' was added to the system, it is now possible to import or export TAL variation template route/cost optimization details.

2021-03New feature80127
New data entity: TAL Rule collective invoice

New data entity 'TAL Rule collective invoice' was added to the system, it is now possible to import or export TMS invoice collection rules.

2021-03New feature80126
New data entity: TAL Rule order collection

New data entity 'TAL Rule order collection' was added to the system, it is now possible to import or export TMS order collection rules.

2021-03New feature80125
New data entities: TAL Default order & TAL Default order lines

New data entities 'TAL Default order' & 'TAL Default order lines' were added to the system, it is now possible to export & import TMS Default orders.

2021-03New feature80124
Dispatching and confirmation
Assignment of the carrying resource to the tour was sometimes automatically triggered even though there was no resource specified on the tour

It was especially happening when a tour was sub-contracted with 'Transport leg sub-contracting order (LTL)'. In such cases the carrying resource assignment was failing and user was informed via warning infolog. The issue was corrected and the carrying resource assignment is triggered only when some resource is already assigned to the tour.

Dispatching and confirmation
Implement a priority-based throttling of the GPB client, as a mandatory requirement from the D365FO hosting platform

As per April, 2021, Microsoft will start applying the priority-based throttling for the D365FO installations. Priority-based throttling prevents the over-utilization of resources to preserve the system's responsiveness and ensure consistent availability and performance for environments running Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps.

The purpose of priority-based throttling is to make sure that enough computing resources are left for the actual D365FO users. This is done at the expense of calls from third parties.

When throttling is applied by D365 hosting, the GPB (as a third-party element) might be also affected. In that case the GPB user is informed in the following way:
- On the main GPB screen - via red text "The [Azure] server is overloaded, please wait." in the top right corner
- On the GPB individual screens - via red bar above the GPB screens and with the message "The [Azure] server is overloaded (Code 429, Microsoft priority-based throttling). Please wait for it to get accessible again; we will try shortly again." in the red bar.

Once the throttling restriction is removed by the D365 hosting, the GPB processes are automatically continued/finished.

The encountered priority-throttling events are also listed in the Lifecycle Services Monitoring page.

2021-03New feature80113
Document type was added to the 'Imported attachment' form.

To improve the user understanding about which document attachments are being imported into the system, a new field 'Type' was added to the 'Imported attachments' form. Field shows the document type of the attachment.

2021-03New feature80089
Other / General
GUI main menu change: 'Process imported attachments' periodic function was moved to new main menu path

As the periodic function for the document attachment import was recently enhanced (to cover not only the transport order documents but also the tour documents), it is newly also positioned in different place in the main menu.

Previous path:
CAPcargo Transport -> Periodic -> Transport order import -> Process imported attachments

New path:
CAPcargo Transport -> Periodic -> Document handling -> Process imported attachments

2021-03New feature80087
Master data
Tariff zone lines with certain characters could not be imported into 'Simple' tariff zones

In certain data constellation it was not possible to import tariff zone lines into TMS even when the target tariff zone was set to "Simple" setup type. This was especially happening when some address element (eg. city) contained some special character (eg. St. Gallen). System then wrongly classified such zone definition as "Advanced" and didn't allow the import into "Simple" tariff zones. The validation mechanism was re-worked and system now validates for 'Advanced' tariff zones only following special characters:
, (comma)
* (asterisk)
.. (double dot)
< (less than)
> (greater than)
? (question mark)
: (colon)
! (exclamation mark)

''Number of retries' in the 'Imported attachments' form was renamed to 'Import attempts', to avoid user confusion

In the 'Imported attachments' form the previously existing field 'Number of retries' was renamed to 'Import attempts", as it previously had the same label as the general parameter 'Number of retries' in the main TMS parameters, which (despite being in the same process area) serves a slightly different purpose. Main TMS parameter 'Number of retries' is a general parameter, while the 'Import attempts' is the current counter of the import attachment attempt.

2021-03New feature80029
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
New feature: Sub-contracting tour order against the vendor from the route

The enhancement allows to trigger the creation of sub-contracting tour order against a vendor defined on the route/zone. This is a typical use case for rail or other intermodal providers where costs occur for using their service (eg. train service) and where the pricing is charged by the number of resources put on the train service. The parameterization on the route allows to activate the sub-contracting tour order creation either for one individual truck (or trailer), or for the vehicle group, or for all trucks/trailers based on the route/zone configuration.
Further enhancement made in this task is that on a route/zone it is newly possible to specify the service lead time (via parameters 'Duration (days)' or 'Duration (hours)'). This improves the accuracy of the planning as a better ETA of the tour can be captured in the master data.

2021-03New feature79974
Dispatching and confirmation
Distorted tour stop overview in the resource swap dialog (when opened from GPB gantt screens)

Previously, when the resource swap dialog was opened from GPB gantt screens, both top grids (ie. with tour stops) were graphically distorted (ie. were occupying only a small fragment of the screen, users have to extensively scroll to see some tour stop details etc.). The resource swap dialog was enhanced, to have the similar GUI experience according to D365 dialog version.

2021-03New feature79920
Dispatching and confirmation
Grid field sequence can be newly personalized in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Previously, the change of the grid field sequence in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was not saved between user sessions, the screen always reset to the default grid field sequence upon next screen opening. The behavior was improved and the screen now 'remembers' the user personalized grid field sequence.

2021-03New feature79814
Shipment Builder
New feature: Direct delivery

Via introducing the new – Direct delivery chain – shipment building area, the user is enabled to generate transport orders out of linked order lines. Since mostly these linked order lines don’t have load lines or have too many load lines, the base entity of this new way of shipment building is the order line chain itself.

The main characteristics of chain based shipment building: the chain is handled as 1 entity, therefore, the transport order is linked to the whole chain; load line WHS entity is not mandatory for transport order creation; loading related information is taken from the beginning of the chain; unloading information is taken from the end of the chain.

Except the order line chain detection and the transport order creation processes are unique for the new shipment building area, essentially the chain based transport order behaves the same way in transportation as any other shipment based transport order.

Order line chains, that are handled as a direct delivery chain in CAP.Transport:
- purchase order line → sales order line (linked via delivery type Direct delivery)
- purchase order line → intercompany sales order line (linked via delivery type Direct delivery) → intercompany purchase order line (linked via intercompany trading)
- intercompany sales order line → intercompany purchase order line (linked via intercompany trading) → sales order line (linked via delivery type Direct delivery)
- intercompany sales order line → intercompany purchase order line (linked via intercompany trading)
- purchase order line → intercompany sales order line (linked via delivery type Direct delivery) → intercompany purchase order line (linked via intercompany trading) →sales order line (linked via delivery type Direct delivery)

2021-03New feature79772
New data entity: TAL Distance Table

New data entity 'TAL Distance Table' was added to the system, it is now possible to import or export TMS Distance table entries.

2021-03New feature79763
Driver App
Logic of 'Driver app tour' export was enhanced, to cover also the cases when export fails with 'Processed with error'

As the D365 composite entities don't support change tracking, a dedicated 'change tracking' system had to be developed for mobile app tour export. Solution relies on the 'Export pending' flag, which is used as a filter in tour export, and is set to 'No' upon export.

Previously, the flag might have been set to 'No' even if there was an error in the export. This could result in missing data in the mobile app because D365 would consider the data as exported, even though the export actually failed.

Newly, the update logic is moved to another place, and the flag is updated only if the recurring data job status goes to 'Finished (successfully)'.
Additional benefit of this change is that now the status is updated only when the specific "Driver app tour" data project - specified in mobile app parameters - is executed.

Please note:
- If some project is exporting the 'Driver app tour' data via their own project (or via OData (Excel)), this will not update the status of the tours, which would also lead to missing data in the mobile app.

2021-03New feature79728
Customer order management and pricing
Wrong amount of decimal places in the unit price on the transport order line

Previously, the unit price on transport order line showed only two decimal places, despite the unit price was defined in more decimal places.
The issue was only on the GUI form level, in the price calculation the system then worked with correct amount of decimal places. The issue was corrected and the correct amount of decimal places is shown in the transport order line.

Dispatching and confirmation
''Parking' addresses were sometimes not shown on the map

Some address types were not properly visualized on the GPB map screen. Addresses were either shown at all or were shown when some other address type was activated. The issue was especially happening when user switch on the visualization for Parking and was corrected.

Master data
New feature of address geo-coding via map

Previously, geo coding of addresses could be done ether manually (by entering geo coordinates on address level) or by using the function 'Geo-code selected address' that uses the PTV xServer interface to get the geo coordinates of the selected address. This task introduces a third option - geo-coding via map. Newly it is possible to determine the address geo-coordinates by placing a pin symbol directly inside the map component (either street or satellite view is possible). Resulting geo-coordinates are then saved to the 'Global address book' address details, with flag "Preserved". The menuitem 'Geo-coding via map' is also available directly on the TMS Address form.

Please note: the feature of geo-coding via map requires certain parameterization (in the main TMS parameters, section 'Geo services', field group 'Integrated map'), as different map provider is used.

2021-03New feature79645
Dispatching and confirmation
Some sub-processes were not launched in 'Process' menuitems in both GPB gantt screens

Previously, in both GPB gantt screens, some menuitems in the 'Process' menuitem group didn't launch all sub-processes (as activated in the TMS main parameters). This was for example happening for Release tour(s). The issue was corrected and the process menuitems in both GPB gantt screens now include also all activated sub-processes.

Dispatching and confirmation
Incorrect customer wished delivery date & time in the 'hover the mouse over' tooltip window of the tour stop level 3

In both GPB gantt screens, in the 'hover the mouse over' tooltip window of the tour stop level 3, the display of the customer wished delivery date & time was sometimes not exactly corresponding to the customer wished delivery date & time (as visualized on the tour stop level 3 itself). The behavior of the 'hover the mouse over' tooltip window was corrected.

Customer order management and pricing
Posting profile of the surcharge invoice detail lines was sometimes updated by the order line posting profile update mechanism

Change of the posting profile on the transport order line could sometimes override also the posting profile on surcharge related invoice detail lines, even though some specific posting profile was pre-defined on the surcharge type. The issue was corrected and the change of the posting profile on the order line only updates the freight related invoice detail lines. The issue was affecting all TMS order type entities.

Other / General
Several qualification related menuitems were missing a security parameterization

Following qualification related menuitems were missing a security parameterization, so the menuitems could be used only by users with 'System administrator' role:
- Menuitem 'Vehicle qualifications' on the TMS Vehicle form
- Control menuitems 'New', 'Edit', 'Save' on the 'Qualification transport unit' form

Customer order management and pricing
Empty invoice account on the part-invoice order

Previously, it was possible to have a part-invoice order without an invoice account. As the invoice account is mandatory for the invoicing process, it becomes newly a mandatory field already in the part-invoice order.

2021-03New feature79171
Dispatching and confirmation
In conflict management, the vehicle (and compartment) related information was sometimes not shown properly in the Resource section

The error "Error executing code: TALWrkCtrTableTable_Extension object does not have method 'TALdsplVehicleMark'." was sometimes encountered in the conflict management (in Related information side panel, in Resource section). The issue was corrected and resource related information is now shown correctly.

Dispatching and confirmation
The implementation of the 'Unloading list' report was redesigned, to cover also the failed pickup process

Following enhancements were done for the 'Unloading list' report:
- The 'Unloading list' printing dialog now ignores/doesn't show tour stops where ALL its tour order lines are with "Failed pickup" = 'Fully failed'.
- The report itself now also doesn't print tour order lines that have "Failed pickup" = 'fully failed'.

In result, the 'Unloading list' report doesn't anymore print "dummy/zero-quantity/pre-confirmed" unload transport leg point from the failed pickup leg.

2021-03New feature79143
Dispatching and confirmation
Revival of feature 'Route/cost optimization'

Previously existing feature of 'Route/cost optimization' was not working properly and was repaired by this task. Via this feature it is possible to pre-define various tour toll cost optimization models and test the tour against these models, for better tour cost comparison.

Key points:
- Route/cost models can be applied to the tour in both GPB gantt screens (in header section Dispatching, in menuitem group Geo services). There it is possible either to create a new individual set of route/cost models, or generate route/cost models from template.
- Route/cost models template creation & parameterization is done in the 'Variation template route/cost optimization' form (that is available in main menu under 'CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Dispatching -> Variation template route/cost optimization).
- Toll costs for each route/cost optimization model can be then calculated and compared. Selected toll cost optimization model can be then applied to the tour (where it overrules the default toll cost calculation from the map provider).
- It is also possible to visualize each optimization model in the GPB Map screen

2021-03New feature78986
Dispatching and confirmation
''Get address type' visualization tool in the GPB Map screen was sometimes not working

Under certain circumstances the visualization of address type layer on the map was working only when used for first time, the further visualization attempt showed no address types. This was especially happening when some address type element (eg. gas station) was in the meanwhile added to the tour (via drag & drop from the map screen). The issue was corrected.

Driver App
Modification of tour stop confirmation logic, to reflect the 'non-mandatory' mobile app activities

Previously, a tour stop was considered as 'confirmed' when all underlying elements (ie. activities, orders, flags 'Arrived' and 'Time & distance confirmed') had been fully confirmed. With the introduction of 'mandatory' & 'non-mandatory' mobile app activities, the logic of when tour stop (and thus also the whole tour) is considered as 'confirmed' had to be modified.

Newly, even if there are some unconfirmed activities that are not mandatory for driver, the tour stop is to be considered as confirmed. This means that the previously existing logic (that updates tour stop to confirmed, when all activities are confirmed) was modified, to ignore activities that are not mandatory for mobile app.

The modification of the tour stop confirmation logic happens only when the license configuration key 'CAPcargo Mobile Apps - Driver App' is enabled.

2021-03New feature78802
Dispatching and confirmation
'Asynchronous filtering (ie. the 'Filter' menuitem) was deprecated on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

''Filter' menuitem for asynchronous filtering in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was removed as deprecated. The 'Filter' menuitem was originally introduced to achieve a better filtering performance of the transport leg screen, as it allowed to specify several filtering criteria and execute the filter just once (instead of executing the whole filter after setting of every criteria). It was reported by various projects that the 'Filter' menuitem had certain unforeseen side effect (ie. was conflicting with the automatic individual grid column filters), that ultimately led to user confusion. As the performance of the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was in the meanwhile enhanced by so called 'paging' feature (which ensure that only relevant fragment of resulting records is visualized on the screen), the asynchronous filtering via 'Filter' menuitem is not anymore needed and was deprecated.

2021-03New feature78579
Dispatching and confirmation
Deprecated functionality: 'Dispatching information' on the TMS address

Previously, the Dispatching information was defined on the TMS address, copied to the transport order header and visualized in the dispatching (both in GPB gantt screens, as well in 'Dispatch light - Tours' form). With the enhanced framework for the work instructions, the 'Dispatching information' feature is not anymore needed, as was just duplicating the work instructions, hence was deprecated.

The existing 'Dispatching information' on TMS addresses are transformed via data migration task into work instruction templates on TMS addresses.

2021-03New feature78562
Customer order management and pricing
Under certain parameterization the tariff quantity on the transport order could get removed by the system

The issue was especially happening when 'Use confirmed quantity' feature was used on the transport order, but the contract/version/relation parameterization (to use the confirmed quantity) was not set up, or when not all required order elements were confirmed. Then, instead of preserving the existing tariff quantity, the system reset the tariff quantity to zero. The issue was corrected, the tariff quantity is now updated by confirmation values only when it really should & can.

Customer order management and pricing
Extension of the 'Invoicing and delivery on hold' customer parameter

With the new ‘Allow processing/invoicing of existing transport orders’ customer parameter there is more flexibility for handling blocked customers. A new setting extends the standard customer parameter 'Invoicing and delivery on hold' and allows the user to block creation of transport orders for a certain customer, yet still allow any existing transport order to be dispatched and invoiced. The data migration entity for customers has been updated to reflect this change.

2021-03New feature73997
Customer order management and pricing
Enhancements of the transport order cancellation process

The transport order cancellation logic was enhanced in order to handle the direct delivery (ie. orders with no transport leg split) correctly. The 'Failed delivery' delivery process was also adjusted accordingly (as it can trigger the transport order cancellation).

Following points were enhanced/introduced:
- Previously, the transport leg was removed from the tour regardless whether the loading has already been confirmed or not. Newly, in case the loading has already been confirmed, the system will not delete the transport leg from the tour anymore.
- The unload address of the transport leg is newly updated with the return address (as defined in the cancellation dialogue). Furthermore, the related tour stops are updated by this address too.

2021-03New feature73744
Dispatching and confirmation
Order package structure could get inconsistent after certain dispatcher actions

The order package structure could get inconsistent after certain dispatcher actions. This was especially happening when a whole order line split has been performed (via 'Keep' or 'Remove' menuitems in goods management forms) on transport leg that belong to the transport order which was already geographically split (ie. had some depot splits). The behavior was corrected, now the package structure is consistent after quantity & geographical split actions.

Dispatching and confirmation
In both GPB gantt screens, the behavior of 'Not allowed' sign/icon (that is informing the user that it is not possible to drop tour stop to this position) was not reliable

When reordering the tour stop sequence (via drag & drop in the tour stop level 3, in both GPB gantt screens), the system dynamically validates whether the selected (ie. 'dragged') tour stop can be 'dropped' in the current mouse pointer position. If the dynamic validation is activated (eg. when dispatcher selects the unload tour stop and hovers over the position that is before the loading tour stop) the system informs him via 'Not allowed' sign/icon. Previously the behavior of 'Not allowed' sign/icon was unreliable (ie. sometimes it worked but sometimes it was not dynamically updated as the dispatcher hovered over different tour stop sequence positions). The issue was corrected.

Other / General
Rework of the 'Package management' license configuration key (to cover only GUI elements)

Previously, the 'Package management' license configuration key covered many various elements:
- GUI elements (eg. menuitems, forms/-form elements)
- Data elements (eg. tables, enums, extended data types etc.).

This was reworked in this task, newly only the GUI elements (ie. menuitems, forms/-form elements) are linked to the 'Package management' license configuration key; not anymore the data elements. The data elements are newly linked to the main TMS license configuration key instead.

Main reason for the rework was to still provide the option to activate/deactivate the Package management process but keep internal CAPcargo testing & maintenance efforts reasonable (and regression risks small), when Package management process is deactivated.

2021-03New feature65643
Driver App
Display the package identification code directly in the mobile app activity

New parameter 'Show package identification' was added to the mobile app parameters, with following logic:
- When parameter 'Show package identification' is set to 'Package ID', then the mobile app activity shows only the package id (ie. previously existing functionality)
- When parameter 'Show package identification' is set to 'Package identification code', then the mobile app activity shows the package identification type (that is specified in the main TMS parameters, in Package management)

Also new information section was added to the mobile app activity details (that is shown in the mobile app when drivers click/open the activity) that shows all package identification types.
(The same information section is available in the D365, in 'Driver app tour' form, in activity details, field 'Additional information')

2021-03New feature64566
Shipment Builder
Several enhancements of the 'CAPcargo Shipment lot' form

Following enhancements were done in the 'CAPcargo shipment lot' form, to provide more information to the user:
- Inventory unit was added to the left record overview pane and also to the right section (to top line)
- Fields from the left record overview pane were added also to the right section, with proper field labels

2021-03New feature56765
Master data
Import of ASTAG distance table was previously not possible in main TMS parameters

Previously it was not possible to import ASTAG Distance table into TMS, the 'Import ASTAG Distance table' menuitem (in the main TMS parameters) was failing with some system error. The menuitem functionality was restored and can be used again.

2021-03New feature49477
Shipment Builder
Performance driven enhancement of the TMS specific unit conversion

The implementation of TMS specific unit conversion was altered, to improve the performance of the shipment builder related processes. The enhancement is activated immediately, has no parameterization, and (beside the improved performance of the shipment builder) has no impact on the front end.

2021-03New feature24365
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: Load / unload confirmation doesn't confirm anything when 'One load/unload per tour stop' is used (='grouped' load/unload activity)

If 'One load/unload per tour stop' feature is used (it's controlled by a No/Yes field on Transport Type), individual orders/packages are not sent as separate activities to Driver app. Instead there's only one Load and/or Unload activity on the tour stop. Confirming this activity is expected to confirm all Load/Unload orders on that tour stop, but in CAP17 release it's not working.

Changes that were made to fix bug 80702 (Missing load activity in the driver app, after merging the tour stops) caused the issue.

Therefore 'One load/unload per tour stop' should not be used before installing the upcoming 10.0-CAP18.0 release ('June release').

2021-04Known issue82135
Driver App
Blocking 'grey screen' in the tour stop list in the driver app

Previously, in certain constellations in driver app, it was possible to encounter an irrecoverable 'grey screen' in the tour stop list. The issue was blocking the driver app users from further actions, as it could not be easily overcome (even the entire driver app re-installation with app data removal didn't help). The issue was especially happening after creating order claims (and also after some other actions in the driver app). The issue was corrected and the 'grey blocking screen' should not be encountered anymore.

Dispatching and confirmation
''Loading data' spinning icon in the tour stop section in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen after drag & drop of orders from the map

When multiple orders/transport legs were planned into the new tour (by drag & drop from the GPB map screen to 'Resource Dispatching' screen), then the new tour was correctly created but the tour stop section was not refreshed (ie. the level 3 refresh 'loading data' icon was stuck and manual tour refresh had to be performed). The issue was fixed and the tour stop level 3 refresh is performed correctly now.

Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Vehicles not being in a vehicle group are not supposed to be used in GPB

By design, only D365 resources (WrkCtr) existing as CAP vehicles and being part of a CAP vehicle group are supposed to be used in GPB. Like this, we don't need to load too many data of resources which are not relevant for TMS. - This works well in RS, where vehicles are shown by vehicle group.

We found, that currently in Gantt-Screen-Resource (GSR) also vehicles which are not in a vehicle group are listed; this is wrong according to the current design. Since GPB does not pre-load the needed master data of such vehicles, dispatching orders to such vehicles (by new function drag&drop from OS to GSR) can lead to corrupt data and unstable situations, due to missing detail data .

Specific example:
By moving a tour from Res 1 to Res2, where Res2 is not in a vehicle-group, it happens, that a resource leg is created without WrkCtrID, because those detail/master data were missing.

CAPcargo will improve this limitations in a future release, also taking into account the feature of manual dispatching in D365 (Dispatch Light).

2021-04Known issue81929
Dispatching and confirmation
Error 'BOX API can't be used from non-interactive sessions' was sometimes encountered in both GPB gantt screens

The issue was especially happening when 'Offer non-unique assignment' was activated in the 'Assign carrying resource' process parameters in main TMS Transport parameters. The issue was corrected.

Driver App
Direct barcode scanning (with physical barcode scanner) in the driver app without opening the scanning dialog

If the driver app device has a physical barcode scanner, it's now possible to start scanning barcodes directly in the activity list screen (after swiping "Arrived") instead of opening the barcode scanning dialog via action menu.

This feature is still in progress, and there is a known issue which is caused by the imperfection in the Flutter framework (which is used for communication with physical barcode scanners): if any text input dialog is opened (such as Skip activity, Claim) this "dialog-free" scanning stops working until the app is minimized and opened again. However at least Zebra TC-57 device seems to not suffer from this issue.

2021-04New feature81704
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: package label ZPL printing

The package labels can be newly printed also via Zebra Programming Language standard (ZPL). The menuitems 'Print labels ZPL' are available on following places:
- on Package management forms
- directly on Transport order form
- directly on both GPB gantt screens
- directly on D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form

The 'Print labels ZPL' menuitems are also enabled for record multi-selection.

2021-04New feature81570
Customer order management and pricing
Adding 'Status term invoice' to the customer account

Via previously existing 'Status term invoice' functionality it is possible to affect when transport order shall reach the invoiceable status. Previously, the status term invoice was initialized to the transport order header either from the delivery terms or from the main TMS parameters.
Newly, the status term invoice can be initialized also from the customer account.

Following status term invoice general determination logic was used (for 'non-shipment builder' transport orders), top priority first:
- Status term invoice is determined from the transport delivery terms
- Status term invoice is determined from the customer account
- Status term invoice is determined from the main TMS parameters

For the shipment builder based transport orders, the status term invoice is determined from the transport delivery terms (that are provided by the 'Transport delivery term' mapping, see task 80977 in this release).

2021-04New feature81560
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven enhancement of the shipment builder dispatching tasks

Shipment builder dispatching tasks represent an important aspect of the tour planning, with possible performance impact (due to the complexity of the underlaying operations). Hence it shall be possible to launch such tasks also via periodic batch processing (which runs on the better performing server side), also such tasks shall typically not block the user sessions. To support the periodic batch processing, following enhancements were done:
- Release to warehouse - the existing release to warehouse in batch functionality has to be improved. If the batch processing is set to YES on the release to warehouse dialog, then the system generates a batch job per tour.
- Complete tour execution - newly it is possible to run complete tour execution also via batch processing. So when the complete tour execution button is pressed (in GPB or in D365), then a dialog pops up, where the user can decide whether to process the tour in batch. As the complete tour execution is enabled only for the single selected tour, only one batch job per tour is created. The batch tasks then represent each active sub-process of the complete tour execution (ie. transport order synchronization, confirmation of outbound shipments, packing slip posting & direct confirmation of the tour). The batch tasks are process sequentially (next is started only when previous successfully finished). In case of an error, the already executed batch tasks are not rolled back.

2021-04New feature81526
In certain cases the transport order update (via EDI) was failing

Previously, it could happen that the transport order could not get updated by the EDI 'update' message, the transport order update failed with errors 'Transport order XYZ can't be generated due to existing errors' and 'Imported order XYZ isn't transformed to a transport order!'. The issue was happening especially when customer account on EDI 'update' message was represented by an external code (which was 'translated' by system into real D365 customer account too late in the EDI process). The issue was corrected and the external code 'translation' is newly performed already in the 'Imported transport order' form.

Driver App
Negative activity duration in D365 tour confirmation, when confirmation was done via package barcode scanning in the driver app

When the loading activity was confirmed in the driver app by scanning the package barcode, the related activity in the D365 tour confirmation was sometimes updated incorrectly (ie. causing a negative day duration). The issue was corrected and doesn't occur anymore.

Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of several labels in the cross-docking form

Several labels (and help labels) were corrected in the filter section in the cross-docking form, the form filters should be more understandable now. The adjustment was only on GUI level, with no change to the form functionality.

Other / General
Data migration task - to add the transport delivery term value to the shipment & shipment lot criteria

Data migration task for 80977.

Data migration task adds the transport delivery term value to the shipment & shipment lot criteria.

2021-04Data conversion81435
Driver App
Enhancement of the load/unload activity sorting in the driver app

Previously, it could happen that the load/unload activity sorting in the driver app did not exactly correspond to the tour stop sorting in the D365 (as different sorting criteria were used). The sorting discrepancy might have been encountered when tour stop sequence was modified (or tour stops were split/merged) before the tour was released to driver app.
The sorting logic was unified, the driver app now follows the same sorting as the tour stops in D365.

2021-04New feature81433
Master data
Two enhancements of the address 'Geo-coding - Map' feature

Several enhancements were done to the recently introduced 'Geo-coding - Map' feature:
- The 'Geo-coding - Map' feature didn't previously use the D365 address details, for visualization of the initial pin. So when no geo-coordinates were previously defined for an address, the 'Geo-coding - Map' initial pin was placed to [0,0] geo-coordinates, which was not user friendly, as user has to scroll & zoom to wished location, to be able to place a map pin. Newly, when no geo-coordinates are stored on the address, the address details (eg. street name, street number, city, zip code, country) are used to visualize the initial pin on the map.
- The map visualization component sometimes didn't load all map tiles and users had to adjust the map window (to load the remaining tiles). The issue was corrected and all map tiles are now loaded at once.

2021-04New feature81377
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven enhancement of the GPB gantt screen automated refresh (level specific refresh)

Previously, when the refresh was performed automatically in both GPB gantt screens, the system always refreshed all three levels at once (ie. tour, tour stops, resource allocations). Such 'all level' refresh is actually not needed, in case the dispatching action affects only a certain level (eg. the assignment of the carrying resource doesn't need to refresh the main tour gantt in level 1 etc.). The intelligence of GPB automated refresh was improved, to refresh only the level that is affected by the dispatching action.

2021-04New feature81364
Driver App
Better handling of the situation where driver app feedback contains some reason code (that is not existing in the D365)

In rather theoretical example (when in productive use), while quite possible when testing the features, it could happen that the feedback from the driver app contained some reason codes that were actually not existing in the D365. Previously, when such constellation happened, the driver app activity feedback was marked as completed, but the tour confirmation data was not confirmed (eg. tour activities were not confirmed) and it was not directly clear why. Newly, such driver app activity feedback is marked by flag 'Manual processing needed', with error message 'Unknown reason code'.

2021-04New feature81342
Dispatching and confirmation
Missing drivers when filtering for exact tour in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen

Previously, when filtering the exact tour in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen then in certain data constellations the filtered tour was shown without assigned resources (especially drivers were sometimes missing). The issue was corrected and assigned resources are now also shown when filtering the exact tour in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen.

Dispatching and confirmation
The qualification count was sometimes showing unreliable figures in the qualification overview

In the tour qualification overview, the qualification count (appearing as number in brackets, in the header of each tab title) was sometimes not showing reliable data. This was especially happening for the provided employee qualifications. The issue was fixed and qualification count works correctly now.

Other / General
Data migration task - to generate the transport delivery terms from the D365 standard delivery terms

Data migration task for 80977.

Data migration task creates the transport delivery terms from the D365 standard delivery terms.

* The data migration task does *NOT* generate the default mapping of D365 standard delivery terms (that are used on the trade orders) into transport delivery terms (that are used on the transport orders). Such default mapping has to be done after the release installation and before the shipment builder is used in the daily routines.
Without the transport delivery mapping being in place, the shipment builder processes might lead to unexpected data constellations (eg. shipment lots are removed from existing shipments etc.)

2021-04Data conversion81294
Dispatching and confirmation
Filtering via owner in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' was not reliable when owner was changed on the tour

Previously, when changing the owner of the tour, the owner filtering in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' was not reliable (ie. the resources were not shown when owner filter was applied). The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Unhandled error could be triggered on the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen

Unhandled error (ie. system stack trace error) was sometimes reported by the system in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen. This was especially happening when several users extended the tour duration (by drag & drop of the tour end) on the same tour, in the same moment. The behavior was improved, instead of unhandled error system now informs via "Buffer 'Tour: XYZ' changed by another user!".

Dispatching and confirmation
More more friendly insertion of the new tour stop in both GPB gantt screens

In both GPB gantt screens, it was possible to insert a new tour stop (via a context menu, when using the right mouse button between two tour stops). The complication was that users had to do a right click (to open a context menu) very near to the horizontal black line between the tour stops (which typically shows the driving distance and time). The functionality was enhanced, now user doesn't have to click near the horizontal black line but can click anywhere in the white space between the two tour stops.

2021-04New feature81268
Dispatching and confirmation
Error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' on the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen

Error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' was previously sometimes encountered on the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen. This was especially happening when users launched the inquiry for 'Statistics cost/revenue split (posted)'. The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
No possibility to filter transport leg via SCM statuses, when shipment builder licence configuration key was deactivated

SCM status based filtering of the transport legs was previously possible only when 'Shipment builder (based on WHSLoadLine)' license configuration key was activated. Without the shipment builder license configuration key, the SCM statuses were not managed on the transport legs (thus also the SCM filtering was not possible). The issue was corrected, the SCM status management is now independent to the shipment builder configuration key and can be used also in projects that are not using shipment builder for transport order creation.

Master data
Improve the classification of the resources with zero capacity definition

Previously, the interpretation of various types of vehicles was not straightforwardly clear when setting up the 'Fitting' or 'Non-Fitting' filtering in the GPB 'Resources' screen. Especially the distinguishing of following resource parameterization was problematic:
- when trailer resource has zero capacity defined for certain transport type
- when motor vehicle resource has zero capacity defined for certain transport type

Therefore following terminology unification was adopted:
- If a vehicle is a motor vehicle and has a zero capacity defined in the vehicle capacity, then it's considered a 'pulling tractor' vehicle unit in GPB 'Resources' screen, meaning it will ignore a capacity check, since it's just a tractor/pulling vehicle.
- If a vehicle is a trailer and has a zero capacity defined in the vehicle capacity, then it's considered a 'loading bridge' vehicle unit in GPB 'Resources' screen, meaning it will ignore a capacity check, since it's just a bridge to put other load devices upon it.

To improve the user knowledge (when setting up a new capacity for vehicles), following enhancements were done:
- New menuitem 'New (for no-cap. vehicle)' on the vehicle capacity form (when launched both from vehicle & vehicle type forms), to create a 'pulling tractor' or 'loading bridge' capacity specification (depending whether the vehicle is a motor vehicle or a trailer).
- New information field was added to the vehicle capacity form, so that user can immediately see whether the current capacity parameterization fulfills the 'pulling tractor' or 'loading bridge' characteristic (that are always interpreted as 'Fitting' on the GPB 'Resources' screen, because the capacity checks are skipped), or is the regular capacity based resource.

2021-04New feature81182
Driver App
Triplicated warning dialog when dispatcher tries to put to dispatching a tour that was previously released to driver app

When putting back to dispatching a tour (that was previously already released to the driver app), system warns user that the tour has been already released to driver app. The issue was that such warning dialog sometimes triplicated. This was happening especially when the mobil app parameter 'Driver acceptance before tour start' was set to 'Not needed'. The issue was corrected and the warning dialog is displayed only once.

Dispatching and confirmation
Adding more processes on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen to the individual transport leg refresh mechanism

In the last release, a functionality for individual transport leg refresh was introduced to the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen (which allowed to perform a selective refresh of an individual record rather than the refresh of all records in the grid). But only several processes were enhanced to benefit from the selective refresh. By this task, following processes are also newly enhanced:
- Release to warehouse
- Generate tour from transport leg
- Remove part delivery
- Delete order from dispatching
- (Un-) Docking
- Rough scheduling (transport legs)

2021-04New feature81158
Dispatching and confirmation
'GPB - Tour Dispatching' menuitems and 'Go to tour (GPB)' process parameters were sometimes not working in D365 forms/dialogs (or were working with a delay)

The menuitems (and process parameters) for opening a tour in GPB from D365 forms/dialogs were previously sometimes performing with a delay (or not working at all). The issues were corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Paging counter of filtered records in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was sometimes not actualized automatically

The paging counter of filtered records in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was sometimes not actualized automatically. So for example when dispatchers had 20 records shown in the grid (ie. transport legs) on one page (out of total 25 records), then when part delivery transport leg was removed (via 'Remove part delivery'), the resulting paging counter was previously showing 20 records out of 24 records. Which was not correct, as the paging counter should show 19 records out of 24 records. The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong name of the parameter in the 'Print labels' dialog

Label correction in the package label printout dialog (that can be launched from several places in the TMS, eg. from tour dispatching or from package management etc.). Parameter for selective pallet label printing was renamed from 'Print labels' to 'Only packages marked for printing'.

Customer order management and pricing
Wrong display of packages in the track & trace status view, for transport orders that were created from the D365 trade orders

Previously, when the transport order was created from the D365 trade orders, the track & trace status view (launched from the transport order) showed all packages in the system (ie. even the packages that were connected to entirely different transport orders). The issue was corrected, the track & trace status view now shows only the packages that are related to the transport order.

Customer order management and pricing
No detection of conflicts (that were related to the unload of transport order) during conflict analysis on the transport order form

The conflict analysis (when launched from the transport order form) was previously not detecting the conflicts that were related to the unload address. The issue was corrected and the conflict analysis now detect the conflict both for load & unload addresses.

Dispatching and confirmation
Printing of package labels printed only the label for the first selected package

Previously, it was not possible to print labels for multiple-selected packages (in the package management forms), system printed the label just for the first selected package. The issue was corrected and labels are now printed for all selected packages.

Shipment Builder
Several enhancement in the area of direct delivery of the trade order
Following enhancement were done, in the area of direct delivery of the trade order:

- Transport delivery term creation - delivery terms on the transport order were previously D365 standard delivery terms, which was not sufficient for TMS purposes (as delivery terms on the transport order do not necessarily have to be the same as the delivery terms on the trade order), also was limiting for the cross-company transportation (where the transportation is done by different D365 legal entity than the trade order is created). So newly the transport order is using a separate new entity of 'Transport delivery terms'. For transport orders (that are generated via shipment builder) the transport delivery terms are initialized from new mapping table (accessible in main menu -> CAPcargo Trade & Distribution -> Setup -> Transport delivery term mapping)
- Filter for direct delivery - GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen filtering is enhanced to include also the direct delivery related transport legs. So when the user filters by Sales or Purchase order (via the 'Shipment building area' filter, transport order which are created based on the direct delivery are also newly shown in the grid
- Validation of the direct delivery trade order changes - all relevant changes in the whole direct delivery chain are newly blocked in case there is a CAPcargo shipment already created.

- Related data migration task 81294 does *NOT* generate the default mapping of D365 standard delivery terms (that are used on the trade orders) into transport delivery terms (that are used on the transport orders). Such default mapping has to be done after the release installation and before the shipment builder is used in the daily routines.
Without the transport delivery mapping being in place, the shipment builder processes might lead to unexpected data constellations (eg. shipment lots are removed from existing shipments etc.).

2021-04New feature80977
Driver App
Product details of the trade orders were added to the information details section in the driver app

In the driver app, on the loading and unloading activities either the transport order number or the package id is displayed. Trade order related information is only shown on the details screen (which pops up when the loading/unloading activity tile is pressed). However, on the details screen, only the following information details was previously available:
- Customer
- Address name
- Trade order id
- Trade order line number

This enhancement adds to the information detail section also the identification of product that is loaded into / unloaded from the vehicle.

2021-04New feature80903
Driver App
Deprecated functionality: 'Dispatching information' on the TMS address (in driver app)

Previously, the 'Dispatching information' was deprecated in the TMS (was replaced by the work instruction framework), but the driver app was not adjusted, hence was still showing the 'Dispatching information'. The driver app is now also adjusted, the 'Dispatching information' is not anymore transmitted to the driver app.

2021-04New feature80811
Driver App
Missing load activity in the driver app, after merging the tour stops

When the dispatchers merged several tour stops together, this could cause that the load activity sometimes disappeared in the driver app. The issue was corrected and load activity doesn't disappear anymore in the driver app, after the tour stop merging.

Driver App
In certain parameterization constellation it could happen that the tour was not entirely confirmed (in D365) while all activities were finished in the driver app

The issue was especially happening when 'Barcode scan (Address area)' activity was activated but no activity area was provided on transport orders in the tour. The issue was corrected and the address area tour activities are generated only when the the transport order provide an address area.

Several fields were missing in the 'TAL Import process' data entity

Following fields were added to the 'TAL Import process' data entity:
- Package unit
- Identification type
- Create default package

Dispatching and confirmation
Small GUI enhancement of the default date filter, when GPB 'Resources' screen is switched into 'Manual date' mode

In the GPB 'Resources' screen, when switching to 'Manual date' mode, the date filter was previously set to some default (ie. historical) date. Newly, when GPB 'Resources' screen is switched to 'Manual date' mode, the today date is used as a default date filter.

2021-04New feature79980
Dispatching and confirmation
Horizontal scrolling synchronization in GPB 'Resources' screen

Previously, in the GPB 'Resources' screen, the horizontal scrolling of resources was independent both for 'Available' & 'Planned' sections. This was not too user friendly (as users had to scroll in two horizontal bars) and was improved. The horizontal scrolling for both 'Available' & 'Planned' sections is newly synchronized, hence dispatchers always see the same scope for 'Available' & 'Planned' resources.

2021-04New feature79977
Dispatching and confirmation
Alignment of the date filtering between GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen and D365 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form

Previously, it could happen that when users set the same date filters on GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen and D365 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form, the result could differ (ie. the amount of filtered transport leg could be different). This was happening because the D365 form was using slightly different logic (D365 form was applying the date filter only to the load date of transport legs), whereas the filtering in the GPB screen was applying the date filter both to the transport leg load & unload date. The date filtering on D365 form form was enhanced, to match the date filtering on the GPB screen.

2021-04New feature79926
Master data
New feature of address geo-coding via image

Previously, geo-coding of addresses could be done ether manually (by entering geo coordinates on address level), or by using the function 'Geo-code selected address' that uses the PTV xServer interface to get the geo-coordinates of the selected address, or by geo-coding from map pin. This task introduces a fourth option - geo-coding via image.
Newly it is possible to obtain the geo-coordinates also from the uploaded image/photo (ie. the geo-coordinates are extracted from the EXIF image meta data). So it is possible to geo-code a location by making a picture of the location (with the camera that supports storing the GPS geo-coordinates in EXIF image meta data) and simply upload the image to the D365. Resulting geo-coordinates are then saved to the 'Global address book' address details, with flag 'Protect Geo-coordinates'. The menuitem 'Geo-coding - Image' is also available directly on the TMS Address form.
The uploaded image will be also saved as an attachment to the address details (in the Global address book), if 'Attach image to address' functionality is activated in the main TMS Transport parameters.

2021-04New feature79649
Dispatching and confirmation
''Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' error in conflict analysis

When opening the conflict analysis form, an error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' was sometimes encountered. The issue was especially happening when some vehicle based qualification was used on the transport address. The issue was corrected and vehicle based qualifications on transport address are now detected correctly.

New data entity: TAL Instruction activity rules

New data entity 'TAL Instruction activity rules' was added to the system, it is now possible to import or export TMS instruction activity rules.

2021-04New feature79136
Customer order management and pricing
Possible loss of manually adjusted tariff quantity on sub-contracting tour order (FTL) after the date change on the transport order

Under certain circumstances the change of load/unload date on transport order could lead to the loss of manual tariff quantity on sub-contracting tour order (FTL). The issue was especially happening when the load (or unload) data was changed on the transport order (that was already dispatched in the tour with some sub-contracting tour (FTL) order, with some manually adjusted tariff quantity) and user activated "Keep existing contract - Sub-contracted order" and "Recalculate now: Sub-contracting order" parameters on the the change date dialog. The issue was corrected and the adjusted tariff quantity on the sub-contracting tour order (FTL) is not anymore reinitialized to the default value.

2021-04New feature78950
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the new tour creation dialog (introducing different sources for the tour start & end addresses)

Newly, during the creation of the new tour, it is possible to specify from which source the tour start & end addresses shall be initialized from. Possible sources:
- From route/zone
- From dispatch sector
- From motor vehicle home depot
- From trailer home depot

Following tour creation methods were enhanced:
- Dialog for manual tour creation
- Dialog for tour creation via drag & drop from the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen (of from map screen) to both GPB gantt screens

Please note:
- The dialog for the tour creation via drag & drop to both GPB gantt screens is newly launched only when users hold the "CTRL" key while performing the drag & drop.

2021-04New feature78487
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the empties management (introducing company identification data and pallet docket number, for the pallet docket SSRS report)

The pallet docket SSRS report was enhanced by new additional fields (by company identification data and by pallet docket number).
Pallet docket number represents an identification of the empties record transaction, for external purposes.

The parameterization of number sequences for pallet docket number (for various combinations of 'Unit Empties' & 'Movement type') and also the definition of the company identification data happens in the main 'Transport parameters', under new menuitem 'Empties identification data' (in 'General' tab page of main TMS parameters).

2021-04New feature77425
Driver App
Support for external scanning devices

The CAPcargo driver app was originally made (and tested) for 'built-in' phone camera scanners, but the app is technologically open to also access another input devices. This task introduces the support for the 'Zebra TC 57' external scanning device.

Please note:
- Due to the internal compatibility across scanning devices, it might happen that other 'Zebra-based' devices will also work, but the internal testing was done only against TC 57 model.

2021-04New feature64563
Customer order management and pricing
Batch for time & distance calculation of transport order sometimes ended with error

The error "Cannot edit a record in Transport orders (CIRTRASalesTable). An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record" was sometimes encountered during the periodic task 'Time & distance calculation transport order'. The issue was corrected and error is not encountered anymore.

Dispatching and confirmation
Resource absence/unavailability registration

Newly it is possible to specify a resource absence/unavailability (eg. truck is in garage for maintenance etc.), which is then also reflected in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen. The resource absence/unavailability setup happens in the 'Resource assignment' form (accessible in main menu -> CAPcargo Transport -> Inquiries -> Resources -> Resource assignment).

To switch on/off the visualization of resource absence/unavailability in GPB, a new checkbox filter 'Show Unavailability' was added to the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen.

2021-04New feature52928
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: Sales return order known issues (only for 'unplanned' sales return order cases)

When sales return order is created by registration in driver app, following issues might be encountered:
- The transport unit of the sales return order is currently limited to 10 characters only. The mobile activity feedback with transport units (that are longer than 10 characters) are failing to be processed, thus no transport order (for return order) is created.
Workaround: until the issue is fixed, transport units (for return order) should be created with maximum of 10 characters.

- Shipping and delivery addresses are switched in the sales return order in D365. This issue happens only when 'Create return order automatically' functionality is activated in the mobile app parameters.
Workaround: users can correct (ie. switch) the addresses manually in the created sales return order in D365

- Transport quantity (that was registered in driver app) is not respected in the created return order in D365 (ie. the transport quantity in transport order is always 1). This issue happens only when no packages were registered in driver app during the creation of the sales return order (ie. when driver decided just to type in the quantity directly, without any barcode scanning).
Workaround: drivers have to create "n" sales return orders in the driver app, to match the returning quantity (eg. driver needs to register sales return order for 3 pallets, so he has to actually register 3 individual sales return orders).

Above issues are affecting only the 'unplanned' sales return order cases (ie. when sales return order was not foreseen upfront and shall be registered by driver in driver app).

2021-06Known issue83177
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: When GPB gantt screens are in '1-day' view mode then sometimes finding a tour doesn't entirely select the tour

When GPB gantt screens are in '1-day' view mode then finding a tour (via tour id search field or via various "Open in GPB" D365 menuitems) sometimes doesn't entirely select the tour - tour stops are correctly loaded at the bottom of the GS screen but tour itself is not focused in main gantt grid.

- change the GPB gantt screen mode to '3-day' or '7-day' view mode. Can be done individually directly in the GPB gantt screens, or via parameterization of D365 worker (ie. individually for each user) or in TMS main parameters (ie. default fall back parameterization).

2021-06Known issue83176
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: 'Release for departure' option in 'Dispatch directly to new tour' dialog doesn't print SSRS reports even when print sub-processes are activated on the transport type

If tour SSRS reports are needed (after transport order has been dispatched directly to the new tour), the print reports have to be printed manually from the tour.

2021-06Known issue83160
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: "Set tour status back to 'Dispatching'" menuitem in 'Dispatch light - Tours' form shows unnecessary mobile app related dialogs even when mobile apps are not used

When dispatchers use the "Set tour status back to 'Dispatching'" menuitem in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form, the system also asks two following mobile app related YES/NO dialogs, even when mobile app tours are not existing:
- This tour has already been sent to the Driver App. Since though no confirmations exists yet, the tour still could be withdrawn. Do you want to withdraw it?
- This tour has already been sent to the Truck Loading App. Since though no confirmations exists yet, the tour still could be withdrawn. Do you want to withdraw it?

The mobile app related dialogs appear even when licence configuration keys 'CAPcargo Mobile Apps - Driver App' & 'CAPcargo Mobile Apps - Truck Loading App' are not activated.

In order to set tour status back to 'Dispatching' (when mobile apps are not used), dispatchers can just ignore both mobile app related dialogs (and answer either "yes" or "no").
In case the tour was really already submitted to mobile apps, then the mobile dialogs do what they claim to do (and dispatcher's answer does matter).

2021-06Known issue83152
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: If 'Synchronous' mobile app change tracking mode is used, then in GPB gantt screens it is not possible to delete resource from the tour

If 'Synchronous' mobile app change tracking mode is activated (in mobile app parameter), then in GPB gantt screens it is not possible to delete resource from the tour (even when tour is not anyhow involved with mobile apps).

Possible workarounds:
- remove resource in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form (in header view) - possible only when resource is shown there
- delete whole tour and re-do it again
- switch the mobile app tracking mode:
- to 'Asynchronous' - which is recommended in general for projects that do use mobile apps
- or even to 'Disabled' - only recommended for projects that don't use mobile apps at all. But for these, the mobile app change tracking mode is already defaulted to 'Disabled', or even the parameter is not visible (due to mobile app licence configuration key being not activated)

2021-06Known issue83146
Other / GeneralData migration task - to create a default driver group "Existing drivers before R18", so that previously existing drivers would still appear in GPB 'Resources' screen (until some project specific driver groups are established)2021-06Data conversion83068
Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB gantt screens, the conflict analysis process sometimes failed to analyse conflicts upon first launch (but was analysing conflicts only on second launch)2021-06Bug83052
Dispatching and confirmation
Process 'Conflict analysis' (and its sub-processes) were sometimes not working correctly

- Process button 'Conflict analysis' can be configured to only analyse and update status (red/green) or also to open the conflicts. This works well and stable. If no conflicts exists, an info appears and conflict form is not opened.
- Sometimes it occurred, that this info log "no conflicts exist" appeared, even though conflicts were existing. This was fixed. It was due to a buffer issue: When another user worked with the same tour, the wrong info happened to the not-updated tour which was sent for conflict analysis. Now, the proper buffer error appears and the user has to refresh. After that the conflict analysis works well.
- Further, the process button "Release for departure" was improved to correctly work according to the process parallelization and also to better handle 'no conflicts', 'already accepted conflicts', 'open conflicts' etc.
- It still can happen that after tour release the conflict status (red/green) on the tour is not properly updated, even though conflicts were correctly analysed. This is subject of further improvements in a successor release.

2021-06New feature83050
Dispatching and confirmationGoods management status 'Goods ready to load' was renamed to 'Goods ready' (to be more in line with mobile app processes)2021-06New feature83040
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: When adding/removing truck loading app depots to mobile app user, the updated depot list might not be exported to Mobile app middleware

The list of depots for mobile app user is maintained in a separate table. When depots are added or removed, the mobile app user record itself doesn't change. This means that the record is not considered as changed and thus might not be exported to mobile app middleware.

- Change some field in the mobile app user itself (eg. the default route, or truck loading app Yes/No). Such changes will ensure that the export of the updated depot list happens in next scheduled periodic task run.

2021-06Known issue83035
Master data
Automatic deactivation of individual sub-processes when main process is deactivated

In 'process' button parameterization (newly in transport type), the deactivation of the main process (by setting the 'Show process button' off), all individual child sub-processes are newly also deactivated.
Additionally, the individual sub-processes can be activated only when main parent process is active (ie. has 'Show process button' activated).

2021-06New feature83009
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: It is needed to monitor the mobile app scheduled tasks (and react if some of them goes to error), otherwise date exchange with mobile App middleware will not work correctly

We have noticed that the mobile app recurring data jobs started failing quite often (one or more jobs fails almost daily) after updating the system to D365 10.0.19. There's no error in the batch log. The issue can always be resolved by changing the job status to Waiting.

Because of this issue, it's important to monitor the batch jobs and react if some of them goes to error. Otherwise data exchange with mobile app middleware will not work correctly.

2021-06Known issue83008
Dispatching and confirmationFunctionality 'Set tour status back to 'Dispatching'' sets tour status only when tour is in status 'Released'2021-06New feature82966
Other / GeneralData migration task - to correct the work instruction templates (on Transport address)2021-06Data conversion82900
Dispatching and confirmationPerformance related optimization when the tour is generated from the default tour2021-06New feature82794
Driver AppThe processing of mobile app activity feedback was sometimes failing in D3652021-06Bug82708
Other / GeneralPossibility to log GPB client throttling events to 'ThrottlingLog.txt' text file2021-06New feature82681
Other / GeneralData migration task - to correct the tour stop quantity sum (if some packages are loaded/unloaded on the tour stop). Data migration task corrects only tours that are not yet fully closed (ie. are not in status 'Done')2021-06Data conversion82666
Driver AppDriver app "Depart" activity updates the new "Departed" field(s) in TAL tour confirmation2021-06New feature82661
Dispatching and confirmationTour stop quantity sum was sometimes not calculated correctly after certain dispatching actions2021-06Bug82659
Other / GeneralData migration task - to move work instruction transactions from tour header to first tour stop2021-06Data conversion82647
Dispatching and confirmationDeprecated functionality: "View details in 'Resource Dispatching'" and "View details in 'Tour Dispatching'" functionality was removed in both gantt screens2021-06New feature82630
Dispatching and confirmationIn 'Dispatch light - Tours' form, users could change the tour stop address even though it contained already some transport legs2021-06Bug82621
Driver AppMobile app change tracking sometimes couldn't process certain changes (and was skipping them)2021-06Bug82605
Driver App
Setting tour back to Dispatching does not anymore cancel the driver app tour

Cancellation of Mobile app tours (ie. Driver app & Truck loading app tour) was detached from the 'Set tour status back to Dispatching' process into separate standalone menuitems 'Withdraw from Driver app' & 'Withdraw from Truck loading app'. Menuitems are available both in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form, as well as on both GPB gantt screens.

2021-06New feature82602
Driver App
Scheduled task 'Process Mobile app activity feedback" previously failed to process feedbacks in other D365 legal entities

Please note: the scheduled task 'Process Mobile app activity feedback' processes feedbacks from driver app & truck loading app in all D365 legal entities (regardless of the company where the scheduled task was created in). Hence there should be just one 'Process Mobile app activity feedback' scheduled batch set up, even though the mobile apps are used in several D365 legal entities.

Shipment BuilderWarehouse & site couldn't be sometimes changed on the sales order line, when CAPcargo shipment was already existing2021-06Bug82547
Customer order management and pricingNew track & trace status 'Departed' (Status300) on a tour stop2021-06New feature82543
Master dataPeriodic task 'Add time zone to address' newly processes all addresses only when parameter 'Also get time zones when already existing' is activated2021-06New feature82513
Dispatching and confirmationIn 'Dispatch directly to new tour' dialog, the parameter 'Release tour(s)' was renamed to 'Release tour for departure" and enhanced (ie. launches newly the main process 'Release for departure', incl. all activated sub-processes)2021-06New feature82459
Driver AppNew dedicated menuitems 'Send to Driver app', 'Send to Truck loading app' (and also the menuitems for withdrawal from both) were added to both GPB gantt screens and to the D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form2021-06New feature82442
Dispatching and confirmationTour can be sent to driver app before it is released for departure, but until then driver can not confirm departure from the first stop2021-06New feature82421
Customer order management and pricingTransport order sometimes couldn't be cancelled, when being returned to depot after failed delivery2021-06Bug82405
Dispatching and confirmation
Two new simplified view modes were introduced to both GPB gantt screens

As it is not always necessary to work with all tour details in the GPB gantt screens, two new simplified view modes (that are less demanding on the GPB performance) were added.

GPB gantt view mode overview:
- All details - previously existing view mode that loads all GPB details
- No details - loads only following details: start & end date/time, tour id, start & end city, tour status
- Bar extensions - shows the same amount of details as "no details", plus gantt bar extensions for delay/earliness (aka. red or green bar extensions for customer wished date & time)

The view modes can be changed by new dropdown selection 'Detail data loading' (located above the main gantt grid, on the right side of the screen). Default GPB gantt screen view mode can be also defined on D365 worker.

2021-06New feature82400
IntegrationsMessage framework enhancement - new 'Order blocked' event (Status116) & possibility to create a manual message (Status000)2021-06New feature82347
Shipment BuilderTransport order planning quantity was sometimes not updated based on shipment lot quantity update2021-06Bug82300
Dispatching and confirmation
During the 'Complete tour execution' the system sometimes failed to post the packing slip, even though the 'Create packing slip' sub-process was activated

Please note: 'Complete tour execution' process was also renamed to 'Confirm & finalize tour' and is newly located on the transport type.

Dispatching and confirmationIn both GPB gantt screens, the tour stop "i" icon opens again the overview of work instructions & order internal remarks (for load or unload)2021-06New feature82253
IntegrationsPreviously, it was not possible to import a new work instruction template to existing transport addresses via data entity (it was possible to import only an update of existing work instruction templates)2021-06Bug82247
Shipment BuilderEnhancement of the 'Create/Update transport order' dialog, for the direct delivery trade orders (eg. change of delivery terms, mode of delivery, transport company and customer account)2021-06New feature82224
Dispatching and confirmation'Failed delivery' and 'Failed pick-up' reason codes in the tour confirmation (in tab 'Order') were editable2021-06Bug82217
Dispatching and confirmationPreviously, it was possible to remove 'Sender delivery' transport leg even when it was already confirmed2021-06Bug82215
Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB gantt screens, the "i" icon (next to the tour stops) was sometimes not shown even though there were some work instructions for the tour stop2021-06Bug82158
Driver AppConfirming of 'Arrival' in the driver app sometimes trigger the resending of the whole tour to the driver app2021-06Bug82157
Driver AppIn driver app tour, the summary count of load/unload activities was sometimes calculated wrongly, if the tour stop contained both loading & unloading2021-06Bug82153
Customer order management and pricing
EDI process sometimes attempted to update (or delete) an already confirmed package

Previously, it could happen that EDI process tried to update (or delete) an already confirmed package. The attempt was failing, but user was informed via infologs. The behavior was corrected, EDI process newly tries to update (or delete) only packages that are not yet confirmed.

Customer order management and pricingSystem error was sometimes encountered when changing the planning quantity on transport order (which was already sub-contracted via sub-contracting transport leg order (LTL))2021-06Bug82143
Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB 'Resources' screen, when the resource was planned to the tour (via drag & drop to GPB gantt screen), then the resource was sometimes not moved from 'Available' to 'Planned' section2021-06Bug82140
Driver App
Confirmation of loading/unloading in driver app sometimes failed to update the D365 tour confirmation, when 'One load/unload per tour stop' instruction activity rule was applied

The issue was especially happening when 'One load/unload per tour stop' instruction activity rule was applied and loading/unloading activity were grouped in the driver app.

Driver AppAdditional field on the activity tile was introduced to driver app, that shows additional information that is related to the activity2021-06New feature82081
IntegrationsReason code description was sometimes not exported in transport order status messages2021-06Bug82079
IntegrationsExternal codes for loading/unloading addresses were sometimes not exported in order status messages2021-06Bug82060
Dispatching and confirmation
New field 'Confirmed departure' and 'Departed' flag were added to the tour confirmation

Previously, in tour confirmation, the departure data (eg. date & time) was stored only in the estimated departure field (which was entirely managed by scheduling mechanism and field was actually calculated from last confirmed activity). So the tour confirmation form actually didn't indicate whether the truck has already departed or not yet.
Now, with the driver app, we have information about departure and this can be used in tour confirmation.

Hence following enhancements were done:
- new field 'Confirmed departure' was added to tour confirmation (to tour stop level), stores the date & time of the truck departure from location. Field is available for user changes (for manual tour confirmation in D365) and is also filled by truck departure confirmation (from driver app).
- new checkbox 'Departed' was added to the tour confirmation (to tour stop level), checkbox field confirms the truck departure from the tour stop and triggers the recalculation of the scheduling for successor tour stops (from the 'Confirmed departure' date & time). 'Departed' flag is considered as a last action on the tour stop and can be confirmed only when all activities & orders are confirmed in the tour stop).
- Field 'Estimated departure' was renamed to 'ETD calculated' (which stands for 'Estimated time of departure, calculated'), to be in line with the ETA/ETD naming conventions.

2021-06New feature81968
IntegrationsPerformance optimization of the transport order EDI import process2021-06New feature81950
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricingCalculation of driving time & distance sometimes failed on sub-contracting transport leg orders (LTL)2021-06Bug81941
Dispatching and confirmationSeveral issues were corrected in the area of 'Empties management' (eg. the empties quantity on the SSRS report 'Pallet docket' was sometimes not corresponding to empties records)2021-06Bug81921
Dispatching and confirmationNew validation was added, to ensure that only vehicles (eg. trucks & trailers) that are in some vehicle group are displayed in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen 2021-06New feature81915
Dispatching and confirmationNew filter 'Driver group' was added to both GPB gantt screens2021-06New feature81892
Dispatching and confirmation
Sequence optimizer enhancement

The sequence optimizer has been enhanced in this version.
- New parameter that allows for the customer wish on the tour stops to be respected in the optimizer
- New parameter that allows to hide the sequence optimizer dialogue and uses predefined settings instead
- Support for 'unload all before load' has been introduced. Meaning that the optimizer prioritizes stops with delivery first and then optimizes the loadings. Especially useful for tours with closed box trailers used as resources where side loading is not possible.
- Several places have been enhanced where the optimizer can automatically be called after creating tour such as create tour from route/zone and multi select drag and drop legs to tours in GPB including the newly introduced parameters before.

2021-06New feature81834
Dispatching and confirmationConflict analysis form sometimes failed to open (when launched from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen)2021-06Bug81761
Driver AppSeveral GUI enhancements of the scanning process in the driver app2021-06New feature81706
Shipment Builder
Enabling the part delivery for shipment based transport orders

Previously, it was not possible to split (via part delivery) transport orders that were created via shipment builder (ie. were created from D365 trade orders). Newly, the part delivery of shipment builder based transport order is allowed, when following conditions are met:
- shipment must be synchronized
- in case the trade order is processed via WHS, all picking must be done

The condition list contains only most important conditions, for the entire list please contact your consultant at CAPcargo AG.

2021-06New feature81699
IntegrationsMulti selection of 'Checked imported order' (for error checking) previously didn't work correctly - system checked only one 'Checked imported order'2021-06New feature81680
Other / GeneralData migration task - to move the 'process' button parameterization from main TMS parameters to all transport types2021-06Data conversion81616
'Message Group ID' field was sometimes not populated (or was populated wrongly) on the transport order

The issue was happening especially when no customer criteria was specified in the 'Integration message groups' rules. The issue was corrected, the 'Message Group ID' rules (in the 'Integration message groups' setup) with no customer criteria are newly interpreted as "valid for all customers".

Other / GeneralData migration task - to create new 'Instruction activity rule' for each transport type (that had 'One load/unload per tour stop' parameter activated)2021-06Data conversion81581
Other / GeneralData migration task - to update tour stops, as the parameter 'One load/unload per tour stop' was moved to 'Instruction activity rules' (parameter was previously existing on transport type)2021-06Data conversion81580
Dispatching and confirmation
Better coverage of the sales return order

With this enhancement the sales return order handling has been improved and better integrated. A new Driver app function is available with which the driver can register returns at any tour stop. This function support planned return, sales return order already created and planned in the tour, and unplanned returns, for which no sales return order has been created yet.
Furthermore, the return order receipt process has been modified to also accept package identification codes (that are scanned at return order registration in Driver app) and not just RMA numbers.

2021-06New feature81579
Customer order management and pricingWrong transport order status after confirmation of the 'Sender delivery' or 'Receiver pick-up' order2021-06Bug81572
Dispatching and confirmation'Distance and time calculation' on transport order (and also on tour) could be previously used only when the license configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' was purchased/activated2021-06Bug81566
Integrations'Sent message id' field length was extended, to allow more than 10 characters2021-06New feature81538
Dispatching and confirmation
Main TMS parameter 'Modification planning blocked from tour status' was deprecated

General dispatching parameter 'Modification planning blocked from tour status' (located in main TMS parameters) was deprecated. Parameter (and its logic) was replaced by individual validations/checks, for each affected process. The individual validations/checks quite (but not entirely) correspond to previous parameterization of 'Modification planning blocked from tour status' = 'Confirmed'.

2021-06New feature81533
Customer order management and pricing
Commodity as contract finding criteria

Commodity was added to the contract finding criteria. This allows to setup different tariffs per commodity (or commodity group).

2021-06New feature81531
Dispatching and confirmationSeveral issues were corrected in the area of 'Cleaning matrix' (eg. cleaning activity determination logic)2021-06Bug81484
Dispatching and confirmationNew field 'Description' in the GPB generic buttons parameterization, to show the label text when some label (eg. @TRA19) was used to setup generic button name2021-06New feature81332
Customer order management and pricingTariff surcharge (with some qualification criteria) were sometimes not added to the order during price calculation2021-06Bug81322
Dispatching and confirmationSeveral issues were corrected in the area of 'Truck loading history'2021-06Bug81242
Driver AppDeleting mobile app tour in driver/truck loading app form now deletes the tour also from mobile app middleware, also adding a new periodic task for cleaning up of mobile app tours2021-06New feature81205
Dispatching and confirmationTransport order automatic cancellation logic was enhanced, to handle correctly the failed delivery cases2021-06Bug80920
Dispatching and confirmationSystem error during toll cost calculation (in the tour dispatching); system didn't handled correctly the countries that have no toll cost system2021-06Bug80657
Dispatching and confirmationIn both GPB gantt screens, the 'Show capacity' tree view now shows also the details for all 5 planning units2021-06New feature80614
Driver App
Enhancement of the driver app, to ensure that the proper tours are displayed to driver even after fundamental application changes

To avoid that driver sees tour from previously linked D365 application, or from previously logged in user, or no tours at all etc.

Following fundamental application changes are now handled correctly:
- Change of the 'logged in' user in the driver app, eg. when different driver signs to driver app on the device where some other driver was signed in previously.
- Change of the mobile app middleware URL, eg. when driver switches between accessing several D365 applications
- Update of the application from the Google Play Store

2021-06New feature80548
Dispatching and confirmationUnification of the date format in GPB screens (to dd/mm/yyyy)2021-06New feature80492
Dispatching and confirmation
Splitting of 'Release tour(s)' process into 'Release to load' and 'Release for departure'

Previously, there existed only one tour release process (done by 'Release tour(s)' functionality), which was the trigger and criteria for several other processes and validations. The previous solution proved to be quite rigid, as it didn't cover the cases where the first loading needs to be managed and monitored (via tour confirmation) before the tour is released for physical truck departure (as previously the tour confirmation was only available when tour is released).
Thus an additional release step 'Release for depot' was introduced, which precedes the physical truck departure.

Key points of the changed 'tour release' process:
- New process 'Release to depot', which can be done for tours that needs to be loaded in some depot. 'Release to depot' doesn't change the tour status to 'Released' but allows to launch the tour confirmation form (and confirm certain activities, incl. loading of the truck). Process can be further parameterized in 'process' menuitems (newly located in the transport type), as it can trigger several other sub-processes.
- To better manage the 'Release to depot' process, a new status 'Released for loading' was introduced to tour stop level (both in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form & in GPB gantt screens), which can be either 'None' (for tour stops that are not depots), or 'Open' (for the tour stops that are depots, but are not yet released to depot), or 'Released' (for tour stops that are depots and are already released to depot (for loading or unloading).
- New loading status icon in the GPB gantt screens (inside the tour gantt box), with following statuses/icons - 'Not released for loading', 'Released for loading', 'Vehicle loading in progress' and 'Vehicle loaded'. The icon visualization first needs to be activated (in main TMS parameters, section Goods planning status, parameter 'Show loading-release status')
- New loading/unloading status in goods management form, with following statuses - 'None', 'Released for loading' (only for loading), 'Loading in progress' or 'Unloading in progress', 'Loaded' or 'Unloaded'.
- The previously existing 'Release tour(s)' functionality was renamed to 'Release for departure', still changes the tour status to 'Released'.
- The previously existing tour status 'Confirming' was renamed to 'Departed' (and is not triggered anymore by the confirmation of the loading in the first depot).

For more details please contact your consultant at CAPcargo AG.

2021-06New feature80379
Master dataThe parameterization of 'process' menuitems was enhanced by new new processes (and sub-processes) and moved to transport type (was originally located in main TMS parameters)2021-06New feature80214
Driver App
The previously existing 'Instruction activity rules' were enhanced with a new activity type and a new criterion (to be able to set up 'One load/unload activity per tour stop' – or not – per route/zone)

Additionally, the previously existing parameter 'One load/unload activity per tour stop' was moved from transport type to the new instruction activity rule and incorporated there.
It is also possible on the tour stop to manually overwrite (ie. change) the data defined by 'Instruction activity rules' parameterization (both in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form and in both GPB gantt screens), which are then also transmitted to the DriverApp.

2021-06New feature79550
Dispatching and confirmationPerformance driven enhancement of the dispatching process2021-06New feature79304
Dispatching and confirmationFiltering per resource (eg. driver) was sometimes not working correctly in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen2021-06Bug79159
Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, when 'Change rough plan date' function was used then sometimes the date details were not updated in the leg point box overview, in lower part or screen2021-06New feature58617
Dispatching and confirmationTo prevent a potential data inconsistency, the resource leg table now requires following fields as mandatory (resource, tour, tour stop start, tour stop end)2021-06New feature25872
Other / General
KNOWN ISSUE: Map [embedded in D365] that shows the route of calculation transport costs currently fails to close

The closing of the D365-embedded map doesn't close the form and the D365 client gets stuck with 'Please wait. We're processing your request.'
Workaround is to reload the whole browser tab.
Please note: the issue affects only the D365-embedded map (that is used in calculation transport costs form); the map (that is used by GPB client) is not anyhow affected.

2021-07Known issue83735
Other / General
KNOWN ISSUE: Map [embedded in D365] that shows the route of calculation transport costs currently doesn't render correctly on certain PTV xServer configurations

The rendering of the D365-embedded map doesn't work on certain PTV xServer configurations.
Please note: the issue affects only the D365-embedded map (that is used in calculation transport costs form); the map (that is used by GPB client) is not anyhow affected.

2021-07Known issue83734
Dispatching and confirmation
In certain constellations, several actions could get failing in the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' form and user only received some error infologs

When some D365 form was opened from the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' form (eg. 'Change of department' or several others), the GPB screens should be refreshed when D365 form is closed. The issue was that the GPB screen refresh was sometimes not performed correctly (and the original tour was not entirely selected), thus many further tour actions were failing. The failed tour selection could be noticed by missing vertical orange selection bar in the tour overview. This issue was corrected and the tour is properly selected even after D365 forms are closed.

Driver AppMenuuitems for 'New User' and 'Edit user' were accessible only by users with 'System administrator' security parameterization2021-07Bug83685
Other / General
KNOWN ISSUE: Driver app & Truck loading app activities are not updated when transport work instruction is modified in D365 (or new work instruction is added in D365)

When adding a new work instruction (or changing the existing one) on the orders/tours that were previously already sent to driver app (or to truck loading app), such changes currently doesn't trigger the update towards the apps.
In certain constellations (eg. when app user didnt start yet the confirmation) this can be corrected by withdrawing the tour from the app (and sending it again). When app user already started the confirmation, dispatchers can inform the app user via instant messaging (or via call).

2021-07Known issue83638
Dispatching and confirmation
Several scrolling related issues were corrected in the GPB 'Resource' screen

Following issues were corrected:
- Horizontal scrolling of resource column sometimes did reset back to the first column
- Vertical scrolling bar was sometimes not accessible

Driver App
In driver app, it was sometimes not possible to register a truck mileage via virtual keyboard

Previously, under certain parameterization, in driver app it was possible to register a truck mileage only via +/- arrows, but the mileage could not be typed in via virtual keyboard. This was especially happening when 'One load/unload activity per tour stop' was deactivated in the 'Instruction activity rules'. The issue was corrected, the truck mileage can be registered in the driver app also via virtual keyboard.

Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB in both gantt screens, when certain actions were performed (that required automatic refresh of the gantt grid), then the tour focus was sometimes lost.2021-07Bug83532
Dispatching and confirmationIn D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' the 'Conflict analysis' was not sometimes working properly (ie. stating that there were no conflicts detected, but in reality there were some conflicts detected).2021-07Bug83515
Dispatching and confirmation
Error message when filtering on certain date in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen

In GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, in certain data constellations it could previously happen that when user filtered on some date then the GPB reported a system error (and didn't show the expected resources). The issue was corrected.

Driver AppAfter the unplanned return order registration in the driver app, the feedback processing in D365 previously sometimes failed with some 'Box:API...' system error message. 2021-07Bug83482
Customer order management and pricingGerman translation of menuitem for cancellation of transport order was corrected (previously was "Abbrechen", now is "Stornierung")2021-07Bug83480
Other / General
Data migration task, to fill CIRTRATransType.PlanUnitCombination

Data migration task for 83362, that corrects the plan unit combinations.

2021-07Data conversion83470
Shipment BuilderWrong tariff quantity was sometimes calculated from gross weight in sales return order2021-07Bug83430
Dispatching and confirmation
Several issues were corrected in the 'Release for departure' menuitems (only in the D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form)

Previously, when the 'non-process' menuitem 'Release for departure' was launched in the D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form was launched, then some tour related reports were automatically generated. The issue was corrected and automated tour related reports are generated only when the 'process' menuitem 'Release for departure' is used (and printouts sub-processes are activated).

Dispatching and confirmation
Merging of tour stops with different transport types is newly supported

This task introduces the ability to merge tour stops of different transport types. A parameter allows to enable/disable this feature. In order for tour lines with different transport types to be merged, the transport types must have the same plan units (combination and sequence). Planners will benefit from a more realistic number of tour stops, activity times are more accurately calculated. For depot workers and drivers it will give more clarity on loading/unloading list respectively the driver app as the number of stops will reflect the actual situation.

2021-07New feature83362
Dispatching and confirmation
'Block Tour release at conflict level' parameterization was sometimes not respected when releasing tour for departure

Additionally, the conflict analysis is not anymore performed during several dispatching actions (eg. during direct tour confirmation & direct order confirmation).

Dispatching and confirmation 'Complete tour execution' processes sometimes didn't end in 'Error' status even though some errors were encountered. The issue is corrected and the status of complete tour execution batch is set to "Error", when some errors are encountered.2021-07Bug83281
Other / GeneralCorrection in the usage of mobile app license configuration keys, certain menuitems were not following correctly the license configuration key setup2021-07Bug83262
Dispatching and confirmation
Several issues were corrected in the area of empties management

Following issues were corrected:
- Empties movement type could not be changed when new empties records were being registered. This is now allowed.
- Previously, it was possible to register empties records (of movement type 'Transfer') without any validation (eg. even when transport address was not parameterized accordingly). The issue was solved by introducing a new validation, that user can newly save empties records (of movement type 'Transfer') only when they match the empties management parameterization on the transport address.
- Previously, when user tried to register manually a new empties record (in tour confirmation). the pallet docket number was not generated from number sequence and was mandatory. Newly, the pallet docket number is generated from number sequence and is not mandatory. Please note: the pallet docket number is generated from number sequence only when a matching record exist in transport address empties parameterization which has 'Pallet report print amount' > 0.
- Field 'Pallet docket number' is newly accessible also in the 'Empties records' inquiry.
- Fields 'Movement type' and 'Pallet docket number' are newly accessible also in the 'Manual empties journal'.

Driver AppIf the sales return order was created in the driver app and the quantity was set manually (ie. not via barcode scanning) then the newly created transport order had sometimes wrong transport quantity2021-07Bug83219
Driver App
Removing the limitation of 10 characters (when creating transport unit of the sales return order)

Previously, the transport unit of the sales return order was limited to 10 characters only. The mobile activity feedback with transport units (that were longer than 10 characters) were failing to be processed, thus no transport order (for return order) was previously created. The issue was corrected and transport unit of the sales return order now has the same field characteristics as the transport unit itself, hence it is possible to setup transport unit of the sales return order with more than 10 characters.

Dispatching and confirmationSearching (or direct opening) a tour in both GPB gantt screens (when gantt screen is in '1-day' view mode) previously sometimes didn't entirely load (and focus) a tour in the gantt, but only loads the tour stop details in the bottom of the screen 2021-07Bug83193
Subcontracting/IC invoicingD365 standard vendor invoicing (pending vendor invoice) process sometimes failed to post (issue was happening when no purchase order, or a purchase order without the SLA field filled was used)2021-07Bug83167
Dispatching and confirmation
'Set back to Dispatching' menuitem in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' form showed incorrect dialogs (about mobile apps)

After 'Set back to Dispatching' menuitem in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' was used, the user was receiving two incorrect dialogs 'This tour has already been sent to the Driver App/Truck Loading App. Since though no confirmations exist yet, the tour still could be withdrawn. Do you want to withdraw it?' even though tour was not anyhow related to driver app & truck loading app. The issue was corrected and the dialogs are shown only when it makes sense.

Dispatching and confirmation
Delete of resource from the tour in GPB was not possible when 'Synchronous' mobile app tracking mode was activated

If 'Synchronous' mobile app change tracking mode was activated (in mobile app parameter), then in GPB gantt screens it was not possible to delete resource from the tour (even when tour was not anyhow involved with mobile apps). The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Adjustment of several tour dispatching processes, for more fluent process sharing between GPB and D365 (and to be able to better differentiate the infologs/dialogs when multiple tours are selected)

Following processes were adjusted:
- Release to depot (process menuitem)
- Release to depot (core menuitem)
- Release for departure (process menuitem)
- Release for departure (core menuitem)
- Undo release to depot

2021-07New feature83130
Truck loading App
New dedicated 'Truck loading app' status icon was added to the GPB gantt screens, to visualize whether tour has been submitted to truck loading app

The icon is shown in the tour gantt box (next to similar 'Driver app' related icon), and can have following statuses:
- no icon - tour was not sent to truck loading app
- yellow icon - tour was partially sent to truck loading app
- green icon - tour was entirely sent to truck loading app

2021-07New feature82806
Dispatching and confirmationMoving a tour stop to another tour previously sometimes failed with 'Remote server returned an error: (500) Internal server error'2021-07Bug82792
Customer order management and pricing
Improper behavior of transport order cancellation (when more transport orders were being loaded/unloaded on the same tour stop)

Previously, when transport order was cancelled (and more transport orders were being loaded/unloaded on the same tour stop), the system informed about cancellation failure, but in reality the transport order got cancelled. This is not supported, as during the order cancellation, the tour stop address also changes (which would affect also the delivery of other orders, if they exist on the same tour stop). The behavior was corrected and the order cancellation is really aborted when more transport orders are being loaded/unloaded on the same tour stop.
Additionally, the order cancellation logic was improved (by locking the cancellation process into one code transaction), to ensure that the order cancellation is launched only when the processing of underlying transport leg does not fail.

Dispatching and confirmationPreviously, after resource swap, the address names were not filled correctly in the 'Resource planning overview' form2021-07Bug82673
Master data
GUI improvement of the process parameterization on the transport type

Previously, the process parameterization was done in one "Process" section in the transport type. To improve the GUI experience (and to allow further improvement of the processes) the section was moved into own dedicated menuitem "Processes" (located in the top action pane in the transport type). Menuitem opens a new form where all main processes as structured into individual sections.
Additionally, the parameterization of processes was enhanced, to show which individual sub-processes are launched before the main process (ie. 'Run before core process') and which are launched after the main process (ie. 'Run after core process').

2021-07New feature82648
Other / General
Data migration task - to transform all transport address work instruction templates to only target a tour stop

Data migration task for 78885.

Data migration task does following:
- updates the 'Reference table label' to 'Tour line' on all transport address work instruction templates
- sets flag "Add to tour stop" on all transport address work instruction templates (that don't have any target flag checked, ie. when all 'Add to purchase order', 'Add to sales order', 'Add to transfer order', 'Add to transport order', 'Add to tour stop' are not set)

2021-07Data conversion82533
Customer order management and pricing
Create/update multiple header surcharges at once

New form “Create/update multiple surcharges” allows the user to create/update multiple header surcharges at once for multiple selected orders. The user can define per created surcharge type if the surcharge should be applied to the transport orders, sub-contracting / intercompany orders or all of these orders. This specification is done via the field “Customer/Vendor”.

The form supports the following order types:
- Transport order
- Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL)
- Intercompany transport order
- Intercompany transport leg (LTL)

Form 'Create/update multiple surcharges' can be launched from the above described order forms, from the header menuitems section.

2021-07New feature82519
Customer order management and pricing
New feature: Order controlling

New “Order controlling” form has been introduced, that enables the user to view multiple transport orders and the related sub-contracting/intercompany orders at once with all related information about plan/confirmed values, price calculation values and other details.
The form greatly reduces the efforts that were previously needed, to find issues/discrepancies between the various entities.
Hence the user can work in a single form to do the controlling, adopt values, add surcharges etc. Orders that have been successfully checked will be approved by the user.

Form is accessible:
- from main menu (CAPcargo Transport -> Common - Transport Order Management -> Order controlling)
- from individual order type forms

2021-07New feature82515
New data entities for Invoice document type

Two new data entities were created, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Invoice document type
- TAL Invoice document type transaction

2021-07New feature82317
IntegrationsRule invoice document types' field was added to the data entity 'Customers V3', both for import and export projects2021-07New feature82315
Shipment Builder
Several enhancement in the area of direct delivery of the trade order

Following enhancement were done, in the area of direct delivery of the trade order:

- Same time delivery - system newly only considers the same time delivery flag, if it is set on the last element of the chain (and this element is a sales order line).
- TMS rough scheduling - system newly provides the TMS rough scheduling related functionality (ie. writing back confirmed dates, excluding data fields from synchronization) on the last element of the chain, if this element is a sales order line.
- Release to warehouse - There are 2 direct delivery chain cases, when it is possible, that the 1st element of the chain is a sales order line (and a load line exists for this order line). Hence release to warehouse for such cases is newly supported from CAPcargo transport.
The release to warehouse function (both from tour and from transport leg) takes up those load lines, that are related to direct delivery chains, if:
- the load line is related to the 1st element
- 1st element is a sales order line
On the other hand, the release to warehouse functionality ignores (=does not release to warehouse) all those load lines, that are not related to warehouse management enabled items.
- Update transportation quantities with actual quantities - since the release to warehouse from the tour and from the transport leg is supported, the system also handles the feedback from the warehouse. However, since the shipment lot quantity records of direct delivery shipments are not based on load line quantities, following adjustments were done in the update process:
- all shipment lot quantity records without license plate are deleleted
- based on the information that is provided by the warehouse new shipment lot quantity records are always created.
After updating the shipment lot quantity records with warehouse information, the system registers a synchronization log entry, that will trigger the TMS package creation at the next synchronization.
- Packing slip posting - since TMS packages are generated based on the information that is provided by the warehouse, these packages are now taken up by the packing slip posting from the tour. Packing slip posting for items, that are not picked via WHS processes is still not supported.
- Driver app enhancement - following enhancement were introduced:
- loading information to be taken from the first element of the chain
- unloading information to be taken from the last element of the chain

2021-07New feature82205
Dispatching and confirmationNew parameterization on the D365 worker, where it is possible to define which GPB screens should be automatically launched when GPB client is started2021-07New feature82058
Customer order management and pricing
New feature: Calculation transport costs

Previously, when transport order was generated from some trade order, it was possible to calculate transport costs (ie. to run a price calculation) only when transport order was already existing. Which was quite late in the process.
With new feature 'Calculation transport costs' it is possible to calculate expected transportation costs even when no transport (or even trade) order is registered.

Feature can be launched from several places:
- Standalone form 'Calculation transport costs' (main menu -> CAPcargo Trade & Distribution -> Inquiries -> Calculation transport costs) - the trade order data has to be specified manually (as no trade order is existing yet)
- Menuitem 'Transport cost calculation' on the trade orders - the process uses the data from the trade orders

In both places, the system simulates in the background the shipment builder creation process (to be able to get relevant transport quantities), and then performs a driving time & distance calculation (if activated via parameter) and standard contract finding (and price calculation).

Further key characteristics:
- Cost calculation result is not physically stored (ie. is rather just an inquiry, even though 'under the hood')
- Cost calculation can be performed only on the trade orders that would result into a single transport order
- Calculation details are also accessible from the form
- The resulting route can be also visualized on the map
- Standard general driving distance & time calculation newly takes into account also the 'preferred route' parameterization. Hence it is possible to reflect the 'preferred routes' also during the standard price calculation (ie. outside the calculation transport costs process).

2021-07New feature82042
Dispatching and confirmation
New 'Loading status' filter in GPB gantt screens

New 'Loading status' filter was added to the 'Filter' dialog in both GPB gantt screens, to be able to filter the tours that correspond to the chosen release to depot loading status.

2021-07New feature81871
Dispatching and confirmationNewly created tour was automatically shown in GPB gantt screens only when there were some tours already previously loaded on the screen2021-07Bug81684
Dispatching and confirmationWhen changing the tour start date (via 'Edit tour') the main GPB gantt grid view point is now automatically adjusted, to directly show the changed tour2021-07New feature81276
Dispatching and confirmation
In some constellations, an incorrect infolog was shown when carrying resource could not be assigned to the tour

The issue was especially happening when no resources were assigned to the tour, then wrong infolog was shown (which implied that several vehicles are found). This issue was corrected and dialog/infolog handling was improved.

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport order (and trade order) work instructions were previously not shown when work instruction overview was opened from the tour stop

The issue was corrected, the work instruction overview on the tour stop now shows the work instructions of the transport orders (and also indirectly of the trade orders), as well as the work instructions that were generated directly from the transport address.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement and redesign to the work instruction framework

The work instruction framework was redesigned, to remove the historical (and not performing) functionality and to solve the previously happening work instruction duplicity (when several trade order lines were transported in the same transport order line).

Key characteristics:
- Work instructions of the trade orders are newly stored in the separate trade work instruction transaction table, which is then used as a source for the transport work instruction transactions (which are then accessible on the transport legs, tours etc.). The creation of the transport work instructions (from the trade work instructions) happens during shipment builder synchronization.
- In case the trade work instructions needs to be modified (while transport order is already existing), the update of transport work instructions can be triggered either manually (via 'Synchronize work instructions) or will happed during next shipment builder synchronization. Please note, that the change of the trade work instructions does not reset the 'Synchronized' flag to FALSE.
- Work instructions can be newly targeting only the tour stops (via 'Reference table'), the target of 'tour header' was removed. In case the dispatchers need to create work instruction for the whole tour, it is advised to do so on the first tour stop.
- Transport address work instruction templates were enhanced, to better manage for which entities should the template be used (ie. new activation flags 'Add to transport order', 'Add to tour stop', 'Driver app', 'Truck loading app').
- Work instructions of trade orders are newly shown in both mobile apps.

2021-07New feature78885
Dispatching and confirmationVisualization of the 'Route/cost optimization' scenarios in the GPB 'Map' screen was previously sometimes failing (the map loaded indefinitely)2021-08Bug84407
Dispatching and confirmation
In certain constellations, the change of the confirmed quantity (in the tour confirmation form) could lead to client session crash

The issue was especially happening when some empties records were related to the transport order line (for which the confirmed quantity was being changed). The issue was caused by attempting to launch a user dialog 'Update empties?' inside the running code transaction (which caused issues on certain D365/TMS installations).
The issue was temporarily fixed by suppression of the 'Update empties?' dialog (when user is changing the confirmed quantity), and forcing the empties records to update automatically.

Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the tour selection & focusing mechanism on GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen, when user is scrolling into the future/past

Previously, when user scrolled into the future/past on the time line (in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen), then the behaviour of loading/selecting the tours was sometimes misbehaving (eg. original tour view point was horizontally changing and the selected tour was not displayed (but still selected), or selected tour got sometimes even unselected etc.). The tour selection & focusing mechanism was improved and GPB 'Tour Dispatching' now keeps the selected tour visible on the screen (when user scrolls to the future/past on the time line), until it exceeds the filtered view point (and the potentially activated pre-/post-loading additional interval), and only then it is unselected.

2021-08New feature84365
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour was sometimes showing longer in GPB gantt screens than it should

In certain constellations, the tour was showing a longer duration (ie. tour gantt bar in level 1 was displayed incorrectly). The issue was happening especially when the tour earliness/delay feature (aka customer wished delivery date & time) was activated in the transport type. Then a certain part of tour earliness was sometimes wrongly displayed as the tour duration. The issue was corrected and the tour is now visualized reliably.

Shipment Builder
'Remove from Transportation' menuitem accessible even though no transport order exists; several other trade order related menuitems were accessible only under 'System administrator' security role

Menuitem 'Remove from Transportation' (that exists on several trade order forms (on the line level)) was previously enabled even though there was no transport order existing. The issue was corrected and the menuitem is now available only when there exist at least one transport order for this trade order line.

In the same task several other menuitems were corrected (ie. 'CAPcargo scheduling information' trade order line menuitem & 'Product transportation status' trade order header menuitem), which were previously accessible only to the users with 'System administrator' security role.

Dispatching and confirmation
Two issues were corrected in automatic refresh mechanism when transport leg was planed via 'drag and drop' into the tour

Following issues were corrected:
- Previously, when a new tour was created in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen (via drag and drop of transport leg from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen), then the newly created tour was not immediately visible and manual refresh of the GPB gantt grid was needed. The issue was solved and GPB gantt grid is automatically refreshed and the tour is shown and selected.
- Previously, when a transport leg was planned into a tour (via drag and drop from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen), then the transport leg screen was sometimes not refreshed (and the transport leg was still visible between unplanned legs).

Driver App
Mobile app feedback processing of the failed pickup sometimes failed with error 'Function CIRTRAcTourOrderLine.setFailedPickup has been incorrectly called.'

The issue was especially happening when the transport type parameter 'Retry after failed pick-up' was set to 'None'. The issue was corrected and the mobile app feedback is now processed correctly even when 'Retry after failed pick-up' parameter is set to 'None'

Driver App
Too many work instructions were sometimes created to mobile app tours

The issue was especially happening on the tour stops where some transport order was loaded/unloaded, but the tour stop itself was not providing any address related work instructions (eg. tour stop was originating from the depot split of the transport legs). Then the system sometimes generated for such depot split tour stop also the work instructions of the original load/unload transport order addresses.

Dispatching and confirmation
Registration of failed pickup was not possible in certain cases

The issue was especially happening when the order was being loaded in the depot address and was previously already registered for failed delivery. If so, then the failed pickup registration was not possible and system reported (wrongly) an error 'Failed pickup can be performed only on the first loading address of the order'. The issue was corrected and the failed pickup registration is possible even for such cases.

Customer order management and pricing
Potential mismatch between invoice amount (in customer invoice pool) and the total amount (of the collective order)

In certain specific (and very rare) constellation, the invoice amount (in the customer TMS invoice pool) was not exactly matching the total amount of the (collective) order. The issue was happening only for the collective orders and only when the same collective order id was used in different order types (eg. number sequences with exactly same definition were used in collective transport order & collective part-invoice order etc.).

Other / General
Security roles 'T&L Sales Clerk' and 'T&L Warehouse worker' required a 'Full user' license type

The security parameterization was corrected and 'T&L Sales Clerk' and 'T&L Warehouse worker' security roles require again only a 'Light user' license type.

Dispatching and confirmationLoading/unloading information of the unplanned return order was previously not shown in the GPB gantt screens (in level 3) 2021-08Bug84095
Driver App
Show transport unit description in the dialog for creation of unplanned return order (in the driver app)

When creating an unplanned return order in the driver app, previously only transport unit id was shown in the dialog. Which was not too user friendly (as the transport unit id is typically not so self-explanatory). The dialog was enhanced and now user has to select the transport unit description instead of transport unit id.

2021-08New feature84089
Shipment Builder
Support for package identification also for the 'Return order receiving and put away' work creation process

In 'Mobile device menu items' form, it is now possible to activate 'Allow CAPcargo package identification at goods receipt' also for the 'Return order receiving and put away' work creation process. Previously it was possible to activate it only for 'Return order receiving' work creation process.

Additionally a small correction of the warehouse validation was done - when searching return orders via package identification, the system validates if the warehouse of return order is identical with the one the user is logged in. Previously, this validation was done on return order line level. Newly, this validation is done on the return order header level (via storage dimensions 'Site' & 'Warehouse')

2021-08New feature84081
'Message Group ID' field was sometimes not populated (or was populated wrongly) on the transport order

The issue was happening especially when no customer criteria was specified in the 'Integration message groups' rules, as the system interpreted such integration message groups as 'not valid for any customer'. The issue was corrected, the integration message group rules with no customer criteria are newly interpreted as 'valid for all customers'.

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport leg types improved: can be multiple & respects failed delivery/pickup better

The transport leg types (pickup, shuttle, distribution, direct) are used for filter purposes in several places. So far each leg was exactly 1 type. New is, that each leg can be multiple types, which is rather rare but can happen. Example: Order from depot X to depot Y is a shuttle, but also a direct leg. - Further the failed pickups and deliveries are better covered, meaning that for example for failed pickup the first and the second leg are of type pickup (first failed attempt, 2nd successful attempt).

2021-08New feature84068
Other / GeneralData migration task (for 83490) - to correct the activation of the previously manually created resource assignments (eg. absences)2021-08Data conversion84060
Dispatching and confirmation
Process 'Release for departure' sometimes didn't finish correctly, as some blank D365 window was launched (which failed to fully load)

The issue was especially happening in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen and was caused by certain combination of data and activated sub-processes. The loading of D365 windows was corrected and the 'Release for departure' process is not interrupted anymore.

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: New fields that indicate whether the vehicle has an open Vehicle damage claim

The vehicle table has been enhanced with the button 'Vehicle damages' that lists all claims of type 'Vehicle damage' related to the vehicle. New tile was added to the GPB 'Resources' screen that displays the vehicle damage information. The number of 'open' damages are shown. Furthermore, a new conflict (Conflict ID 9115) has been introduced via which it is possible to check if the dispatched vehicles has some 'open' damages (incl. the reference to the resource).

2021-08New feature83992
Other / General
Technical enhancement, for wider application of the GPB custom fields framework

Following methods were changed from 'private' to 'protected', to allow more flexible implementation of the GPB custom fields framework:
- TALgpbQueryBuilderTransportOrderLegs/setGridFilterValues
- TALgpbQueryBuilderTransportOrderLegs/addQueryRangeFrom2ComplexOperators

2021-08New feature83979
Dispatching and confirmation
'Assign carrying resource' sub-process was added to the 'Release for departure' process parameterization

New sub-process 'Assign carrying resource' was added to the 'Release for departure' process parameterization (on the transport type). The sub-process was previously existing (when processes were parameterized in main 'Transport Parameters'), was accidentally omitted when moving the process parameterization to the transport type.

Driver App
Middleware service password could not be set/changed in the Mobile app parameters

Previously, in certain cases it was not possible to set/change the mobile app middleware service password, as the middleware password was not saved to D365 database when value was added/updated in the form. With wrong middleware password, several mobile app services were failing (eg. sending the instant messages to driver, instant barcode check when scanning the barcode in the mobile apps, etc.). The issue was corrected and the middleware password can now be set/changed properly.

Driver App
Changed tour stop sequence was sometimes reset after first confirmation in the driver app

Previously, when driver changed a tour stop sequence (in the driver app) and then started to confirm the tour, then the changed tour stop sequence could get lost (and original tour stop sequence was re-used). This was especially happening when drivers were registering a failed delivery. The issue was corrected and the tour stop sequence (specified by the driver) is kept even after the failed delivery is registered.

Other / GeneralPreviously, the table CIRWMSWorkInstruction was declared as 'obsolete'. As it is foreseen to keep & reuse the table also in the future released, its property 'IsObsolete' was changed to 'No'.2021-08Bug83918
Driver App
'Partially failed' failed pickup status in tour confirmation even though the entirely failed pickup was registered in the driver app

In certain constellation, when the entirely failed pickup was registered in the driver app, then the failed pickup status in D365 tour confirmation showed only as 'Partially failed'. The issue was especially happening when the transport order did not contain any packages. The issue was corrected and the proper "Fully failed" failed pickup status is now shown.

Driver App
Manually created 'Wait' activities (in the driver app) had to be confirmed twice

When manually creating (and confirming) the 'Wait' activity in the driver app, then previously such activity (after synchronization with D365) appeared as 'not yet confirmed' in the driver app and had to be confirmed again. The issue was corrected, and such 'Wait' activities now don't lose the confirmation status after synchronization with D365 backend.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the tour confirmation (both in TAL & mobile apps): after confirming different transport quantity, the planning units are not anymore reset to zero when no conversion is specified

Previously, when changing a confirmed transport quantity (during tour confirmation process in D365) then, in case that no conversion rules were specified between transport unit & planning units, the planning quantity was reset to zero. This could lead to the loss of manually specified planning quantity.
When the tour confirmation was done via mobile apps, then the planning quantity was reset to zero even when the same transport quantity was confirmed.
The tour confirmation mechanism was enhanced (both in D365 & mobile apps), to apply a conversion only when it is set up (for certain planning unit). For planning units (for which no conversion is set up), their values are kept untouched.

2021-08New feature83882
Customer order management and pricing
Further enhancements of the 'Calculation transport costs' feature

Following enhancement were done, in the area of the 'Calculation transport costs':
- In 'D365-embedded' map, the layer activation/deactivation checkboxes are shown only for preferred routes that are activated in main 'Transport Parameters'
- In 'D365-embedded' map, the map layer activation/deactivation checkboxes work more reliably
- Order & vehicle attributes (ie. order total weight, vehicle length/width/height/tare weight/number of axles) are newly saved with the driving time & distance calculation (and are used also for the preferred route calculation/visualization)

2021-08New feature83830
Enabling the secure https communication with PTV xServer components

Previously, the protocol definition (eg. http/https) of the PTV xServer calls (from D365 code) was decided entirely by the code (and only http protocol was supported). This was too rigid, as it didn't allow the https communication with PTV xServer.
Newly, the protocol definition is decided entirely by the PTV xServer parameterization (in the main TMS parameters) and both http & https protocols are supported.

Important (for all projects that use the PTV xServer services): Please note that this enhancement requires a manual adjustment of the xServer parameterization change (in the main TMS parameters->Geo services->xServer parameter), otherwise all PTV xServer components will start failing.
If the previous parameterization of xServer (eg. for xLocate) was '//', then it should be adjusted into or into, depending whether http or https protocol should be used. Same adjustment should be applied to all other xServer components (ie. xRoute, xMap, xTour).
Please note that usage of https protocol requires other infrastructural adjustments (ie. xServer installation has to be enabled for communication via https protocol).

2021-08New feature83781
Customer order management and pricing
Map [embedded in D365] that shows the route of calculation transport costs can be now closed

The closing of the D365-embedded map previously didn't close the form and the D365 client got stuck with 'Please wait. We're processing your request.' The issue was corrected and the D365-embedded map can be now closed in the usual way (ie. by pressing the 'x' icon in the D365 top right action pane section).

Please note: the issue affected only the D365-embedded map (that is used in calculation transport costs form); the map (that is used by GPB client) was not anyhow affected.

2021-08New feature83772
Dispatching and confirmation
Distorted layout of 'Copy from default tour' dialog

In previous release(s), the layout of the 'Copy from default tour' dialog got distorted and was quite user unfriendly (ie. the dialog was too narrow and users could not see all details in the default tour grid). The issue was corrected and the dialog layout was expanded, to show all details again.

Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: New display field on vehicle and GPB 'Resources' screen to show the last registered mileage, new 'Mileage history' form

Previously, it was possible to register the mileage of vehicles via tour confirmation or via Driver app (at tour start and tour end) in case the vehicle is activated for it. The registered mileage is stored on the resource assignment records but these values could only be viewed within the tour confirmation form. This was enhanced and newly the last registered mileage is visible also in the GPB 'Resources' screen and in the 'Vehicles' form in D365.
Additionally, a new menuitem 'Mileage history' was added to the 'Vehicles' form in D365, where all registered mileage for the vehicle is shown (and is editable). The 'Mileage history' form can also be opened directly from GPB 'Resources' screen (by clicking on the 'Mileage' info box).

2021-08New feature83762
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the 'Calendar per country' feature (adding possibility to define calendars per zip code), renaming the feature to 'Calendar per area'

Previously existing feature 'Calendar per country' has been enhanced with the option to define calendars per zip code. As a consequence the feature was renamed to 'Calendar per area'. This enhancement also contains a generator that supports generating zip code records for zip code range, similar to the Route/Zone route plan generator. The Opening hour framework respects these new entries. Calendar entries per zip code have higher priority than calendar entries defined per country.

2021-08New feature83760
Shipment Builder
Show confirmation data for trade orders

The 'Product information status' form of the trade orders (sales, purchase, sales return order) has been enhanced with the buttons 'Show attachments' and 'Show claims' and the transport leg level. The function 'Show attachments' lists all attachments of the tour activities Load, Unload, Picture and Signature. The function 'Show claims' lists all claims of type 'Damaged goods' that are linked to the tour stop of the selected transport leg. These attachments and claims are usually (but not necessarily) recorded during the confirmation via mobile apps.

2021-08New feature83758
Dispatching and confirmation
Activity time on the tour stop was sometimes incorrect after the merge of the tour stops

The issue was fixed and activities which have variable times activated (for example Load/Unload) are now re-calculated based on parameterization on transport type (and the new quantity). For activities with fixed times, the highest fixed time is used.

Dispatching and confirmation
Certain tour related SSRS reports could crash the entire client session

Previously, certain tour related SSRS reports could cause a crash of the browser window (with "An unexpected client error has occurred" error) and browser window had to be manually reloaded to be able to continue working. The issue was especially happening in following SSRS reports:
- Loading list
- Unloading list
- Waybill
- Pallet docket

The issue was corrected.

Shipment BuilderTransport legs couldn't be removed in the goods management form when some shared package exists, even though the shared package was not related to the transport leg2021-08Bug83563
Shipment Builder
Deadlock at 'Release to warehouse' & 'Complete tour execution' processes

Previously, in certain constellations, it could happen that the 'Release to warehouse' & 'Complete tour execution' processes caused a blocking of the entire batch table. The issue was corrected and does not happen anymore.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the mobile app status filters, in both GPB gantt screens

Two new filters are available in both GPB gantt screens, in the 'Filter->General' section:
- Driver App status (with values: None, Open, Pending, Rejected, Accepted)
- Truck Loading App status (with values: None, Open, [Partially] Transmitted)

2021-08New feature83539
Driver App
Enable the driver to enter date reference in the driver app

Introducing the ‘Input’ activity action type enables the user to define such instruction activity rules, that instructs the driver to give some type of an input at the tour stop.
Since the instruction which asks for the input directly comes from the description of the activity, the new action type can be used for a wide variety of business cases like load/unload description.
Once the confirmation from the driver app arrives to D365, the driver’s input is stored in the Driver app activity feedback from where it can be taken up by other processes.

2021-08New feature83534
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour deletion could sometimes fail in both GPB screens

The issue was especially happening when the tour was already released for departure (ie. in tour status Release, or Departed, or Done) and contained already some costs.

Dispatching and confirmation
New work instruction direct entry option (on transport order, per load/unload address)

Two new work instruction related fields were added to the dialog for new transport order creation (and also to the transport order header), in tab Address:
- Work Instruction (Load)
- Work Instruction (Unload)

Fields can be used for direct specification of work instructions already during the transport order creation process. As both fields are physically creating the address related work instruction records (in the work instruction framework), they are also accessible in the dispatching (and in the mobile apps).

Additionally, all contact information of the transport order header is newly gathered into 'Contact' tab.

2021-08New feature83496
Dispatching and confirmationManually created resource assignments (eg. absences) sometimes appeared in 'Resource assignment' form as active, but were treated by code as inactive (and thus were not showing in the GPB)2021-08Bug83490
Customer order management and pricing
Mix of languages could happen in the customer invoice SSRS report, in certain constellations

The issue was especially happening when the language of the D365 user and the language of the customer invoice was different. The issue was corrected, the language of the customer invoice report is now determined entirely by the language of the customer invoice.

Dispatching and confirmation
Further adjustment of several tour dispatching processes, for more fluent process sharing between GPB and D365 (and to be able to better differentiate the infologs/dialogs when multiple tours are selected)

Following processes were adjusted:
- Release to depot (process menuitem)
- Release to depot (core menuitem)
- Release for departure (process menuitem)
- Release for departure (core menuitem)

2021-08New feature83459
Truck loading App
'Vehicle loading in progress' tour loading status now respects the package loading level

Previously, the GPB tour loading status 'Vehicle loading in progress' was validating only the transport order line level (ie. 'Vehicle loading in progress' was set when loading of at least one tour order line was confirmed). Newly, the 'Vehicle loading in progress' status is set when loading of at least one package tour order line is confirmed.

2021-08New feature83402
Preparation for the PTV xServer2 architecture implementation

Adjustments of the PTV xServer interfaces (ie. xRoute, xLocate, xMap, xTour) for the upcoming xServer2 implementation. The previously existing xServer interfaces should work in the same way, without any functional impacts.

Please note: PTV xServer2 is not yet officially supported in this release, will be supported in the upcoming TMS release(s).

2021-08New feature83221
Driver App
Shipping and delivery addresses were sometimes switched up when sales return order was created automatically from driver app

The issue was happening only in the sales return order (that was created automatically from the driver app), the addresses were correct (ie. not switched up) on the transport order.

Driver App
Unplanned return order registration in driver app is now blocked, if the carrying resource was assigned and tour was submitted also to truck loading app

Reason for such blocking is that currently it is not possible to register a carrying resource for the unplanned return order. And if carrying resource is assigned on the tour, but not on the unplanned return order, then the system doesn't know which truck loading app tour should get the unload activity for the order.
The applied blocking mechanism is only temporary, until it will be possible to register a carrying resource for the unplanned return order.

2021-08New feature83178
New data entity for process parameterization

With the move of the process parameterization (previously the process parameterization was done in the main 'Transport Parameters', newly it is done in the transport type), the previously existing data entity 'TAL Process parameter' was adjusted and renamed to TAL Process parameter V2.

2021-08New feature83100
Truck loading AppDuration of certain activities (eg. signature) in tour confirmation was calculated wrongly when multiple users were working on the same tour2021-08Bug83066
Dispatching and confirmation
Replacing the Microsoft Internet Explorer by Microsoft Edge browser, when opening D365 dialogs/forms from GPB

As the support for (previously used) Microsoft Internet Explorer is officially ending in August 2021, the GPB client is now using Microsoft Edge browser when opening D365 dialogs/forms from GPB. This also solves the issue that on some GPB client sessions the browser windows control elements were sometimes missing.

Please note: depending on the Windows installation, sometimes an additional component WebView2 is needed. GPB client performs a compatibility check during GPB client start and informs user when some required component is missing.

2021-08New feature82976
Customer order management and pricing
Wrong address names were shown on Track & Trace records, when address of the transport leg was specified without TMS address id (eg. via global address book only)

This issue is corrected now and all Track & Trace messages have the correct address name assigned, regardless whether transport leg address was specified with (or without) TMS address id.

Master data
Discrepancy between pallet account codes (are mandatory on empties identification data in main 'Transport Parameters, but are not mandatory on empties management setup on 'Transport address')

Previously, the pallet account was declared generally as mandatory (in 'Empties identification data' form, in main 'Transport Parameters'), regardless of the empties movement type. Newly, the pallet account is mandatory only for empties records of movement type 'Transfer', as it is not needed for 'Exchange/IOU' movement types (where empties records are not transferred between registered pallet accounts).

Affected forms:
- 'Empties identification data' form (in main 'Transport Parameters')
- 'Empties management grid (on 'Transport address')

Consequently, the layout of 'Pallet docket' SSRS report was adjusted (to correctly handle the situation when pallet account is not specified).

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB client was sometimes crashing when specific sequence of actions was performed

The issue was happening especially when users were pulling tours (track view) from unfiltered GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen onto the map screen and in the same time users were trying to search for suitable resources for the tour (via 'Get Resources for tour' right mouse context action on tour, on the map screen). The issue was corrected by better handling of the situations when parallel 'cross-GPB-screens' actions are launched before previous action is fully finished.

Customer order management and pricing
Non unique integration message groups

Previously, in 'Integration message groups' form it was possible to create different message groups with the same 'Service (SLA)' and 'Customer account' conditions. This was corrected by introducing a new validation that prevents the saving of such duplicate message group.

Shipment Builder
New feature: shipment builder integration without load line entity (to cover better the handling of bulk items)

A new approach has been introduced in shipment building in order to satisfy those demands which wish not to use the load line entity for integration between trade and transport: integration via sales/purchase/transfer order line.

The new approach is not parameterizable. If processing the order line via warehouse management processes is possible (ie. warehouse is WHS enabled, storage dimension group of item is WHS enabled), then the integration will be done by the load line entity – regardless whether it already exists or not yet. On the other hand, if processing the order line via warehouse management processes is not possible (ie. either the warehouse is not WHS enabled and/or storage dimensions group is not WHS enabled), then the integration will be done directly by the trade order line.

The order line integration approach is meant to be used by those businesses who wish not to use the Warehouse management module for processing the items in the warehouse (e.g. because of complexity or because of not fitting business processes). This way more simple picking and/or registration processes can be implemented.

2021-08New feature82597
Previously, it was possible to import via EDI a cancelled transport order

The issue was happing when the EDI file had the following structure:
- Import type=Create
- 'Cancel status' & 'Reason code' were specified

Then the transport order was imported as 'cancelled'. The issue was corrected, now the importing of such EDI file will fail during the checking of imported order and user is informed via new errors:
- Cancel status not allowed for import type 'Create'
- Cancel reason not allowed for import type 'Create'

Dispatching and confirmation
Driving distance and time calculation was determined on the tour only via the speed profile of the default vehicle type of the transport type of the tour

Previously, the driving distance and time calculation was determined on the tour only via the speed profile of the default vehicle type of the transport type of the tour. This was corrected, newly it is determined via speed profile of the motor vehicle of the tour. The speed profile of the default vehicle type of the transport type of the tour is used only as a fall-back (ie. when there is no motor vehicle assigned to the tour).

Customer order management and pricing
Wrong initialization of 'Status term invoice' on transport order that was created via shipment building process

Previously, when transport order was created via shipment building process, the 'Status term invoice' (on the transport order) could be initialized wrongly (ie. not from the 'Transport delivery terms' (as specified in the 'Transport delivery term mapping' table) but directly from the customer account). The issue was corrected.

Additionally, new fallback mechanisms were added to the initialization of the 'Status term invoice' (for the transport orders that are created via shipment building process). New logic is following:
- 'Status term invoice' is determined from the 'Transport delivery terms'
- If not found, then 'Status term invoice' is determined from the customer account
- If not found, then 'Status term invoice' is determined from the main 'Transport Parameters'

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement and unification of functionality of the new tour creation dialog (between both GPB gantt screens)

In GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen: (do for start/end addresses individually)
- Initialize start/end address from potential active dispatch sector filter of GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen
- If still no address is initialized, then read start/end address from the 'user>worker>dispatch sector'.
- If still no address is initialized, then read from main parameters start/end address

In GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen: (do for start/end addresses individually)
- Initialize start/end address from the default depot of the drop-location-vehicle (vehicle>depot)
- If no address is initialized, then initialize start/end address from potential active dispatch sector filter of GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen
- If still no address initialized, then read start/end address from the 'user>worker>dispatch sector'.
- If still no address is initialized, then read from main parameters start/end address

Please note: the initialization logic is the same both for single-selected and multi-selected transport legs

2021-08New feature81992
Dispatching and confirmation
Clearing the resources from the GPB map sometimes didn't clear all resources

The issue was especially happening when the resources were visualized on the GPB map via 'Get Resources for tour' right mouse context action on the GPB map screen, on the tour. The issue was corrected and 'Clear' button (in the Resources section) now clears all resources from the GPB map.

Dispatching and confirmation
Several enhancements in the area of tour activities (in the GPB gantt screens)

Following enhancements were introduced to the tour activities (in the GPB gantt screens):
- Possibility to change the activity sequence, either by new "up" & "down" arrow icons or via drag and drop
- When adding a new activity, not all active activities were available in the lookup
- The default activity sequence was sometimes not respected (eg. some of the system generated activities were not sorted according to the predefined sequence)
- Activities were previously cached in GPB during GPB client start; newly the activity list is populated from D365 backend only when D365 dialog (for adding a new activity to the tour stop) is launched. This means that users do not need to restart GPB client when some new activity is added in the D365 backend.

2021-08New feature81144
New data entities for administration of TMS external codes

Several new data entities were created, both for export and import projects:
- TAL External code classes for...
- TAL External codes for…

2021-08New feature80451
Dispatching and confirmation
Instruction activities on the tour stops were showing wrong planned date (were showing 01.01.1900)

As the instruction activities (eg. Scan address barcode, Picture, Signature etc.) don't have any planned start date, this situation was wrongly interpreted by the system and some default date 01.01.1900 was shown in the activities of the tour stop.
The behaviour was improved and now empty planned start date is shown when activity doesn't have any planned start date.
Additionally, the duplicated column 'Planned start date' was removed in the activities of the tour stop.

2021-08New feature80277
Other / GeneralEnsuring that all TMS data entity duties are assigned to some security role2021-08New feature79402
Dispatching and confirmation
Deleting a tour activity (or adding a new tour activity) doesn't deselect the tour stop anymore

Previously, by deletion of the tour activity from tour stop, the tour stop selection was lost. This mechanism was improved and after deleting the tour activity, the tour stop stays further selected. Same applies for the addition of the new tour activity (ie. the tour stop is still kept selected after adding a new tour stop activity).

2021-08New feature79160
Shipment Builder
KNOWN ISSUE: Incorrect planning quantity on the (shipment builder based) transport order line when part-delivery is registered

Plan quantities are calculated incorrectly when part delivery is registered for shipmentbased transport orders. The issue is present regardless the base of thetransport order is a load line – WHS based shipment builder – or the order line/ order line chain – non-WHS based shipment builder. Furthermore, planquantities are wrongly determined both when the part delivery is registered onthe trade order line – Scheduled part delivery function – and when the partdelivery is registered on the transport leg or tour – Part delivery function.
Only thepart delivery functions are affected by the incorrect plan quantity calculationissue. At transport order creation and when processing the warehouse feedback,the plan quantities are calculated correctly.

2021-10Known issue86291
Driver App
'Distance/Time confirmed' flag in tour confirmation was sometimes not updated correctly from Driver app feedback for the last tour stop

When the driver confirms the last activity of the last tour stop, the processing in TAL should set the 'Distance/Time confirmed' flag on the last tour stop.

But if this tour stop had deleted/cancelled activities, then the "is this the last activity?" check failed (it should exclude the cancelled/deleted records but it did not). And this caused that the "Distance/Time confirmed" flag remained unset.
And depending on Transport parameters this might have prevented the tour from reaching Confirmed status.

The issue was corrected and 'Distance/Time confirmed' flag is now updated.

Driver App
''Departed' field on tour confirmation was sometimes not updated correctly from Driver app feedback

Sometimes the "Departed" field of a tour stop in Tour confirmation remains unchecked even when the driver has confimed the departure from that tour stop.

The bug happens because the system incorrectly thinks that the related "Drive" activity is arrival, not departure. And this happens because it doesn't exclude deleted/cancelled activities (which have sort code 9999) when it checks if the related Drive activity on the tour stop is the first or last Drive activity on the stop. (First Drive activity is arrival, last Drive activity is departure).

And this means that the "Departed" checkbox will remain unchecked (and Departed date&time is not updated).

Depending on Transport parameters this might prevent the tour from reaching Confirmed status.

Other / General
KNOWN ISSUE: Issues when using "One load/unload per tour stop" with orders that have address area information (Driver app and Truck loading app)

If transport orders have an address area information, and 'One load/unload per tour stop' mechanism is used, some issues might occur. Therefore 'One load/unload per tour stop' should not be used together with orders that have address areas until the issues are fixed.

1) Missing confirmation of tour orders:
- If transport order has address area in the load address, confirming grouped load/unload activities on depot stops (=other than transport order load/unload address) in the app will not result in order confirmation in D365
- Additionally for Truck loading app tours the same issue happens also when transport order load/unload address is Depot, if the order points to an address area in the depot.

2) Missing carrying resource information in the apps:
- If transport order has address area in the load/unload address, any load/unload activities on depot stops (=other than transport order load/unload address) will not show carrying resource information (carrying resource is shown as a separate "parent activity" or as a descriptive text in the load/unload activity, depending on D365 setup)

2021-10Known issue85133
Truck loading App
Issue when switching user account in Truck loading app

If user did logout from their current account and logged in with another account, the screen would sometimes start flickering and the login process would not complete without clearing app data.

Dispatching and confirmationin GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, the conflict analysis status (and icon) was automatically refreshed only when some conflict was detected on the transport leg load point2021-10Bug85084
Dispatching and confirmation
'No conflicts detected.' infolog was sometimes shown after 'Release for departure' process, even though the tour failed to be released (as some conflicts were detected)

The issue was corrected and the 'No conflict detected.' infolog is shown only when there are really no conflicts detected.

Driver App
Wrong order quantities in the mobile apps

In certain constellation, a wrong order quantity could have been sent sent to mobile apps. The issue was happening especially when following criteria were met:
- Transport order had some packages
- Carrying resource assignment was used
- Parameter 'One load/unload per tour stop' was activated

The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Field 'Block instruction activity updates' was not shown in 'Dispatch light - Tours' form when Mobile app license configuration keys were disabled

The issue was corrected and the field 'Block instruction activity updates' is now always shown in 'Dispatch light - Tours' form, regardless of the Mobile apps license configuration keys.

Truck loading App
Enhancements in showing work instructions in Mobile apps when orders are added/removed from tour (or when carrying resource assignment is changed)

Some minor issues can still be encountered in certain specific cases, these will be fixed in a future release.

2021-10New feature85051
Dispatching and confirmationLoading (and unloading) quantities were sometimes not shown in the tour stop tooltip on the GPB map screen 2021-10Bug85032
Customer order management and pricing
Driving distance values were sometimes differently calculated on the D365-embedded map (that can be launched from the 'Calculation transport costs' form)

The driving distance values were sometimes differently calculated on the D365-embedded map (that can be launched from the 'Calculation transport costs' form). The issue was corrected and the driving distance on the D365-embedded map should not have any major difference now anymore.

Please note: the issue was happening only on the D365-embedded map (for 'Calculation transport costs'), the standard driving time & distance calculation (as used for example in GPB screens or in dispatching module) was not anyhow affected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Printing of tour related reports was sometimes not possible in the GPB gantt screens

In certain constellations, the printing of tour reports was not possible in the GPB gantt screens, as the reports were generated correctly but the printing dialog was not automatically closed (hence the reports could not be processed/printed).

Printing of following reports was affected:
- Loading list
- Unloading list
- Way Bill
- Pallet docket

The issue was corrected.

Other / General
Data migration task - to populate new fields on transport order header & line

Data migration task for 84125.

Data migration task fills new fields:
- a new parameter 'Further packages expected' (on transport order header)
- a new field 'No. of future packages' (on transport order line)

on transport orders that not yet delivered/invoiced.

2021-10Data conversion84990
Shipment Builder
Allow the package confirmation even when not all packages are picked

Previously, for shipment based transport orders, a package confirmation could only happen if the entire tour order was fully picked. In case the tour order was not fully picked, then the package confirmation was blocked (and user was informed via infolog 'Tour order line XXX contains loads that are not fully picked.') This was not sufficient, as for example in mobile apps the loading confirmation should be allowed even before the tour order is fully picked. Hence the validation was adjusted.

2021-10New feature84981
Dispatching and confirmation
New work instruction direct entry option (on transport order, per load/unload address)

Two new work instruction related fields were added to the dialog for new transport order creation (and also to the transport order header), in tab Address:
- Work Instruction (Load)
- Work Instruction (Unload)

Fields can be used for direct specification of work instructions already during the transport order creation process. As both fields are physically creating the address related work instruction records (in the work instruction framework), they are also accessible in the dispatching (and in the mobile apps).

Additionally, all contact information of the transport order header is newly gathered into 'Contact' tab.

Dispatching and confirmationPreviously, on GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, it could happen that when launching conflict analysis for a single transport leg, conflicts of all legs were detected/reported2021-10Bug84955
Customer order management and pricing
Better initial focusing of the D365-embedded map on 'Calculation transport costs' form

The D365-embedded map (launched from 'Calculation transport costs' form) sometimes opened without focusing on the 'to be displayed' route (or was focused, but not exactly precisely). The focusing mechanism was improved.

2021-10New feature84937
Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, after the conflict analysis was performed, sometimes only the first selected transport leg was automatically refreshed2021-10New feature84925
Shipment Builder
Amount of periodic tasks in 'Release to warehouse' process (when launched as periodic task)

When using the periodic task 'Release to warehouse - Tour' from the CAPcargo Transport menu, the splitting logic '1 batch per tour Id' was previously used. The issue was corrected, the spitting logic is newly only used when 'Release to warehouse' is called directly via the dedicated menuitems (either from GPB or from 'Dispatching Light - Tours' form).

Compartment related data entities were renamed with more generic names

Two data entities were renamed, to better illustrate the data entity purpose:
- 'TAL Compartment capacity' was renamed to 'TAL Compartment/Address area capacity'
- 'TAL Compartments' was renamed to 'TAL Compartments/ Address areas'

2021-10New feature84835
Track & Trace status message were sometimes generated wrongly for failed pickup cases

The issue was especially happening for status messages of type Status425 ('Load/Unload package finished').

Truck loading App
De-coupling 'Send to apps' from 'Release to depot' & distinguish Truck loading app activation between load/unload

Like for driver app where we have a clear separation of 'Send to app' & 'Release for departure', we also have separated 'Send to Truck loading app' & 'Release to depot'.

By means of flags, these [separate] processes can be activated per tour stop. In order to automate, these parameters are pre-defined on master data 'depot' and 'route/zone' and then initialized by the priority first route/zone, then depot.

However, the process 'Send to Truck loading app' can only be activated if the process 'Release to depot' is activated. Vice versa not, 'Release to depot' can work without the app. Meaning, the depot releasing can happen independently of using the Truck loading app.

Therefore this data job ensures, that on the depot master table the configuration (where only the app flags are set, but not the 'Release to depot' flag) doesn't happen.

2021-10Data conversion84795
Driver AppProcessing of mobile apps change tracking was sometimes failing with reason 'An error occured during change tracking'2021-10Bug84775
Driver App
Wrong layouts in Mobile address area capacity

Address area activity (the activity tile itself has information which should be nicely shown on multiple lines) and during the development the layouts were shown wrong. The fixed layout it shows in new line, each info for the correspondent activity (capacity, kg, m3 etc.)

2021-10New feature84760
Dispatching and confirmation
Transport order could not be sometimes deleted from the tour

The issue was especially happening when a quantity split was existing for transport order (that was created from sales order with some bulk item). Such transport order could not be removed from tour (and user was wrongly informed that 'Order line XXX cannot be removed because this would cause a quantity split, which is not allowed for an order which is based on a shipment from the trade module'. The issue was corrected and such transport order can now be removed from the tour.

Other / General
Tariff surcharges labels in wrong German translation

In the tariff surcharges the 'from' and 'to' are using wrong labels.
It should be 'von' 'bis' and not 'startdatum' and 'nach'.

Truck loading App
UI improvement of the tour list (in Truck loading app)

Tour detail section (in the tour list in Truck loading app) newly shows tour end address for load tour and tour start address for unload tour. Previously, the addresses were switched.
Additionally, if route exists for the tour, it will be shown in front (before load/unload address).

2021-10New feature84713
Dispatching and confirmation
GST: the tooltip is not correctly shown, it is not respecting the opening hours

Incorrectness in GST screen respecting the customer wish, the opening hour should be respected regarding address information on each tour stop setup.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricingTariff surcharges that were calculated via 'Activity duration' calculation base were sometimes not calculated correctly (instead of multiplication based on activity duration, only the flat amount was applied)2021-10Bug84655
Shipment Builder'Release to warehouse' process from tour/transport leg could previously fail if new D365 credit management feature was activated2021-10Bug84647
Dispatching and confirmationFramework for generic custom columns was improved, to allow more reliable filtering in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen2021-10New feature84638
Customer order management and pricing
UI improvement on Transport order lines (reorganizing menuitems on the transport order line)

Two menuitems "Calculation overview" and "Work instructions" were moved from "Inquiries" group directly to the main view, so no extra click is needed:
- "Calculation overview" is now placed right after the "Remove"
- "Work instructions" is now placed right after "Calculation overview"

2021-10New feature84630
Several surcharge related data entities were renamed

Following data entities were renamed, to better illustrate the data entity content:
- 'TAL Surcharge group contract relation' -> 'TAL Tariff surcharges groups'
- 'TAL Surcharge contract relation' -> 'TAL Tariff surcharges (contract)'
- 'TAL Tariff surcharges (contract)' -> 'TAL Tariff surcharges within surcharge group'

2021-10New feature84615
Dispatching and confirmation'Max pickup attempts after failed pickup' parameterization on Contract/Version/Relation was sometimes not respected during failed pickup registration process2021-10Bug84607
Dispatching and confirmationBetter icon for electric vehicles, affects a resource visualization in GPB screen (minor cosmetic adjustment)2021-10New feature84602
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
NOT PRODUCTION RELEVANT: Cleaning new subcontractor order data (new table)

For the upcoming harmonization of the subcontractor orders a new table was already filled with data which is not needed in normal production. New in this release there is a parameter to switch on/off that generation of data for testing purpose (default OFF). Since these are not used anywhere in production they are cleaned by means of this data job. No risk, just cleaning up.

2021-10Data conversion84596
Customer order management and pricingTariff surcharges were previously not shown in the 'Tariff surcharges (contract)‘ section of the ‘Order calculation overview’ form2021-10Bug84583
Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, a filtering on custom generic fields was sometimes not working (when field was of type 'dropdown selection')2021-10Bug84529
Dispatching and confirmation
If order has packages and carrying resource assignment is done on order level, splitting the order line to multiple carrying resources is blocked

In TAL it's possible to split one tour order into multiple carrying resources. If carrying resource assignment is not done on package level (parameterization on Transport type), it is not possible to determine which package should go to which carrying resource. Hence the splitting such order line is blocked.

2021-10New feature84517
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB GSR and GST truck and trailer filters improvement during filtering

Truck and Trailers filters doesn't filter the correct data when checking both of them or separately. The issue is fixed and works good.

Customer order management and pricing
Two smaller enhancement of the 'Order controlling' form

Following enhancements were done on the 'Order controlling' form:
- 'Load name' & 'Unload name' dedicated filters now start to show the possible filtering values as the user types the characters
- Date information was removed from the 'Load name' & 'Unload name' grid columns (as dedicated columns exist for dates)

2021-10New feature84455
Customer order management and pricingOrder controlling' form was not automatically refreshed when the price calculation was performed2021-10Bug84451
Customer order management and pricingRemoval of the duplicated 'Save' menuitem in the 'Order controlling' form2021-10Bug84445
Customer order management and pricing
All three tariff units can be shown in the 'Order controlling' form

Previously, in the 'Order controlling' form, via form customization it was possible to add only Tariff unit 1.
Newly, it is possible to add also Tariff unit 2 & Tariff unit 3 (with their tariff quantities).

2021-10New feature84435
Customer order management and pricingOrder surcharges that were calculated via multiplication (ie. via 'Number' surcharge field) were showing wrong values in the 'Create/update multiple surcharges' overview form2021-10Bug84421
Dispatching and confirmationAdditional comma was sometimes shown in GPB 'Transport legs /-orders' screen (in 'Commodities' field) when the transport leg contained multiple order lines (and some had commodity specified and some not)2021-10Bug84417
Customer order management and pricing
Status term invoice was not always correctly initialized in the dialog for new transport order creation

In the dialog for creation of new transport order, there exists a simple mechanism, to ensure that 'Status term invoice' is properly initialized (as the field can be initialized from several sources, eg. from transport delivery terms, from customer account or from main transport parameters). In certain cases the 'Status term invoice' initialization mechanism was not performing correctly and was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport leg types improved: can be multiple & respects failed delivery/pickup better

The transport leg types (pickup, shuttle, distribution, direct) are used for filter purposes in several places. So far each leg was exactly 1 type. New is, that each leg can be multiple types, which is rather rare but can happen. Example: Order from depot X to depot Y is a shuttle, but also a direct leg. - Further the failed pickups and deliveries are better covered, meaning that for example for failed pickup the first and the second leg are of type pickup (first failed attempt, 2nd successful attempt).

2021-10New feature84359
Shipment Builder
''Release to warehouse' process is newly based on transport legs (previously was based on tour)

Previously, the 'Release to warehouse' periodic task was based on the tour level. This turned to be not optimal (and too rigid), hence the periodic task is newly based on the transport leg level.
The general logic works in the same way, the only difference is that system only considers tours that need to be released to warehouse (previously, this was not possible).

Following logic was implemented:
- Select all transport legs that need to be released to warehouse (SCM status = "Goods registered" or "Partially released to warehouse") which are in tours that meet the criteria regarding "Tour start +days" (this logic previously existed already)

2021-10New feature84331
Shipment Builder
Tour order was sometimes not confirmed when all packages were confirmed

Tour order was sometimes not confirmed when all packages were confirmed. The issue was happening only for tour orders (that belong to transport orders that were created from trade orders) and only when its packages did not contain license plate id. The issue was corrected and the tour orders are automatically confirmed when all packages are confirmed (and no more packages are expected). To better manage such cases:
- a new parameter 'Further packages expected' was introduced to transport order header
- a new field 'No. of future packages' was introduced to transport order line

Truck loading App
Push to Truck loading app only packages/order lines that are ready for loading

The logic (in D365) that sends information to the Truck loading app (at Release to depot or when an order gets added to a tour which is already released to a depot) needed to be enhanced, to push to app only the order lines/packages that are ready for loading (eg. are picked). The logic also properly handles different types of order (eg. Sales order, Purchase order etc).

2021-10New feature84123
Truck loading App
More order related information on loading/unloading detail page in mobile apps

Following information were added to Truck loading app and Driver app (to tour order line details, or to packages):
- Customer
- Transport unit Id + description
- Route Id and route description of the transport leg + Route of last leg (ie. delivery leg)
- All planning quantities + units
- Commodity (only on tour order line details)
- Barcodes
- Measurements/Dimensions

2021-10New feature84103
Support for PTV xServers 2.xx (initial release)

Previously, only PTV xServers 1.xx were supported. This task introduces the possibility to use PTV xServers 2.xx.

Following parameterization is needed:
- In Transport Parameters (in Geo service section), switch 'Geo service product' from 'PTV xServer [1.xx]' into 'PTV xServer [2.23]'.
- Then in 'xServer parameters' specify the paths to xServer 2.xx xLocate/xRoute/xMap/xTour services (incl. Token, if applicable)

Then all CAPcargo modules functionality will start using the PTV xServer 2.xx (eg. driving distance & time calculation, map visualization etc.), both in D365 and in GPB screens.

Please note:
- PTV xServer 2.xx interface should be used in productive applications only after detailed testing of the company processes (as the results from xServer 2.xx might slightly differ from the results of xServer 1.xx versions, due to different approach and coverage of the xServer 2.xx). Main processes of CAPcargo modules were tested with PTV xServer 2.23
- using PTV xServer 2.xx requires an installation of the PTV xServer 2.xx version, also new licensing.
- development of the xServer 2.xx interface will continue in next releases, due to wider coverage/features of xServer 2.xx versions

Functionality that is not working under PTV xServer 2.23:
- D365-embedded map (that can be launched from the 'Calculation transport costs' form) doesn't open. Please note: the issue happens only in D365-embedded map (that is used in calculation transport costs form); the map (that is used by GPB client) is not anyhow affected and works with xServer 2.23.

2021-10New feature84016
New data entity for 'Order origin codes'

New data entity was created, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Order origin codes

2021-10New feature84012
New data entities for administration of mobile apps parameters

Three new data entities were created, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Mobile app global parameters
- TAL Mobile app parameters
- TAL Return-order transport unit (Driver App)

Please note:
- Due to the security 'best practices', passwords for mobile apps middleware services & fileshare are not included in the 'TAL Mobile app global parameters' data entity.

2021-10New feature83996
New data entity for administration of TAL Surcharge groups

New data entity 'TAL Surcharge groups' was added to the system, it is now possible to import (or export) surcharge groups.

2021-10New feature83935
''TAL Rule collective invoice' data entity could previously fail to import

Importing via 'TAL Rule collective invoice' data entity sometimes previously failed with 'Unable to cast object of type 'Dynamics.AX.Application.CIRTRAInvoiceCollectionRule' to type 'Dynamics.AX.Application.CIRTRACollectionRule'.' error. The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Address name added to the Truck loading history form

New physical field 'Address name' was created in the truck loading history table, to store address name. Field can be used for filtering/searching. Previously, only address id was shown in the form.

Dispatching and confirmation
Several 'Work instructions' related enhancements were introduced

Following 'Work instruction' related enhancements were introduced:
- In GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, a new dedicated menuitem 'Work instruction's was added (previously, the Work instruction menuitem could be added only as generic custom menuitem)
- In GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, it was possible to create/edit/delete work instructions. This was disabled, as it is not supported to have work instructions on the transport leg level
- In 'Dispatch light - Tours' form, a new dedicated menuitems 'Work instructions' was added both to action pane & tour stops
- To prevent work instructions duplication on the tour stops, a new validation was introduced to work instructions templates (on Transport address), to ensure that work instructions can be activated for 'Add to tour stop' only when other 'Add to..' parameters are not activated.

2021-10New feature83588
Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, product descriptions were sometimes not corresponding to the content of the transport order line2021-10Bug83371
Dispatching and confirmationWhen 'Complete tour execution' was launched as a periodic task (in some batch group), then the batch group was not inherited to all periodic child tasks2021-10Bug83282
Master data
Impossibility to cancel/skip the address geo-coding validation process

During the address creation, it can happen that entered address data cannot be validated against PTV map component, as only similar address is found. In that case the user is informed via 'The map cannot accurately geo-code the required address...' dialog, with 'Yes', 'No' and 'Cancel' options. The issue was that the 'Cancel' option didn't previously work correctly and instead of cancelling the geo-coding/validation, it only re-opened the dialog again. The issue was corrected and 'Cancel' now really cancels the geo-coding/validation process (and keeps the entered address details).

Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of the conflict status on tour (red/green), in both GPB gantt screens

Depending on the process button configuration of the process 'Tour release for departure', the conflict status of the tour got lost after the process got executed, meaning it showed "grey" (status unknown), even though the conflicts might have been just analysed before within the same process, and therefore the tour should show red/green in GPB.
This was fixed by correcting the following: At the end of the tour release process, the system re-calculated all scheduling again which reset the conflict status. This rescheduling is not needed anymore, since scheduling happens in real time at all necessary events. Hence that re-scheduling is skipped now and should also improve the performance.

Dispatching and confirmationConflict140 'Resource - Capacity-resource leaving tour stop without load/order' was sometimes detected in conflict management even when it should not2021-10Bug83007
Truck loading App
Improved online check for 'Loading completed' & 'Unloading completed' truck loading app activities

Truck loading app tours have an activity 'Loading completed' & 'Unloading completed'. When the user swipes these activities, the app newly makes a real time check against D365, to make sure that everything is ok and the loading/unloading can be finished.
Previously, the online check was very simple (and swiping of both activities was possible in the truck loading app, as far as D365 was reachable).

2021-10New feature82992
Driver App
Driver app: Clean up Driver app data in D365 (and in middleware)

Previously, it was possible to delete historical mobile app tours data only manually. Now, the deletion of historical data is possible also via periodic tasks.

Following 'clean-up' periodic tasks were added:
- 'Clean up Mobile app tours'
- 'Clean up Mobile app messages'

Via both periodic 'clean-up' tasks, it is possible to remove historical data (eg. mobile app tours, messages, attachments sent to mobile apps, even the tours from mobile apps etc.), if they are not needed anymore. In case of attachments, only the attachments related to mobile app tours (that are being removed) are physically removed from the file share; the attachments that are attached in TAL (eg. in tour confirmation, as received from mobile apps) - these are not removed.
It is possible to use the 'clean-up' periodic tasks also without calling the middleware cleanup (by writing a small customization) - to better support the projects who don't use the CAPcargo mobile apps.

2021-10New feature82953
Truck loading App
Possibility to use 'Release to depot' process also without Truck loading app (and allow more detailed depot activation for truck loading app processes)

Previously, it was possible to use 'Release to depot' process only in combination with Truck loading app (as there was just one activation parameter 'Truck loading app' on the depot, which actually enabled the depot also for 'Release to depot' process).

This was enhanced, newly it is possible to use 'Release to depot' process also without Truck loading app. This was achieved by re-working of the depot parameters, now both processes have dedicated activation parameters on the TMS depot and it is also possible to manage truck loading app in more detailed way (ie. activate depot for truck loading app only for loading, or only for unloading, or for both).

Key characteristics:
- new parameters on Depot ('Truck Loading App (Loading), 'Truck Loading App (Unloading), 'Release to depot')
- same new parameters on Route ('Truck Loading App (Loading), 'Truck Loading App (Unloading))
- same new parameters on tour stop ('Truck Loading App (Loading), 'Truck Loading App (Unloading))

The priority of parameterization is:
- tour stop -> route -> depot (so parameterization on tour stop has the highest priority)

Please note:
- While it is now possible to parameterize the depot for 'Release to depot' without Truck loading app, the opposite setup is not supported (ie. the depot can be activated for Truck loading app only when it is also activated for 'Release to depot' process).
- The new parameters on the tour stop can be effectively managed (ie. changed) only in the GPB.

2021-10New feature82808
Dispatching and confirmation
Transport leg (created via failed delivery process) newly inherits the carrying resource assignment of the original transport leg

Previously, transport leg (that was created via failed delivery process) was never assigned to carrying resource, even though the original transport leg was. This mechanism was improved, the transport leg (created via failed delivery process) now newly inherits the carrying resource assignment (ie. vehicle & compartment) from the original transport leg, in case the original transport legs was assigned to some carrying resource.

2021-10New feature82476
Truck loading App
Visualize compartment of carrying resource on the load/unload activities in the Truck loading app

Depending on 'Group per carrying resource' instruction activity rule, the compartments of the carrying resources are shown either as separate parent activities, or as text in the Load/Unload activities.

2021-10New feature82232
New 'Track and Trace' related data entities

Following new data entities were added, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Status message criteria
- TAL Status message criteria line
- TAL Status message setup
- TAL Message groups
- TAL Integration message groups
- TAL Status message template
- TAL Status message template lines

2021-10New feature81765
Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases it was not possible to plan transport order into new new tour, via 'drag and drop' in the GPB

Planning of the order/transport leg into new tour (via 'drag and drop' from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen onto 'Resource Dispatching' screen) previously sometimes failed with error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'. The issue was happening especially for transport orders with no transport quantity (ie. with zero transport quantity). The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict 405 'Process - Tour line with zero duration' was adjusted to check only PLANNED values (and renamed)

Conflict 405 'Process - Tour line with zero duration' used to validate if a tour has no planned or confirmed 0 duration activities/driving times. As there is no big added values in providing a conflict on confirmed values (ie. warning the dispatcher that there have been 0 times confirmed), therefore the conflict was adjusted to only have PLANNED 0 times validated. To better illustrate its adjusted purpose, the conflict was also renamed to 'Process - Tour stop with 0 planned duration time'.

2021-10New feature81171
Driver App
Logic for showing transport order work instructions in driver app was enhanced, to better cover the failed pickup cases

Previously, the transport order work instructions (that are address related) were shown in the driver app only on first tour stop (for loading) and last tour stop (for unloading). This was not sufficient for some business cases, for example for failed pick-up case (where truck is returning to address later and thus loading does not happen on the very first tour stop of the order).
The 'first' and 'last' condition was re-worked, so that transport order work instructions (that are address related) are newly shown in the driver app also for the 'not first' & 'not last' tour stops (as far as the address & loading activity matches).

2021-10New feature80995
Driver App
Introduce an update mechanism of transport order work instructions in the mobile apps

Previously, transport order work instructions were handled only when new tour was released and sent to Driver app.
This task introduces an automated update process of transport order work instructions to mobile apps.
Following processes are covered (the list is not complete, rather for illustration):
- when new order is added to the tour (or previously planned order is removed from tour), while tour was already submitted to mobile apps
- when transport order instructions are changed in TAL
- when tour stops are merged (or split)
- etc.

2021-10New feature80873
Driver App
New feature: Driver App enhancements on address area capacity

In this feature the following setup was added:
- new activity that lists the address area capacities of all address areas of the tour stop
- show the address area capacity directly on the address area activity.

2021-10New feature80705
Driver App
New feature: Visualization of carrying resources and address areas in the CAPcargo Driver app

Currently, address area information is already shown in the CAPcargo Driver app, but only if an instruction activity "Scan barcode (address area)" is used. With this feature we will always visualize the activities according to address area.

Address area and carrying resource information is now always exported to Driver app and displayed to the driver, whenever such information is available in D365. Carrying resource information is displayed either as separate parent activities, or as a text in the load/unload activities.

This design covers:
-visualization of carrying resources and address areas in Driver app
- confirmation of Mobile app activities that are related to carrying resource assignment records.

2021-10New feature80250
Dispatching and confirmationNew button 'Clear route/cost variations' was introduced to GPB Map screen, it is now possible to remove pushed 'Route/cost optimization variations' visualization from the map2021-10New feature28233
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: Opening tour stop address in Google Maps in driver app doesn't work in Android 11

In the driver app (that is installed on the device that is running on Android 11), if the user tries to click the arrow icon on the tour stop, message "Can't open Google Maps!" is displayed and map is not opened.

2021-11Known issue86698
Dispatching and confirmation
[Fixed in 10.0-CAP22.1] Manual creation of a new empty tour via dedicated menuitems was failing in TMS release 10.0-CAP22.0 with error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

The issue was affecting both TAL 'Dispatch light - Tours' form and GPB gantt screens and is corrected in TMS release 10.0-CAP22.1

Shipment Builder
KNOWN ISSUE: Incorrect planning quantity on the (shipment builder based) transport order line when part-delivery is registered

Plan quantities are calculated incorrectly when part delivery is registered for shipmentbased transport orders. The issue is present regardless the base of thetransport order is a load line – WHS based shipment builder – or the order line/ order line chain – non-WHS based shipment builder. Furthermore, planquantities are wrongly determined both when the part delivery is registered onthe trade order line – Scheduled part delivery function – and when the partdelivery is registered on the transport leg or tour – Part delivery function.
Only thepart delivery functions are affected by the incorrect plan quantity calculationissue. At transport order creation and when processing the warehouse feedback,the plan quantities are calculated correctly.

2021-11Known issue86291
Other / GeneralClosing Edge browser windows (launched by GPB client) didn't previously released all used memory (could lead to excessive RAM memory usage)2021-11Bug86263
Truck loading App
Transport order/line was sometimes submitted to truck loading app even when it should not be

In certain complex scenarios, it could happen that transport order/line without carrying resource assignment (which is planned in the tour that has some other order/line already assigned to carrying resource) was still submitted to truck loading app. The issue was happening especially when carrying resource assignment was done on the package level (and in certain combinations of order/lines, package assignment & 'not assignment'). The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Automatic refresh of GPB gantt screens, when tour was created via 'drag & drop'

Previously it could happen that when creating tours via 'drag & drop' (either from GPB 'Transport legs /-orders' screen, or from GPB Map screen), then the GPB gantt screen was not automatically refreshed (and new tours were appearing only after manual refresh). This was enhanced and GPB gantt screen is now refreshed automatically after 'drag & drop' action.

2021-11New feature86236
Driver App
Better driver app coverage of transport orders that have order lines with & without packages

Previously, when one transport order contained some order lines with packages and some order lines without packages, the resulting driver app tour was incomplete (ie. contained only details related to order lines with packages). This was enhanced, system now can handle such cases (and resulting driver app tour contains also details for order lines without packages).

2021-11New feature86234
Driver App'Must scan package barcode' parameter was not respected when new packages were added to a tour that has already been sent to mobile apps2021-11Bug86232
Driver App
Unresponsiveness of mobile apps when internet connection was lost

Two issues were identified, that could cause mobile app to become unresponsive (and stuck):
- 'grey screen' - when middleware was not reachable (eg. internet connection is not available, or middleware is temporarily stopped), the mobile apps could stuck in grey screen.
- unable to log in - even when correct credentials were re-entered

Both issues did occur if the mobile app (where user was successfully logged in earlier) was launched again when connection to middleware or internet is not available.

Both issues were corrected and both mobile apps now automatically recover (and continue) as soon as the internet connection is available.

Driver AppPartial carrying resource assignment (ie. when some packages are assigned to carrying resource but not all) could previously lead to a problematic situation in the driver app, where some packages could not be scanned2021-11Bug86211
Dispatching and confirmation'Set tour status back to Dispatching' menuitem was sometimes not working correctly in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen2021-11Bug86132
Dispatching and confirmation
'Tour report' sometimes failed to generate in GPB and users only got 'Report is empty' error feedback

The issue was happening only GPB gantt screens and only in certain special constellations.

Driver AppPush notifications (eg. instant messages and notification about new/updated/cancelled tours) sometimes didn't immediately work for newly added mobile app users (or when existing mobile users are removed & re-added)2021-11Bug86124
Dispatching and confirmation
Several issues when creating a new tour via 'drag & drop' (+CTRL key) in GPB

Process of planning transport legs via 'drag & drop' (from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen or from GPB Map screen) into new tour (in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' or 'Resource Dispatching') was sometimes not working correctly. The issues were happening only when following constellation occurred:
- Several transport leg were multi-selected by user
- User was using the advanced method (ie. when holding CTRL key during the 'drag & drop' action).

Then users could experience following wrong behaviour:
- several browser windows were opened (ie. each browser window for each selected transport leg), which resulted into incomplete tours
- tour was created with wrong tour start date
- resources were not allocated properly

All issues were corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
In GPB, the 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' sometimes did not plan all pre-filtered routes/transport legs

The issue was happening only in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen; feature was working correctly in the TAL 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form.

Driver App
Sending an instant message to driver previously sometimes failed

The issue was especially happening when tour was also submitted to truck loading app.

Dispatching and confirmation
When both 'Vehicle group' and 'Driver group' filters were applied at the same time in the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen, the result was previously not entirely reliable

Dispatching and confirmationIn 'Route/cost optimization', the variations (which were generated from some template) were sometimes not shown in the form2021-11Bug86058
Driver AppExcessive showing of infolog 'Please check Driver app storage settings in Driver app parameters!' after trying to send tours to driver app2021-11Bug86013
Customer order management and pricing
'Order controlling' form failed to open when license configuration for 'Shipment builder (based on WHSLoadLine)' was deactivated

The issue was corrected and 'Order controlling' form is now independent to license configuration for 'Shipment builder (based on WHSLoadLine)' setup. Only individual (shipment builder related) form elements are now supressed (eg. 'Trade orders' field), when the shipment builder is not activated via licence configuration.

Dispatching and confirmation
New 'Driver group' default filter specification on the D365 worker

In GPB gantt screens (and in the GPB Resources screen), the driver group filter can be now initialized from the D365 worker/user.

Key characteristic:
- New default filter 'Driver group' was introduced to new field group 'Resources/Resource Dispatching/Tour Dispatching' in the 'Filter Initialization Dispatching' section on the Worker (tab CAPcargo Transport). Several default driver groups can be specified, separated by "," (comma). These default driver groups are then initialized for the worker/user in the GPB screens
- Previously existing default filter 'Vehicle group' was moved to new field group 'Resources/Resource Dispatching/Tour Dispatching'

2021-11New feature85946
Dispatching and confirmation
Better support for GPB client, when multiple users/instances were launched from one physical GPB client installation

Since the introduction of the Edge browser and Webview2 components in GPB in 10.0-CAP20.0 release, projects who are accessing one common central GPB installation via a shared network drive (and/or RemoteApp) experienced white screens as soon as a second user tried to open the GPB application browser windows. The reason for that was that the browser cache was not handling multi simultaneous users correctly. This has been mitigated.
Each user now has a local cache folder per the environment variables, for example: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\GPBWebView2Cache\.

2021-11New feature85935
Driver App
Driver app tour was not cancelled if driver was removed from the tour

The issue was only happening when mobile app 'Change tracking mode' was set to 'Asynchronous'. The issue was corrected and driver app tour is now cancelled after removal of driver from the tour even when asynchronous change tracking mode is used.

Other / General
Data migration task - to recalculate tour activities to fix possible wrong data in resource assignment end date & time

Data migration task for 85725.

The data job will recalculate the tour activities and resource leg start/end times on all tours that are not in status "Done".
In test systems there can be a large number of such tours, some of them can be many years old.

A large number of open tours means that the job can take a long time to execute.
It's also possible that test systems have some bad/broken data, which can result in errors in the data migration job Infolog. But those errors can be ignored - the job doesn't break any data, the scheduling can just fail if the test system has old tours which already have some data issue.

In production systems, no infolog errors are expected.

2021-11Data conversion85892
Driver App
Replace Microsoft authentication library

Authentication with Microsoft services uses now the new MSAL library - previously used ADAL will be deprecated 30.06.2022. This change has no functional impact.

Microsoft authentication is used in two processes:
- Mobile app middleware integration with D365
- App user "Microsoft" login (Driver app and Truck loading app)

2021-11New feature85871
Removal of unused elements in the 'TAL Contract relation' data entity

Following elements were removed from the TALContractRelationStaging table, as they are not used in this data entity:
- field 'Location_LocationId'
- field 'LogisticsPostalAddress_ValidFrom'
- relation 'Location'

Dispatching and confirmation
Customer wished dates (for loading/unloading) were sometimes not actualized on the transport legs, after the dates were changed via 'Change date/time' menuitems on the transport order

The issue was happening when only 'Load date to' or only 'Unload date to' were changed in the 'Change date/time' dialogs.

Driver App
Update mobile app with customer wish date changes

When customer wished loading/unloading dates are updated on the transport order, the impacted Mobile app tours are now re-sent automatically to provide up-to-date information in the app to the user.

2021-11New feature85761
Dispatching and confirmation
Carrying resource menuitem naming & helptext was adjusted

Following small GUI improvements were done to carrying resource menuitems, both in GPB gantt screens & TAL 'Dispatch light - Tours' form.

In GPB gantt screens:
- 'Carrying resource' menuitem was renamed to 'Auto assign carrying resource', new helptext was added

In TAL 'Dispatch light - Tours' form (in 'Only for internal purpose' action pane section):
- 'Assign carrying resource' menuitem was renamed to 'Auto assign carrying resource', new helptext was added

2021-11New feature85758
Driver App
Simplifying the visualization of carrying resources in the CAPcargo Driver app

When both following conditions are met then the carrying resource information is not anymore shown in driver app (in the Load/Unload activity (in AdditionalInfo2 field)):
- Tour has only one carrying resource with capacity
- No compartments are used in carrying resource assignments on this tour

As in above case, the displaying of carrying information doesn't bring any additional information value and thus was supressed.

In other cases (ie. if more carrying resources with capacity exist on the tour, or if compartments are used), then the carrying resource information is shown in every load/unload activity.

This change impacts only the carrying resource information that is written in the Load/Unload activity. It doesn't impact the "Group per carrying resource" tree structure (where the vehicle is a parent activity of load/unload activities).

2021-11New feature85756
Dispatching and confirmation
Improve visibility of preferred route types on map

Several enhancements were done in the visualization of the preferred routes in the map (in 'Calculation transport costs' feature):
- A colouring was added to the preferred route visualization (on the map). Each supported preferred route type is newly visualized in different colour in the map:
- BK1 preferred route - in light green
- BK2 preferred route - in dark green
- BK3 preferred route - in red
all other (not supported) preferred route types are displayed in blue colour.

- Colouring agenda was also added to the map control section (where each preferred route type can be activated/deactivated)
- Calculated route is now a bit thinner on the map, to better see on which preferred route type is the calculated route happening

2021-11New feature85735
Dispatching and confirmation
Some resources were not shown in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen

The issue was happening when resource did not have any vehicle capacity defined. The issue was corrected, the vehicle capacity criteria is now taken into account only when transport type filter is applied.

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong durations of the resource legs in the GPB gantt screens (in level 2)

Previously, it could happen that the end date & time of resource assignment was not calculated correctly after certain dispatching actions. The issue was especially happening when transport order was planned via 'Dispatch directly to new tour' process. The issue was corrected.

Customer invoicingTechnical enhancement to better support project specific custom developments, in the area of transport order reversal posting posting2021-11New feature85709
New data entity: TAL UN-Number

New data entity 'TAL UN-Number' was added to the system, it is now possible to export/import TMS UN numbers from/to D365.

2021-11New feature85664
Customer order management and pricing
Work instruction 'fast entry' fields on transport order header are now enabled for editing even when order is in status Plannable/Dispatched/Delivered

Previously, the 'Work instruction (Load)' & 'Work instruction (Unload)' fields on transport order were enabled for editing only when transport order was in status 'Registered'. This was enhanced and both 'fast entry' work instruction fields are now enabled also when the transport order is in dispatching (until transport order is invoice).

2021-11New feature85655
Truck loading App
Updated "Mobile app depot" was not always exported to the middleware

When a depot was enabled/disabled for Truck loading app, a related entry in Mobile app depot was created/updated. Above described mechanism didn't work 100% reliably, as sometimes the updated version was not sent to the Mobile app middleware. Now this issue is fixed.

Driver App
Several issues in resource data showing in the mobile apps

Following issues were corrected in resource data showing in the mobile apps:
- If order was originally not assigned to carrying resource, then split to many carrying resources after being sent to Driver app, the activities were previously not created correctly.
- Compartment info was sometimes not shown in the truck loading app (in tour stop activities).
- Carrying resource info was sometimes not shown in the Additional info 2 (in tour stop activities).
- Quantities from other resource (eg. trailer) were sometimes shown in truck loading app, where only current resource quantities (eg. truck) should be shown.

Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicated resources in the 'drag & drop' info tooltip (when assigning resources from GPB Resource screen into GPB gantt screens)

Previously, in certain constellation it could happen that when assigning resources from GPB Resource screen into GPB gantt screens (via 'drag & drop') then in the tooltip info (where all 'to be assigned' resources are shown) were some resources duplicated. The issue was especially happening when some resource combinations were used (but was happening only in the tooltip info display; the effectively planned resources were not duplicated on the tour, thus the duplicated resource planning did not occurred).

Dispatching and confirmation
Tour filtering via truck loading app status 'Open' was not working correctly

In certain constellation, it was possible that when filtering the tours (in GPB gantt screens) via truck loading app status 'Open', then the resulting tour overview was not reliable (ie. some tours were shown even though they were not to be handled in truck loading app). The issue was corrected.

Truck loading App
Depot could get deactivated for 'Release to depot' but still kept enabled for Truck loading app

It was previously possible to deactivate the depot for 'Release to depot' while have it still activated for some Truck loading app process. Such parameterization is not supported and the previously existing validation was enhanced, to prevent it.

General rules are:
- It is possible to parameterize the depot for 'Release to depot' without Truck loading app
- the depot can be activated for Truck loading app only when it is also activated for 'Release to depot' process.

Truck loading App
User can't partially disable a depot for Truck loading app (for loading or unloading) if there are some unfinished truck loading app tours against this depot

Previously, when user tried to disable depot for example for loading in truck loading app (while still having it enabled for unloading in truck loading app), it was not possible as system failed with validation 'Can't disable Truck Loading App on depot while ongoing Truck Loading App tours exist. Please finish all Truck Loading App tours and try again.'. The validation itself is correct, but should be triggered only when user tries to disable the last truck loading app activation parameter on the depot.

Dispatching and confirmation
In GPB gantt screens, transport order could not be sometimes deleted from the tour

The issue was especially happening when a quantity split was existing for transport order (that was created from sales order with some bulk item). Such transport order could not be removed from tour in GPB (and user was wrongly informed that 'Order line XXX cannot be removed because this would cause a quantity split, which is not allowed for an order which is based on a shipment from the trade module'. The issue was previously already corrected for TAL forms, is now also corrected for GPB (and such transport order can now be removed from the tour also in GPB gantt screens).

Shipment Builder
'Release to warehouse' periodic function stopped upon encountering first order that could not be released to warehouse

In case the tour has a single order that blocks the 'Release to warehouse' process (e.g. credit limit block or not enough stock) then the tour is not released to warehouse. Which is in general correct & expected.
The issue was that when the 'Release to warehouse' was launched as a scheduled periodic task (via batch tasks), then the whole batch process was set to 'Error' status and therefore did not process any further tours. Such behaviour is not expected and was corrected in this task.
Newly, the elements that cannot be released to warehouse are just skipped and the batch task continues with the next 'Release to warehouse' process (ie. either tour stop or transport leg, depending on the load building scope).

As a consequence, 'Release to warehouse' batch task goes into 'Error' only in case some really unexpected error is encountered.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB client sometimes crashed after re-opening GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen for the second time

In certain data constellation it could happen that further reopening of GPB gantt screens was not possible and GPB client just crashed. This was encountered especially on the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen, but could theoretically happen also on the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen. The issue was corrected.

Shipment Builder
If the 'Flexible volume dimensions' parameter is activated on the container type, then the shipment lot quantity weight & volume was calculated incorrectly (which lead also to wrong planning unit values on the transport order line).

Driver AppWork instruction attachments are newly shown in the Activity details screen instead of Tour stop details screen (previously the attachments were shown in tour stop details screen)2021-11New feature85477
Driver AppWork instructions (that were added to transport order after the order was transmitted to driver app) couldn't sometimes be confirmed in the driver app2021-11Bug85473
Other / General
Data migration task - to fill the new internal field on the tour

Data migration task for 86127.

Data migration task fills the new internal field on the tour, to store the highest allocated tour line id on the tour.

2021-11Data conversion85465
Driver App
Barcode scanning code library had to be replaced, as the previously used one is deprecated

This task refers to replacing the old barcode scanning functionalities, for both Driver and Truck loading apps. All the places that are using scanning were covered, e.g. :
- Scanning of middleware URL
- Tour stop details screen (where core barcode scanning process is performed)
- Return order (planned & unplanned) with packages

2021-11New feature85449
Driver App
Default return address for direct delivery from tour stop transport address was sometimes not available when creating an unplanned return order in driver app

The issue was especially happening when 'Default return address initialization' parameter in mobile app parameters was set to any other value than to 'Return address for failed direct delivery'. The issue was corrected and default return address for direct delivery from tour stop transport address is now always available when creating an unplanned return order in driver app, regardless of the 'Default return address initialization' parameter.

Driver App
Several driver app tour activities with the same sequence number

Via certain parameterization of 'Instruction activity rules' it was previously possible to achieve a duplicity in the numbering of mobile app activities (where several driver app tour activities were shown with the same sequence number). The issue was corrected and duplicity is prevented now.

Customer order management and pricingWhen importing documents to transport order (that has some status invoice document rule of requiring document to fulfil invoicing criteria), then order invoice status was not updated properly2021-11Bug85422
Dispatching and confirmation
Sequence of tour stops sometimes could not be changed in the GPB gantt screens

Changing a tour stop sequence (via 'drag & drop' of tour stops in the GPB gantt screens) sometimes failed with an error infolog 'Tour line moving at that position not possible!'. The issue was corrected and infolog is populated only when the 'dropping' action would lead to inconsistent data (eg. when dropping unload stop before load stop etc.).

Dispatching and confirmationIn certain data constellations, 'Merge all tour lines' dispatcher action didn't merge all tour stops2021-11Bug85411
Other / General
Fix compiler errors with D365 10.0.23 version

New compiler checks were introduced in Microsoft update 10.0.23, and we needed to make adjustments to solve the errors.

2021-11New feature85406
Dispatching and confirmation
Adjustment of the validation of tour start change (by drag & drop of the whole tour in both GPB gantt screens)

Mechanism for adjusting the tour start (by drag & drop of the whole tour in both GPB gantt screens) was enhanced, to better cover the scenarios where projects customized the visualization identification of the tour (eg. showing tour id & route id, instead of plain tour id).

2021-11New feature85359
New data entity 'TAL Tour activity detail'

New data entity 'TAL Tour activity detail' was added to the system, it is now possible to export activity details of the tour confirmation from D365 (the data entity is allowed only for exporting).

2021-11New feature85357
Driver App
When carrying resource assignment was done on the package level, then the package barcode scanning was not possible in the mobile apps

The barcode scanning in the mobile apps previously failed in the validation, where scanned barcodes are verified against D365 backend. The issue was corrected and the package barcodes are now validated correctly against D365 backend even when carrying resource assignment is done on the package level.

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Under certain constellation, the tariff quantity on the transport leg sub-contracting order (LTL) could get removed by the system

The issue was especially happening when 'Useconfirmed quantity' feature was used on the transport leg sub-contracting order (LTL), but thecontract/version/relation parameterization (to use the confirmed quantity) wasnot set up, or when not all required order elements were confirmed. Then,instead of preserving the existing tariff quantity, the system did reset the tariffquantity to zero. The issue was corrected, the tariff quantity is now updatedby confirmation values only when it really should & can.

Driver AppMobile apps were not updated, when the order was re-planned into a different tour (by drag & drop action in the GPB gantt screens)2021-11Bug85246
Driver AppWhen work instruction is removed from mobile app tour, related attachment(s) are now also removed2021-11New feature85232
Dispatching and confirmation
Address area information was sometimes not available in the dispatching module

During failed pickup retry (or during failed delivery planning) the address area information were sometimes not taken into account on the loading/unloading leg points/tour stops. Issue was caused by a code imperfection, where system was able to correctly fetch address area information only on the transport leg points that were related to 'very first' loading (or 'very last' unloading). Which, especially for failed pickup & failed delivery, was quite often not the case. For example in the failed pickup scenario, the effective loading of goods mostly doesn't happen on the very first transport leg loading point (as there the failed pickup is registered), but on second/third loading leg point. And there the address area information was not previously available. The issue was affecting also several conflicts that are testing the address area (resulting either into 'too few', or 'too many' conflicts). The issue was corrected and address area information is available also for transport leg points that are not 'very first' (or 'very last'), as far as the transport leg address is matching either the original load (or unload) address of the transport order.

Shipment Builder
Changing the scope of infolog, when re-planning a shipment based transport leg (from one tour to another tour)

When re-planning a shipment based transport leg (from one tour to another tour), the infolog 'Transport leg XXX was removed from tour YYY despite it already had a warehouse work" was previously shown per shipment lot, which could cause several infolog duplicities. The infolog logic was adjusted and infolog is newly shown per each transport leg only.

2021-11New feature85204
Driver App
Attachment icon and filter icon were sometimes overlapped by the tour stop title, in the mobile app

If the tour stop title (vehicle/trailer name for truck loading app app, address name for driver app) is long enough it could previously overlap the icons for attachments and filters.
The design of the tour stop title was altered, to avoid such overlap even for longer titles.

2021-11New feature85199
Truck loading App
Enhance confirmation in case where order line is split into many carrying resources in Truck loading app depot

In case the truck loading app tour has order lines that are split into multiple carrying resources, a special confirmation logic had to be introduced, to ensure that order line is confirmed with correct quantity. System basically waits until all load/unload confirmations from the truck loading app are received, then the total quantity of the order line can be calculated (by summing up the confirmed quantities from each carrying resource), and only then the order line is confirmed.

2021-11New feature85185
Dispatching and confirmation
Several issues were corrected in the area of cleaning type determination

Following issues were corrected, in the 'Add cleaning activity' dialog:
- some cleaning activity suggestions were sometimes duplicated in the dialog
- in some cases the cleaning activity suggestion was not generated for the truck
- load address was missing in the dialog, hence cleaning activity could not be generated

Truck loading App
Better work instruction change tracking for mobile app when transport order (that is loaded/unloaded in the truck loading app enabled depot) is changed

Follower of the enhancement 85051 (delivered in TMS release 10.0-CAP21.0).

Following work instruction related business cases are now better covered:
- when moving transport orders from one carrying resource to another in Truck loading app
- more reliable handling of cases where one depot is enabled only for one truck loading app flow (eg. either only for 'loading' or only for 'unloading')

2021-11New feature85138
Dispatching and confirmation
"Generate tour out of route" dialog has been replaced with a new dialog

In order to enhance the usability, the "Generate tour out of route" dialog has been replaced with a new one.

Any customizations / extensions to the existing dialog (CIRTRARouteTour) must be reimplemented with the new one (TALRouteTour).

2021-11New feature85086
Dispatching and confirmation
Ignored selected routes (in 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' dialog, in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

When the 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' was used, tours should have been created/updated depending of which routes were selected in the dialog. The issue was that the selection of route (that was done in the dialog) was ignored and whole original transport leg scope was used. The issue was only happening when 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' was manually called from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen. The issue was corrected and the route selection (that is done in the dialog) is now respected.

Customer order management and pricing
Unable to attach documents to transport order once it is invoiced

Previously, in TMS AX 2012, it was possible to attach documents to transport order even when it was invoiced. This functionality was later lost, during the upporting the TMS module into D365. This task restores the functionality.

Customer order management and pricing
Periodic tasks 'Contract finding transport order' sometimes failed with an error

Periodic tasks 'Contract finding transport order' sometimes failed with an error 'Cannot edit a record in Transport orders (CIRTRASalesTable). Your changes to this table were not saved because another user also changed the table. Click Restore on the Command menu to update the table, and then enter your changes again.'
The issue was especially happening when 'Reset contract for all order' parameter was activated in the properties of the 'Contract finding transport order' periodic task. The issue was corrected.

Customer order management and pricing
Unexpected client crash when re-opening the D365-embedded map (that is used for 'Calculation transport costs' visualization)

D365 browser window could sometime crash, when user opened the D365-embedded map (that is used for 'Calculation transport costs' visualization). The issue was especially happening when the D365-embedded map was opened and closed several times during the same session.

Please note:
- the issue was related only to D365-embedded map (that is used for 'Calculation transport costs' visualization); the standard GPB Map was not affected.

Driver App
Mobile app "One load/unload per tour stop" parameterization can now be used even for orders that have address area information

Enhancement related to known issue 85133 of release 10.0-CAP21.0.

Following points were corrected:
- Missing confirmation of tour orders
- Missing carrying resource information in the apps

Mobile app parameterization for "One load/unload per tour stop" can now be used even for orders that have address area information.

2021-11New feature85017
Driver AppWhen carrying resource was assigned on the package level (and not all packages were assigned to the same carrying resource), then the load/unload activity for packages showed sometimes wrong quantity in the mobile apps2021-11Bug85015
Customer invoicing'Create and post invoice batch' was previously not working when some customer transport group rule was applied2021-11Bug84973
New feature: introducing feature layers in the GPB Map

For PTV xServer there are several additional data available next to the 'usual' map data.
These are called the 'Feature layers'. In this release we have introduced two new feature layers:
- Preferred routes - further described in task 83609
- Truck attributes - these represent the route limitations (eg. truck weight/height limits etc.)

Visualization of feature layers can be activated/deactivated directly in the GPB Map screen (in the bottom part of map control panel).

2021-11Dispatching & confirmation84971
Shipment Builder
Enabling process of partial release to warehouse

Previously, when 'Release to warehouse' process was used, either whole quantity of respective item was released to warehouse (ie. when all conditions of 'Release to warehouse' were fulfilled) or the item was not released at all (eg. when some quantity was not available).

This task introduces a process of partial release to warehouse, where those elements (that can be released to warehouse) are released, and the rest is not released. The elements that were not released to warehouse can then be processed either via 'Load line split' process (in Goods management form) or via 'Remove not picked shipment lots' (in TAL shipment form) or they can be released later.

Partial release to warehouse is done via same 'Release to warehouse' menuitems (and scheduled tasks), if activated via parameterization.

Parameterization is done in the 'Trade and Distribution parameters (module overlapping)', in the section 'Shipment builder', in the new field group 'Release to warehouse'.

2021-11New feature84935
Customer order management and pricing
Allow the specification of TMS address (and TMS address group) based tariff zones also for "Simple" tariff zones

Previously, it was possible to specify tariff zone via exact TMS address(es) or TMS address group(s) only when tariff zone type was 'Advanced'. This was not necessary and was enhanced, now it is possible to specify TMS address based tariff zones in both "Advanced" & "Simple" tariff zone types.

2021-11New feature84840
Customer invoicingTechnical enhancement to better support project specific custom developments, in the area of customer invoice & reversal posting2021-11New feature84816
Master data
Removing infolog "Certificate type exist on …" when assigning qualification based certificate to driver/vehicle/trailer

Infolog didn't have any business value and was rather confusing, hence was removed and is not shown anymore in employee & vehicle qualification forms.

Truck loading App
"Send to Truck loading app" now considers tour stop's transport type instead of the tour's transport type when checking for vehicles that have a capacity

'Send to Truck loading app' process was previously validating vehicle capacity using the transport type of the whole tour. This approach was not entirely wrong, but in certain complex business cases it could provide less reliable results. This task enhances the validation logic, 'Send to Truck loading app' process now newly validates vehicle capacity using the transport type of the tour stop (ie. depot) where loading/unloading happens.

2021-11New feature84783
Customer order management and pricing
Reformulation of the tariff level change dialog, when user manually deletes some collection order

When deleting a collective order, then previously system asked for confirmation about resetting the tariff level with a dialog "Tariff level will be set to 'Detail' for all lines. Continue?". The dialog was slightly confusing, as it might have been understood that answering "No" will break & undo whole operation (so collective order will not be deleted). Which was in reality not happening as the dialog is related only to tariff level change and regardless whether user answers "Yes" or "No", the collective order is always deleted.

To avoid the misunderstanding, the dialog was reformulated to "Do you want to set the tariff level for all order lines to 'Detail'?".

2021-11New feature84718
Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the left/right horizontal scrolling (ie. into the past/future) in the GPB gantt screens

Scrolling left/right (ie. into the past/future) is now more fluent in the GPB gantt screens. The tours are being loaded onto the screen (via background services), as soon the scrolling action is performed.

2021-11New feature84424
Dispatching and confirmationManually created new tours were sometimes not automatically selected in the GPB gantt screens2021-11Bug84380
Dispatching and confirmation
Avoid the re-usage of the same tour line id (within one tour)

Previously, when the tour stop (with highest tour line id) was removed and some new tour stop was generated in the same tour, then the new tour stop got the same tour line id (as the mechanism for tour line id determination was just looking for highest existing tour line id (and simply did allocate the next higher value)). This could lead to potential issues (both in TAL & GPB & mobile apps), as the data model & code was not designed to encounter different tour stops with the same tour line id (even though these tour stops do never exist both at the same time).
As a precaution, the mechanism for tour line id determination was reworked (and system is now internally always storing the "highest" allocated tour line id per tour), so the tour line id is never re-used for other tour stops (of the same tour).

2021-11New feature84353
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven code optimization of engine that loads (and selects) tours in GPB gantt screens

Improvement was achieved by simplification of the code structure, without any negative impact on tour planning functionality.

2021-11New feature84264
Customer order management and pricing'Checked imported order' form is now opened in the 'grid' view even when there is just one record existing (previously the form was opened in the 'line' view)2021-11New feature83950
Other / General
Implementation of Azure Service Bus for the GPB client/server communication

GPB technical adjustment - previously used "polling" mechanism (to manage open connections between D365 & GPB) can be replaced by Azure Service Bus mechanism. Apart of better performance of the GPB client, this switch allows also to greatly reduce the communication between D365 & GPB client, thus lowering the risk that the application is affected by the recently introduced 'priority-based throttling' policy of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

Please note:
- Activation of Azure Service Bus mechanism in the Transport module requires certain D365 parameterization, as well as changes in the D365 hosting setup.
- For more details & guides please contact your responsible CAPcargo AG consultant.

2021-11New feature83790
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: visualization of preferred routes also in the GPB Map

Feature of preferred routes visualization, introduced originally on the D365-embedded map (for the 'Calculation transport costs' feature) has been introduced also to the GPB Map. So it is now possible to see the preferred routes utilization also for normal TMS tours (eg. when 'Show tour on map' is used).

In the GPB Map screen, the visualization of preferred routes is managed in the 'Get Feature Layers' section (in the map side control panel), where individual preferred route layers activation/deactivation parameters are available.

2021-11New feature83609
Driver App
Previously, the driver app tour was sometimes not cancelled when the related tour was deleted in D365

The issue was especially happening when 'Asynchronous' change tracking mode was activated in mobile app parameters.

Driver App
New validation was added, when resources are being removed from the tour (that was already submitted to mobile apps)

Logic of new validation (when removing resources from the tour (that was already submitted to mobile apps):
- When mobile app tour is sent to the app(s), but is not accepted yet: no validation
- When mobile app tour is accepted in the app(s): new additional dialog, to inform user that mobile apps will be affected
- When mobile app tour already has some confirmations: removal of the resource from tour is not allowed in TAL anymore. To remove resource, the existing confirmations have to be undone.

2021-11New feature83250
Driver App
Mobile apps recurring periodic export tasks end up in 'Error' during package deployment

Starting from Microsoft update 10.0.19 recurring periodic export tasks often end up in 'Error' during package deployment. Tasks had to be manually set back to 'Waiting', to resume them.

Following settings need to be set, to ensure that periodic tasks recover automatically from this error:
1) Set "Maximum retries: 5" on the Mobile app export jobs. This can be done in the Batch jobs form.
- Make sure that the new form (and not the legacy one) is used. This can be verified in the batch jobs form - the 'Switch to legacy form' menuitem must be visible in the top of the screen (between 'Copy batch job' and 'Options'), above the form action pane.
- Change the batch job status to 'Withhold'
- Click the job to open its details
- Go to Batch task details, General tab page and see the "Maximum retries" field in Administration field group
- Enter "5" in the field
- Change the batch job status back to 'Waiting'
2) Enable feature "Batch reschedule failed recurrent jobs" in Feature Management Workspace

Truck loading App
New feature: Possibility to 'Send to/Withdraw from" Truck loading app even for individual resource

Newly, it is possible to launch 'Send to Truck loading app' and 'Withdraw from Truck loading app' also per each individual resource (previously this was possible only per all resources of the whole tour).

Key characteristics:
- To distinguish the new 'per resource' feature from previously existing 'per whole tour' feature, the menuitems for new feature are named in the following way:
- 'Send resource to Truck Loading App'
- 'Cancel resource from Truck Loading App'

- Both menutitems are available in following places:
- In GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen:
- In the 'right mouse click' context menu of the resource leg (in level 2)
- In the 'right mouse click' context menu of the whole tour (in level 1)
- In GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen:
- In the 'right mouse click' context menu of the resource leg (in level 2)

This feature allows to selectively submit individual resources (eg. for loading) to the truck loading app, while still keep other resources (eg. for loading) not yet submitted to truck loading app (and activate them later).

2021-11New feature83076
Dispatching and confirmation
Periodic task 'Distance and time calculation' (for tours) sometimes failed to finish (and got stuck in status 'Processing')

The issue was especially happening when the periodic task 'Distance and time calculation' (for tours) was running and some tours were being deleted in the meantime. The periodic task then sometimes did stuck in the status 'Processing'.

The issue was fixed and the periodic task now handles these situations correctly (and continues & finishes).

Driver App
Feedback infologs were introduced to menuitems for sending (and withdrawing) tours to (and from) mobile apps

Previously, user didn't get any feedback after clicking the menuitems 'Send to Driver app' & 'Send to Truck loading app', as the effective creation of mobile app tours (and also the sending to apps) is not done in the real-time. Which was a bit confusing (as user might get an impression that nothing had happened and started clicking the menuitems again etc.) Also when sending to app was not possible, such information would be quite useful.
Hence the menuitems were enhanced to perform several checks when being pressed, to be able to pre-inform user about expected result. Newly, user will receive feedback (via different infologs) when sending (or withdrawing) tours/resources to mobile apps.

Menuitems in both GPB and TAL 'Dispatch light' were enhanced.

Additionally, mobile app status icons (in the tour overview, in the GPB gantt screens (level 1 & level 2)) were a bit enhanced - previous status of 'ExportPending' was renamed to 'Sending…'

2021-11New feature83004
Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict255 ('Qualification - missing certificate for driver') was previously sometimes not detected in the conflict management

The issue was especially happening when some driver qualification (without valid certificate) was required by some other resource (eg. truck).

Misleading entity category for several TAL data entities

Several TAL data entities were previously wrongly classified (ie. their 'Entity category' was wrong), which could lead into issues (eg. when data entities of category 'Parameters' were imported/exported, then previously these also contained several data entities that were not parameters (but rather 'Master data') etc.)
All TAL data entities were thus reviewed and their categorization adjusted.

2021-11New feature81500
Dispatching and confirmation
GPB technical enhancement - implementation of the web service connection caching mechanism

In order to improve performance of the GPB client (and to reduce the overhead of communication management between GPB client & D365 backend), a web service connection caching mechanism was introduced. The same caching mechanism was previously successfully used in certain functionalities in the GPB 'Transport legs /-orders' screen (eg. during paging & filtering of transport orders/legs), was in this task implemented also to other GPB screens.

2021-11New feature79268
Dispatching and confirmation
Way bill report & Tour report enhancement, to contain confirmed values (if these are already available)

Following SSRS print reports were adjusted, to print confirmed quantity values (if these are already available):
- Way bill report
- Tour report

Additionally, the waybill report (when printed from the tour) was enhanced, to contain quantity details of the transport leg (that is planned in the tour). Previously, the way bill report (when printed form the tour) was containing only quantity details of the transport order line. Which, in certain cases (eg. when transport leg was split via quantity, or via some depot/address), was providing inaccurate quantity details.

2021-11New feature70675
Dispatching and confirmation
Re-introduce selective part delivery merge (both to GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' & TAL 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form)

Historically, before GPB was introduced, when transport leg was split via several quantity splits, it was possible to select which transport legs exactly should be merged together again. Unfortunately this feature was not implemented into GPB, as the 'Merge part deliveries' menuitem was not enabled for transport leg multi-selection.
This task enhances it, it is now possible in GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen to use 'Merge part deliveries' menuitem even when several transport legs are multi-selected.

Consequently, the 'Merge part deliveries' menuitem was also enabled in the 'Transport leg' action pane section in TAL 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form (previously was only accessible in 'Only for internal test purpose' section).

2021-11New feature57662
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the D365 dialogs and forms, when being opened from GPB screens

Performance improvement was achieved via optimization of user authorization process (that is being performed when opening D365 dialogs and forms from GPB screens).
Opening of D365 dialogs and forms should be now significantly faster, from all GPB screens.

2021-11New feature34360
Subcontracting/IC invoicingPreviously, when activated, the 'Account payable' module standard parameter 'Update vendor accounting using the invoice date' was not respected during TMS sub-contracting invoice posting2021-11Bug25972
Other / General
KNOWN ISSUE: After clicking notification in the driver app, the 'Syncing...' dialog in certain specific situations can get stuck on the screen

In case that happens, drivers can just click the 'Back' button, to continue their work (as the issue is only in the dialog closing; the synchronization is actually performed correctly).

2022-01Known issue87302
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven improvement of opening tab 'Order' for tour stop, in the GPB gantt screens

Previously, in the GPB gantt screens, when opening tab 'Order' for tour stop that has very high amount of orders (ie. more than 100), the GPB client was quite often crashing. The behavior was improved and GPB crashing should be much less frequent (though could still happen, in case of several hundreds of orders in one tour stop).

2022-01New feature87252
Dispatching and confirmation
In GPB gantt screens, when work instruction was manually created on the tour stop, then the work instruction icon appeared on tour stop only after manual tour refresh

The issue was corrected and tour refresh is newly done automatically after closing the work instruction form.

Driver App
Duplicated storing of picture/signature attachments from the mobile apps

Previously, the picture/signature attachments from the mobile apps were stored in two places on the tour (on the load/unload activity and on the signature/picture activity). Newly, the picture/signature attachments from the mobile apps are stored only on the signature/picture activity.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain cases, newly created tours were shown in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen only after manual refresh of the grid

Previously, when new tour was created via 'drag & drop' from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, the resulting new tour was sometimes showed in the GPB 'Resource dispatching' screen only after manual refresh of the screen. The issue was especially happening when the resource was triggering also the creation of some tour sub-contracting order. The issue was corrected and the manual refresh of 'Resource Dispatching' grid is not needed anymore.

Dispatching and confirmation
Moving the tour activity up/down in GPB gant screens sometimes crashed the whole client

The issue was happening especially on the tour stops with high amount of tour activities, and when user was moving the activities in a very fast manner. The issue was corrected and GPB client is not being terminated anymore.

Other / General
New buttons for clearing middleware/fileshare password in mobile app parameters

New buttons for clearing both passwords via D365 (ie. passwords for middleware services and for middleware fileshare) has been introduced to the mobile app parameters form. As sometimes both passwords needs to be reset, for example when copying D365 database from another system (eg. from golden configuration system to productive system, or for some testing), otherwise the mobile app services might fail to work correctly.

2022-01New feature87132
Other / General
Data migration task - to fill 'Work instruction exists' fields

Data migration task for 87040.

Data migration task fills 'Work instruction exists' fields in following tables:
- CIRTRASalesTable
- CIRTRASalesTableLinie

Only transport orders that are not Delivered (or Invoiced) are updated.

2022-01Data conversion87062
Customer invoicing
Risk of duplicate customer invoicing

Previously, in very specific cases, it could happen that the transport invoice lines (that are used as a base for invoicing) were duplicated. Which could result into duplicated customer invoicing. The issue was caused by duplicated (ie. orphaned/unreferenced) price calculations, when a new price calculation was created & saved, instead of updating the existing one. To prevent the duplication risk in the customer invoicing, two control mechanisms were added:
- when posting a transport invoice, it is now ensured that only fully referenced price calculations are used
- during opening of an invoice pool, system now detects the orphaned/unreferenced price calculations. In case some are identified, their orders are excluded from invoicing (ie. are not loaded into invoice pool) and their 'Calculated' flags are reset. Such orders are then corrected when they are processed by next nearest standard price calculation (that is performed either manually or via periodic task).

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven improvement of the work instruction framework

Previously, when system needed to get work instructions, all order lines had to be processed (just to identify whether they have or don't have any work instruction), which was quite performance demanding, as tours can have dozens (or even hundreds) of order lines. This was enhanced, by adding a physical flag 'Work instruction exists' to order and to order line, which stores the information whether order or order line has (or doesn't have) any related work instruction.
The flags are managed automatically by the system and are not accessible on the form level (though can be visualized via form personalization).

2022-01New feature87040
Customer order management and pricing
In certain specific constellation, the manual transport order creation could shut down AOS

The issue could happen only when several transport orders were created in parallel (eg. by several users at the same time). The issue was corrected and doesn't happen anymore.

IntegrationsUpdate of the PTV xServer2 interface, to allow the usage of services also via secured https protocol2022-01New feature87020
Dispatching and confirmation
Reduction of the need for manual refresh of the tour, after many dispatcher actions

Previously, when several dispatchers were actively changing tours in parallel, quite often they were faced with the need to manually refresh the tours. This was especially noticeable in the GPB when transport legs/orders should be re-planned into different tours.
To improve the behavior and the user experience, tour selection mechanism was enhanced, to perform an automated record refresh during certain dispatching actions (to avoid the need for manual refresh of the tour).

Please note:
- Adding an automated refresh has certain effect on performance, therefore only most frequent cases were handled. So dispatchers will still occasionally encounter the need for manual refresh of the tour, but much less frequently.

2022-01New feature86904
File name information was added to the 'Imported attachment' form

Imported attachment' form has been enhanced, to show also the file name of the original file. It is now easier to monitor and manage the attachment imports, as well as to identify which files needs to be corrected before they can be re-processed.

2022-01New feature86900
Driver App
Improving a logic when to inform user about the result of sending the tour to driver app

Previously introduced logic of informing user about the result of sending the tour to driver app was working, but sometimes the user was informed just too much. For example when driver was not enabled for driver app, then when releasing a tour for departure, then dispatcher could receive feedback that tour couldn't be sent do driver app.
Therefore the logic of informing user about the result of sending the tour to driver app was further adjusted, some existing info messages were reworked, some new were added.

2022-01New feature86892
Dispatching and confirmationRelease for departure' process on tour did sometimes update the 'Confirmed arrival' timestamp on the first tour stop, even when arrival was already previously confirmed2022-01Bug86885
Dispatching and confirmation
'Work instructions' form/report could not handle the cases when high amount of order based work instructions should be displayed/processed

The issue was happening only when high amount (eg. more than 100) of order based work instructions should be displayed/handled. In that case the work instruction action failed entirely with unhandled error. The issue was corrected and user is now properly informed via infolog that order based work instructions cannot be displayed (due to their excessive amount) and only tour stop related work instructions are displayed.

Driver AppDeleting truck (or trailer) from a tour in D365 was sometimes not reflected in driver app tours2022-01Bug86813
Dispatching and confirmation
Unbalanced transaction when removing order from collective order

Previously, when removing order from collective order (by clearing the collective order id in the order header view), it could in certain constellations happen that the action could not be completed, as system encountered an unbalanced TTSBEGIN/TTSCOMMIT transaction. The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the process for moving transport legs (or tour stops) from one tour to another, in GPB gantt screens

Previously, when moving transport legs (or tour stops) from one tour to another, it could happen that the source tour and the target tour were not shown together on the screen. At that moment the situation was quite tricky for the user - since tours had to be "filtered" in order to show them, which was not always easy.

Therefore following mechanism was established (which represents also the recommended way of moving transport legs (or tour stops) from one tour to another):
- Select source tour stop, then first scroll to find the target tour, only then drag tour stop to target tour. In result the tour stop is moved into target tour and the target tour becomes selected after the process is done (while the source tour selection is lost).

In this way, the target tour is always selected (and visible in the gantt), which should be sufficient.

2022-01New feature86800
Customer order management and pricingDeletion of part invoice order was sometimes not possible (issue was happening especially when order was part of a collection)2022-01Bug86784
Master data
Renaming of the contract origins

Contract origin names were been adjusted in the contract form, to better explain it usage.

Previous 'Origin' values naming:
- Transport order
- Vendors
- Internal

New 'Origin' values naming:
- Customer
- Vendor
- Intercompany

2022-01New feature86770
Dispatching and confirmationDeselection of a tour in GPB gantt screens didn't previously stop the ongoing 'Fitting / Non-Fitting' data calculation in the GPB Resource screen2022-01Bug86745
Shipment BuilderDuring work completion, users could sometimes experience an error 'Unexpected data constellation occurred..."2022-01Bug86738
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven improvement in GPB Resource screen (caching of 'Fitting/non-Fitting' resource evaluation)

In GPB Resource screen, the resource evaluation of 'Fitting/non-Fitting' is newly cached (even when changing the filters on the GPB Resource screen), until the 'focus' of the GPB Resource screen (ie. tour selection) is changed. Previously the 'Fitting/non-Fitting' resource evaluation was not cached and was re-evaluated every time the filtering was changed.

2022-01New feature86727
Customer order management and pricing
During contract finding, tariff zone (with zipcode only, without city) was previously having the same priority as tariff zone (with both zipcode & city)

The issue was corrected, tariff zone (with zipcode only, without city) now has lower priority than tariff zone (with both zipcode & city).

Dispatching and confirmation
Under certain circumstances it was possible to achieve a situation where transport leg was removed from the tour (despite it was confirmed as delivered)

The issue was corrected by improving the tour stop deletion validation and such situation should not be encountered anymore.

Other / General
Data migration task - populate new 'Position' field in 'Instruction activity rule' and on instruction activities

Data migration task for 84633.

2022-01Data conversion86704
Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the 'Fitting/non-Fitting' resource evaluation in the GPB resource screen

To improve the performance of the 'Fitting/non-Fitting' resource evaluation (and to allow more detailed parameterization possibilities of what to validate (and see)), following enhancements were introduced to the GPB Resources screen:
- The 'Fitting/non-Fitting' visualization in the GPB Resources screen (aka. red & green vertical side bars per resource) is now divided into two 'columns', in first column the 'Fitting/non-Fitting' of capacity is shown, in second column the 'Fitting/non-Fitting' of qualifications is shown.
- New 'activation' checkboxes were added to the transport vehicle groups (and to driver groups), to activate/deactivate the 'Fitting/non-Fitting' logic for each individual group
- Two new control checkboxes in the header of each section (ie. group) in GPB Resources screen, via which is it possible to manually activate/deactivate both capacity & qualification checks for the whole section (ie. group).

2022-01New feature86682
Dispatching and confirmationNew orders could not be added to the tour, that was copied from default tour template (and some resource was already defined on the default tour template)2022-01Bug86657
Dispatching and confirmation
'Determine cleaning type' dialog was not behaving correctly when multiple tours were selected

In GPB gantt screens, when multiple tours were selected, the 'Determine cleaning type' dialog gave suggestion only for the last selected tour. The issue was corrected, now when multiple tours are selected in GPB gantt screens, the 'Determine cleaning type' dialog gives suggestion for every selected tour.

Customer invoicing
Issuing a customer order reversal (aka. credit note) was sometimes not possible

The issue was especially happening when some pro-forma invoice was generated before the invoice was posted. Then the order reversal could be failing (due to existing pro-forma invoice records). The issue was corrected and pro-forma invoice records are not anymore blocking the order reversal.

Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the periodic task 'Generate transport legs'

Previously, the periodic task 'Generate transport legs' could not handle the situations when some transport legs were manually generated in the meanwhile, after the periodic task was set up (and before it was run). When such case was encountered, then the whole periodic task failed (and got terminated before processing the whole periodic task scope).
Periodic task 'Generate transport legs' was therefore enhanced, to handle above case correctly (and also to not terminate prematurely in general, but to skip the problematic record and continue over).

2022-01New feature86618
Driver App
Missing barcode package identification in the driver app

Previously, if carrying resource was assigned on package level, then the change tracking of package identifications was not working correctly and users could experience missing barcodes in the app etc. The issue was especially happening when the package identification was created after the tour has been sent to mobile apps.

The issue was corrected and newly added package identification is shown in the app as "Barcode" in the load/unload activity of that package.

Driver App
Optional (and not-confirmed) activities could get confirmed in the driver app even after departing from tour stop

Optional activities (ie. Instruction activity with 'Mandatory for Mobile apps' set to 'No') are not mandatory to confirm in the driver app. This means that the driver can depart without confirming or skipping such activities.
The issue was that confirmation (ie. swiping) of such optional (and not confirmed) activities was possible in the driver app even after departing from tour stop. The issue was corrected and swiping of optional activities is not possible anymore in the driver app, after departure from tour stop.

Driver App
Tour stop 'Address' arrow in Google Maps could not be opened on devices with Android 11

Correction of known issue 86698 of release 10.0-CAP22.0.

Tour stop 'Address' arrow in Google Maps now opens correctly even on devices that are running on Android 11.

Customer order management and pricing
Improving reliability of the 'Scheduling information (local time)' dispatching inquiry on the transport order

'Scheduling information (local time)' dispatching inquiry on the transport order now shows confirmed data only if the related load/unload tour order line (or transport leg) is confirmed.

2022-01New feature86530
Dispatching and confirmation
Unavailable resources were shown in 'Available' resource section in GPB Resources screen

Previously, in GPB Resource screen, the unavailable resources (eg. that are absent, or in maintenance etc.) were shown in 'Available' resource section. This was corrected and unavailable resources are newly shown in 'Planned' resource section, with black background.

Truck loading AppAdding new packages on a tour that was already sent to truck loading app was not handled correctly if carrying resource assignment was done on the package level2022-01Bug86494
Customer order management and pricing
Possibility to plan a cancelled transport order into tour

Previously, when transport order was cancelled on the transport order form, it was still possible to submit such (cancelled) order into dispatching. This was not correct, as planning of cancelled transport order is not allowed. The issue was corrected by disabling the dispatching menuitems on the transport order form, for cancelled transport orders.

Other / General
Clean up of the historical CAPcargo code on the standard D365 worker gantt setup form

Has no impact on the TMS processes, as current GPB gantt visualization is handled via different tool.

2022-01New feature86469
Customer order management and pricing
Removing validation of transport order invoice status when order is unplanned/planned/confirmed

Previously, system blocked a transport leg to be planned into a tour, if the order was already invoiced. Having such general validation turned out to be too rigid, as some more advanced dispatching cases could not be handled.
For example having transport order split via several depots, and via status term invoice parameterization set up to enable order invoicing already when first transport leg is loaded, then the planning of last leg into delivery tour was not possible.
On the other hand, such validation didn't exist when removing invoiced order from the tour.
Therefore the validation logic of processing invoiced orders was reworked (and greatly softened).

New logic:
- Having an order being invoiced, all its legs and tours can still be confirmed/unconfirmed/removed/rearranged, there is no blocking validation (but user is only informed via infolog that order is invoiced).
- The invoice status stays "Invoiced" all the time
- The order status follows the structure of transport legs (eg. registered, partially planned, planned, delivered etc.)

2022-01New feature86465
Dispatching and confirmationChanging a department of transport leg was previously sometimes not possible in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen2022-01Bug86449
Shipment Builder
Failing synchronization of the transport order after date change on the related trade order

Previously, it could happen that when changing a date on the trade order, then the related transport order could not be updated (as the shipment synchronization failed with error 'Invoice status logic must be filled!'). The issue was especially happening when trade order had no delivery term specified.

New data entities for administration of activity requests

Two new data entities were created:
- TAL Activity request rule - both for export and import projects
- TAL Activity request - only for export projects

Additionally, new field 'Target' was added to the 'TAL Instruction activity rules' entity.

2022-01New feature86343
Dispatching and confirmationWhen strategic tour routing is launched manually on the tour, then newly also the driving distance & time calculation is automatically performed2022-01New feature86305
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the 'Filter Initialization Dispatching' section on the D365 worker; separating initial date filters for Transport leg & Tour dispatching screens

As the filter initialization of transport legs (and tour dispatching) was originally managed in two overlapping sections, following changes were done:
- Previously existing section 'Transport legs / Resource dispatching / Tour dispatching' was moved to 'Resource dispatching / Tour dispatching' section
- New dedicated filter initializations for 'Plan Date From (+Days)' & 'Plan Date To (+Days)' was introduced to the 'Transport legs' section.

So it is now also possible to specify 'Plan Date From (+Days)' & 'Plan Date To (+Days)' initial filters differently for Transport leg & Tour dispatching screens.

2022-01New feature86295
Truck loading App
Wrong assignment of packages in the truck loading app

Previously, if some packages were assigned to carrying resource and some not, the 'not-assigned' packages were sometimes not handled correctly (ie. they were sent to all truck loading app tours that were created for the same tour stop). The issue was corrected and 'not-assigned' packages are not shown in truck loading app at all.

Truck loading App
Removed carrying resource assignments for packages were not always reflected in the app activities

The issue was especially happening after removal of carrying resource assignment from packages (that had been assigned to carrying resource after truck loading app tour already existed for the related carrying resource). The issue was corrected and truck loading app tours are now updated accordingly.

Other / General
Technical enhancement of the contract finding & price calculation code, to allow better customization in the project specific developments

No functional impact on the standard contract finding & price calculation logic.

2022-01New feature86267
Customer order management and pricing
Transport order sometimes could not be cancelled on the transport order form

Previously, when cancelling a transport order on the transport order form, then the cancellation process sometimes failed with error 'Transport order cannot be removed from the tour', despite the transport order was in 'Registered' status (ie. was not planned in any tour). The issue was corrected.

Customer order management and pricingOpening transport unit details (from the transport order form, from 'Related information' side panel) was previously sometimes not possible2022-01Bug86213
Dispatching and confirmation
Enabling the multi-deletion of resource legs, in both GPB gantt screens

Previously, in both GPB gantt screens, when several resource legs were selected for deletion, then only one resource leg was deleted. The behaviour was enhanced, system now deletes all multi-selected resource legs.

2022-01New feature86175
Driver App
Sending an instant message to driver previously sometimes failed

The issue was especially happening when tour had many driver app tours (eg. on different tour stops).

Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Confirmed loading/unloading quantity was sometimes not respected in Sub-contracting transport leg (LTL) order, when using 'Use confirmed quantity'

The issue was only happening when tariff quantity was determined via conversion directly from the transport quantity (ie. when tariff quantity was not converted from planning quantity).

Dispatching and confirmation
Removal of dedicated selection checkbox, in the 'Copy from default tour' dialog

Previously, when generating tours our of default tours (via 'Copy from default tour' functionality), users had to select the tours by marking the dedicated selection checkbox. The existence of dedicated selection checkbox is not anymore needed (as in D365 the grids have automatically a standard selection field, in the beginning of each grid), thus the dedicated selection checkbox was removed. To mark which default tours should be created, users can now just select the lines (ie. default tours) in the grid, via single (or multiple) line selection.

2022-01New feature86050
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the GPB gantt screens (when user is scrolling in time)

In GPB gantt screens, when user was scrolling to the future/past in time, system previously automatically updated the resource legs and tour stop details (ie. level 2 & level 3) even though the tour selection didn't change. This behaviour was supressed, to improve the experience of the user when scrolling in time. Improvement affects all three GPB gantt screen visualization modes:
- All details
- No details
- Bar extensions

2022-01New feature86042
Shipment Builder
Misleading infolog messages when cancelling the 'Scheduled part-delivery' on the D365 sales order

Previously, when cancelling the dialog for 'Scheduled part-delivery' on the D365 sales order, user was informed that 'Transport order XYZ was successfully pre-dispatched', even though no additional transport order was created. The issue was corrected, user is now informed via infolog 'Process cancelled.'

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong durations of the resource legs in the GPB gantt screens (in level 2)

Previously, it could happen that the end date & time of resource assignment was not calculated correctly after certain dispatching actions. The issue was especially happening when resource assignments were manually adjusted (by dragging & dropping of the resource assignment start or end, in the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen (in level 2)). The issue was corrected.

Customer order management and pricingCustomer reference' field has been added to the dialog for new transport order creation2022-01New feature85895
Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the cleaning type determination

The logic of cleaning type determination was improved, following issues were corrected:
- cleaning activity suggestion was sometimes missing for the truck
- load address was sometimes missing from the dialog, hence cleaning activity could not be generated

The issues were especially happening when tour orders were assigned on the resource level (and not on the compartment level) and when multiple resources were involved.

Shipment Builder
'No. of packages' was sometimes not showing accurate figures, on the transport order lines

The issue was especially happening after splitting off packages from transport leg (in case of shipment builder based WHS sales/transfer order line, after completely picked). In these cases, the new transport order line was created, but the 'No. of packages' field was not updated neither on the original transport order line nor on the new transport order line.

Driver App
Improvement of mobile app related infolog/dialog logic in dispatching, to take into account mobile app changes that were registered (but not yet processed)

Previously, when populating mobile app related dialogs for certain dispatching processes then system didn't take into account the asynchronous mode of data processing towards mobile app. So users could for example previously experience during 'Set tour back to dispatching' an infolog dialog 'This tour already been sent to driver app... Do you want tour status to be set to Dispatching?' even though few seconds ago they actually performed 'Withdraw from driver app'. The reason for such behaviour was that the action of withdrawal from driver app was just registered (but not yet processed, due to asynchronous change tracking mode).

Newly, certain processes (eg. 'Set tour back to dispatching', 'Withdraw from driver app' etc.) were improved and now also respects the change tracking table for changes that are registered (but not yet processed), to have mobile app infolog/dialogs more precise.

2022-01New feature85745
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the D365 dialogs and forms, when being opened from GPB screens via generic custom buttons

Previously introduced performance improvement of the D365 dialogs and forms (when being opened from GPB screens) covered only the standard GPB buttons. This enhancement speeds up opening of D365 dialogs and forms also when being opened via GPB generic custom buttons.

2022-01New feature85680
Driver App
Ensure that the 'Tour end' activity is the last activity on the last tour stop

Previously, it could happen that 'Tour end' activity was not the last activity on the last tour stop. This could lead into unsupported structure of data in the driver app. The activity determination mechanism was enhanced, to ensure that the 'Tour end' activity is really the last activity on the last tour stop.

2022-01New feature85653
Shipment Builder

Several issues were corrected in the direct delivery process (when used in the 'non-WHS' setup):
- Incorrect quantity on shipment lot quantity when scheduled part delivery was used
- Scheduled part delivery is newly disabled for direct delivery chains that can be released to warehouse
- Date validation on 'Scheduled part delivery' dialog is newly not performed if dialog is opened from direct delivery chain or from non-WHS order line, since in this case the user directly sets the rough plan date of the transport leg by defining it on the dialog

Customer order management and pricing
Wrong planning units in the dialog for manual creation of transport order

Previously, in the dialog for manual creation of transport order, when transport type was changed, the planning units was not re-initialized from the new transport type. The issue was corrected.

Customer invoicingAutomatic billing surcharges per customer group could not be defined, as no customer group could be selected2022-01Bug85565
Dispatching and confirmation
Unofficial pre-release of new dispatching feature of 'Tour validation'

A new feature is added to the 'GPB Transport orders /-legs' screen – Tour validation – that enables the user to check the transport legs before they are planned into the selected tour. It is parameterizable what the system analyses when the new logic is executed:
- capacity check: compares all planning quantities of the not yet planned transport leg with the minimum available capacity of the entire tour in all units
- qualification check: validates the static qualifications of the not yet planned transport leg and the static qualifications of the tour whether there are conflicting/missing qualifications

Based on the capacity validation and the qualification validation, each transport leg is classified whether based on the capacity it would fit into the tour and whether based on the static qualifications it would fit into the tour. This information is shown on the transport leg directly in the grid, furthermore, new filters are introduced to show:
- only those transport legs that would fit into the tour based on capacity/qualification check
- only those transport legs that would not fit into the tour based on capacity/qualification check
- all the transport leg regardless the result of the capacity/qualification check

Limitation/simplification of the new logic is that at this point the exact position of the not yet planned transport leg in the tour is not known. Hence the validations always consider the whole tour – both for capacity and qualification validation. This also means that the function performs best – most accurate – for distribution, collection and direct tours.

- This is only a pre-release of the upcoming above described feature, hence the whole functionality can be enabled only via license configuration key '[Non-]fitting orders in GPB', which is in license configuration section '**Not officially released sub-modules**'. Therefore feature should be activated on productive application only after being thoroughly tested. The official feature release will come in 10.0-CAP.24.0

2022-01New feature85511
Driver App
Enhancement of the 'Instruction activity rule' logic

Previously, 'Instruction activity rule' logic was not powerful enough, to handle more complex planning scenarios, as it was triggered only when new transport leg was added to the tour.
So for example following case was not covered - when second transport order/line was added to the tour, which already contained the transport leg for the same addresses (eg. because of first transport order with same loading/unloading was already assigned to the tour). In such cases the 'Instruction activity rule' determination logic was not launched for the second order, which could lead to missing activities in the driver app (as these should be generated for example only for the address area of the second order).
The 'Instruction activity rule' logic was hence enhanced, to cover also the cases when no new transport leg is added to the tour, but tour structure is changed.

2022-01New feature85339
Driver App
Manually created 'Waiting' activity in the driver app was sometimes not shown in the D365 backend

The issue was especially happening when drivers were adding 'Waiting' activity manually in the driver app, while there were already some 'Waiting' activities created originally by the system. Then the manually created 'Waiting' activity was sometimes displayed only in the driver app, but not in the D365 backend.

Dispatching and confirmation
Registration of 'Intermodal traffic' was previously not possible from the transport legs

Due to some previous redesign, the "OK" button was accidentally removed from the 'Intermodal traffic' registration dialog, on the transport legs. The issue was corrected and it is now possible to save intermodal traffic again.

Truck loading AppBetter change tracking of carrying resources when last order is removed from carrying resource (or first order is planned to carrying resource)2022-01New feature84773
Customer order management and pricing
Allow usage of 'Reduction value' also for other tariff surcharge calculation bases

Previously, it was possible to use a 'Reduction value' feature only on surcharges with calculation base 'Tour stops'. This was enhanced, the 'Reduction value' can be now used also for other 'multiple' type surcharges (eg. with calculation bases 'Transport quantity', 'Transport order', 'Tariff-/dispatch quantity', 'Failed pick-up/delivery' attempts etc.)

2022-01New feature84739
Driver App
Enhancement of the 'Instruction activity rule', to be able to set up activities for transport order

By the activity requests on the transport order line, a new source is introduced, that directs the system to generate additional activities for the tour (and for the driver). According to the information on the transport order line, further activities with action type signature, picture, barcode scan (address and address area), instruction, and none can be added to the tour.

Activity request can be initialized to the transport order line in 3 ways:
1. by such a rule of the 'Instruction activity rules' form, that marks the transport order as the target
2. via shipment builder, based on the trade version of the 'Instruction activity rule' framework
3. manually from the transport order line

2022-01New feature84633
IntegrationsPreferred routes are now visualized in different colours also in PTV xServer2 interface2022-01New feature84386
Adding 'Order blocked' field to transport order EDI process

'Order blocked' field was added to 'Imported transport orders' & 'Checked imported orders' EDI forms, as well as to correspondent data entities.
So it is now possible to import transport orders into system as 'blocked' (with some reason code), and such orders are not admitted to dispatching until being 'unblocked' (either manually in D365, or via EDI update).

Additionally, on 'Imported transport orders' forms, the design of field group 'Order' was adjusted, to correspond with same same field group on the 'Checked imported orders' form.

2022-01New feature84200
New data entities for administration of Status term invoice

Two new data entities were created, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Status term invoice
- TAL Status term details

2022-01New feature83963
Wrong determination of 'Party for one time addresses' in the import process

Previously, when exporting/importing the import process parameters (via 'TAL Import process' data entity), the 'Party for one time addresses' reference was not handled correctly. The issue was corrected and 'Party for one time addresses' is now referred via 'PartyId', instead of RecId.

Subcontracting/IC invoicing
Intercompany enhancement - enable the owner legal entity to act as intercompany vendor (only for intercompany orders created from transport orders)

Previously, only the opposite business case was possible - only the counterpart legal entity could previously act as intercompany vendor.

Key characteristics:
- When creating intercompany order from transport order, the booking code (as parameterized on the incoterms of the transport type of transport order) is newly respected and saved on the intercompany order header. So if the booking code (on incoterms of the transport type of transport order) is specified as 'Seller' (newly renamed, was previously 'Recipient'), then the intercompany customer & vendor determination is switched (and different intercompany trading relationship is used) and the owner legal entity can act as intercompany vendor.
- Such 'reversed' business case coverage is currently possible only for intercompany orders that are created from transport orders

2022-01New feature83409
Master data
Empties management rule without Empties Unit

Previously, it was possible to specify empties management rule (on the Transport address) without any Unit Empties. The issue was corrected and 'Unit Empties' is now a mandatory field in the Empties Management (on the Transport address).

Truck loading App
Send new tour stop to Truck loading app / Withdraw tour stop from Truck loading app automatically in some scenarios

Following processes are enhanced, when triggered via driver app - so that system automatically sends/withdraws truck loading app tour (if needed):
- Failed delivery: if the failed delivery goods are taken to Truck loading app depot (and the tour stop gets the 'Truck loading app (Unloading)' flag, system will automatically send this new tour stop to Truck loading app
- Unplanned return order: if the return order is unloaded in Truck loading app depot (and the tour stop gets the "Truck loading app (Unloading)' flag, system will automatically send this new tour stop to Truck loading app
- Failed pickup: if the 'failed pickup' goods were supposed to be unloaded in Truck loading app, and there are no remaining Truck loading app orders on that depot stop, system will automatically cancel the Truck loading app tour.

2022-01New feature82942
Truck loading AppConfirmation in the truck loading app is newly allowed only when the tour stop is released for loading (previously it was possible to start confirmation in truck loading app even when the tour stop was not yet released for loading)2022-01New feature82637
New data entities for administration of Default tours

Three new data entities were created, both for export and import projects:
- TAL Default tour
- TAL Default tour line
- TAL Default tour activity

2022-01New feature82313
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature: context menu on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

To improve the user experience on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen, new feature of context menu was introduced. Users can newly open via 'left mouse click' a context menu per transport leg(s), where some actions can be launched.

2022-01New feature82308
Truck loading App
Truck Loading app - sorting of activities when parent (compartment) activities exist

In driver app there are special 'address area scan' activities that are 'parent' activities of load/unload on that address area.
In truck loading app there are similar 'compartment' activities that are parent activities of load/unload in specific compartment in the truck.

To ensure that both above mechanisms work correctly, the activity sorting logic needed to be enhanced to more generic solution and support of any type of parent activity.

2022-01New feature82219
Data entity 'TAL Uld transactions' is newly allowed only for data export

As the 'TAL Uld transactions' data entity is related to transaction data, it has been limited for data export only, as import of transactions is allowed only in certain specific cases (eg. transport order import).

2022-01New feature81550
Customer order management and pricingRemoval of physical field 'Transport order id' from the 'Package identification' table, as the transport order determination is specified by dedicated 'Link identification to package' relation already2022-01New feature80953
Driver App
Mobile app related enhancements of the claim management

Following mobile app related enhancements were introduced to the claim management:
- New activation checkbox 'Register in driver app (general incidents)' on the the claim type - via which it is possible to activate the creation of general claims (ie. that are not goods or vehicle damage related)
- The naming of the claim menuitems (and claim visualization in general) in the driver app was enhanced, to better signify the claim type
- In the driver app, claims can now be created for the activities that are confirmed (previously it was possible to register claim only for the 'not yet confirmed' activities)

2022-01New feature80446
Dispatching and confirmationPerformance optimization of the GPB Resources screen, the loading of high amount of resources is now faster2022-01New feature79753
Customer order management and pricing
Several issues were corrected in the date initialization, both on transport order & default order (and during the generate of transport order from default order)

Following issues were corrected in the date initialization, both on transport order & default order (and during the generate of transport order from default order):
- In the dialog for manual transport order creation, the 'Load date to' & 'Unload date to' fields were not respecting the default date parameterization in main TMS parameters
- In the dialog for manual default order template creation, the 'Load date to' & 'Unload date to' fields were not respecting the default date parameterization in main TMS parameters
- Special handling was introduced, when some default date parameterization in main TMS parameters is not used (ie. is set to '0'):
- 'Load date (+days)' or 'Unload date (+days)' with '0' is resulting into initializing of today's date
- 'Load date to (+days)' or 'Unload date to (+days)' with '0' is resulting into no date initialization (ie. the date field is empty)

Shipment Builder
Change of delivery address on the purchase order didn't update the transport order

When changing the delivery address for purchase orders on header level, this event was previously not recognized by shipment builder, to trigger the shipment synchronization. Thus, shipment needed to be "forced" synchronized, to ensure that address change happens also on the transport order. This issue was corrected, and the "forced" shipment synchronization is not needed anymore.

Other / General
KNOWN ISSUE: Sequence optimization of tour is not supported by PTV xServer2

Sequence optimization of tour is not supported by PTV xServer2, as following faulty behaviour was encountered, after using sequence optimization on the test application that has PTV xServer2 enabled:
- tour stops being duplicated
- disappearing tour end stop
- tour end stop being positioned to the middle of the tour

- It is currently not recommended to switch to PTV xServer2 if the project relies on the sequence tour optimization feature.
- Should the feature still be used with PTV xServer2, this should happen only after careful testing of all tour structure scenarios. Also each individual sequence optimization result then should be manually verified by user.
- The issue is only with with the PTV xServer2, the previous PTV xServer [1.x] versions are not anyhow affected.
- CAPcargo team will handle the sequence optimization compatibility with PTV xServer [2.x] in the future TMS versions.

2022-03Known issue88384
Dispatching and confirmation
Window title of GPB 'Resources' screen was in some cases not reliable (was showing tour information details even though it should not)

When GPB 'Resources' screen is in 'Tour link (Gantt)' mode, the window title should show the tour information, in case some tour is connected (ie. selected) in GPB gantt screen. This mechanism was in certain situations not reliable and was corrected by this task.

Dispatching and confirmationIn the GPB 'Resources' screen, the capacity & qualification 'fitting/non-fitting' vertical bars (ie. green/red vertical bars on the resource) were sometimes overlapping with the resource icon2022-03Bug88326
Dispatching and confirmationMobile app status icon was sometimes not shown in the resource leg level (ie. in level 2) in the GPB gantt screens2022-03Bug88309
Dispatching and confirmationTour stop details (ie. in level 3) were sometimes not loaded correctly in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen (the loading spinning wheel never finished)2022-03Bug88305
Other / General
Deprecation of ADAL authentication library in GPB

ADAL authentication library is replaced with MSAL authentication library because Microsoft is deprecating the ADAL library. It represents no functional impact to users and no actions are required on customer side. Using 10.0-CAP23.0 or older version after June 30th 2022 is not recommended because Microsoft doesn't anymore support ADAL.

More information:

Customer order management and pricing
'Order type' field was previously editable in the dialog for creation of new orders/pre-orders/offers

Previously it was possible to launch the creation of transport order, but change the order type to 'Offer' (or to 'Pre-order') in the creation dialog. This could lead to unsupported data constellation in the transport order form, as each order type has different requirements for data structure. The issue was corrected and it is not anymore possible to change order type in the dialog for creation of new orders/pre-orders/offers, as the order type is defined already by the menuitem that was used.

Customer order management and pricing
In Microsoft D365 base product version 10.0.25 and later, the lookups for 'Other address' were not working correctly in the dialog for creation of new transport orders

The issue was happing with Microsoft D365 base product versions 10.0.25 & 10.0.26, but not with older versions.

Other / General
Data migration task - to populate the TALOSGridColumnSetup table from TALintOSGridColumnSetup

Data migration task for 84891.

2022-03Data conversion88192
Dispatching and confirmationGPB app could sometimes become unresponsive, when left inactive for longer time2022-03Bug88179
Other / General
Data migration task - to correct the capacity utilization on the tour stops

Data migration task for 87888.

Data migration tasks updates the capacity utilization on the tour stops (that belong to tours that are not closed) and planned start date of the tour is 01.12.2021 or later.

2022-03Data conversion88146
Truck loading App
Tour was sometimes sent to truck loading app even when no 'Send to Truck Loading App' button/process was launched

Previously, when carrying resource assignment was done on the truck loading app enabled tour stop (while the tour was previously already sent to driver app), then the tour was automatically sent also to the truck loading app. _x000D_
This was corrected and the tour is newly submitted to truck loading app only when 'Send to Truck Loading App' is pressed or when some process (that will trigger the 'Send to Truck Loading App') is launched.

Customer order management and pricing
Different results of driving time & distance calculation, when 'Preferred routes' feature was activated

Previously, when 'Preferred routes' feature was activated, then the route visualization and driving time & distance calculation (launched from 'Calculation transport costs') could in certain cases provide different result than when launched from other TAL & GPB processes. The issue was corrected and the driving time & distance calculation (and route visualization) in 'Calculation transport costs' was improved.

Driver App
When last package was removed from the transport order (that was already submitted to mobile app), then the transport order disappeared from mobile apps entirely

Both truck loading app & driver app were affected. The issue was corrected, when last package is removed from the transport order (that was already submitted to mobile app), then the transport order is now kept in the mobile app and can be processed/confirmed as transport order without packages.

Dispatching and confirmation
Sequence optimization of tour could sometimes fail with error

The issue seems caused by sub-optimal server configuration. If issue is encountered, please contact CAPcargo support, for advice how to modify the server configuration.

Driver AppTour stop sequence was sometimes not updated in driver app after performing a tour sequence optimization in GPB gantt screens2022-03Bug87989
Dispatching and confirmationRemoving orders from tour stop sometimes did not update the capacity utilization of the tour stop2022-03Bug87888
Shipment BuilderWork instructions (originating from D365 trade orders) were not displayed in GPB and also not in mobile apps2022-03Bug87772
Dispatching and confirmation
GUI enhancement of the GPB splash starting dialog

GUI enhancement of the GPB splash starting dialog (which is newly launched after entering GPB user credentials, before the GPB main window is opened). GPB splash dialog is now more following the design of the Microsoft office splash starting dialogs and shows the status of background activities in bottom left corner.

2022-03New feature87762
Dispatching and confirmationCancelling a 'Dispatch in tour' dialogue could sometimes hang the browser session2022-03Bug87706
Shipment BuilderShipment lot quantity was not properly updated when direct delivery intercompany work was partially completed2022-03Bug87702
Dispatching and confirmation
Rework of GUI structure of the action menuitems in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

The structure of action menuitems on the top ribbon in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen was reworked, for better experience of the dispatchers (eg. some menuitems were moved to different sections, creation of new sections for Conflicts, Sub-contracting, Packages, Inquiry etc.).

2022-03New feature87689
Dispatching and confirmation
Establishing an 'Azure Service Bus' parameterization check during GPB client opening

Previously, when Azure Service Bus setup was not parameterized correctly, the processes in the GPB (or in the D365 dialogs that ware launched from GPB) were failing and user was just informed that there was a connection issue with Azure Service Bus. This was improved by adding a new Azure Service Bus parameterization check during GPB client opening, to inform the user that the setup is not correct.

2022-03New feature87657
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of driving time & distance calculation (against PTV xServer) in certain configuration

Previously, the 'Truck attributes' (eg. dangerous goods etc.) data preparation was always done during driving time & distance calculation, regardless whether the 'Advanced Truck Attributes' license configuration key was activated. So it could happen that 'Truck attributes' data preparation was performed even though the results were not effectively used in driving time & distance calculation. The behaviour was improved, the 'Truck attributes' data preparation is now performed only when 'Advanced Truck Attributes' license configuration key is activated.

2022-03New feature87615
Master data
Improvement of barcode scanning validation in the truck loading app

In truck loading app, barcode scanning now validates (=rejects) scans that are related to activities that are filtered out.

2022-03New feature87592
Customer order management and pricingPrinting of Way bill report on the transport order form was not possible2022-03Bug87586
Customer order management and pricing
When copying a transport order, the amount of packages (as shown on the order line) was sometimes not corrrect

The issues was only happening when automatic package creation was deactivated on the transport type. Then the packages were not generated on the copied transport order, but the original amount of packages was still shown on the copied transport order line. The issue was corrected and amount of packages is zeroed on the copied transport order line.

Dispatching and confirmationIt was possible to encounter infologs & errors (that were related to truck loading app) even on systems where truck loading app feature was not activated2022-03Bug87531
Dispatching and confirmation
Pre-selected time filters were sometimes not working reliably on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

The issue was only in the pre-selected filters, the manual time filtering (eg. greater than...) were not affected.

Dispatching and confirmationNo resources were sometimes loaded on GPB 'Resources' screen2022-03Bug87494
Customer order management and pricing
Existing transport orders could not be processed, even though the customer parameterization of "Invoice and delivery on hold" & "Allow processing/invoicing of existing transport orders' would signify so

Combination of customer parameterization of "Invoicing and delivery on hold=All" & "Allow processing/invoicing of existing transport orders=Yes" was previously not working correctly, as the already existing transport orders could not be processed (eg. the price calculation could not be performed, tours could not be released for departure and also could not be confirmed). The issue was fixed.

Please note:
- Combination of customer parameterization of "Invoicing and delivery on hold=Invoice" & "
Allow processing/invoicing of existing transport orders=Yes" currently allows the creation of transport legs (for existing transport orders), which is not exactly correct (ie. the transport leg creation should be also supressed). But this should not represent a major issue, as such transport legs cannot be then planned into tours, due to existing validations. It will be further addressed (and potentially improved) in the future TMS releases.

Dispatching and confirmationCopyright information on the GPB map screen was adjusted, to show 'PTV, HERE, TomTom' (previously 'PTV, NAVTEQ' was shown)2022-03New feature87365
Dispatching and confirmationVertical auto-scrolling of gantt grid now happens when dispatchers try to drag & drop tour into another resource in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen2022-03New feature87321
Driver AppPreviously, when opening notifications in both mobile apps, the notification "Syncing..." dialog could sometimes hang2022-03Bug87300
Dispatching and confirmationCertain mobile app menuitems & buttons were shown in GPB gantt screens, even though the mobile app configuration key were not enabled2022-03Bug87293
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the GPB gantt screens (when opening tab 'Order' per tour stop, that contains high amount of orders)

Previously, a random poor performance (and even GPB client freezing) was noticed, when opening tab 'Order' per tour stop, that contains high amount of orders (eg. 500+ orders in one tour stop). The code was enhanced, to better handle such situations.

2022-03New feature87282
Shipment Builder
Goods load splitting was not working correctly for certain business cases

The issue was especially happening when goods load splitting was attempted for several trade orders (that had several lines, with different picking status).

Shipment BuilderData on sales/purchase/transfer order forms was previously sometimes not refreshed after the scheduled part delivery was performed2022-03Bug87256
Shipment Builder
'Remove from transportation' button is better handling the multi-selected trade order lines

When multi-selecting trade (purchase, sales and transfer) lines, the 'Remove from transportation' button was previously validating only the last selected trade order line. This logic was not ideal and was improved - the 'Remove from transportation' button is newly validating all selected trade order lines and button is enabled if there is at least one trade order line which has a related transport order.

2022-03New feature87246
Dispatching and confirmationGeneric custom buttons on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen now support also multi-selection of transport legs2022-03Bug87244
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the process for adding transport leg into tour

Performance improvement was done via code optimization, with no functionality impact.

2022-03New feature87220
Dispatching and confirmation
New work instruction indication icon on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Previously, GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' grid had no indication whether some work instruction exists for the transport leg. Hence the dispatcher had to click thru all transport legs one by one to find out which leg has some work instruction. This was enhanced by adding a new work instruction 'i' icon to the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' grid, so that it is immediately visible which transport leg has some work instruction (and which has none). Hovering the mouse over 'i' icon further shows the related work instruction in the tooltip.

2022-03New feature87219
Customer order management and pricing
Performance improvement of the contract finding engine of all order types

Performance improvement was done via code optimization, with no functionality impact.

2022-03New feature87195
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature 'Tour validation' has been introduced to the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

A new feature is added to the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen – Tour validation – that enables the user to check the transport legs before they are planned into the selected tour. It is parameterizable what the system analyses when the new logic is executed:
- capacity check: compares all planning quantities of the not yet planned transport leg with the minimum available capacity of the entire tour in all units
- qualification check: validates the static qualifications of the not yet planned transport leg and the static qualifications of the tour whether there are conflicting/missing qualifications

Based on the capacity validation and the qualification validation, each transport leg is classified whether based on the capacity it would fit into the tour and whether based on the static qualifications it would fit into the tour. This information is shown on the transport leg directly in the grid, furthermore, new filters are introduced to show:
- only those transport legs that would fit into the tour based on capacity/qualification check
- only those transport legs that would not fit into the tour based on capacity/qualification check
- all the transport leg regardless the result of the capacity/qualification check

Limitation/simplification of the new logic is that at this point the exact position of the not yet planned transport leg in the tour is not known. Hence the validations always consider the whole tour – both for capacity and qualification validation. This also means that the function performs best – most accurate – for distribution, collection and direct tours.

Please note:
- The 'Tour validation' action button appears in c (in Conflict field group) when some tour validation is activated in main GPB parameters, and becomes available when some tour is selected in some GPB gantt screen

2022-03New feature87152
Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the moving of tour stop to another tour (keep the transport leg structure)

Previously, when moving the tour stop to another tour, the related transport legs were handled/moved individually. This could result into different tour stop structure on the target tour (eg. some transport legs were not merged anymore together). The behaviour was improved, system now tries to respect the original transport leg merging structure also on the target tour.

2022-03New feature87071
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the GPB gantt screens, when planning tours with high amount of orders (eg. 500+ orders)

Previously, when planning tours with high amount of orders (eg. 500+ orders), the dispatchers could experience random screen freezing after some actions (eg. shifting whole tour back/forward in time). Certain code optimizations were performed and the GPB application screen freezing should occur less frequently.

2022-03New feature87066
Truck loading AppImprovement of handling of push notification in the truck loading app, to ensure that app synchronizes with middleware when notifications are opened2022-03New feature87054
Other / General
Data migration task - to populate the new 'Plan Date From (+Days)' & 'Plan Date To (+Days)' fields

Data migration task for 86610.

Data migration task populates the new set of 'Plan Date From (+Days)' & 'Plan Date To (+Days)' fields from previously existing set.

2022-03Data conversion87048
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the driving distance & time calculation (via PTV xServer)

Performance improvement was done via code optimization, with no functionality impact. Improvement should be noticeable especially on tours with higher amount of tour stops.

2022-03New feature86898
Dispatching and confirmationPerformance improvement of process for moving legs/stops stops from one tour to another (on both GPB gantt screens)2022-03New feature86869
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the sequence optimization of the tour

When using the 'Sequence optimization' on tour that has higher amount of tour stops (eg. 50+ tour stops), then dispatchers could experience long waiting times (or process didn't even finish due to time out). _x000D_
Sequence optimization code was redesigned, to better handle the tours with higher amount of tour stops.

2022-03New feature86831
IntegrationsWhen exporting driver groups (via 'TAL worker in driver group' data entity'), only first driver/worker was exported from each driver group2022-03Bug86797
Shipment Builder
Implementing change management to activity request on the transport orders (that were created via shipment builder)

Recently introduced feature of setting up activities for transport order (via activity requests on the transport order line & special 'Instruction activity rule') was enhanced by adding the change management to the activity requests on the transport orders (that were created via shipment builder). So system can now handle the situations where some activity request is changed on the shipment builder originated transport order line, until the order is dispatched in the tour.

2022-03New feature86667
Dispatching and confirmation
Adding new fields to GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen

Following new fields were added to the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' grid:
- Transport type
- Service level agreement (SLA)
- Plan units 1-5

2022-03New feature86623
Dispatching and confirmation
Enabling 'Change means of transportation' of several transport legs on the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen & D365 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form

Previously, when several transport legs were multi-selected and 'Change means of transportation' was launched, only one transport leg was updated. This was enhanced, system now correctly respects the multi-selection and changes the 'Means of transportation' on all selected transport legs, when launched both from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen and from D365 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form.

2022-03New feature86619
Dispatching and confirmation
Separation of 'Plan Date From (+Days)' & 'Plan Date To (+Days)' worker default GPB date parameterization between GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen & GPB gantt screens

Previously, the 'Plan Date From (+Days)' & 'Plan Date To (+Days)' worker default GPB date parameterization was shared both for GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen & GPB gantt screen. This was improved, the GPB screens have now standalone parameterization of above mentioned fields, for better flexibility of setup of both GPB screens. The setup is done on the worker form, in tab CAPcargo Transport, in section Filter Initialization Dispatching (in field groups Transport legs & Resource Dispatching/Tour dispatching).

2022-03New feature86610
Master data
In certain constellations it was not possible to register new default tour template

The issue was caused by orphaned default tour stops, which were not linked to any default tour template. _x000D_
As previously, it was possible to create (and save) default tour stops that were not linked to any default tour template. This could be achieved when creating new default tour template, by saving a new default tour stop record before the new default tour header was saved. _x000D_
Such constellation then caused that no new default tour template could be created (until the orphaned default tour stop was deleted). The issue was corrected and now it is possible to create default tour stops only when default tour header is already saved.

Customer order management and pricingWhen using PTV xServer2, it was previously not possible to calculate driving time & distance for collective orders2022-03Bug86303
Shipment BuilderWhen generating a new sales/transfer line by splitting off quantity - via the Goods load splitting dialog of the Goods management form - the system previously threw too many redundant info messages2022-03Bug85927
Dispatching and confirmation
Automated removal of resource assignment (in the tour header) after removal of resource assignment in GPB gantt screens

Previously, when resource was planned for the whole tour (via vehicle/trailer/driver/passenger field on the tour header), the removal of resource assignment from tour in GPB gantt screens did not clear the corresponding field on the tour header. This was enhanced by this task and vehicle/trailer/driver/passenger fields on the tour header are now also cleared when resource assignment is removed from the tour in GPB gantt screens (if the resource was still assigned for the whole tour).

2022-03New feature85893
Other / General
Replacement of Microsoft authentication library in GPB

Authentication with Microsoft services uses now the new MSAL library - previously used ADAL will be deprecated 30.06.2022. This change has no functional impact.

Microsoft authentication is used in GPB in one process:
- GPB integration with D365

2022-03New feature85875
Shipment BuilderWhen shipment lot quantity was deleted on the 'Create/Update transport order' dialog - for bulk or direct delivery order line - then the transport order line was not updated (ie. deleted)2022-03Bug85794
Customer invoicingPosting a customer invoice (that had an invoice surcharge added in the invoice pool) was previously failing2022-03Bug84898
Dispatching and confirmation
Introducing an advanced persistent design configuration of the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen (grid fields/filters/sorting)

Newly, it is possible to store the design configuration of GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen per each user/worker. Users/workers can activate/deactivate fields in the grid, change the column width, activate/deactivate filtering for each column, set up distinct filters per column etc.
The current design configuration can be saved to current worker either manually (via dedicated 'Templates' action button group) or is saved automatically (when just closing the form).

Further notes:
- The automatically saved design configuration is not saved to templates (but is saved directly to user), and is re-loaded next time the user opens the form. It also overrules the assigned template (that is saved on the worker).
- Templates are stored in 'Template OS configuration' (main menu -> CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> GPB) and can be also managed there.
- Assignment of template to worker is done on the 'Workers' form (in tab CAPcargo Transport, in section Filter Initialization Dispatching, in group Transport legs, via parameter Template OS configuration)

2022-03New feature84891
Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of 'Show in GPB' menuitem on the transport order form

Previously, the 'Show in GPB' menuitem on the transport order form showed only the order's first tour in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen. This was not too convenient in case the order was planned into several tours. _x000D_
The behaviour was enhanced, all tours of the order are now shown in GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen.

2022-03New feature84837
Driver App
Introducing a version check control (between mobile apps & middleware), to ensure that only compatible versions are used

Mobile apps now show a warning in case of being connected to not compatible middleware version and provide a install instructions and download link for compatible mobile app version (if update is allowed via 'Can update app manually' in the mobile app user parameters and if app has sufficient privileges).

2022-03New feature84758
Dispatching and confirmation
Cosmetic enhancement in dedicated filter dialog in GPB gantt screens

When certain license configuration keys were deactivated, empty white space was shown in the filter dialog (instead of deactivated filters). The dialog visualization was enhanced, the remaining filters are now repositioned, to avoid empty white space.

2022-03New feature83469
Dispatching and confirmation
Pre-load transport leg (load during night, before tour start)

A new flag on the transport leg was introduced, indicating that the LOADING activity for this leg happens pior to its tour's start point in time, e.g. in the night before. Hence the loading activity scheduler will calculate 0 duration for such legs in the tours. [And also hand over 0 duration to the optimizer.]

- Tour start date/time defines the work start point for all activities which are NOT pre-loaded
- Tour start date/time does not necessarily define the tour departure time. (Can be, if all activities are 0, pre-loaded, or no activities exist)
- [There is no depot work planning feature, hence we do not provide advanced depot planning activities. However, what can be done, is, to register the confirmed pre-load activity and store it on the tour, also if that activity started earlier than the tour start. This is also used in the Truck Loading App, where we can release a tour to depot to work on it also before tour start]

This feature is a simple approach, which allows to store the information on the right place (leg), interpret it for the optimizer, give the dispatcher the chance to change it on the leg(s) and initialize the flag from one rule so far, the cross-docking split rule.
Further rules are possible (e.g. depending on unloading time window, or depending on route, etc), but not implemented yet.

2022-03New feature82272
Dispatching and confirmation
Improving of resource capacity indication in Resource Screen (RS)

The red/green capacity indication in RS can never be 100% accurate due to performance constraints. If each tour with all its stops and orders [and potentially differently assigned carrying resources] [and potentially different capacities per country] needed to be analysed in detail for each resource in RS, that would take too long. Therefore some short cuts are taken and the RS red/green is to be considered a 90% accurate information.

Another fact which makes it unsharp is, the fixed truck/trailer combination which is respected if such a truck (or trailer) is selected (meaning, the total capacity is counted); but it could well be, that for this particular tour the dispatcher would dissolve the fixed combination.

In short, the waterproof capacity validation only can happen in Gantt Screen (GS) with the conflict analyser. However, in this release, the "short-cut capacity calculation" from RS was improved (without performance impact) as follows:
- The capacity definition per transport type is better respected mainly also for the none-capacity resources (e.g. tractors or bridges)
- In the previous version a non-capacity resource was by definition if ALL vehicle capacity entries for this vehicle were 0, for ALL transport types.

As soon as one transport type assigned capacities for that vehicle, it was also considered a capacity resource for other transport types, which led to "wrong" conclusions in RS
- Now it is possible to define a resource as non-capacity resources for certain transport types, but for capacity resources for other transport type. Quite hypothetical, but more accurate and better for performance too.
- The definition "a none-capacity resource (e.g. tractor/bridge) is not validated in RS and always shows green" is still valid.

2022-03New feature80342
Dispatching and confirmation
GUI improvement of the resource name visualization on the GPB 'Resources' screen

Previously, the resource icon size was not consistent across all resources, which was causing some graphical inconveniences (eg. the resource name was not aligned and started on different position). The behaviour was improved.

2022-03New feature64641
PTV xServer1 is replaced by PTV xServer2

PTV xServer 1 is many years old and hence is suggested to be replaced. PTV develops new features only on xServer 2 already for a while.

According to CAP support life cycle, xServer 1 is still supported in R25, R26, R27 and R28. In R29 it's removed from the product. From now on, CAPcargo is not investing into new features with xSever1 anymore but only in xServer2 (i.e. tunnel codes, dangerous goods, feature layers, better sequence optimization, general performance, etc).

The special situation with this deprecation is, that as customers have the right to run R28 unti its end of support, this also means, CAPcargo has to support hosting of xServer 1 latest until end of support of R28 (March 2023). - However, CAPcargo consultants will initialise the upgrade project with all customers as soon as possible, in order to benefit from the advantages of xServer 2 earlier than only in a year.

Each customer situation is to be analysed with CAPcargo consultants: Infrastructure, Configuration, Licenses, Map, etc

Please note:
- Known-issue at PTV xServer 2 for tour sequence optimization: See also known issue 89335 in this release letter

Other / General
KNOWN-ISSUE: PTV xServer2 Sequence optimization tour end issue for special case

Sequence optimization of tour by PTV xServer2 was successfully tested with several use cases, such as distribution tours (one big load, several unload stops), collection tour (several load stops, one big unload), mixed distribution and collection tour, load & unload at same tour stop, etc.

The following special case produces issues at the tour end:
- A mixed distribution/collection tour containing an order from A to B, and another order from B to A, whereas A and B are NOT the starting and ending depot
- In this scenario the system puts the A-unload at the same sort code like the tour end and visualizes it in GPB after the tour end. This is wrong.
- The tour has to be removed and re-created. No data corruption happened with the transport legs.
- If A and/or B are the starting or ending depot, then the case works fine.

- The reported issue is only with with the PTV xServer2, the previous PTV xServer [1.x] versions are not anyhow affected.
- All other features of PTV xServer2 work well, such as time/distance calculation.
- CAPcargo team will fix the issue in one of the next releases.

2022-04Known issue89335
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong driving distance & time calculations between tour stops

Previously, in GPB gantt screens it could happen that when calculating driving distance & time on the tour (via PTV xServer interface), then the driving distance & time calculated results were wrongly saved (and shown) between tour stops. The issue was happing only in certain parameterization constellation and could be easily recognized by user (as the driving time & distance between each and every tour stop was the same as the total driving time & distance of the whole tour).

Dispatching and confirmationPreviously, the tour sequence optimization was not working correctly when launched from the GPB gantt screens2022-04Bug89261
IntegrationsWrong address details were being exported via 'TAL Transport legs' entity2022-04Bug89225
Dispatching and confirmation
Small enhancement of result info message of 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' process (when transport leg cannot be planned into existing tour)

Previously, the result info message show Transport address id (which has not much informational value to the user), it was replaced by address name & city.

2022-04New feature89152
Other / General
Package/model 'CAPcargo GPB Adapter D365' (CAPcargoGPBAdapterD365) was removed as obsolete, together with other obsolete objects (in task 88912 'Removal of Obsolete objects that were deprecated in 10.0-CAP18.0 or earlier release')

In case the package/model is used in some project customized implementation of GPB, a special precaution is needed as it will require additional changes of customized code.

2022-04New feature89124
Other / General
Repositioning of two menuitems in main menu 'CAPcargo Transport'

In main menu 'CAPcargo Transport', in 'Inquiries', following two menuitems were moved to 'Resources' sub-menu:
- 'Resource time view'
- 'Truck loading history'

2022-04New feature89107
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of dispatching actions on the tour

Performance improvement was done entirely only on the code level (by change of index in CLXTALPackageTourOrderLine table), without any negative effect on the functionality. Also the handling of tours (that don't have any packages) should be improved, as even there the check 'does the tour have any packages?' will perform better now.

2022-04New feature89060
Customer order management and pricing
Wrong saving of 'Controlling approved' flag in 'Open controlling' form (when opened from transport order form)

Previously, in the 'Order controlling' form, it could happen that when 'Controlling approved' flag was set/unset, the change was lost after the grid was refreshed. Same behaviour was noticed also when 'Invoice' flag was set/unset. Both issues were happening only when 'Order controlling' form was opened from transport order form and were corrected.

IntegrationsField 'Message per Order line' was added to the 'TAL Status message setup' data entity (as field was previously missing there)2022-04New feature88920
Other / General
Removal of Obsolete objects that were deprecated in 10.0-CAP18.0 or earlier release

Because fields have been removed from database tables, the usage data of some processes might be broken. In such case the user will get an error like: "A container for table (CIRTRATour) was packed with more fields than are currently defined on the table and cannot be safely unpacked. The container will need to be recreated with the new table metadata in order to be unpacked correctly."

The solution is to clear the usage data of that process (full list of processes and usage data object names below). In case of scheduled batch jobs the batch job should be set up again.

Potentially impacted processes and the technical name of the usage data that might need to be cleared (processes marked with asterisk * are reports):
- Clean up Mobile app tours (TALdraTourCleanupController)
- Distance and time calculation (TALgsTourTimeDistanceCalcController)
- Confirm & finalize tour (TALshiCompleteTourExecutionController)
- Sub-contracting order * (TALSubContractOrderController, TALSubContractOrder_SubTourController)
- Calculation tour additional cost (TALTourTACPriceCalculationService)
- Close tour (TALTourCloseController)
- Unloading list*, Loading list* (TALTourLoadUnloadListController)
- Release to warehouse - Tour (TALshiTourReleaseToWHSController, TALshiTourReleaseToWHSBatchController)
- Tour Report * (TALTourReportController)
- Way bill * (TALWayBillConsolidatedReportController)
- Work Instructions * (TALWorkInstructionsController)
- Contract finding transport order (TALTROContractFindBatchController)
- Price calculation transport order (TALTROPriceCalculationBatchController
- Update transport order tariff quantities from confirmation (TALTROUseConfirmedQtyController)
- Contract finding sub-contracting transport order (TALTROVendContractFindBatchController)
- Price calculation sub-contracting transport order (TALTROVendPriceCalculationBatchService)
- Generate transport legs (CLXTALTLegGenerationDataController)
- Order confirmation * (TALOrderConfirmationController)
- Print labels * (TALPalletLabelReportController)
- Track and Trace Batch (TALttRunbaseFormServiceController)
- Split back transportation cost / revenue to shipment lots (TALshiSplitCostRevenue2ShiLotController)
- Sub-contracting order (for transport order)* (TALSubContractOrder_TransOrderController)
- Time-distance calculation transport order (TALTROTimeDIstanceCalculationController)
- Way bill * (TALWayBillReportController)
- Print labels ZPL (TALZPLLabelPrintController)
- Correct transport legs (CLXTALTLegCorrectionDataController)
- Create tour from pre-planned legs (TALGenerateTourFromPrePlannedLegsController)
- Generate/Update tour out of route/zone (TALGenerateTourFromRouteController)

Master dataPreviously, on transport address form, it was not possible to geo-code address if it previously already failed (and address was marked with flag 'Geo-coding' failed)2022-04Bug88897
Dispatching and confirmation
Problematic refresh of the tour in GPB 'Resource Dispatching', after performing the 'Release for departure'

When performing the 'Release for departure' in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, then occasionally the tour failed to refresh automatically (and the refreshing spinning wheel stayed on the screen). The issue was especially noticed on the tours that were submitted to driver app (but could also happen on other tours). Issue was corrected.

New data entity for administration of qualification details

New data entity ''TAL Qualification details' was created, both for export and import projects.

2022-04New feature88877
Dispatching and confirmation
Distinguishing between 'requested' and 'provided' resource qualifications in GPB 'Resources' screen

New field 'Type' was added to the 'Qualification' tab in the GPB 'Resources' screen, to show whether the resource qualification is requested (ie. Type=Demand) or is provided (ie. Type=Provide).

2022-04New feature88837
Customer order management and pricingVisualization of the transport order load & unload addresses on the Bing map now respects also the address street number2022-04New feature88816
Shipment Builder
Error preventing tour 'Release to warehouse'

Previously, it could happen that when releasing tour to warehouse, the process was interrupted with error 'A container for table (CIRTRATour) was packed with more fields than are currently defined on the table and cannot be safely unpacked...'. The issue was corrected and error should not be encountered anymore.

Improvement of the transport order EDI interface, to support the adding new order lines to existing transport orders

Previously, it was possible to change certain transport order (and line) fields via EDI interface, but adding the new order lines to existing transport order was not possible. This task enables it.

Important pre-requisite:
- The 'Update' EDI message must contain the already existing order lines (with the same 'LINENUM'), new order lines must have different LINENUM

Please note:
- The deletion of previously existing transport order lines (via EDI interface) is not supported

2022-04New feature88792
Dispatching and confirmationMissing automatic refresh of the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen when some tour was deleted2022-04Bug88759
Dispatching and confirmation
Date filters in 'Resource planning overview' form were previously not reliable

Following corrections were done on the 'Resource planning overview' form:
- Data filters do perform correctly now
- 'ETD calculated' fields were removed from the grid
- 'ETA calculated' fields were renamed to 'Start date/time' and 'End date/time'

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement: Faster initialization of tour start address from predecessor tour

On transport type, there is a parameter 'Mode' (in the 'Dispatching' section, in 'Tour initialization' field group), via which it is possible to:
- initialize tour start address form the predecessor tour of the vehicle
- update end address of that predecessor tour based on the start address of the new tour

The performance of finding the predecessor tour is now faster because of a new index in the tour stops table.

2022-04New feature88722
Customer order management and pricingThe route animation in the leaflet map (in 'Calculation transport cost' form) was sometimes not working correctly, only part of the route was animated in some cases2022-04Bug88695
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven improvement of the Fitting/Non-Fitting resource evaluation in the GPB 'Resources' screen

Previously, in GPB 'Resources' screen, the Fitting/Non-Fitting evaluation of 'Qualifications' and 'Capacity' (aka. two vertical status bars on the left of each resource) were calculated via two separate web services. To improve the performance (ie. to reduce the data calls between GPB & D365 backend), both status bars are now calculated via one common service.

2022-04New feature88689
Dispatching and confirmation
In GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, the carrying resource was sometimes not automatically assigned to the tour, after planning the order into tour (via drag & drop from GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen)

The issue was happening when resource id & vehicle id were not matching, ie. resources were parameterized in the way that the resource/vehicle link (or resource/trailer link) was established using different resource id & vehicle id. The issue was corrected and carrying resource assignment is automatically again performed (after drag & drop), for such resource parameterization.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven improvement of process 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone'

Improvement was done on the code structure level, without any negative impact on the functionality. Improvement is affecting also the 'Direct dispatch (route)' process on the transport order form, as it uses the same code.

2022-04New feature88596
Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicated visualization of multiselected resources in the dialog when adding resources to tours (via drag & drop from GPB 'Resources' screen)

Previously, it could happen that when selecting several resources and dragging them from GPB 'Resources' screen to tour, the info dialog (that shows which resources are to be planned to the tour) showed duplicated resources. The issue was especially happening when the same resource selection was previously planned into some tour, then removed from the tour, then again planned to another tour - and during this activity (ie. when reusing the same resource selection for planning/unplanning) the dialog showed duplicated resources. The issue was only in dialog visualization, the result (ie. resource allocation on the tour) was not duplicated. The issue was corrected and resource duplication should anymore occur during resource drag & drop action.

Premature termination of the transport order EDI periodic task, when certain error was encountered

Previously it could happen that when certain error during transport order EDI process was encountered, then whole EDI batch task was terminated (and no further orders were imported/updated). This was corrected, now when such error is encountered, then problematic record is skipped (and error log is populated) and batch task continues to process next records.

Other / GeneralSecurity role 'T&L Master Data Management Clerk' was wrongly assigned to license type 'Operations' (was changed to 'Team Members' license instead)2022-04Bug88545
Transport order EDI periodic task was finishing with 'Ended' status, even though some errors were encountered

Previously it could happen that the transport order EDI batch task was finishing with 'Ended' status, even though there were some errors encountered. The errors were available in the batch log, but it was not immediately clear to users that come errors were encountered. The issue was corrected and the transport order EDI batch now ends in 'Ended' only when no errors were encountered.

Other / General
Removal of the security role 'T&L Shipment Builder System Administrator'

Security role 'T&L Shipment Builder System Administrator' was removed, as it was not effectively used in the TMS module.

2022-04New feature88492
Dispatching and confirmation
Several enhancements of the tour creation process (via drag & drop of orders to GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen)

Following improvements were done:
- Improved performance when a tour is created by drag & dropping orders from the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen onto the individual resource white space in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen.
- Better logic for reusing the same tour stops instead of creating many stops in the same address.
- New parameter 'Tour sequence optimization in real-time' was added to main TMS parameters (to section 'Geo services'), via which it is possible to automatically launch tour sequence optimization during the 'drop' action.

2022-04New feature88478
Dispatching and confirmationTours could not be generated from default tours (correction of regression of release 10.0-CAP23.0)2022-04Bug88454
Dispatching and confirmation
Possibility to run/use the previous version of sequence optimization (of the tour)

As the core logic of sequence optimization (of the tour) was re-worked, for legacy purposes it is still possible to use the old/previous version of the sequence optimization. This was achieved by adding a new parameter 'Use legacy logic' to the dialog that is populated when sequence optimization is launched on the tour. When 'Use legacy logic' parameter is activated in the dialog, then the previous/old (ie. legacy) sequence optimization logic is used.

Please note:
- The legacy sequence optimization should be used only in individual cases (ie. when new sequence optimization logic does not work as expected). The parameter was added rather as a safety precaution, as during our internal testing we did not encounter any cases where new sequence optimization would be getting worse results than the old/legacy one. But if such cases are encountered during the testing (or during productive usage), then it is possible to individually revert to the old/legacy one.

2022-04New feature88421
Enabling the track & trace status messages for the transport order line

Previously, it was possible to create/send track & trace statuses only on following three levels:
- Transport order header
- Transport leg
- Package

This task introduces fourth level - newly it is possible to create/send track & trace status messages on the transport order line level.

Key points:
- New track & trace status was added (Status003 'Manual message order line')
- New checkbox parameter 'Message per Order line' was added to the 'Status message setup' form (which activates the sending of message per transport order line (similarly to previously existing 'Message per package' parameter))
- New button 'Manually create message' was added to the transport order line (to send messages manually).
- Transport order line reference was added to the track & trace wizard (to show for which order line are the status messages being created)

2022-04New feature88402
IntegrationsField 'Document type' was added to the 'TAL Activities' data entity (as field was previously missing there)2022-04New feature88400
Master dataDriver' form was previously showing also the workers that were not drivers (ie. workers with 'Worker type' = None)2022-04Bug88398
Customer order management and pricing
New calculation base for failed pickup/delivery tariff surcharge: percentage of freight amount

Previously it was possible to charge customers a surcharge for failed pickups and/or deliveries via a surcharge of type fix amount. Eg. 2 failed deliveries for 25 CHF each. Now, two new calculation bases ('Failed delivery order amount' & 'Failed pick-up order amount') have been introduced that allow to charge a percentage of the freight price as the surcharge amount.

The base of the calculation is still the number of failed pickups respectively the deliveries on order header. So for example when the original freight amount is 50 CHF and 1 failed delivery was applied against 100% the total price of the order would be 100CHF (50 CHF freight + 50 CHF failed delivery surcharge). In case of 2 failed deliveries against 50% would result in 100 CHF (50 CHF freight + 2x 25 CHF failed delivery surcharge = 50 CHF). The same logic applies for the failed pickup cases.

2022-04New feature88388
Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of the sequence optimization, when being used in PTV xServer2

Correction of known issue 88384 of release 10.0-CAP24.0.

Sequence optimization of tour was corrected and works now correctly also when PTV xServer2 is activated.

Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the info messages after sequence optimization on the tour

Info messages (that are shown after performing a sequence optimization on the tour) were enhanced, to give the user more details about the sequence optimization result.

2022-04New feature88376
Shipment Builder
Performance improvement of the transport order & shipment synchronization process (when launched from the tour)

The performance improvement was done on the code structural level, should not have any negative impact on functionality.

2022-04New feature88292
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven enhancement of the 'Resource planning overview' form

Following points were changed in the 'Resource planning overview' form, to achieve a better performance and improve user experience:
- Menuitem 'Refresh' was added to the form (to the 'Resource leg' menuitem section in top action ribbon), which (re)loads the form with currently set filters
- The form now doesn't load data automatically upon initial form opening (as the initial date filters are usually too generic and lot of potentially unnecessary data was loaded). So after initial fast form opening, users can now set desired filters and load the data via new 'Refresh' menuitem

2022-04New feature88247
Customer order management and pricing
Wrong order reference on the pre-order

Order id reference was previously filled on the pre-order (in the order header, in 'Setup' section', in the field 'Pre-order'), which was wrong, as the (pre-)order id reference shall be filled only on the target transport orders (that were created from pre-order).

Other / General
Relocation of the GPB web browser cache file path to the same path as the MSAL cache file

GPB web browser cache file path has been relocated to following path on the clients (to be stored in the same patch as MSAL cache):

The change is pure technical (without any effect on the front end), to have a consistent structure of GPB cache files.

2022-04New feature88240
Customer order management and pricing
Infolog correction when creating a new transport pre-order

When a new transport pre-order was created, the info message 'Transport offer(s) successfully generated.' was shown. The info message was corrected, now it shows 'Transport pre-order(s) successfully generated.'

Shipment Builder
Performance improvement of the shipment builder process, for D365 purchase orders

Shipment builder processes (which are related to D365 purchase order) should have a better performance.
The improvement was done on the code structure level, without any impact on the functionality itself.

2022-04New feature88140
Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of the tour stop selection process in GPB

Following improvements were done:
- The mechanism to focus previously selected tour stop in the tour was enhanced, as the tour stop 'view point' could get sometimes reset to first tour stop position (and previously selected tour stop was thus not directly displayed on the screen).
- It could also happen, that previously selected tour stop was de-selected after certain dispatcher actions.

2022-04New feature88113
Shipment BuilderLoad date to' was not filled on transport orders (which were created from return orders)2022-04Bug87814
Master data
Not possible to import qualifications to the vehicle type

Importing qualifications to the vehicle type was previously failing (with error "Insert not allowed for field 'Qualification type(QualificationType)'". The issue was corrected.

IntegrationsAddress area related fields were added to the 'TAL Qualifications' data entity2022-04New feature87727
Dispatching and confirmation
Conflict for missing certificate for the driver was sometimes not detected

Conflicts255 ('Qualification - missing certificate for driver') was previously sometimes not detected during conflict analysis. The issue was especially happening for qualifications which were requested by transport address (or address areas) and driver's certificate was expired.
The issue was corrected and Conflict255 is now detected also when qualification is requested from address (or from address area).

IntegrationsData entity 'TAL Status message criteria line' was previously failing for importing2022-04Bug87673
Master dataNo validation of transport unit during setting up of the container type mapping2022-04Bug87659
Master data
'The selected address is no longer effective.' infolog on orders after manual reset of the 'Geo-coding failed' flag on the address

On address details (in the global address book), it was previously possible to manually reset flag 'Geo-coding failed'. The issue was that the manual reset of the flag was creating new address version (which caused certain complication for already existing orders that were using the address). The issue was corrected and the 'Geo-coding failed' is disabled for user manual changes, as the flag is managed by the address correction processes (that do not create a new address versions).

Dispatching and confirmation
Instruction activity rules shall not be manually created by dispatcher

Previously, it was possible to add manually new instruction activities in the GPB gantt screens (on the tour stop level). This was not foreseen (as instruction activities should be created by instruction activity rules) and could lead to unexpected situations, where manually created instruction activities were removed during instruction activity.
To support manual adding of instruction activities in GPB, it would require further changes (which are not currently planned).

Therefore, it is not possible anymore to create manually instruction activities, as the instruction activities were removed from the activity lookup (where dispatcher select which new activity shall be added).

2022-04New feature87526
IntegrationsUnable to import message template group lines ('TAL Status message template lines' data entity)2022-04Bug87519
Dispatching and confirmation
Enhanced logic for creating/reusing tour stops when adding transport legs to tour

Following mechanism are now applied when adding transport legs to tour:
- When adding orders to existing tour, also tour start/end addresses are considered when the system evaluates whether to put the order to existing stop or create a new tour stop
- When new tour is created from transport legs via Drag&Drop to GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, system doesn't create multiple stops for the same address anymore (if many legs had the same load/unload address)
- However some processes still can create 'duplicate' stops in tour start/end address:
- Dispatch Transport order directly to a new tour
- Create tour from transport leg (used also by Drag&Drop orders to GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen)
- When the tour initialization mode (on the transport type) is activated (ie. when set to 'From predecessor tour' or to 'To predecessor tour'), then the current tour start & first loading tour stops are not merged (for 'From predecessor tour' setup) or the predecessor tour end & last unloading is split (for 'To predecessor tour' setup)
- These exceptions exist because the tour/start end address is quite often changed after the tour was created. And it can only be changed if the start/end address doesn't have any orders. Therefore 'extra' empty stops are created in tour start/end.

2022-04New feature87504
New data entity for administration of billing proposal matching rules

New data entity 'TAL Billing proposal matching rule' was created, both for export and import projects.

Please note:
- only soft criteria on the 'Billing proposal matching rule' are available for import/update

2022-04New feature87449
Other / General
Introducing a general mechanism, how to remove obsolete data migration jobs

Data migration jobs are usually used when there is a data model change. Quite often they are used to move data from old (now obsolete) field to a new field/table. The nature of the data migration jobs is that they are only relevant when moving from a specific CAP version to a newer version. Once the life cycle of the certain release is over, its data migration jobs are no longer relevant, as all projects are either upgraded (ie. the data migration tasks were already run) or the direct upgrade is not anymore supported. Previously, there was no mechanism to remove such obsolete data migration jobs and they were just cumulating in the application.

This enhancement is introducing a general mechanism for removing old/historical data migration jobs.
In this release some data migration jobs have been already removed - mostly the ones related to upgrading data from the (obsolete) fields that were now completely removed in the 88912 task ('Remove of Obsolete objects that were deprecated in 10.0-CAP18.0 or earlier release'). But there are still older data migration jobs, which will be processed (ie. removed) in some future release(s), via this new general mechanism.

2022-04New feature87424
New data entity for administration of Transport delivery terms

New data entity 'TAL Transport delivery terms' was created, both for export and import projects.

Additionally, two previously existing data entities were renamed, to avoid user confusion (and to be able to distinguish better between data entities):
- 'TAL Delivery terms' was renamed to 'TAL Incoterms'
- 'TAL Delivery terms line' was renamed to 'TAL Incoterms line'

2022-04New feature87376
Dispatching and confirmation
Customer wished timeslot (for loading/unloading of the transport order) was sometimes not respected in transport leg

The issue was only happening when some customer wished time slot was specified on the transport order (eg. 'Unload date' was on 8.4.2022, from 10:00 to 12:00), but no 'Unload date to' was specified. In these cases (ie. when 'Load date to' or 'Unload date to' were empty), the system then failed to promote the customer wished timeslot (eg. from 10:00 to 12:00) to corresponding transport leg.

Customer order management and pricing
Performance of copying of transport order was enhanced

'Copy Order' feature on transport order form was enhanced, the copying or orders shall be faster now.

2022-04New feature87291
Dispatching and confirmation
Reducing the amount of decimal places in capacity utilization form

'Show capacity' form (launchable from the GPB gantt screens, from context menu of the tour stops) previously showed unnecessary amount of decimal places, which was not too convenient (and did not have any informational gain). The amount of decimal places was thus reduced, to show the used capacity only with one decimal place.

2022-04New feature87284
Dispatching and confirmation
Automatic driving time & distance calculation of the tour was not precise in certain parameterizations

If main parameter 'Tour distance/time calculation in real time' was enabled, then the automatic driving distance & time calculation did run too early in 'Create tour from transport leg' process. The issue was corrected, and automatic driving distance & time calculation is launched after the strategic routing process (to ensure that resulting driving time & distance calculation on the tour reflects the result of strategic routing).

Customer order management and pricingWhen generating transport order from default order, the 'Plus date' field in the dialog parameters was not respected in certain parameterizations2022-04Bug87068
Master data
Possibility to manage drivers via TAL standard security roles (ie. linking existing worker to existing resource)

Previously, to assign an existing worker to resource was previously possible only for users that have security role of 'Human resource assistant' (or 'Human resource manager'). This was not ideal as both aforementioned Microsoft D365 roles grant too much privilege to the user. This was now enhanced, to assign an existing worker to resource newly requires only 'T&L Resource clerk D365' security role.

2022-04New feature87039
Dispatching and confirmation
PTV xServer2 interface didn't reflect the weight of the transport order, for driving time & distance determination

The issue was happening only in PTV xServer2 interface and was corrected.
PTV xServer1 interface was not affected, there the transport order weight was reflected correctly.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enabling the usage of tunnel codes in the PTV xServer interface (both xServer1 & xServer2 is supported)

The official tunnel restriction codes are now taken into account for extended route calculation. Therefore the truck attribute data contain segment attributes to indicate the tunnel category.

The tunnel codes are included in the functionality and can be used when different dangerous goods are added to the transport order line.

For xServer2, following tunnel codes shall be used: A, B, C, D, E
For xServer1, following tunnel codes shall be used: 0, 131, 121, 111, 101

2022-04New feature86126
Master data
Address search periodic task could fail

In certain data constellation, it could happen that the address periodic task (to update search data) was failing with some error infolog. The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong driving distance calculation when distance unit 'Miles' set in PTV xServer2 parameters

Previously it could happen, that driving distance calculation was in certain constellations calculated wrongly. The issue was only happening when PTV xServer2 was used and when PTV default distance unit was set to 'Miles' in main parameters. The issue was corrected and the default PTV distance unit can newly be only 'Kilometres' when PTV xServer2 is used.

Please note:
- the TAL default distance unit can still be set to 'Kilometres' in main parameters, even when PTV xServer2 is used.

Customer order management and pricingVolume of the package (eg. in cubic meters) is newly calculated from the package dimensions (eg. from depth/width/height) in case the conversion between measurement units is defined2022-04New feature85568
Driver App
Enhancement of the calculation of load/unload quantity fields in the driver/truck loading app form

Mobile app tour forms even previously showed load/unload quantity of the related tour stop. But due to recent new mobile app features, the previous simple logic was not 100% reliable. Especially in following cases the quantity was not show correctly:
- Load and unload of a tour stop happen in different apps
- Same tour stop is sent to both apps for any reason (this quantity still showed all load/unload quantities in both app tours)
- Same tour stop has many truck loading app tours (one per carrying resource)

The load/unload quantity logic was enhanced the the driver/truck loading app form, to cover also these cases.

2022-04New feature85034
Possibility to remove status messages from the system

'Delete' button was newly added to the status message form. so it is possible to remove status messages. Please note, only messages in status 'Sent', 'Cancelled' and 'Error' can be deleted.

2022-04New feature84478
Dispatching and confirmation
New periodic task, for automated creation of tours from default tours

New periodic task 'Generate tour from default tour' has been added to the system, it is accessible in main menu in the following path:
- CAPcargo Transport -> Periodic -> Dispaching -> Generate tour from default tour

So it is now possible to generate tours from default tours automatically, via scheduled periodic task.

2022-04New feature82798
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance driven redesign of the 'Generate tour out of default tour' process

Code of 'Generate tour out of default tour' process was completely re-written, to achieve a better performance and easier maintenance in the long run. For users the changes are not so visible, as the changes were done mostly on the code level.

Please notice:
- The 'Select all' menuitem in the 'Generate tour out of default tour' dialog was removed, users should use the standard D365 'select all' checkbox above the grid
- It is still possible to use wildcards in the dedicated filters 'Transport type' & 'Dept.'. So for example setting up the filter Transport type '1,2' is supported

2022-04New feature82797
Customer order management and pricing
Re-enabling wildcard usage in inaccurate address on transport offer

Historically (ie. in TMS AX2012), it was possible to use wildcards in the inaccurate address of the transport offer. So, for transport offers, it was possible to specify address for example in the following way:
- Country = CHE
- ZipCode = 830*

This functionality was later lost, during upporting the TMS module to D365 (and to newer versions of PTV xServer).
This task restores this functionality.

Key points:
- It is possible to use wildcards in the zipcode specification (without any city) on the transport offer. Driving time & distance can be calculated for such offers, even the price calculation. So users can create offers (and thru offers also transport orders) with really general (ie. rough) specification of loading/unloading addresses.
- It is also possible to transform such offers into transport orders. Driving time & distance can be calculated for such transport orders, even the price calculation.
- When generating transport legs from orders (that contain some inaccurate address), the user is informed (that order contains inaccurate address), but the leg creation is possible (after user approval).
- Tours with inaccurate addresses are thus also supported, incl. driving time & distance calculation (incl. map visualization).

2022-04New feature79911
Dispatching and confirmationPerformance improvement: Changing the tour start/end datetime is now faster2022-04New feature79421
Dispatching and confirmationTour section vertical scrollbar (that is appearing when there are more tour stops than could fit onto one screen) width was enlarged. As previously the scrollbar in both GPB gantt screens was too narrow2022-04New feature49630
Customer invoicing
In certain circumstances the reversal of the invoice (ie. issuing a credit note for invoice) was not possible

The issue was caused by inconsistent data (caused by pro-forma printout process) and was corrected by introducing following validations to the pro-forma invoice process, to avoid that such inconsistent are created):
- the pro-forma printout process cannot be launched as scheduled batch task
- print management is deactivated for pro-forma printout process
- it is not possible to deactivate the 'Pro forma' flag during the pro-forma printout process

2022-04New feature34334
Customer order management and pricing
Missing auto refresh on the manual order surcharge form after removal of calculated surcharge

Previously, when calculated surcharge was removed in the manual order surcharges form, the form was not automatically refreshed and had to be refreshed manually. This was causing a bad user experience, especially when removing more surcharges. Manual order surcharge form was enhanced, and is now automatically refreshed after surcharge removal.

2022-04New feature25842
Master dataIn 'Cross docking rule' form, the 'Departure zone' & 'Destination zone' lookups were not showing any zones, when 'Departure/Destination zone codes' were set to 'Address group'2022-04Bug25764
Master dataWrong column name in the 'Obstacle factor' form (the 'ZIP code' column was wrongly named as 'Obstacle factor')2022-04Bug25740
Customer order management and pricing
Multiple same surcharge types in the tariff surcharge definition

Previously, it was possible to have the same surcharge type stored on the multiple tariff surcharges (within the same contract version or contract relation). This caused certain issues during price calculation - in some cases only the first surcharge type was calculated. The issue was corrected and new form validation was added to the tariff surcharge master data form, to ensure that the surcharge type is unique across the tariff surcharges (within the same contract version or contract relation).

Master dataPreviously it was possible to manually specify 'Criteria type' on the service level agreements. This was corrected (and field is newly locked for user changes) as the criteria type shall be only automatically determined from the weekday criteria id2022-04Bug25646
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Possibility to select an inactive contract on the intercompany order line

On intercompany order line, it was possible to select a contract that was inactive. The issues was corrected and inactive contracts are now not shown in the contract lookup on the intercompany order line.

Customer order management and pricing
Wrong invoice details of the invoice for third party surcharge

When third party surcharge is being invoiced, system produces a separate invoice to main order invoice. The issue was that the invoice for third party surcharges was initializing invoice details (eg. language, payment conditions etc.) from the invoice account of the main order, which was not correct. The issue was corrected and the invoice details are now initialized from the invoice account of the third party surcharge.

Dispatching and confirmation
In certain constellations, the user 'wished' tour start time was not respected during tour creation

Previously, it could happen that when creating new tours (that should start exactly on the same time as is the UTC time zone shift (of the tour start address)), then the tour start time was overruled by default 'Start time' (from the main TMS parameters). The issue was corrected and the default 'Start time' (from the main TMS parameters) is applied only when no tour start time is provided.

Customer order management and pricing
Removal of the address contact data in 'Good management' forms

Address contact data section was removed from the 'Goods management' forms, as it was not actively used by projects.

Following address contact data fields were thus removed:
- 'Description'
- 'Type'
- 'Contact number/address'
- 'Extension'

2022-04New feature25173
Customer invoicingSmall GUI enhancement of the print invoice/pro-forma dialog: when printing a pro-forma invoice, a 'Print invoice' option is now automatically activated (and disabled for user changes), as disabling a printing doesn't make sense for pro-forma invoices2022-06New feature89210
Customer invoicing
Service level agreement (SLA) is added to customer invoice pool

Service level agreement (SLA) of the orders is newly available in the customer invoice pool and can be used as filtering criteria. Hence it is now possible to selectively launch customer invoicing only for orders that have a specific SLA.
Beside transport order, also part-invoice order is supported.

2022-06New feature89669
Customer order management and pricing
Enhancement of the 'Manually create message' wizard, for transport order track & trace

Following improvements were done in the 'Manually create message' wizard (CAPcargo Transport > Common > All Transport orders > Confirmation > Track and Trace > Manually create message):
- Default Package identification code was added to the grid, both in the second & third page of the wizard
- If multiple packages are selected in the second page of the wizard (Select the underlaying data for the message), existing messages for all of them are newly shown in the third page (Check for existing messages). Previously, system showed on the third page only the existing messages for the active record in the second page.

2022-06New feature89441
Customer order management and pricing
Periodic task for creation of transport order from default order could previously fail in certain situation

The issue was especially happening when periodic task was launched without transport type query criteria (eg. when transport type filter was removed during periodic task set up).

Customer order management and pricing
'Optimization factor' parameter was not respected in 'Calculation transport costs' process

'Optimization factor' (as defined in main TMS parameters) was not respected when calculating the driving distance & time in the 'Calculation transport costs' process. The issue was corrected and the parameter is now used & respected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Improvement of tour delete process, to inform user that some activities are already confirmed

Previously, it was possible to delete a tour that had some activities (but not orders) confirmed, as long as tour was in status 'Dispatching'. This could have happened when tour was released to mobile apps. The weak point was that user was not informed about existence of confirmed activities and tours could get deleted even when they should not.

To improve this mechanism, a new infolog was introduced, to warn user during tour deletion that some activities are already confirmed.

2022-06New feature85752
Dispatching and confirmation
Validate via conflict management, when transport leg date (as calculated via rough scheduling) happens in the past

With certain combination of transport order dates & rough scheduling parameterization, it can happen that transport leg is scheduled to happen in the past. This is possible for example when 'Backward' rough scheduling strategy is used, and via rough scheduling rules the system can find only date that is in the past. In that case the transport leg is still rough scheduled with the calculated past date, but user is newly informed via Conflict350 ('Scheduling - no valid rough scheduling found for this transport leg') in the conflict management on the transport leg (provided that the Conflict350 is activated on the transport type). _x000D_
When determining whether the transport leg rough scheduling date is in the past, the time zone of the address (of the transport leg point) is respected.

2022-06New feature87395
Dispatching and confirmation
Allowing to set up the 'Complete tour execution' process in a way that it closes everything on trade side (ie. shipment synchronization, confirm outbound shipment, packing slip posting), but does not close the transportation side (ie. does not perform the

Key points:
- Previously existing 'Confirm & finalize tour' process was renamed to 'Tour execution (Trade)' as it is focused to 'finalize' trade originating tours (as it contains mainly shipment builder sub-processes). Process now also contains optional sub-process 'Confirm tour(s) directly', to manage whether tour confirmation should be done automatically (or not).
- Previously existing 'Tour confirmation' process shall be used to 'finalize' the pure transportation tours (ie. without shipment builder orders), as it doesn't contain any shipment builder related sub-process. Process now also contains optional sub-process 'Confirm tour(s) directly', to manage whether tour confirmation should be done automatically (or just tour confirmation form should be opened, for manual tour confirmation).
- 'Close tour' was moved into new standalone process, as it makes no sense to activate tour closing sub-process inside both main 'finalize' processes (as several validations are done in tour closing, hence is done typically independently, with some delay)

2022-06New feature88258
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong tour start date when tour was generated from the default tour (that had some tour sub-contracting activated)

When the tour was previously generated from the default tour (that had some tour sub-contracting activated), then the start date of the resulting tour was wrong (ie. the tour was created with start date of many years in the past). The issue was corrected and the tour start date is now taken again from the default tour planning dialog.

Dispatching and confirmation
Merging of all tour lines didn't work when tour stops were not direct neighbours

Merging of all tours lines (even when tour stops were not direct neighbours) was previously working in the older TMS releases, but was not possible in 10.0-CAP25.0. This task restores the original feature and tour stops can now be merged again even when not being exactly direct neighbours.

Dispatching and confirmation
Transport leg 'Plus days' parameter was sometimes ignored in the rough scheduling of transport legs

The issue was especially happening when 'Transit scheduling' plan date control was activated on the route/zone, but no valid transit schedule was set up. The issue was corrected and 'Plus days' transport leg parameter is applied in rough scheduling even when no valid transit schedule is found.

Dispatching and confirmationPacking slip was previously not generated during 'Confirm and finalize' tour process, when sending via email was specified in print management2022-06Bug88836
Dispatching and confirmationGPB gantt bar extensions for delay/earliness (aka. red or green bar extensions for customer wished date & time) were previously shown in the GPB gantt screens even when the detailed scheduling was deactivated in the transport type2022-06Bug77585
Dispatching and confirmationLong GPB client closing times, when GPB client was launched with wrong Azure Service Bus parameters2022-06Bug88121
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong driving distance & time calculations between tour stops (happening only in very specific constellation)

The previously released fix (task 89304 'Wrong driving distance & time calculations between tour stops', in release 10.0-CAP25.0) corrected most of the cases, with one (rather hypothetical) exception - when the driving time & distance of the tour was previously calculated in 'kilometres' but the default distance unit was then switched (in main TMS parameters) into 'miles'. Then further re-calculation of previously existing tours was showing the wrong results. The behavior was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Missing refresh of the tour activity and resource assignment section in the GPB gantt screens, after tour deletion

Previously, when tour was deleted in GPB gantt screens, then the tour activities and resource assignments were still shown in the uppert part of GPB gantt screens (ie. in Level 2). The issue was corrected and the tour activity (and resource assignment) section is now automatically refreshed, after the tour deletion.

Dispatching and confirmation
GPB didn't reflect the confirmed departure in tour stop overview

Previously, when departure from tour stop was confirmed (but the 'Driving time and distance' confirmed was still not confirmed), the tour didn't show as departed in GPB gantt screens. The behavior was enhanced and 'departed' visualization of the tour stop in the GPB app is newly following the state of 'Departure' flag of the tour stop.

Dispatching and confirmation
Impossibility to select multiple tours in both GPB gantt screens

Previously, in both GPB gantt screens, the multi selection of tours (eg. selection of several tours, for mass tour 'Release for departure' etc.) was sometimes not possible (ie. the previously selected tours were automatically 'deselected'). Tour selection mechanism was enhanced and is reliable now.

Dispatching and confirmation
Problematic refresh of the tour in GPB 'Resource Dispatching', after performing the 'Release for departure' on multiple selected tours at once

When performing the 'Release for departure' in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen on multiple selected tours, then occasionally the tours failed to refresh automatically (and the refreshing spinning wheel stayed on the screen). The issue was especially noticed on the tours that were submitted to driver app (but could also happen on other tours). Issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Enhancement of the change of tour start/end address (to better handle the cases where tour start/end already contains some orders)

Processes via which it is possible to change tour start/end address were enhanced, to better handle the situation where tour start/end already contains some orders. When such situation is now encountered, the tour start/end address is changed and the orders are moved into new tour stop (still with the previously existing address).

Following processes were affected:
- Change tour start in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' when there are orders in tour start
- Change tour end in D365 'Dispatch light - Tours' when there are orders in tour end
- Depot split (tour line) when tour end has orders
- Change tour start/end via GPB

2022-06New feature89281
Dispatching and confirmation
Sequence optimization can be newly launched only until the tour is departed

Previously, it was possible to perform a sequence optimization even on tours that were already departed. This could lead into unexpected situations on the tour stop structure, especially when some tour stops were already confirmed.
Newly, the sequence optimization can be launched only for the tour which first tour stop is not yet 'Departed'.

2022-06New feature89300
Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of the 'Tour routing rule' finder (via which it is possible to insert waypoints to the tour)

The performance improvement was purely technical - by adding a new table index.

2022-06New feature88586
Dispatching and confirmationPerformance improvement of the 'Merge all tour lines' feature on both GPB gantt screens2022-06New feature89037
Dispatching and confirmation
Several enhancement of the sequence optimization process on the tour

1) Performance driven enhancement of the sequence optimization process, to avoid submitting the sequence optimization query to PTV when there is nothing to optimize. Following cases are now validated:
- Tour has only two or three stops
- Tour has four stops and:
- Tour start and second stop have same address, and tour end and third stop have same address
- OR all orders are on second and third stops

When above cases are encountered, then the sequence optimization (ie. query to PTV server) is newly skipped, as it cannot produce any different result on the tour stop structure.

2) The 'Sequence was optimized for tour...' infolog is newly populated only when the tour stop structure was altered via sequence optimization process. (Previously the infolog was shown even when sequence optimization process didn't have any effect on the tour stop structure, which was misleading for the user).

3) Duplicate launch of the driving distance & time calculation is now avoided.
As the driving distance & time calculation is launched automatically as part of sequence optimization process (but can be also activated separately, eg. via 'Automatic distance determination' or via 'Tour distance/time calculation in real-time' main TMS parameters, or via 'Distance and time calculation' parameter in the 'Release for departure' process), the logic was enhanced, to avoid that it is launched several times unnecessarily.

2022-06New feature89078
Dispatching and confirmation
Endless 'loading wheel' could be sometimes encountered in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen (special case)

The issue was encountered in GPB 'Resource Dispatching', in following special constellation:
- when tour had already several resources (eg. Driver1 & Driver2) and user was selecting the tour for one resource (eg. Driver1), then when user was adding new resource (eg. Truck1) to tour via drag and drop, and was dropping the Truck1 resource to the position of Driver2 tour, then the endless 'loading wheel' was encountered.

The issue was corrected and resource assignment is now refreshed correctly (even in above described special constellation).

Dispatching and confirmationAfter sequence optimization was performed on the tour, the tour stop details in GPB gantt screens were not automatically refreshed2022-06Bug89999
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour sometimes disappeared from GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen, when a resource was removed from the tour

The issue was happing only in the GPB 'Tour Dispatching' screen and only in certain constellations.

Dispatching and confirmationOpening 'Track and Trace status' from GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen (from context menu of 'Order' tab, on the tour stops) was sometimes not possible2022-06Bug90045
Dispatching and confirmationMissing 'intercompany' status icon in the tour details (in level 1), in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen2022-06Bug90055
Dispatching and confirmation
Certain dispatching actions sometimes could not be executed on GPB gantt screens, the D365 browser window was not loaded not correctly (ie. only blank window was opened)

The issue was happening especially for the following dispatching actions:
- Tour stop splitting
- Tour stop depot splitting
- Qualifications opening

Issue was corrected and D365 browser windows are now loaded correctly.

Dispatching and confirmation
Performance improvement of initial tour stop detail loading in GPB gantt screens

The performance of initial tour stop detail loading in GPB gantt screen was improved, by removing certain elements from the initial loading into separate background service(s).

Following elements are now not loaded directly during initial tour stop loading (eg. when selecting a tour), but are only loaded later (via background services):
- capacity checks on the tour stops
- work instruction status icon on the tour stops

2022-06New feature89326
Dispatching and confirmationIn order to mitigate development efforts when release date changes, GPB client main menu now shows only release month (previously the exact release date was shown)2022-06New feature90404
Driver AppMitigating the 'Failed to connect to MSAL' error in driver app, when using the 'Sign in with Microsoft' authentication method2022-06New feature89212
Driver App
Having more than one active tour stop in the driver app

In driver app, in general it is allowed to work always only on exactly one tour stop. In other words, confirmation of arrival on other tour stop should be possible only after departing the current stop. The issue was that via rearranging the tour stop sequence in the driver app, it was previously possible to achieve the constellation where the arrival to new tour stops was confirmed, without departing from previous stop. The validation in driver app was improved, to avoid such constellation.

Driver AppCustom tour stop sequence was sometimes reverted in the driver app without informing the user (missing infolog in driver app)2022-06Bug89559
Driver App Mobile app users could not logout from the mobile apps, when underlying D365 backend application was not available2022-06Bug89631
Driver App
Taking higher amount of pictures during some processes might previously destabilize (and crash) the Driver app

The issue was experienced for example during the failed delivery registration, where many documenting photos were taken. Then from certain amount of pictures taken, the app started to perform poorly (as more and more app storage was consumed), until it ultimately crashes. Afterwards, the driver app would not start again anymore, until cache and storage was cleared.

This fix improves the handling but doesn't fix all the related issues. Therefore it's not recommended to add more than 1 picture when using the "Skip all remaining activities" process = swiping Depart when unconfirmed activities still remain.

Additionally, to overcome some issues on big tours we have reduced parallel processing in the app (temporary solution), which means that the app UI is blocked by a "Syncing" dialog when the user confirms activities that trigger a sync (=First activity of the tour, and last activity of all tour stops). This adds waiting time of about 30 sec per sync.

Driver App
Mobile app export periodic tasks should be recreated after installing new CAPcargo licenses

We have noticed that the mobile app export periodic tasks might fail in some systems after installing 10.0-CAP26.0 release with new licenses. This doesn't happen always or in all systems, and seems to be related to a bug/glitch in D365 Recurring integrations framework (similar issues were experienced also in the past).

As a pre-emptive measure it's recommended to recreate the jobs after installing 10.0-CAP26.0 and the new licenses, by following the instructions in chapter "Recreating the export jobs" of "CAPcargo Mobile apps - Setup instructions for customer systems" document (

Service action can be done by any user with sufficient access rights and knowledge in the Data management module.

Driver App
Wrong license configuration key in mobile app tour composite entity

This entity was previously to "Driver app" license configuration key, which caused that truck loading app could be run only when 'Driver app' license configuration key was activated. The issue was corrected and mobile app tour composite entity is now linked to 'Mobile app base features', thus it is now possible to set up truck loading app also without driver app license.

Additionally, 'Modules' property was not filled on the 'Mobile app activity feedback' entity (is now correctly set to 'TALTransportSolution'), hence the entity now shows up correctly in the Entity model view.

Driver App
Confirmation of 'Wait' activities in driver app was not handled properly

Several issues were identified, in the area of 'Wait' activities handling in the driver app:
- when confirming a 'Wait' activity in the driver app, the original 'Wait' activity was not confirmed in D365 backend (on the tour stop), but a new 'Wait' activity was created.
- skipping a 'Wait' activity confirmation in the driver app also created a new 'Wait' activity in the D365, which then sometimes lead to 'Mobile app activity XYZ already exists' exception and could completely block further processing of feedbacks for the whole tour.

Both issues were corrected, the planned 'Wait' activity (if it exists originally in D365) is newly send to app as 'Other' activity (which is a general type for all activities that don't have any special characteristics on the app side), and 'Wait' activity in driver app is reserved for cases when driver spontaneously reports the unforeseen waiting activity.

Driver App
Missing activities in the driver app, when tour was generated from default tour template

Previously, when tour was generated from default tour template, all tour activities were considered as 'optional' in the mobile app tours. Which was not according to general mechanism (ie. all tour activities shall be by default considered as 'Mandatory for mobile apps', unless they are configured as 'optional' via instruction activity rules). The issue was corrected.

Driver App
Driver app load activity was sometimes marked as deleted

The issue was happening when asynchronous change tracking mode was used (and some stop was split in D365 backend)

Driver App
Missing driver app feedback messages in certain constellations

When working with big tours (hundreds of activities) the app sometimes loses some of the feedbacks (=confirmations/swipes) and the related orders/packages are therefore not confirmed in D365.

Several improvements have been made but it's still not a perfect solution.

To overcome this issue we have reduced parallel processing in the app (temporary solution), which means that the app UI is blocked by a "Syncing" dialog when the user confirms activities that trigger a sync (=First activity of the tour, and last activity of all tour stops). This adds waiting time of about 30 sec per sync.

Driver App
Enabling return order creation also for tour start

In unplanned return order process, new orders were added (planned) to tour stops. But return order creation was not possible for tour start, as D365 backend system had a validation that prevented adding orders to the tour start stop. The behavior was changed and the creation of return order at tour start is now enabled from driver app.

2022-06New feature83210
Driver App
Incomplete confirmation of driver app tours in D365 backend

Previously, when driver was rearranging (and confirming) a custom tour stop sequence in the driver app, this could lead to incomplete tour confirmation in the D365 backend. Especially the driving time & distance confirmation was sometimes missing. The issue was corrected and the custom tour stop sequence is now better reflected in the D365 tour confirmation when processing the feedback from the mobile app.
Additionally, new menuitem 'Show confirmed sequence' was added to tour confirmation form (that is accessible when tour stop sequence was re-arranged in the driver app), to be able to switch between originally foreseen & rearranged tour stop sequence.

Driver App
Enhancement of the mobile app tour clean up & instant message clean up

Following enhancement were done in the mobile app clean up functionality (accessible via 'Clean up Mobile app' form):
- Correction of the clean up infolog, which previously sometimes informed about successful clean up (but no mobile app tours were actually cleaned)
- Mobile app tours with status 'Done' and 'Confirmed' now can be cleaned up via 'Clean up Mobile app' form. (Previously, the clean up was possible only for 'Done' mobile app tours)
- Certain code adjustments, to avoid using obsolete Microsoft methods

2022-06New feature86827
Business hours and customer wished dates were not respected in the sequence optimization of the tour

Following optional parameters were previously not respected during sequence optimization of the tour:
- 'Respect business hours'
- 'Respect customer wish'

The issue was corrected and both parameters are now reflected in the sequence optimization algorithm.

IMPORTANT: Usage of business opening hours in the sequence optimization algorithm has limitations, it is NOT an optimizer. This is the supported scope:

Simple geographical sequence optimization (ie. when no optional parameters are activated)
- Not considering business opening hours
- Not considering capacities
- Just geography and load/unload rules (load not before unload)

The following additional options are available, with currently clear limitations, see below.
- Respect business hours
- Respect customer wish
- Unload all before load

Sequence optimization with respecting business opening hours / customer wishes
- customer wish is stronger than business opening hour
- it can only shift stops, which in the best case leads to matching business opening hours
- it cannot insert wait activities
- it cannot postpone tours to next days
- it does not handle capacities
- combinations with further requirements (e.g. First unload all, then re-load) can become difficult quickly
- Example: it can solve simple cases such as 1 out of 20 orders should be delivered in the morning, not in the afternoon.
- If no valid solution can be found, it will not optimize and through a warning

Sequence optimization with respecting “First unload all orders before new orders are re-loaded”
- Additionally to the above features, here a prioritization of orders is respected
- Example: Tour has 10 unloads all from same depot, and then some re-loads back to same depot
- Without this option activated, the optimizer would just optimize by geography and mix loads and unloads (of course respecting load before unload PER ORDER)
- With this option activated, the optimizer unloads first all orders to empty the truck, and only then starts recollecting orders back to the depot. This might not be the most optimal geographical sequence

Document import 'error' status records are now included in the re-processing (both manually and via periodic task)

Previously, document import was failing when there was no transport order existing in the system yet (which happens if the document attachment is received faster than the actual import transport order process is finished). Then the records in error state could not be reprocessed, unless manually set back. This mechanism was not compatible with fully automated import as that would require that someone has to monitor the queue and has a manual daily task on resetting the status back.
The logic was thus improved and the 'error' status records are newly included in the re-processing (both manually and via periodic task).

Additionally, hard criteria of the periodic task were removed and users can now use a date range (dayrange -7,0) for example to only process records from last 7 days.

2022-06New feature89367
Master data
'Geo services: Geo-coding failed' warning infolog, when changing the country during registration of new address

Previously, when changing a country during registration of new address, system (in some parameterization constellation) launched automatically an address geo-coding process, despite no address details were entered yet. The address geo-coding process then failed and user was informed accordingly. The issue was corrected and address geo-coding process is not launched anymore immediately after country change.

Master dataImpossibility to create new a D365 address, when CAPcargo Transport module is installed (but its license is not valid)2022-06Bug87940
Other / General
Refactoring of email handling

Previously, certain email handling in transport module was done via SrsProxy & SysEmailBatch code/classes. Both functionality will be generally deprecated by Microsoft in some future D365 platform release. As a preparation, email handling in transport module was refactored, to stop using above mentioned classes.

Following processes was adjusted:
- Customer invoice printout (when invoice report is sent via email)
- Emailing from GPB app
- Track & Trace emails

Changes were done on the code level, without any impact on the functionality & end user experience.

2022-06New feature86139
Other / General
New certificate in the ISV licenses for CAPcargo solution - new licenses must be obtained from CAPcargo and installed to all environments with 10.0-CAP26.0 release

ISV licenses are always related to a security certificate. These certificates expire every 3 years, then a new certificate has to be issued. Which happened recently and this means that old ISV licenses from CAPcargo will not work with 10.0-CAP26.0 and newer versions.

CAPcargo provides new licenses to all customers and these licenses must be installed together with this release. Instructions for installing ISV licenses can be found in the CAPcargo installation instructions which is published with every release (CAP_Transport_And_Logistics_10_0-CAP_26_0_Installation_Guide).

If you're using CAPcargo Mobile app features, please note following release letter item:
89806 Mobile app export jobs might fail after installing new CAPcargo licenses - jobs should be recreated

2022-06New feature87093
Other / General
Data migration job - to preserve the previous parameterization of "Close tour".

Data migration task for 88258.

Data migration task restores the previously existing activation of 'Close tour' sub-process, in the new standalone 'Close tour' process (by setting the 'Show process button' state)

2022-06Data conversion89768
Shipment Builder
Deactivation of the TALNameIdx index on the D35 sales line (task only effects projects that use the historical version of shipment builder)

Index TALNameIdx on the D365 sales line was deactivated, as it could cause database synchronization errors when the sales line name was excessively long (ie. more than 1000 characters).

Please note:
- For projects, that are still using historical version of shipment builder (ie. activated via license configuration key 'GUI/Logic old Shipment Builder (based on InventTrans) *** NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE ***'), the index deactivation will have a negative performance impact on the 'Product name search' on the transport order form. Such projects are advised to either re-implement the index activation in CUS layer, or implement the product search functionality (that is used with the currently supported shipment builder) to the transport order form.

2022-06New feature89694
Shipment Builder
Package identification is newly added to the TMS package also for the custom work line and for the packing station

Package identification code was previously added to the TMS package only when auto-containerization was used for picking in the warehouse. This was enhanced and package identification code is newly added to the TMS package also for the custom work line and for the packing station. This also allows an integration between warehouse labels and the barcode scanning (in the mobile apps).

2022-06New feature89278
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Removal of unused fields in the sub-contracting tour report

Previously, sub-contracting tour report contained fields that were never utilized (eg. transport quantity, transport unit, planning quantities & planning units). As the fields were always empty on the report, their labels were also suppressed.

2022-06New feature88386
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricingCalculation flag was previously not reset on the Tour sub-contracting order (FTL), when resource assignment was changed (eg. resource assignment was changed to serve only a part of the whole tour)2022-06Bug89502
Truck loading App
In certain specific constellation, tour confirmation sometimes could not be finished

The issue was happening only when tour stop split was performed on some tour stop (that was supposed to be released for depot loading, but was not yet released), and the address was changed on the new tour stop to some 'non-depot' address. The tour stop then wrongly kept the 'Open' depot loading status, and such tour stop could not be confirmed (hence also the whole tour confirmation could not be finished). Even further attempts with 'Undo Release to depot' & Release to depot' processes were not helping.
The issue was corrected and 'Release to depot' status is newly reset to 'None' or to 'Open' (depending on the tour stop address).
Additionally, 'Release to depot' and 'Undo Release to depot' processes were enhanced, to ensure that they can correct such situation in the future, if it ever happen again.

Truck loading App
Sending a tour to truck loading app could in some cases previously fail

The issue was happening especially when tour contained tour stops of transport type (for which no capacity was defined). Then sending of such tour stop to truck loading app failed (which is correct), but the issue was that the sending process stopped entirely (and further tour stops were not processed/sent, even though they have sufficient capacity). In such cases the user was also misleadingly informed that tour will be sent to truck loading app, but it was not.
The issue was corrected and sending of tour to truck loading app is now not stopping upon capacity validation but is processing also further tour stops.

Dispatching & confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Registration of failed pickup is not possible if backward scheduling and "retry on same transport order" is used

If Transport order uses Backward scheduling, processing of failed pickup fails if retrying on the same transport order.

When trying to report failed pickup (via D365 tour confirmation, but happens also when processing mobile app activity feedback) the process fails with following error message: "Cannot edit a record in Transport legs (CIRTRASalesWay). The operation cannot be completed, since the record was not selected for update. Remember TTSBEGIN/TTSCOMMIT as well as the FORUPDATE clause."

2022-06Known issue90520
Customer invoicing
Performance improvement of the billing proposal matching

Billing proposal matching performance was greatly improved. Internal tests show a performance of cca 4 minutes (to match a billing proposal of 4000 lines). Previously, billing proposal matching of 4000 lines took cca 6 hours.

2022-06-29New feature90140
Customer order management and pricing
Several improvements in the handling of address area on the transport order (and in driver app)

Following improvements were done in the handling of address area on the transport order:
- When creating new order lines, then address areas (on the order line) were previously not initialized from the order header
- When updating address on transport order (via several functionality), then the address areas (on the order line) were not updated from the order header
- Confirm the address area scan activity when last driver app address area scan activity is confirmed
- Barcode scanning activity for address area was sometimes shown in driver app only as optional (but could not be 'swiped away')

2022-06-29New feature79248
Customer order management and pricing
Error message when opening 'View details' option on the 'Order calculation id' in the 'Calculation overview' form

The 'View details' option on the 'Order calculation id' in the 'Calculation overview' form (that can be launched from order lines) was disabled, as it makes no sense (ie. it would just reopen the same 'Calculation overview' form).

Customer order management and pricingOrder line quantities info were not shown in the order controlling form (when order controlling form launched for several multi-selected transport orders)2022-06-29Bug89333
Dispatching and confirmationRegistration of failed delivery was previously not possible when the order loading was already confirmed2022-06-29Bug89629
Dispatching and confirmationQuick general filter on 'Package confirmation' form was previously not working2022-06-29Bug90271
Dispatching and confirmation
When Transport order uses Backward scheduling, processing of failed pickup doesn't fail anymore if retrying on the same transport order

Correction of known issue 90520 of release 10.0-CAP26.0.

Dispatching and confirmation
Printing of the 'Loading list' from the tour could previously fail

The issue was happening especially when 'Loading list' was printed from the tour that was previously released to depot.

Dispatching and confirmation
Incorrect handling of manually created work instructions for the transport order header

Work instructions (that were manually created on transport order header) were sometimes not triggering the work instruction notification icon on the GPB tour stops. Furthermore, such work instructions were also not shown in work instruction form (launched from the GPB tour stops) and were not transmitted to mobile apps.

Dispatching and confirmationPreviously, mobile app related infolog was triggered in GPB gantt screens during setting the tour back to dispatching, even though no mobile app was activated via license configuration keys2022-06-29Bug90034
Dispatching and confirmationNew menuitem 'Change address' was added to context menu of tour start/end stops (in GPB gantt screens), to be able to conveniently change start/end address of the tour2022-06-29New feature89533
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour was sometimes not automatically refreshed in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, after certain dispatcher actions

The issue was encountered for example when planning transport order directly to new tour (with allocation of some resource, with activation of 'Release tour for departure' option).

Dispatching and confirmationRe-planning a tour from one truck to another (via tour drag & drop in GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen) now correctly respects also truck's fixed combinations of trailer & driver/passenger2022-06-29New feature90278
Dispatching and confirmationFailed delivery registration is newly not possible when unloading is happening on the very last tour stop, as it would lead to unsupported data structure2022-06-29New feature90416
Driver AppReducing a duration of the "Syncing..." dialog, when 'Start working' or 'Depart' or 'End tour' was used in the driver app2022-06-29New feature90581
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: File names with '+' letter are not handled correctly in the driver app

The issue affects mostly attachments (eg. work instruction or address attachments).

2022-06-29Known issue90670
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: Scanning barcode with internal camera (in "Scan barcodes" dialog) sometimes produces wrong result

In some scenarios (and with some mobile devices), the camera based barcode scanner provides wrong result. Exact cause is currently unclear.
It's recommended to use a Zebra device with it's built in scanner, as there the issue was not encountered.

If the user can't complete an activity because "Unknown barcode" caused by wrong result they can always use the "Confirm without barcode scan" function as a temporary workaround.

2022-06-29Known issue90733
Driver App
New functionality 'Pre-loading' (D365 & driver app)

Some sites load the goods into the vehicle before the driver starts his shift. In this case no detailed loading (ie. package by package) is needed by the driver, but only the confirmation of an aggregated load activity that represents that driver found everything in order. This is to be solved by 'Pre-loading' functionality, that introduces a simplified processing in the driver app and in D365.

Key points:
- Two new criteria ('Valid for transport address' & date range 'Valid from'/'Valid to') were added to the 'Instruction activity rules', that are considered by the system when instruction activities are generated
- New action type 'Pre-loading' was added to 'Instruction activity rules'. Main purpose of the pre-loading action type is to set the 'Pre-loading' flag on the load transport leg point that fulfils the criteria of this rule record. As soon as the 'Pre-loading' flag is set the system is going to calculate with 0 duration for the load activity.
- Pre-loading is interpreted by the system that loading was done before the driver started his tour, moreover, it was done outside of CAP.Transport. Hence no confirmation in expected by the party who performed the pre-loading. Therefore, at departure from a tour stop that contains pre-loading transport leg points, the system automatically performs the confirmation of the pre-loading transport leg related tour order lines and package tour order lines (by taking over the planned quantities 1:1). Furthermore, it also confirms the load activity if it’s not done by the driver app automatically

Additionally, the 'Active' flag ware removed from the 'Instruction activity rules' grid and is now transformed into 'Show only active rules' filter.

2022-06-29New feature90332
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: Driver app performance (and mobile storage usage), if driver adds many pictures

If the driver adds many pictures (or other attachments) while working on the tour, the app might slow down and the storage consumption might become a problem.

This issue can happen especially when using the "skip remaining activities" process (ie. swiping "Depart" before completing all mandatory activities on a tour stop) and attaching many pictures in the dialog(s). For example if 5 Unload activities remain, then the driver swipes "Depart" and attaches 3 pictures, the app will create in total 3 * 5 = 15 pictures. If this is repeated on three stops then there are already 45 pictures. And currently, the app might not handle this very well.

Therefore, for the time being (until issue is fixed), it's recommended to attach as few pictures as possible, especially in the "skip remaining activities" process (since it multiplies the attached pictures).

Please note:
- The "Picture" activity doesn't seem to suffer from this problem, at least not as much. So even if the tour has 50 stops with "Picture" activity in each, the app handles the situation well.

2022-06-29Known issue90598
Driver App
KNOWN ISSUE: Disappearing feedbacks with very big driver app tours

Tours with a large number of stops and activities (for example 50 stops, 700 activities) can sometimes suffer from lost/missing feedbacks. This means that some activities (that driver completed in the app) don't appear as completed in D365 backend. And when the driver does logout/login (forcing full data refresh from the middleware), those activities appear as not confirmed in the app, too.

If the driver notices that old & already completed tour reappears as "in progress" in the apps, they should complete all the remaining activities to solve the problem.

2022-06-29Known issue90599
Driver App
Introducing a driver app administrator feature, to clean up the Mobile app reason codes

New button 'Clean up' has been added to the 'Mobile app reason code' inquiry, via which it is possible to clean up all records from TALdraReasonCode table.
Once button is pressed, a dialog is shown telling the user "You are about to remove all records from Mobile app reason code table. This will not remove the reason codes from the middleware - a system administrator must do it separately before you should proceed with removal of the reason codes in D365. After removing the reason codes you can recreate them by clicking 'Settings create/synchronize' button. Are you sure you want to continue?". Upon clicking 'OK', the mobile app reason codes are removed.

2022-06-29New feature90616
Driver AppKNOWN ISSUE: With the reduced automatic synchronization between the driver app and middleware, updates from D365 backend might sometimes not appear in the app2022-06-29Known issue90668
Driver App
Unplanned return order: corrupted barcode when scanning done via Zebra device scanner

In "Unplanned return order" functionality, the driver can scan barcodes of packages that the customer is returning. If the driver was using Zebra device scanner, the barcode values could previously contain corrupted data.
Issue was noticed at least with driver app CTP3.3 and CTP3.4 release candidates.

Driver App
Unplanned return order: no activity was created for unloading the order, if the unloading was planned on already existing tour stop

When driver reported unplanned return order, and specified such return address that already exists among the upcoming tour stops, the unloading of this return order was previously not handled correctly in the app activities.

Driver App
Empty tour stop in D365 backend, that is not displayed in the related driver app tour (in mobile device)

The issue was happening when driver was registering a return order already on the first tour stop. Then, instead of creating (and automatically confirming) the load order line in the same tour stop, a new tour stop was created. Such data situation is unfortunately not yet supported and lead to further issues.
Until the behaviour is enhanced, the registration of return order on the first tour stop is disabled.

Driver App
Unplanned return order with packages: transport quantity and planning quantities ware always 0 on the transport order line

When unplanned return order (with packages) is registered in driver app, a return order is created in D365 backend. The issue was that that the planning quantities (and transport quantity) of this order was always 0.

Newly, the conversion (from the package unit to transport unit & planning units) is applied, even when unplanned return order (with packages) is registered in driver app. (Previously, such conversion was already applied, but only when unplanned return order was registered directly in D365 backend)

Driver App
Driver app push notifications were sometimes sent to wrong drivers

The issue was only happening when several drivers were re-using the same driver app, then in some scenarios the driver app didn't recognize the driver log out and continued to deliver the push messages even though another driver was already logged in.

Driver App
Duplicate instruction activities on the mobile tours

Depending on the instruction activity setup, it's possible that many rules would provide the same activity on the same tour stop. Certain control mechanism is in place which should prevent creating duplicate activities but it was failing in some situations.

Geo-servicesSequence optimization optional parameter 'Unload all before load' was sometimes not working correctly on PTV xServer2 installations2022-06-29Bug90461
Previously, the sequence optimization didn't handle correctly the tour stops that have no load/unload (eg. waypoints, generated from tour routing rules)

When tour contained both tour stops (with load/unload) and tour stops (without orders), then the sequence optimization aligned into optimized sequence only the tour stops (with load/unload) and the tour stops (without orders) were just added afterwards (ie. close to the end of tour).
The issue was corrected, the sequence optimization now includes also tour stops (without orders) into optimization query to PTV xServer.

Geo-servicesIn certain constellations, the sequence optimization process previously didn't successfully finish (ie. request to PTV only timed out)2022-06-29Bug90718
Geo-servicesGPB map screen sometimes could not be re-opened after "Preferred routes" layer was cleared from the map2022-06-29Bug90480
Support for different types of PTV xServer2

As it is possible to setup a connection to different types of PTV xServer2 (eg. to dedicated API version, to most actual version, to experimental) and not all types do use the same URL structure, certain code adjustments had to be done, to support them.

Examples of supported xServer2 types & its URL structures (eg. for xRoute component):

Dedicated API version
- xServer-2 [2.23]
- Use Fix Product Version: YES
- xRoute URL: https://serviceaddress:port

Most actual version of the backend
- xServer-2 [2.23]
- Use Fix Product Version: NO
- xRoute URL: https://serviceaddress:port

Experimental version
- xServer-2 [2.23]
- Use Fix Product Version: NO
- xRoute URL: https://serviceaddress:port/services/ws/XRoute/experimental

2022-06-29New feature90119
Geo-servicesKNOWN ISSUE: Adding more intelligence to algorithm, tour sequence optimization is performing much slower in the current release version2022-06-29Known issue90731
Geo-servicesKNOWN ISSUE: Tour sequence optimization on extensively large tour sometimes fails (and tour is not optimized)2022-06-29Known issue90732
New data entity for administration of 'Template OS configuration' form (GPB related)

New data entity 'TAL Template OS configuration' was added, both for export and import projects.

2022-06-29New feature82208
Status messages criteria type 'Transport leg type' has been removed as it was covering only very simple cases (and thus was not actively used by projects)

Instead of 'Transport leg type' status message criteria type, it is advised to use 'Transport leg' criteria type, as it is more flexible (and can cover the same business cases as 'Transport leg type' criteria type).

2022-06-29New feature87693
Status messages criteria: Deprecate obsolete criteria type "Transport leg type"

Track & Trace, Message Framework:
Back in summer 21 we added the leg type as own fields to the leg. Therefore there is no purpose anymore in maintaining a separate criteria type "transport leg type" on the status message criteria, since we just can use the new fields on the legs.

Hence, in the configuration, the transport leg type criteria can be replaced by transport leg fields criteria.

Also the failed delivery/pickup and the sender delivery & receiver pickup are available as fields and can be used and combined with the others.

Therefore we remove the criteria type "Transport leg type" completely. Customers can change their configuration anytime also those with older releases than R26.

Since the new feature exists already since summer 2021 (R20), also customers skipping R26 or R27 can easily change to the better already existing configuration. Therefore there is no need in keeping the old criteria type for 4 more releases. Hence the old criteria type is removed in R27.

IntegrationsElements 'EventTime' & 'SignedBy' were previously not filled in the track & trace status messages, when the sender delivery package was confirmed via cross-docking form (ie. confirmation without planning)2022-06-29Bug90470
Other / General
Data migration task - to transform the route selection lookup of the truck loading tours into new format

Data migration task for 89658.

Data migration task updates the route selection lookups of the existing truck loading tours into new format (ie. route id + route description).

2022-06-29Data conversion89660
Other / General
Data migration task - to transform previously existing 'Transport leg type' status message criteria

Data migration task for 87693.

Data migration task transforms previously existing 'Transport leg type' status message criteria into 'Transport leg' status message criteria.

2022-06-29Data conversion90564
Other / General
Data migration task - to populates new 'Valid from' & 'Valid to' date range criteria on the 'Instruction activity rules' form

Data migration task for 90332.

Data migration task populates new 'Valid from' & 'Valid to' date range criteria on the 'Instruction activity rules' form, depending on the 'Active' flag, applying the following logic:
- When 'Active' flag was set, the 'Valid from' is populated with earliest system date and 'Valid to' is populated with latest system date
- When 'Active' flag was not set, the 'Valid from' is populated with earliest system date and 'Valid to' is populated with current system date minus 1 day

2022-06-29Data conversion90391
Shipment BuilderWhen updating certain fields on trade orders, the transport order update in some installations could fail with error2022-06-29Bug90431
Shipment BuilderPerformance improvement of posting a packing slip from tours2022-06-29New feature90144
Shipment BuilderDeletion of non-confirmed shipment lot quantity was not possible when another related shipment lot qty was already confirmed2022-06-29Bug90265
Shipment BuilderInventory reservation during tour release to warehouse even though the WHS item was parameterized for manual reservation only2022-06-29Bug90131
Shipment BuilderWhen using containerization in the direct delivery case, the synchronization (after closing a container) was sometimes now working2022-06-29Bug90443
Shipment Builder
Product variants data can be newly reflected in the transport unit/quantity calculation

When creating transport order from trade order (and also when planning load capacity), it is newly possible to reflect the product variant data in the transport unit/quantity calculation.

Key points:
- 'Transport type combination' parameters was added to the product variant
- When available, then the values are taken from:
- Transport type combination
- Total weight per inventory unit
- Product variant specific unit conversion
- When not available (as for example the related license configuration key is not activated, or the feature is not activated):
- If transport type combination on the product variant is not available, then released product is used
- If total weight on the product variant is not available, then the weight is calculated (per inventory unit) from the released product
- If product variant specific conversion is not available, the the product specific unit conversion from the released product is applied

2022-06-29New feature90334
Shipment Builder
Collection address on the purchase order

Previously existing 'Shipping address' (that was on the purchase order line) was introduced also the to purchase order header and to the dialog for creation of new purchase order.

Key points:
- Shipping address fields (from purchase line) are newly also available on the purchase order header (in section 'Address'). Field is used to initialize & update the equivalent field on the purchase line.
- 'Requested ship date' field (from purchase line) is newly also available on the purchase order header (in section 'Delivery'). Field is used to initialize & update the equivalent field on the purchase line.
- Both fields are newly also available directly in the dialog for creation of new purchase order
- Following label adjustments were done:
- 'Shipping address' field group was renamed to 'Collection address'
- 'Shipping name' field was renamed to 'Collection name'
- 'Requested ship date' field was renamed to 'Requested collection date'
- 'Confirmed ship date' field was renamed to 'Confirmed collection date'

2022-06-29New feature90330
Truck loading App
KNOWN ISSUE: Truck loading app version CTP3.3 (that was released with TMS 10.0-CAP26.0 release) is not working optimally with current release, hence it is recommended to use with this release rather Truck loading app CTP3.2

If a newer version of the app has already been installed in the device, following steps should be done before installing CTP 3.2:
- Clear app cache & data
- Uninstall the app

2022-06-29Known issue90669
Truck loading AppReducing a duration of the "Syncing..." dialog, when 'Start loading' or 'Start unloading' was used in the truck loading app2022-06-29New feature90583
Truck loading AppWhen launching truck loading app, a route selection lookup newly shows route id + route description (previously only route description was shown)2022-06-29New feature89658
Customer invoicingManually added invoice surcharge was initialized as 'Percent' even thought its surcharge type was set up as 'Amount'2022-08Bug91063
Customer invoicing
Invoice surcharge posted but not printed on invoice (dataprovider)

Invoice surcharges were previously not included in the SSRS dataprovider for the transport invoice (TALCustInvoice).
Invoice surcharges are now included in the report dataprovider. This means for customers who are using external reporting tools or own report designs now have the data available to show the invoice surcharge values. The standard SSRS invoice report template TALCustInvoice will be adjusted in a successor release.

Customer order management and pricingPeriodic task for create transport order from default order should not terminate if some default order processing fails2022-08Bug89682
Customer order management and pricing
Creation of transport order line even when transport order was fully confirmed

The issue was especially happening when "Automatic package creation" was deactivated on the transport type.

Customer order management and pricingSplit location' lookup on transport order header was enhanced for easier specification of Part-invoice split cases (lookup now have up to 4 tabs)2022-08New feature87485
Customer order management and pricing
New periodic task was added: Confirm without dispatching

Feature allows to set up a periodic task for direct confirmation of transport orders (ie. confirmation without dispatching)

2022-08New feature90500
Dispatching and confirmation
Dangerous goods visualization in GPB

Following improvements were added to GPB, to support better planning of transport legs with dangerous goods:
- In GPB 'Transport orders /-legs screen':
- New column 'ADR points'
- New dangerous goods info section in the leg point overview (lower section, on the right side, in tab 'Overview')

- In GPB gantt screens:
- Dangerous goods icon in the tour overview (ie. in level 1) and in the tour stop overview (ie. on level 3), incl. showing ADR points in 'hover the mouse over' tooltip

2022-08New feature90354
Dispatching and confirmation
New button 'GPB - Resource Dispatching' has been added to the transport order form

Button loads (and highlights) all related resource legs of a single selected transport order in GPB Resource Dispatching screen. Not related tours can be shown (or hidden) depending on a new filter 'Show all resources". All tours – highlighted or not highlighted – can still be selected, changed etc. (ie. the highlighted tours are not anyhow “locked” etc.)

This allows to get a complete overview of resources that participate on the transport order, regardless of amount of the tours.

2022-08New feature90819
Dispatching and confirmation
Tour sequence optimization could lead to situations where customer wished date & time was not respected

Previously, when customer wished dates & times were specified on the order (and order was loaded on the first tour stop (ie. on tour start)) then previously sequence optimization was using not only customer wished date & time but also address opening hours. This could lead to behaviour where sequence optimization was finding some more optimal result, without fulfilling the customer wished date & time (as only address opening hours were respected). To avoid such behaviour, the sequence optimization interface was adjusted, to only contain customer wished load dates & times (and not address opening hours), if the customer wished load date & time is specified.

2022-08New feature91268
Dispatching and confirmation
Correction of several issues in the area of default tours

Following issues were corrected, in the area of default tours:
- Tours could not be generated from default tours, when some "non-transport" address was used as default tour start or end
- Wrong sequence could be achieved on default tour template (SUB stop could get after END stop)
- Missing default tour header auto-refresh, after some change was done on the default tour line

Dispatching and confirmation
New status icons in the GPB 'Resources' screen, to show whether the truck resource is participating on some resource combination

New status icons were introduced to GPB 'Resources' screen (directly to individual truck resource boxes), to show whether the truck resource is standalone or is part of some resource combination (eg. fixed combination, mid-term driver plan or operational trailer dispatching).
(Previously, the resource combination was only noticeable when dragging a truck resource from GPB 'Resources' to gantt screens, which was not so convenient, as dispatchers had to start dragging the truck resource, to be able to see whether the truck was standalone or in some combination).

2022-08New feature86509
Dispatching and confirmation
When tour is created via 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone", then the transport type (of transport order) is newly inherited to the tour

Previously, the transport type (from main TMS parameters) was applied.

2022-08New feature90075
Dispatching and confirmation
Work instruction enhancements

Following enhancements were introduced in the area of work instructions:
- New criteria 'Valid for transport type' has been added to the work instruction templates (that are stored on the transport address), allowing to setup work instruction temples only for specific transport type (or specific transport type group).
- New criteria 'Load/Unload' has been added to the work instruction templates (that are stored on the transport address),allowing to setup work instruction temples only when transport address is used for loading (or for unloading).
- Mass update: The work instruction feature was previously only available on the sales/purchase/transfer order line. Adding new work instruction, deleting/updating existing work instruction means that the user had to open the work instruction form order line by order line and do the necessary changes repeatedly for all order lines. In order to enable the user to do the maintenance in less steps, a new form was introduced for the sales/purchase/transfer orders.
- Further more, the layout of the work instruction forms was reorganized, to avoid the duplicate showing of some fields.

2022-08New feature90337
Dispatching and confirmationTour sequence optimization newly respects also truck attributes2022-08New feature87612
Dispatching and confirmation
Ensure that start & end tour stops have some activities

Previously, it could happen that tours were created without activities for tour start or for tour end. Such tours were mostly created from default tour templates, but there were also other ways. This could lead into several issues throughout the TMS module, as many processes (eg. mobile apps etc.) expect such activities to be in place. Tour creation mechanism was therefore enhanced, to avoid such situations.

2022-08New feature86809
Dispatching and confirmation
'Release for departure' of multiple selected tours in GPB gantt screens in certain cases failed to finish

When launching 'Release for departure' for more selected tours in the GPB gantt screens, then the processing sometimes didn't finish (and users were getting only never ending 'loading wheel' icon). The issue was especially encountered when 'Print Unloading list at tour release' was activated on the transport type. The issue was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Tour refresh issue (aka. never ending 'loading wheel' icon on the tour), after manual ETA was registered on some tour stop

The issue was especially happening when tours were created out of multiple selected transport legs (from the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen).

Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, when performing 'Set tour status back to Dispatching' on multiple selected tours, this could previously lead to data loading issue (and users could encounter never ending 'loading wheel' icon)2022-08Bug90726
Dispatching and confirmationIn GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen, the calculated driving time & distance of a tour was sometimes not shown correctly in level 2 (ie. when resource overview was expanded)2022-08Bug90746
Dispatching and confirmationActivities with ActionType=None, that are defined on transport address, were previously not applied to tour stops2022-08Bug90828
Dispatching and confirmation
Wrong transport leg type after removal of depot split

Previously, when removing a depot split from transport legs, it could sometimes happen that the transport leg classification was changed by system, even though there was obvious reason for it. Users could experience for example the 'No dispatching' and 'Sender delivery' flags being wrongly set.
The issue was was corrected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Resetting transport leg grid filtering/grouping to default, after 'Dispatch in tour' was used

Previously, on 'Dispatch light - Transport legs' form, it could happen that user specified grid filtering/grouping was lost (ie. reset to default) after 'Dispatch in tour' was used. The issue was corrected user specified grid filtering/grouping is now preserved even after 'Dispatch in tour' is used.

Dispatching and confirmation
Duplicated launch of driving time & distance calculation in some parameterization constellation

When main transport parameters 'Tour distance/time calculation in real-time' and 'Tour sequence optimization in real-time' were both activated, the driving time & distance calculation was then sometimes launched twice. This did not lead into wrong data but was just performance consuming. The issue was corrected and driving time & distance calculation duplicated launch is now avoided.

Dispatching and confirmationTour sequence optimization could previously fail, if tour was spread over several dates2022-08Bug90645
Dispatching and confirmationTour stop work instructions (which were created from work instruction template on transport address) were previously not actualized after the tour stop address was changed2022-08Bug90666
Dispatching and confirmation
Newly created tour was not starting at midnight, even though user specifically selected it

Previously, when creating new tour manually, the tour was created with default start time (from main transport parameters) even though user specifically set the tour to start at midnight (ie. at 00:00). The issue was corrected and user's tour start specification is newly respected.

Dispatching and confirmation
Failed delivery didn't reuse the existing tour stop for returning the goods to depot

When 'Failed delivery' is reported, the driver must bring the goods back to depot (or to some other address determined by the 'Failed delivery' parameterization). The issue was that the 'Failed delivery' logic didn't reuse the existing tour stop (but always created a new one). The issue is corrected and the 'Failed delivery' newly re-uses the previously existing tour stop (whenever possible).

Dispatching and confirmation
Redesign Truck Cleaning based on dummy carrying resource assignments (ULD)

The previous logic of having dummy records in TALuldTransactionTable for the better calculation of cleaning needs was based on performance ideas, but turns out to be disturbing for all other processes which depend on the ULD transactions. These "Auto-allocated" ULD transactions are not "real" carrying resource assignments (though being stored in the same TALuldTransactionTable), hence they were moved into a separate table. The cleaning logic reads them from new dedicated table almost in the same performance, as in previous release.

2022-08New feature84787
Dispatching and confirmationAttachments of transport address work instructions were sometimes not shown on transport order work instructions (and also in GPB, and in mobile apps)2022-08Bug91110
Dispatching and confirmation
Two issues were corrected in the area of tour sequence optimization

Following issues were corrected in the the area of tour sequence optimization:
- Improvement of tour sequence optimization warning & error infologs, to provide more details about address where some issue was encountered. For comparison: previously sequence optimization reported for example just "Address is closed!", and it was not understandable which address was was closed.
- 'Non-transport addresses' are newly considered as nonstop open (ie. 24/7), as no business hours specification is possible. For comparison: previously such addresses were wrongly treated as "never open", thus leading into "Address is closed!" infologs.

Driver App
Instruction activity rules were previously applied in the failed delivery process

When failed delivery is registered, then the 'not-delivered' goods are 'loaded back to the truck" on the same tour stop (even though the goods were mostly not even physically unloaded in the reality), ie. a new load leg is added to this tour stop. The issue was that such new loading leg creation was also triggering the creation of new instruction activities (depending on the instruction activity rule setup). The issue was corrected and the new load leg creation (via failed delivery) doesn't trigger anymore the instruction activity rule check.

Driver App
In driver app, when 'One load/unload per tour stop' is activated, then the quantity of return order pickups was wrongly included in the quantity of grouped Load activity

Pickup of return orders in mobile apps always requires to have a separate activity for them. So even if "one load/unload per tour stop" is used, separate activities are created for loading of the return orders. The issue was that the quantity of return order pickup was duplicated, once in the dedicated loading activity for return order pickup (which is correct), but was also included in the grouped loading activity (which was not correct).

Driver App
Newly registered 'Waiting' activity in the driver app could get sometimes placed after the "Depart" activity

The issue was especially happening when driver registered a new 'Waiting' activity on the partially confirmed tour (and the current tour stop had few activities that the previous). The issue was corrected and new activities are never positioned after the 'Depart' activity.

Driver AppWhen a tour stop with order was removed in D365, then the related load/unload activities were previously not removed on offset tour stop in the driver app2022-08Bug91303
Driver App
In certain mobile app parameterization, a new mobile app reason code was automatically created after creation of new transport address

The issue was corrected and new mobile app reason code is created only when necessary (ie. when unplanned return order is registered in the mobile app).

CAPcargo will clean up the unnecessary reason codes from Mobile app middleware databases when updating the middleware to CTP3.5.

Driver App
Improvement of reliability of barcode scanning (with camera based scanner) in the mobile apps

Correction of known issue 90733 of release 10.0-CAP27.0.

Driver App
Possibility to specify dangerous goods unit (and ADR point amount) when registering a new return order in the driver app

Enables the registration of dangerous goods data in the driver app, during unplanned return order creation.
When the feature is switched on in mobile app parameters (by activation of 'Enable driver to enter ADR points' and specifying 'Dummy hazardous material' parameters), drivers can newly specify dangerous goods unit and amount of ADR points, when registering a new return order in the driver app.

2022-08New feature90350
Driver App
Improving handling of attachments from the user in driver app

Pictures/photos attached by user in driver app should now consume less disk space in the mobile device. The improvement was achieved by applying image compression and avoiding the duplicated attachments (that were being created when using 'Skip all remaining activities' in the mobile app).

2022-08New feature90213
Driver App
Improvement of tour deletion process, when tour was already submitted to mobile apps

The tour deletion mechanism was enhanced, to better handle the cases when tour had been already submitted to mobile apps. In that case, when attempting to delete a tour, users are newly informed (that the tour was already submitted to mobile apps) and have to manually confirm the tour deletion, as the tour is then also withdrawn from mobile apps.

2022-08New feature85754
Driver App
Introducing a change management to previously released feature of 'Pre-loading' (D365 & driver app)

When changing relevant information on the transport leg or on the tour stop (such as the date), the previously existing 'pre-loading' activities are newly re-calculated (via instruction activity rules), in order to respect their validity.
- For unplanned leg: Relevant date = rough scheduling date
- For planned leg: Relevant date = tour stop plan date (ie. detail scheduling date)

Please note:
Previously to this advanced activity configuration (ie. where rules like pre-loading are automatically initialized and applied), there was a more basic version of pre-loading flag initialization on the transport leg. This basic rule (default value of pre-loading flag defined on cross-docking rules) is replaced within this task by the new advanced instruction activity rule framework.

2022-08New feature90771
Driving time/distance calculation with 2 new modes → Simple vs Advanced

A global parameter manages if time/distance calculation is executed in simple or advanced mode. The advanced mode can take around 50% longer than the simple mode, since it respects more details of the tour. This parameter is initialized to the tour and can be changed per tour.

Global parameter is placed in the main transport parameters:
'Transport Parameters' -> 'Geo services' -> 'Mode tour distance/time calculation'

Simple: Only ONE profile for entire tour, i.e. ONE maximum of loaded weight per tour, and most hazardous good on tour is considered for entire tour, ONE routing calculation with several stops.

Advanced: Individual profiles per tour segment/stop, respecting detailed tour course with individual weights and hazardous goods per tour segment/stop; routing calculation per tour segment aggregated to total tour.

Please note:
This parameter does not impact the sequence- and tour optimization directly, there always the total permitted weight of vehicle type is respected. – But after sequence- and tour optimization still time/distance calculation is run, which then respects the above parameter.

2022-08New feature91547
Deeper integration of PTV xServer2

Several new features of PTV xServer2 were incorporated into transport module, to improve the existing dispatching processes and better support handling of larger tours (e.g. with 50+ tour stops).
Release 10.0-CAP29.0 was tested with PTV xServer 2.26 (which is thus recommended for general usage).

1) Usage of HPRN - several processes in transport module can newly benefit from HPRN feature of PTV xServer2 (aka. High Performing Routing Network). The idea of HPRN is to use a pre-calculated matrix of driving times & distances (for exact vehicle profile, further referred as DIMA), instead of 'on-the-fly' calculations in the PTV xServer (which are much more performance demanding). Once set up, the HPRN is then automatically used in tour sequence optimization process (and will be also used in the 'to be introduced' Optimizer module).
Prerequisite parameterization:
- Set HPRNId on vehicle type (which will be used to establishes a link between TMS vehicle type and vehicle profile of the HPRN/DIMA)
- Create HPRN (for certain vehicle type & area)
- 'Transport Parameters' -> 'Geo services' -> 'xServer parameter' -> 'Create HPRN'
- Setup xData service endpoint:
- 'Transport Parameters' -> 'Geo services' -> 'xServer parameter' -> 'xData endpoint'

Please note: the HPRN creation is quite performance demanding (due to huge amount records that needs to be pre-calculated) and can lead to higher loads of xServer. So should be carefully tested/observed before using it on productive installations.

2) Feature layers
- Per vehicle type: feature layers are activated on individual vehicle type (ie. 'Truck attributes'). Once activated, the feature layers will used for the vehicle type:
- 'Vehicle type' -> 'Setup' -> 'Geo service features'
- Truck attribute (was hardcoded in previous TMS versions, is now optional, via this parameter)
- General: feature layer 'Traffic incidents' contains information about temporary road closings (eg. constructions) as well as traffic information (traffic jams, accidents) and more. Activation of 'Traffic incidents' feature layer is done in main transport parameters:
- 'Transport Parameters' -> 'Geo services' -> 'xServer parameter' -> 'Use real time traffic data'

3) Only the parameterization of vehicle type is newly respected for xServer API. It is still possible to set up parameters directly on individual vehicle (eg. for evidence), but these are not anymore used in xServer API calls.
- Data migration jobs are provided:
- 'Truck attributes' are generated for all vehicle types
- Ensure that values have content on the needed fields on vehicle type (dimension/weight/emission class)
- Job reads from vehicles in case vehicle type fields are empty

For more information also read 91547 (Time/distance calculation with 2 new modes → Simple vs Advanced) and 91559 (Vehicle type: Total permitted weight)

2022-08New feature86841
Enable the change of transport unit on the transport order line, via EDI

Previously, it was possible to only update (ie. change) a transport quantity, via transport order EDI. This task introduces also possibility to change the transport unit itself.

2022-08New feature88506
Master data
Vehicle type: Total permitted weight

The field “Total permitted weight” on vehicle type(used to be called 'Registered toll cost weight' and was only relevant for toll cost calculation) has become very important as it is used more prominently for tour sequence-/ tour optimization algorithms, but also for driving time/distance calculation respecting weight, truck attributes and hazardous goods.

Hence it's though important to have that field filled on all vehicle types.

Please note:
The truck attributes and weight information on the vehicle itself is not respected by the above mentioned processes, but only the values from the vehicle type.

2022-08New feature91559
Other / General
Support for Italian language has been added to TAL

The Italian label file was just established and can be from now on getting populated.

2022-08New feature91162
Other / General
Data migration task - to activate the 'Truck attributes' feature layer on all vehicle types

Data migration task for 86841.

Data migration task activates the 'Truck attributes' feature layer on all vehicle types, to provide the same experience for existing projects (as in previous TMS releases the truck attributes were always used).

2022-08Data conversion91348
Other / General
Data migration job - to preserve xServer parameterization after field/enum value change

Data migration task for 86841.

Data migration migrates old 'PTV xServer [2.23]' parameter value to the new 'PTV xServer [2.x]' parameter value.

2022-08Data conversion91081
Other / General
CAPcargo license reports not working: "Unable to find the report design TALuserLicenseCountReport.TALuserLicenseReport"

Following CAPcargo license reports were sometimes not working in customer environments - instead error message "Unable to find the report design TALuserLicenseCountReport.TALuserLicenseReport" was displayed.
- Named User License Counts
- User License Counts History

Step 13 of Chapter 2.3 of the CAPcargo solution installation instructions has been enhanced, instructing the user to add also "Reports" folder under CAPcargoTALConfiguration package to the source control after installing the CAPcargo solution.

Other / General
Data migration task - to migrate the auto-allocated and manual ULD transactions to the Assumed ULD transaction table

Data migration task for 84787.

2022-08Data conversion84997
Shipment Builder
Action menuitems on the 'Product transportation status' form were not available for users (unless the user was assigned a 'system administrator' role)

Following action menuitems (on the 'Product transportation status' form) were previously available only to users (with system administrator security role):
- Fix load date
- Fix delivery date
- Undo load date fixing
- Undo delivery date fixing

The issue was corrected and the menuitems do not require the 'system administrator' security role anymore.

Shipment Builder
'CAPcargo scheduling information' tab (on the trade order lines) was sometimes showing some time values even though the trade order line was not yet included in some transport order

The issue was especially happening when some new trade order (or new trade order line) was created after the 'CAPcargo scheduling information' tab has been opened on some previously planned order, then the time values of the previous record were sometimes shown. The issue was corrected and the 'CAPcargo scheduling information' tab now shows the values of current record only.

Shipment Builder
Enhancement of container type mapping & instruction activity rules:

Following enhancements of container type mapping & instruction activity rules were introduced:
- The container type mapping is used to map container types of one legal entity with transport types / transport units of the same or a different legal entity.
- Pack by directive unit activated: In this case the transport type / transport unit combination is linked to a D365 unit of measure since the container created via a container build template activated for this option has also a D365 unit of measure as container type.
- Pack by directive unit deactivated: In this case the transport type / transport unit combination is linked to a container type.
- One load/unload activity per transport order line: if this activity type is setup for a specific transport type / transport unit combination only one single load/unload activity gets created per same transport order line.In case of using packages, the user only needs to scan one barcode to confirm all packages linked to this activity.

2022-08New feature90464
Shipment Builder
Support for hazardous material in shipment builder

Previously, the CAPcargo integration to standard D365 functionality – shipment builder –ignored the hazardous material feature on the released product. Hence the existing fields on the transport order line (and on the CAPcargo package) were not filled with dangerous goods information when the transport order was generated from sales/purchase/transfer order.
This enhancement adds the support for the hazardous material feature into shipment builder. Therefore, if the setup is done in the related configuration tables, then at the creation of transport order, the ADR points are calculated based on the content of the transport order.

2022-08New feature90352
Truck loading App
KNOWN ISSUE: Truck loading app version CTP3.3 (that was released with TMS 10.0-CAP26.0 release) is not working optimally with current release, hence it is recommended to use with this release rather Truck loading app CTP3.2

If a newer version of the app has already been installed in the device, following steps should be done before installing CTP 3.2:
- Clear app cache & data
- Uninstall the app

2022-08Known issue91591
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' should be activated, for proper operation of xServer2 processes

If licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' is not activated, then the xServer2 processes do not provide reliable results, as the vehicle technical data (eg. length, width, height, number of axles etc.) and speed profile data are not submitted to xServer2. On the frontend, users could experience for example inaccurate results of driving distance & time calculation, unreliable tour visualization etc.

2022-08Known issue92291
Customer invoicing
Invoice surcharge posted but not printed on invoice (SSRS)

Invoice surcharges were previously not shown on the transport invoice (TALCustInvoice).
Invoice surcharges are now also included in the standard SSRS report template for transport invoices.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91504
Customer invoicing
Invoice surcharge posted but not printed on invoice (dataprovider)

1) Invoice surcharges are now included in the report dataprovider with an know marker so the report design can separate invoice surcharges from other surcharges. Field 'isInvoiceAddon' is added to the dataprovider.

2) The tax percentage was previously not displayed correctly and was always returning zero values for invoice surcharges. This has been fixed.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91625
Customer invoicing
Wrong amounts for collective orders in invoice pool

In the invoice pool for collective orders the amount value was not correctly displayed. This issue has been fixed and now shows the amount correctly. Please note, this was only a display issue in the invoice pool, amounts were correctly posted and printed on invoices.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91697
Customer invoicing
Several imperfections were corrected in the customer invoice SSRS report

Following issues were corrected:
- Surcharge 'Value' was sometimes printed in the invoice even when surcharge itself has zero calculated value
- Surcharge 'Amount' was sometimes printed in the invoice as zero, even when surcharge itself has value
- Surcharge 'Factor' field was sometimes printed as zero

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug92240
Customer invoicing
Currency field in invoice pools is newly initialized from the accounting currency of the linked legal entity ledger

Previously, the currency was initialized as empty in invoice pools (and had to be manually selected).

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91241
Customer invoicingSelection of invoiceable orders is newly preserved in the TMS customer invoice pool, after issuing a pro-forma invoice2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91472
Customer order management and pricingAdding 'Contact person' to 'Rule order collection' rules (as a soft criteria)2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91235
Customer order management and pricingPreviously, the copy of transport order didn't include the activity requests, but only reported that 'Position must be specified'2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91577
Customer order management and pricingUpdate of transport order (via EDI) was previously possible even when transport order was already invoiced2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91099
Customer order management and pricing
Several enhancements of the qualification framework (and GUI)

Following enhancements were done:
- Form Qualifications transport unit (CAPcargo Transport > Setup > Transport type > tab Transport unit > Setup > Qualifications transport unit):
- Lookup for the Qualification ID now shows only qualifications which are valid for units (Flag Valid for [transport] units of the qualification is set to Yes)
- Form Qualifications transport order lines (CAPcargo Transport > Common > Transport Order Management > All transport orders > Line view > Transport order lines > Inquiries > Line qualifications)
- Lookup for the Qualification ID now shows only qualifications which are valid for transport orders (Flag Valid for transport orders of the qualification is set to Yes)
- For setup of Contract tariff surcharges/surcharge criteria = Qualification, this is newly triggered on tour only if vehicle itself provides/requests the qualification (and not the vehicle type to which the vehicle belongs)

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91687
Customer order management and pricing
Improvement of address change validation (when some sender delivery or received pickup is already registered for this address)

When changing an address (load or unload) of a transport order, in case there is a sender delivery or receiver pick-up leg, the address change should be blocked. Previously, the blocking mechanism was solved by disabling the menuitems for address change, which was not sufficient (as address change could be achieved also by other processes). Newly, the blocking mechanism was reworked, to cover also the address changes (that were not done via dedicated menuitems).

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91958
Customer order management and pricing
Possibility to copy loading/unloading date when copying a transport order

This feature provides the possibility for the user to choose (depending on setup in the Transport parameters form) whether values in the Load/Unload date fields including date range (Load/Unload date To) will be created based on the default values defined in the Transport Parameters form, or will be copied from the dialog that will be opened when function Copy order is called. This enables user to create transport order/s with Load/Unload dates and date ranges different than definition setup in the Transport parameters form.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature92044
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature Resource unavailability

New feature was added to the system, to allow setting resourceas “not available” for certain date/time duration. This is managed in new ‘Resourceunavailability’ journal form, together with specification of unavailability reason(ie. Reason code). Resource unavailability can be defined manually, orpopulated from D365 calendar. Once resource unavailability is set up, then ithas to be ‘posted’ (ie. activated), so it can be effectively reflected in theplanning. The ‘posting’ creates a resource assignment (of type ‘Unavailability’),which is stored in the same resource assignment table where all other resourcetour assignments are stored. Thus the unavailability becomes ‘effective’ and isthen reflected in the planning (and also in GPB). Resource unavailability thenbecomes visible in the GPB ‘Resource Dispatching’ screen (in different colorvisualization), so that dispatchers immediately know which resource is not availablein the given date(range) and why.

In case the ‘Resource unavailability’ journal should bealtered/modified, first the posting has to be revoked (which deletes the resourceassignment (of type ‘Unavailability’) and resource unavailability can bemodified (and afterwards ‘posted’ again).

Other points:
- New button 'Resource unavailability' has been added to GSR,to open the Resource unavailability form (filtered for current view point daterange)
- New button 'Resource unavailability' has been added to contextmenu of the resource ‘unavailability’ assignment (in both GPB gantt screens),to open the Resource unavailability form (filtered for current resource andcurrent unavailability)
- checkbox filter ‘Show unavailabilities’ was thus removedfrom GSR, was replaced by more feature rich filter ‘Resource unavailability’ (in dedicated filter section)
- unavailable resources are shown in different color inGSR (in level1), the color can be set up on the Reason codes (of the unavailabilityrecords)
- unavailableresource is highlighted in black in both in gantt screens (in level 2), and also in RS
- new validation when drag & drop resources fromRS to GSR/GST, when resource is not available (ie. new confirmation dialog)
- new conflict 159 ‘Resource – Dispatching of an unavailableresource’ was added, to inform dispatcher that unavailable resource is beingplanned
- new conflict 158 ‘Resource – Multiple usage of oneresource on overlapping tours’ was added, to inform dispatcher that oneresource is planned on more than one tour.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91748
Dispatching and confirmation
KNOWN ISSUE: Licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' should be activated, for proper operation of xServer2 processes

If licence configuration key 'Advanced truck attributes' is not activated, then the xServer2 processes do not provide reliable results, as the vehicle technical data (eg. lenght, width, height, number of axles etc.) and speed profile data are not submitted to xServer2. On the frontend, users could experience for example unprecise results of driving distance & time calculation, unreliable tour visualization etc.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Known issue92292
Dispatching and confirmation
New default parameter 'Find and update existing tours' in main Transport parameters (in 'Dispatching' section)

Previously, the option 'Find and update existing tours' was always pre-activated in 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' dialog, which was quite limiting - especially for shipment builder order (and leg) creation process (which can use the same 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' feature). Following enhancement was therefore introduced:
- New default parameter 'Find and update existing tours' was added to main Transport parameters, which defines the initial value of the 'Find and update existing tours' parameter in the 'Generate/Update tour out of route/zone' dialog.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91413
Dispatching and confirmationMultiple column sorting setup is now possible on the 'Template OS configuration', which is then applied in the GPB 'Transport orders /-legs' screen2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature89523
Dispatching and confirmation
Show complete address info in the tour stop overview, in GPB gantt screens

Previously, only a limited address information was shown in the tour stop overview (aka. in level 3) in the GPB gantt screens. This task introduces a possibility to show more address details (incl. the street name & street number) in the GPB gantt screens.

Key points:
- new parameter 'Show street details' in the GPB parameters. If activated, then tour stop (in GPB gantt screens, in level 3) shows complete address details, in the format of the respective country.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91584
Dispatching and confirmation
Visualization of failed pickup/delivery in GPB

Previously, in GPB, there was no visualization of failed pickup/delivery on the tour. This was enhanced, following improvements were introduced:
- New dedicated "Failed pickup" & "Failed delivery" filters in the filtering section of both GPB gantt screens
- Tour stops (with failed pickup/delivery) now show a modified icon, to signify that failed pickup/delivery happened on the tour stop
- Information about failed pickup/delivery is newly shown also on the order details collapsible section, per tour stop in both GPB gantt screens

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91754
Dispatching and confirmation
Printing of tour report was possible only when some email template was specified

Previously, an email template had to be specified when printing a tour report (even when printing the tour report just onto the screen). The issue was corrected and the email template is only an optional parameter now.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91503
Dispatching and confirmation
Resource assignment dates were previously not updated after some dispatcher actions

The issue was especially happening when tour start was manually changed in the 'Dispatch light - Tours' form.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91689
Dispatching and confirmationRules rough scheduling' were previously not taken into account in rough scheduling (for rough date calculation of transport legs)2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91863
Dispatching and confirmationVisualization of multiple tours in the GPB Map screen was sometimes not working if map screen was closed/re-opened2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91941
Dispatching and confirmation
Customer wished loading/unloading times were sometimes not shown in the tour stop overview (aka. level 3) in both Gantt screens

The issue was especially happening when loading/unloading was planned on different date, than the original customer wished date. Then the customer wished times were sometimes not shown (ie. were shown as 00:00).

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91540
Dispatching and confirmationGPB Map screen (when opened from other GPB screens) was sometimes opened with poor focus on the desired map segment (with transport legs/tours) and had to be shifted & zoomed in or zoomed out2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug92334
Dispatching and confirmation
New feature Resource effectiveness

Previously, a truck/trailer resources were either active orinactive (managed by ‘Active’ flag on the vehicle table) and driver resources wereeven active immediately. This was quite rigid and limiting, as it for example didn’tsupport enlisting the resources upfront (and making them active only in thefuture date) and delisting the resource for certain date (or even date period).Hence it was redesigned in this task.

Newly, the ‘Active’ flag on the vehicle table is replacedby so called resource effectiveness. The resource effectiveness is set up onthe resource table, by new dedicated fields ‘Effective from’ & ‘Effectivetill’, regardless whether the resource is driver or truck/trailer. For the timebeing the resource effectiveness can be set only manually. Such specifiedresource effectiveness is then respected through out the TMS module (as well inGPB).

Other points:
- Only drivers (which are employed) are shown in theconcerned period in the GPB Resources screen and in the GPB 'Resource Dispatching' screen
- New conflict 157 ‘Resource – Dispatching of an ineffectiveresource’ was added, to inform dispatcher that ineffective resource is beingplanned
- Resource effectiveness is also shown in dedicated box in GPB Resources screen (in lower screen section, in tab 'Overview')
- Copying of resource (and also the vehicle copying) was adjusted, to exclude the effectiveness setup (so the effectiveness has to be set up on the copied resource/vehicle

Please note:
- The resource effectiveness can be also set/maintained directlyin the vehicle table (if vehicle record is already linked to some resource).

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature52916
Dispatching and confirmation
Never ending 'loading wheel' icon in the GPB Resource screen

The issue was happening especially when GPB Resource screen was set to 'Manual date' mode. Then the 'loading wheel' icon was sometimes shown even when all details were already loaded on the screen.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug92217
Dispatching and confirmation
Planned activity duration is initialized already before tour release (performance improvement of 'Release for departure' process)

Previously, before tour was released to departure, the activity durations in Tour confirmation form appeared as zero ("Confirmed end" was the same as "Confirmed start" and "Duration" was 00:00), even though the planned duration was actually still taken into account in the activity scheduling. Historically, in the past it was not possible to open Tour confirmation before tour was released (therefore there was no issue), but this was changed several releases ago, to support pre-loading and other preparation activities before the truck departs. The activity duration was calculated during release for departure process, which made a process fairly performance demanding (especially for tours with high amount of orders/tours stops, with possibly several hundreds activities).
This task introduces an enhancement that activity duration (and other confirmation values) are initialized (and also updated) already when the underlying records (tour stop, activity) are created / updated. Hence all 'to be' confirmed values are already in place in tour confirmation form, even for pre-loading and other preparation activities (ie. before the truck departs).
This also lifts the creation & update mechanism from the release for department process, thus making the process faster.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature88356
Driver AppWaiting activity description (as registered by driver) was not respected, driver app further displayed only generic system activity description (as specified in the D365 master data backend)2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91566
Driver App
Error "zip: not a valid zip file" in mobile app middleware when reading data from D365

The issue was introduced in some early version of Microsoft update package 10.0.29, was corrected in platform version 7.0.6545.58.

Please note:
- Microsoft update packages for 10.0.29 version with lower platform version than 7.0.6545.58 should not be used.
- Microsoft update packages for 10.0.30 version with lower platform version than 7.0.6592.33 should not be used.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91791
Driver AppDuplicated title of 'Mobile app parameters', when D365 browser window was refreshed2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug91861
Driver AppAdjusting a form title 'Mobile app reason code', to better describe its purpose (form had previously title of 'Driver app reason code')2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91589
Driver App
Mobile app tour clean up - enhance stability by limiting the request rate/size (not trying to delete all tours from middleware in one request)

When testing with larger volumes and tours (tours with hundreds of activities, cleaning up dozens of tours at a time) it was noticed that the load on the middleware database grows too big and requests even can start failing.

Therefore the TAL part was redesigned, to not request the middleware to "delete 100 tours" but instead do request the deletion of one tour at a time (and introduce some waiting time delay between each call). For now the waiting time is set to 0.5sec per each tour deletion call. The waiting time delay is hard coded, but can be changed via custom extension.
With such approach it is still possible to clean up around 7000 tours per hour, with normal middleware load.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature90618
Duration of tour activities is newly reflected in tour sequence optimization algorithm

Previously, the tour sequence optimization algorithm was not the reflecting the duration of tour activities (it was only respecting the driving time), thus the optimization result might not have been entirely reliable (which was especially noticeable when tour contained some long tour activities). This was enhanced in this task and tour activity duration is now also submitted to tour sequence optimization, to achieve more reliable optimization result.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature90449
Transport address geo-coding: No selection dialog appearing in special case if geocoding not successful)

The geo-coding of addresses can be launched from several places, mostly from the main/core address (D365 standard address) and from the CAPcargo transport address extension. From the latter (CAPcargo transport address) the following scenario is not working:
Geocoding of an address which does not have a unique/clear match from the map. Then it is supposed to show the selection screen to chose the right address. This selection screen is not appearing, instead only a message "geo-coding failed" appears. - Work-around: use the button "edit address" and geo-code from there.
(If the address can be successfully geo-coded, there is no problem with the CAPcargo transport address function)

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Known issue92349
Geo-servicesImprovement of transport address geo-coding validation, to adapt to new xServer2 features2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature89718
Prevent duplicates during importing of the attachments

New optional parameter 'Prevent duplicates' has been added to the 'Process imported attachments' periodic task.
When parameter is activated, then the receiving attachments will overwrite the already existing attachment (of the same type & name, for the same linked order).
When parameter is not activated, then the name of the receiving attachment is altered, to avoid the overwrite of the existing attachment (of the same type & name, for the same linked order).

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91623
Data entities for contract group and contract group lines

New data entities are introduced for the contract group and contract group line tables.

Technical names:
- CIRTRAContractGroup
- CIRTRAContractGroupLine

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91327
New periodic task for cleaning up historical Track & Trace status messages

Periodic task name is ''Clean up T.T. status messages' and can be used for mass cleaning up Track & Trace status messages that are not in status 'In progress'

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature89204
Wrong infolog label 'tady', during EDI, when imported transport order has some packages

The infolog was removed, as it had no functional logic.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug92220
IntegrationsWhen related 'Checked imported order' was deleted, the status of 'Imported transport order' was previously not set back to 'Imported'2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug87896
IntegrationsTotal amount freight' and 'Total amount surcharges' fields were added to the 'TAL Transport order' data entity (only for export)2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature92023
Improved logging in the EDI process

Previously, in certain situations, the EDI process could report some warning infologs (eg. when package could not be created) that were just shown on the screen (but not stored anywhere). This was enhanced, by introducing a new status in 'Check status' and introducing a new dedicated process logging mechanism.

Solution key points:
- New status 'Done with issues' in the 'Check status' in 'Checked imported order' form - to distinguish when the record was processed flawlessly (gets status 'Done') or was processed but some issues (gets status 'Done with issues')
- New 'Processing log' form was added to the 'Checked imported order' to store the issues that were encountered when processing the imported transport orders

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature92025
New periodic task 'Validate checked orders' was added

New periodic task 'Validate checked orders' enables to set up a scheduled task, to perform an automated 'error validation' of the 'Checked imported orders' in the EDI.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature92027
Master dataDeletion of tariff zone was previously possible, even though the tariff zone was used as criteria on some contract relation2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug89026
Master data
"Field 'Reason code' must be filled in." error during synchronization of 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups'

The error was appearing due to incomplete data, as previously the 'Reason code' was not mandatory for 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups'. The issue was corrected by declaring 'Reason code' as mandatory, and providing a data migration task to correct the existing data.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug90630
Master data
Improvement of several customer/vendor related lookups, to automatically filter a customer/vendor relation, while typing

Following customer/vendor related lookups were enhanced:
- Customer/vendor lookup on the contract
- Vendor lookup on the vehicle
- Vendor lookup on the route/zone vendor assignment

So when user types for example "cus", then all customers (or vendors, depending on lookup type) starting with "Cus" are shown. Customer/vendor name is used as filtering criteria, even though the effective relation is then set on the customer/vendor account id.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature86929
Master data
Improve setup consistency of grouping menu items in the General CAP Transport module

To improve the setup consistency an usability of all grouping menu items in CAP Transport module, main menu "CAPcargo Transport -> Setup -> Grouping" now contains all menu items that are related to setup and management of transportation 'groups'.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91334
Master data
Enhancement of the 'Contract price mass update' periodic task

The contract mass price update wizard was extended to enable pricing teams to copy contract versions and expire old contract versions and apply rate increase by groups of contracts.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91130
Other / General
Data migration task - to populate the 'Load creation policy' parameter on the 'Modes of delivery'

Data migration task for 91714.

Data migration task sets the 'Load creation policy' parameter on the 'Modes of delivery' according to the setup in the Warehouse management parameters or Transportation management parameters. If the auto load creation is either switched on in the WHS main parameters or in the TMS main parameters then 'Load creation policy' is set to 'Load per load line' on all mode of deliveries. Otherwise, is set to 'No load line'.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Data conversion92043
Other / General
Data migration task - to delete 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups' records that have no 'Reason code' specified

Data migration task for 90630.

Data migration task removes 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups' records that have no 'Reason code' specified. If these 'Reasons for cancellation and failed deliveries/pickups' are further required - they will need to be manually recreated, with proper 'Reason code'.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Data conversion90632
Other / General
KNOWN ISSUE: Feature "Streamlined employee entry" should not be used (this feature is auto-enabled in Microsoft update 10.0.30)

Feature 'Streamlined employee entry' introduces a completely new version of "Workers" form.
This feature has been published by Microsoft in February 2022, and is enabled by default in Microsoft update 10.0.30.

This new form doesn´t yet have the CAPcargo extensions that are existing in the original Workers form. Therefore CAPcargo menu items and fields aren´t available on Workers form, if this feature is enabled.

The feature should be disabled for now after updating to MS update 10.0.30.
CAPcargo will implement the needed extensions in the new form in 10.0-CAP30.0 release only.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Known issue92332
Shipment Builder
Improved management of automated load creation

Automated load creation was possible already before (via warehouse configuration) but for the transportation purposes the solution was too rigid. This task introduces a possibility to set up automatic load creations in more detailed way.

Key points:
- New parameter 'Load creation policy' on the 'Modes of delivery'. With following values:
- Group load lines (load lines of the order lines are grouped into the same load if adding load lines to the load is still allowed)
- Load per load line (separate load is generated per load line / order line)
- No load line (no load line and load are created)
- New parameter 'Load creation policy' in the 'Trade and Distribution parameters' - to serve as a fallback when no 'Mode of delivery' is specified

- The new parameter is only considered at order line entry. If the mode of delivery is changed after the order line is saved, the system doesn’t update the load and load line automatically. It needs to be done manually or the order line has to be recreated with the new mode of delivery.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91714
Shipment BuilderAdding a coverage of GPB and Mobile apps, for previously released feature 90464 (Enhancement of container type mapping & instruction activity rules)2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature90864
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
'Tour sub-contracting order (FTL)' SSRS report was sometimes containing wrong values

The issue was especially happening when 'Tour sub-contracting order (FTL)' was calculated with two (or more) tariff units.

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)Bug92033
Subcontracting/IC order management and pricing
Enhancement of the Tour sub-contracting order (FTL) SSRS report

Several enhancements were done, to improve the structure (and content) of the SSRS report

2022-10 (10.0-CAP29.0)New feature91167